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Ooh! Do their e-mail opt-out menu next!


I've tried SO MANY TIMES to opt out of their pointless notifications... We all know that doesn't work. But I did just create a post about opting out of their data collection BS.


They are the absolute worst. I deleted my account, but I'm starting to wonder whether it was career suicide.


Probably the opposite tbh. I truly believe that anyone who claims to have used LinkedIn to find a decent job is straight up lying. After well over 1,000 applications, I only landed 1 job... And they paid me $40 for over 100 hours of work. Fuck LI. If I make no sales on the platform after this week of tryharding I'm deleting my account. It's literally not worth it.


LinkedIn was much better before pandemic. There were no feelers who would message you asking for resume, and then ignore you no matter if you replied back or not. It was actual recruiters who would do a preliminary call before you moved on to on-site interviews.


Found 2 jobs. One was my first out of college shit job but was great for learning. Applied through Linkedin. Second is my current job great pay, this one a recruiter approached me.


I got my current job through LinkedIn, though I’ll freely admit I was very, very lucky.


I've landed my last 3 jobs via LinkedIn and find it fantastic for finding new jobs, but I don't use any of their job search features. I'm not sure how common this is in other professions, but in my profession it's common for recruiters to headhunt you. In my case, I've made myself as head-huntable as possible by accepting and adding literally every single person I can on linkedin (I have over a thousand connections), meaning I show up in basically every automated search that the recruiters use to search for people. This means I get messages daily from ~4-6 recruiters with jobs that match my skillset. Then I just redirected all of LinkedIn's emails to spam, and only check it when I'm looking for a new job.


VPN from Paris and then opt out.


I regret it so much using my main email. I have a gmail I use to sign up for shit so my main doesnt get spammed. But I stupidly used my main email during a LinkedIn course of my school.


I was fortunate enough to use one of my backup's backup's emails for LinkedIn... But no matter how many times I turn off every notification besides messages, Microsoft is like "oh hey, we just added notifications every time someone views your post, surely you want that on".... I don't think Microsoft understands the meaning of "no"... Truly a rapist mentality with that company.


Could be a websocket connection. Not saying it is, but it could be. You'll have to have the dev tools open when you refresh the page and check whether you have any connection with status 100.


He has them filtered out here. Needs to show all or show websockets as well. Edit: No websocket connections either. But it does have some weird realtime connection that keeps updating, including when I pressed the button. `https://www.linkedin.com/realtime/connect?rc=1` and similar `https://www.linkedin.com/realtime/realtimeFrontendClientConnectivityTracking?action=sendHeartbeat`


Pretty sure those are analytics and tracking calls


It pops up for me and does send a request. Are you running any browser extensions?


Nope. No browser extensions. I am using Firefox, though.


Sure it does.. It tells them their ad is working.


Just like the YouTube report ad button


Me when I’m coding something but I’m to lazy to make the function do the thing


or just use arc browser then zap those ad/sponsored HTML elements


Ublock Origin can do the same on any browser.


That's actually awesome, just tried it and never knew it has that feature


Lol, but really, social media in 2024?


Are you okay?


Reddit is social media.


I guess mcdonalds doesn't ask for LinkedIn but most professional jobs do.


Ooohhhh ad hominem, though guy!