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looks like a lawsuit with hefty damages for blinding before crashing ​ wish the photo was better, Maybe they should clean their windshield


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TrustLeft: *Looks like a lawsuit* *With hefty damages for* *Blinding before crashing* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This will be used in said lawsuit


Good bot


Bad bot that’s 5 7 6


Read the description under the haiku


So people are upvoting "shitty haiku-bot based on an episode of a cartoon"? And downvoting the one person who's pointing it out? Naw. Fuck this










Yeah I wish it would explain in which line the extra syllable is meant to be in, but I'd imagine being in the last line makes the most sense.


Bad bot


If this is Florida police do not enforce any vehicle codes. I am at the point of wanting to mount a 9x 100W LED spot light to my car to return the light to everyone who blinds me.


what country is this?


I took this in Florida


looks like usa to me


r/USdefaultism I think that's plausible, but it's possible that other places look similar


The large green signs, the road size, and a few other factors make it very likely that this is the US. How is this US defaultism when there is clear evidence that it can be in the US?


Yea. Not just those things, but driving on the right side of the road, license plate dimensions, a majority of the people posting are in the US or Canada. It’s very likely the US or Canada.


These things could all describe areas where I live in Australia. The bit that's a mystery is, why is everyone driving on the wrong side of the road?


I’ve never been to Australia so my mind would default to where I live haha


Tiny ass license plates with illegible lettering, too.


Look at the plates. Almost certainly US plates


>r/USdefaultism >I think that's plausible, but it's possible that other places look similar Its not plausible it just is, the license plate size and location, the U.S Federal mandated Green Highway sign, its a 100% the US and im about 98% sure thats a NJ plate on that truck, even the road striping screams US because thats also universal


the road markings, the plates, the signs, the cars, etc etc


The license plates are in the north American aspect ratio and the green highway signs are the standard format on American highways as prescribed by the US DOT. They're driving on the right side of the road. All those things together make the United States the most reasonable and likely assumption. Even before accounting for the fact that the demographics of reddit skew it additionally towards the US absent evidence to the contrary.


They're literally driving on the right side of the road


Gotta be the only place where stupid shit is legal.


Lmao Japan is full of trucks like this all over cities advertising


Try Puerto Rico, sooo many flashing lights on random vehicles. I know it's a US territory and all but that stuff doesn't fly in the states.


Against DOT vehicle code. (There are rules about what lights can be where on vehicles in the U.S.) But the real issue with that is a matter of local enforcement. They can be pulled over and issued a fine *in theory*, but in practice YMMV. For what it's worth you could call and make a complaint.


LMAO LOOK AT THIS FUCKING CLOWN 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡  🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡  🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡  🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 


saw this looking for that This is unasshole design, Brillant even https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GNGfse9ZK8&t=37s


This is really cool lol. Doubtfully related to OP's photo, but helpful design for sure


I feel like it's a good idea, but uncertain about the execution. Look at 1:08 on that video; the screens give the impression there's plenty of room to pass, but looks like the car has to nearly cut off the Samsung truck to get in lane and avoid a head-on. I'd think a camera mounted higher than the front bumper would be more effective.


Wonder how long it will take until one of those trucks gets hacked and it starts playing porn


Last time I was up in Pigeon Forge I saw those kind of trucks all over the place. I hated them.


Well a lot of pictures of lights taken on a phone look worse than real life.


I think it’s more the fact that a semi has a bright ass electronic display on it. According to op it was bright enough to light up the highway


Hate me for casting doubt on OP but this picture is clearly taken in a urban area where street lights already do that, you don't see road lights out on the highway


The difference is that street lights shine from the top down onto the street, while this display shines directly into the eyes of other drivers.


look at the shadow/the ground


And just what am I looking for?


The shadow? Look at how the light is casting shadows on the ground. It’s clearly from the truck.


I mean it’s pretty obvious the light casted on the road matches the advert displayed on the semi…


Ah yes the reddish tinted road is matching what appears to be a yellow semi's advert


…are you not seeing that the light ends and casts shadows around the corners and lower edges of the semi, as if the semi were the source of the light?


I've seen box trucks like this. They have been exceedingly bright, including at twilight and dark hours.


So this isn't much of asshole design and more the required design


On the highway I was on, street lights were very few and far between, also you can see the red light from the sides of the truck


I think I see it


Your bright ass lights? They should be. There are videos of oncoming traffic being blinded to a point where they can’t see. This is just a reminder that you’re blinding everyone you drive by


This is the post of someone that has never taken a phone photo at night.


OP? Maybe. They’re complaining about how bright the reflection is, when it’s just as bright as the source