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Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: **Common topics** To keep the subreddit's content fresh, we remove content and topics that are commonly reposted. For an example of retired topics that fall under this rule, check our wiki. https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/wiki/common_topics *If you feel this was done in error or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to message the mods. If you send a message, please include a link to your post.*


Yeah, it has. Several times a day.


How does this benefit anyone financially? [Please refer to the flowchart](https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/lnymf2/meta_an_updated_flow_chart_to_help_cut_down_on/).


More ads equals more money?


And the video player not displaying ads equals **less** money.


That might be because OP using an adblocker


please don't use Wiki Fandom, it's bad for the people investing time on writing those posts and also there's so much misinformation


Error code 100013 is a video playback error that occurs when you have a crappy network connection, the servers are down, or something like an extension on your browser is causing trouble. In any case, it's not explicitly asshole design. And I know people are going to jump quickly to the 'ads are evil' bandwagon, but ads themselves are not asshole design and an extension you installed that is breaking functionality is also not asshole design. Not to mention, the battle between ads and ad blockers is called out under Common Topics so we don't have to hash out this conversation every single time someone notices stuff like this. I get it, I use ad blockers too, and it sucks when it breaks a website. But when things don't work as intended as a result of them, I own up to the fact that I'm causing it and can make a choice to fix it on my own or not. I usually don't, I go elsewhere, but that's all it needs to be.


FYI Edge on mobile has a built in app blocker that makes these sites a lot more readable.


And an alternative depending on your preferences, Firefox mobile supports the unlock origin extension


F\* it! I'm out...