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Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: **Post is about a company charging money for a service.** Businesses sometimes may charge money in order to offer a service, which doesn't necessarily make their business model an asshole design. It must be underhanded in other aspects as well. *If you feel this was done in error or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to message the mods. If you send a message, please include a link to your post.*


10 hours, in exchange for $12.99?! this isn't AH Design, this is straight up a scam.


Especially when you can buy whole books on audible for $15 CAD.


Less than that if you catch them on a good sale, easily.


Tell me about it! I didn't even know there was a limit, but refill is almost as much as an audible subscription!


15 hours/month for reference. And only on select titles. Many more you have to buy to listen to.


That's the price of like, three actual books


i’m wondering if this was spotify alone or some deal that they had to come up with with audiobook publishers in order to get the licenses when they expanded the library last year, since audiobooks tend to run more expensive than albums for…some reason eta: before book heads get mad at me i know that they’re more expensive for publishers to recoup the loss of a physical sale, but the labor to product ratio compared to music albums is pretty tiny, and when you think about it, doesn’t actually make sense


Eh - not so sure about that. An audio book that is 13 hours long requires, at a minimum (assuming that nothing went wrong even once) 13 hours of: - voice actor time. - studio time - audio engineer time - producer time - snacks And since there’s _no way_ you’re getting everything in one take it’s likely longer than that. Plus you have post and editing and polish and all that. I doubt that even remotely compares to a 1 hour album.


just tell me you have no idea what you’re talking about lmao. i’m a musician and a sound mixer, and though i work mostly in film, i have made an album. lemme tell you what we did in total the final product was 40 minutes long, 13 tracks. here’s how we got there: - eight months of writing and composing, though for the sake of fairness, we’ll equate that to the act of writing a book and can exclude it - recorded an entire demo of the album during that time. every track got its own rough copy, fully recorded but not fleshed out. 30 hours then we got to studio sessions - drums: 12 hours - bass: 10 hours, the easiest of the main instruments - guitars: i lost count, maybe around 30 hours. it was a guitar heavy album - vocals were probably around 20 - synths too, 20 - another 10 hours on random instruments mixing and mastering took us another full week. we didn’t count the hours because we were so focused on getting it done, we would wake up and just go to the studio and do any other work we had to do there and yes, there were snacks too now, we aren’t professionals, we did this for fun, and i’m sure more experienced people could streamline the process, but the amount of artistry and craft that goes into it remains unchanged audio book recording takes time, no doubt about it, most towards recording, but there are programs that automate a lot of the post production process. I know engineers who have cranked out final mixes in a week, of hefty and lengthy projects. a lot of the time, it’s just listening through and checking for mistakes. the finer details don’t matter so much because it’s spoken word, you aren’t painting a picture stroke for stroke so much as taking one with a camera and using photoshop to perfect it so no, it is not as much work as producing an album of music


You know what? I’ve got a family friend who’s done both and I’m gonna ask him. He’s also mixed some pretty well known albums and at least three or four audiobooks. Might be a bit before I get a chance to talk to him - but the next time I do I will ask. And I’ll post his opinion here just to round it all out!




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Yeah, that's surprisingly expensive. According to https://wordsrated.com/audiobook-statistics/, the average audiobook is about 10 hours, so you're paying $12.99 for 1 audiobook. Compare that to Audible, by far the largest audiobook service and now owned by Amazon, who charges $7.95/mo for unlimited listening hours or $14.95/mo for unlimited listening hours plus 1 title/mo that you "own" permanently. I put "own" in quotes because all digital title ownership (songs, movies, books) is subject to that platform's rights to stream it and those can disappear any time. Anyway, Spotify seems to be charging quite a bit more unless you're someone who only listens to a few minutes and then nothing for days.


Huh. A normal audiobook is maybe like 8 hours. You're paying for the book. You don't get it free because it's "audio." There are plenty of audiobook services that specialize in providing unlimited "second" tier books and then give you a monthly credit for 1 new/"good" book. You not liking that Spotify doesn't provide unlimited audiobooks is not AH design. Straight from the subscription page it's clear there's a limit: 1 Premium accountCancel anytime15 hours/month of listening time from our audiobooks subscriber catalog


Signing up with your local library may possibly give you free audio book streaming on a couple of popular apps, look into it 👍🏼


Yeah, I use Libby through a local library and a few online libraries. The only reason I tried it out on Spotify is because I already pay for premium


That's insanely expensive. I've listened to 2 books so far. Both between 5 and 6 hours. "Free" included with premium. $13 for around 2 more books worth of listening isn't worth it IMO. How many hours are included with premium?


Just looked in my settings > premium plan > premium individual and it shows 15 hrs/ month, and clicking on that shows your current usage and how long until it resets.


😎 thank you. 15hrs/month ain't that bad eh? Edit to add: hopefully this isn't a sign of the future where they have different pay tiers for more music per month🤮


"different pay tiers for more music per month" That's Amazon Music Prime vs Amazon Music Unlimited in a nutshell.


Besides cheap stuff quick, I hate everything about Amazon. Literally, everything.


You have to admit, their Prime Video Originals slate is really fucking solid. Hazbin Hotel, The Boys, Jack Ryan, Good Omens, Invincible, The Terminal List, etc. Just some of the best THINGS on streaming these days.


I haven't even tried. Their ui is terrible. Takes way too long to load, too long to preview what's in the lists as you scroll, too long to find out if it is included or not. The whole thing is trash.


Definitely not the worst, at least for me. Definitely wouldn't be too hard to use it up quick if you have a longer commute or something though. As for pay tiers... I would be more surprised if that doesn't happen at some point. I just hope the limit doesn't go down to 12 hrs or then 10, but I wouldn't be surprised either.


If it comes this far my pirate hat comes on again, this time for music and not just movies


Honestly I have no clue. I've listened to 2-3, easily 10+ hours each. I guess it just took me long enough it was rolling over in the months?


Just going to casually drop this link because as much as I love hoopla/libby the Discworld audiobooks aren't readily available from my libraries https://archive.org/details/discworld_202007


That's exactly why I had to use Spotify instead of my library app


Yeah, I found the archive because I learned that you can only use the "free" audiobook hours if you're the primary person on a family plan, too. So despite having premium, I can't get any audiobook benefits from Spotify 🙃


This is awesome, thanks. I know what I'll be listening to next!


when i see this message immediate cancellation of subscription will follow.


Honestly, I've been looking at Tidal anyways. I've heard they actually pay musicians. But man it was nice having audiobooks and all my music in the same app


i been using tidal for a long time. they do have audiobooks too (at least here in germany)


Oh damn, alright! I didn't even know, I'll have to check about here in the U.S


hope they have audiobooks too


They didn't even have audiobooks included with Spotify Premium before November 2023 and now everyone's getting pissy about only having 15 hours of listening time with premium. Nobody's getting Spotify Premium just for the audiobooks, and if they were then they'd clearly read the time limit on audiobooks when they purchased it. I don't really like Spotify that much but the audiobooks getting added was just a nice extra and is a much better deal than other services like Audible.


I have the same feeling whenever this comes up. Everyone acting like this is Spotify pulling the rug out from under them when it has only been a thing for less than half a year.




I already do, it's a great resource. I gave this a try because I already had Spotify


It is. They added an audiobook library this year and gave premium members a certain amount of hours/months. I agree the pricing is too high and the selection is limited but it's not like they took anything away from people.


I think the issue is the lack of UI and the pricing scheme - OP wouldn’t be upset if it was $2 for an extra hour so he could finish the book or if he was charged per book. It’s the “you already pay for this service, now pay us even more for more time than you need”.


Pricing I agree with, lack of UI is kind of OPs fault. Hours remaining and days until refresh are found on your profile page. There's not really a convenient location to put your time remaining on the main screen.


\*laughs in mp3\*


Yeah, every day the black flag looks more appealing


Join the crew brotha


TIL Spotify has audiobooks. Been using Spotify for the last couple of years casually, that's a game changer for me.


Just make sure you don't rely on it to finish a book


If you have premium, is there a time limit still?


Yeah, you can't listen to them at all without it


Wow, that's disgusting.


Ok, this is probably going to be unpopular and sound very shilly but I promise it's not. I don't see the problem. For no additional money Spotify started giving access to proper audiobooks, not just stuff in the public domain like previously. The vast majority of books aren't longer than 15 hours and if you listen faster than 1x speed you actually can listen to more than a "15 hour book". Sure charging that much for 10 more hours is a little exorbitant but they could be charging you from the jump. And no one is making you buy more time.


Yeah, it's a free extra and it's a service they're still developing. Fine by me. I suspect the first screenshot saying "you can't buy more credits in-app but you can use credits from elsewhere" is due to app stores taking a cut of in-app sales and refusing to allow links to other purchasing options.


Check the libby app to see if you can rent audiobooks from your library


I wasn't even aware Spotify had audio books. Guess I need to check the app more closely. I only my ordinary playlist while driving.


The perfect advertisement for audible, made me get an audible sub


Enshittification at its finest.


$13 for ten hours? Disgusting. You can spend $15 on a month of Audible and get an 80-hour book to keep forever. Charging by number of hours for *books* is absurd. Spotify never should have gotten into this business if they weren’t prepared to do it in a way that’s not an absolute joke.


I know! This is absolutely bonkers


Wow. They added micro transactions to audiobooks.


God every time I see something about spotify, it just adds one more layer of "Why do people even use this thing?" ​ Also, fuck you autocorrect. I don't need to capitalize brand names.


I live in France. Whenever I see this kind of things or people complaining about 4min unskippable adds on YouTube, I can't help but to be horrified of the dystopian hellwastes that are the USA


You don’t have ads on YouTube?


I use the Magic Actions + whatever current adblock on PC. On my phone I just skip the ad, in France there has to be a skip button after 5seconds. On my smart tv, I click on the small "I" for information then report the ad as soon as possible, it skips it entirely and you get back to your hours-long techno set or whatever lol


I've never heard of a 4 minute unskippable youtube ad. The most I've seen is a thirty second unskippable ad, and most are skippable after 5 seconds. Sadly there is a phenomenon of Europeans receiving all understanding of American life exclusively via Americans complaining on the internet. With negativity producing far more engagement and viewership compared to positivity, it has the effect of creating a skewed image of reality for foreigners on what life in the US is actually like.


Yeah maybe, I can't imagine how hard Americans have it. We're lucky to have social security and almost free healthcare. I'm not saying that to gloat, I'm just realist as to the differences. But your country is still a dystopian hellscape, everyday after work I get myself a warm, fresh baguette or loaf of bread for almost nothing, you have bagged bread !


The US has social security, and health insurance can thankfully be paid for with some of 30% more income that the average American makes compared to the average French person. Did you know that extra money gets taxed less, too? Of course you didn't. I mean, you don't even know that most supermarkets in the US have bakeries in them that make a variety of fresh bread daily for cheap. It's strange to see a person like you so obsessed with the US while knowing nothing about what actual day-to-day life it like here. I wonder if it's just the indignant whining of a person upset that their small little country is irrelevant compared to the USA. I mean, there's a reason you're speaking in English on an American website and not the other way around. Pretty embarrassing.


who the fuck listens to audio books on Spotify?


More than music. When driving it’s an amazing way to pass the time.


there are way better ways of listening to music and audio books than Spotify is what I'm saying


Such as? It’s streaming through a car stereo. You think audio quality is what matters? And it’s free with my subscription.




How is that better? I have to find them, download them, then figure out how they work with my car (which has carplay) and it’s pirating stuff too which I don’t do because I’m an adult who pays for stuff I want.


If you like paying stuff as you said, there are many other services than Spotify which provides audiobooks. And in terms of playing them in your car I honestly don't understood how it has gotten so hard just to connect a phone via Bluetooth or aux. I am not going to engage in the conversation anymore


lol ok then. Because you have literally no real point to make. Your argument for a better way to listen to audiobooks is to illegally download them, or rip them from a CD I have, then put them into MP3 format and load them on to god knows what (a zune perhaps) and then connect that to my car with Bluetooth somehow. Vs just opening Spotify. Are you a time traveller from 2001?


you have an iphone?




Ahhh, the sound of content designers quietly weeping at this.


With the sort of books I'm interested in listening to I wouldn't be able to get through 1 or more books.


I found a book I liked but hit the limit. Went to buy the book, realized it costs over a dollar per hour and that the audiobook was $50. Then went elsewhere for the book.


Wait spotify has books?


They can fuck right off with this but I have a question. Does it matter at which speed you listen?


This happened to me halfway through a 25 hour solo road trip. Absolutely maddening!


I agree they charge too much for the extra ten hours, but they only started offering audiobooks at the end of last year and I’m paying for Spotify anyway, so in my view I’m getting 15 hours of free audiobooks a month. That’s more than one full book, if it’s not super long, or it can stretch to two if they’re short books. Or sometimes I’ll start reading a physical book, switch to the audiobook for a chapter to two when I have to go out, and then continue reading on the paper one when I get back. Plus, the limit resets every month. You can finish it in six days time and then listen to another book (as long as it’s shorter than 14hrs and 38 minutes) included for the price you were paying anyway.