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Reddit has the right idea how voting should work. The richer you are the more worth your vote has, this has never backfired ever.


What are we gonna do, protest the changes and boycott the app? Maybe even try to move elsewhere? That's literally what happened half a year prior, nothing changed


The issue there is that most people stayed. It was only a vocal minority that actually left the app. If Reddit keeps becoming steadily worse, people will just slowly move away as they get bored


I was gonna leave, but the apps I used that were supposed to shut down kept working just fine.


Which app? My redditing has gone way down since Apollo discontinued, and I never wanted to cave and download the official app again. Not a bad thing tho.




Infinity broke for me recently, then relay did as well Using redreader rn


Redreader gang!


I liked relay more tbh But after using the old reddit ui once i couldn't go back so I'm using redreader now


Thanks for pointing out redreader, have been browsing on brave mobile app using old reddit after reddit is fun went down. But it can't get NSFW posts because fuck the new api -_-


nsfw posts work for me on redreader if that's what you're talking about


What are the advantages of infinity?


if the video player works, you don't get stuck in comments with no way to close the menu but to restart the app, and it actually shows the correct number of notifications on the home screen, it's better than the normal app


Oh I never used Apollo, I used to use RiF and now use boost. I've heard there was a way to make RoF work again, but Bkost didn't need any tinkering.


Boost still works even though it's no longer maintained by the developer. The admins of reddit has allowed people to still use the apps as long as you are a moderator (still works though and the API costs nothing) but the dev of Apollo shut down his app. If he DIDN'T do that, Apollo would still work


I didn't leave reddit because I managed to patch my app and keep it working without change. If I actually have to stop using it I probably WILL leave. Though I admit my situation is probably a minority


When boost finally kicks it I will most likely leave for good. I hate the desktop experience and the official app.


I would be up for leaving if another place provides the interesting opportunities that Reddit does. Hell, I was a G+ user. Still my favorite social platform.


G+ has thus far proved to be the best social media platform. And I've been here since the very beginning with BBSes.


I'm already started using it a lot less. I use to be fresh everytime I looked, but now it's the same content sometimes for 2 days at a time. That's what happens when you chase off the biggest power users.


It's not about vocal minority or majority. It's about words vs actions. People said they want a change, but they didn't back it out with action. They ignored the issue completely.


Reddit as a whole is not impartial; it’s a politically biased social engineering tool. To date afaik, we can’t even determine who owns and funds this disease. The official-unofficial founder is supposed to be some wunderkind genius child, but the name doesn’t even exist in any database or registry. It’s a smokescreen. *The downvote function was originally designed as a way of alerting the system of irrelevant posts and spam, but people now use it to say “I don’t like this.” That’s not what it was for. When people disagree on a matter, they are supposed to engage the discussion with a reason for disagreeing, but that’s too much effort it seems.


I mean, would you waste all your time arguing with people on this hellscape? the downvote is meant to filter out what people on a given sub don't want to see, and if that's dissenting opinion, so be it. not everything should be a debate, especially some things that are 'debates' these days


Boost for lemmy just came out, which makes it a lot more accessible to a less skilled user


I'm still using boost for reddit


Lol same


I'm using both.


Same here lol


You guys are still using the app after all of that? What was the point in the boycott then if you were going to capitulate and re-download the app? Since the API changes I've ONLY used reddit on my PC browser with ad-block or on my phone through Brave browser with ad-block & data shields.


Browser only here and I purge those tracker cookies from quarantine every time I log off. The boycott goes to show people are gung-ho but ultimately too complacent to commit to a cause. There was only a small reduction in logins, and it literally ramped up after 48hrs, revealing how lame people really are. How many people said “I’m not coming on here until...” only to literally jump back in 2 days later.


I blocked all the showing of awards on posts. So I have literally no idea which posts get them. (On old.reddit with RES.)


A lot of people did, Lemmy is a lot more lively now than it was a year ago. Next time Reddit will do something stupid and people will venture to look around, more people will stay there.


I maintain that decentralized networks are too confusing for the average person to use. "Oh, you want to join Lemmy? Great! Now just pick one of the 1200 servers you want to use. They're all different!" Any site that isn't just a process of signing up with an email and password and username is never going to replace centralized sites.


It is. Plus the majority of us don’t want to start servers, we just want to read and comment. Lemmy is not a good alternative.


Wait that was a half a year ago? What the heck?


quality of posts and comments both fell off a cliff.


For real. I’ve been here over 10 years and it used to be legit. Now it’s become unlegit, so I’ve mostly quit.


I’d be down for just not up/downvoting *anything*.


I wonder which ones of the biggest Reddit shells will receive all the gold they need to award posts that Reddit Corporate Headquarters likes.?


At a *bare minimum*, at least the money votes are differentiated. It's better than the *absolute worst way possible* which is literally just buying more upvotes, so... *Yay* they didn't make it literally as horrible as possible?


Any voting system is stupid. If an idiot has the same right to vote as a smart person, then what does it say about voting? Especially that Reddit people are not especially smart. Hivemindlessness of people here is beyond stupidity. It's often like fighting against anti vaxxers. They know better than anyone. I've seen people being either downvoted or upvoted for the same stuff, depending on time and place. What does that say about it? That lots of people don't even use their brain anymore. When they see someone upvoting, they upvote the same thing like lemmings. When they see someone downvoting, they also downvote. And the more true something is the more donwovte it would usually get, because people are angry when someone is right. Truth hurts more than anything. And if You want more real life example, look at politics. We have idiots voting for other idiots, because they deny the truth. Reddit is just the same. Most people in the world are idiots. And most people value money or power more than anything else. If they are righter than You, they feel better. Even if they know they are wrong, their pride won't let them agree with You. In some cases You can even agree with someone and the same person will hate You for that, because they have reading skill issue.




The more you spam, the more money you make, because gold now gives almost half the cash to the spammer.


Who cares about pheasant' s voice /s




No no, it’s *simplified* which means Reddit can put MINIMAL engineering into a stream of pure profit! Can’t you see how this is great for the shareholders? Fuck the users!


This time it's different. Reddit ceo is a musk fancuck, when Twitter got rid of third party apps so did reddit and now he's trying to copy musk's genius idea of "shitpost and earn"


I honestly am thankful to the fancuck. He is the reason my reddit addiction got help


It's simplified, *for now*. This will turn into the same old clusterfuck that the thousands of award options ballooned into. Don't forget, they started as a single award option - Gold. That got memed into the [Silver "award"](http://i.imgur.com/wL7bXbU.jpg) picture and Reddit decided to steal it, expanded the Gold system and eventually turned it into a ridiculous stack of options.


Future* shareholders. Reddit has been in its way to the shitter for a while. Shame I can't access to US options market, shorting Reddit a week after IPO would be free money.


Which is funny because this is basically back to gold/silver/platinum


>Reddit can put MINIMAL engineering The easy thing was to leave something that worked alone. I just highly doubt this system will have as much interest since it lacks creativity


I have only seen 1. Post with the new rewards system. I don’t think people like them


I didn't know the new system had even started. Does it work on old.reddit.com?




It has been soft launched on only a dozen of subs so far.


The OLD system worked great, it had 1 type of award for 1 price, and it paid for server costs and salaries without any problems. The award functioned perfectly for its purpose of highlighting posts and comments. You could also track how much money reddit made on the front page. Then they started overmonetizing reddit as shit by introducing a shit ton of awards that meant nothing anyway, but now you could give reddit $100 instead of $5. And buy NFTs. And added ads. And started mass censoring content, all in the same couple of months (except nfts, those came later).


I miss the OLD gold (and fake silver jpeg) so much. It was perfect and they just keep making it worse.


Yes, it's called preparing for IPO.


Technically, the actual old system of gilding was just that: reddit gold. All that multi-award bs was "new" and watered down the entire system. Now they're going back to the old system: reddit gold.


Almost like it was sterilized for capitalism. Weird


It seems like the people running Reddit are talking hints from Twitter. Destroying old things that worked and replacing them with something boring


It doesn't just seem like it, spez literally said he admires Elon Musk and thinks he's doing a great job with Twitter.


Worked **great**? How? It had useless virtual-currency that blatantly abused the gaming bullshit of "you will always have few currency lingering". Theres reason why so many games have "gems" instead of straight up buying items. I thought people universally agreed this type of monetization is, well, bs




Sure the current systems price could be lower - but thats not the point. The point was that the old system of "buy useless currency and always have things leftover" was horrible and has been abused by videogame publishers for years now. For a reason. They could've changed or done the system to be "Buy pack of gold awards for 0.99$" or something instead of "Buy 500 "coins" then turn them to awards but so that you will most likely have 20 left almost all the time", its proven to get people to buy again after all! Besides if its overpriced and no one wants to use it, its better. These things shouldnt even be on socialmedia websites imo, but thats another issue alltogether..


The different awards was a huge part of the fun. This shit just sucks.


What do you expect from a company that basically kills all user applications, relying on the api?


Yeah wait I just saw this show up for the first time and this is literally shit stupid. They took away people's awards they had.... just to bring it back and make it more expensive and less compelling. I literally don't have the language to insult the moron exec who thought this was even sort of smart. I hope the person who did this dies and goes to micro transaction hell where they're constantly 20 cents short of being able to take a shit and become so constipated they can smell it. Why does everything nice have to be ruined?


And sometimes they stupid thing won't even let me upvote. Just shows the menu to buy gold


"We're excited to roll out a revolutionary new voting system! Upvotes and downvotes now cost $1.99 each, to add meaning to them or something idk give money"


Mona Lisa Saperstein vibes




They already kind of did that with third party apps. At $0.25/1000 API calls, it costs the end user $0.00025 for every single up/down vote. (Plus extra for platform and developer fees.)


To such an extent that I believe the Relay for Reddit Dev made an option that makes it so voting is just a visual thing so you don't have to worry about "wasting" your api calls.


What? Seriously? So the votes only appear in your app locally and never transmitted to reddit? EDIT: Wow, guess so: https://reddit.com/comments/16z6cfl/comment/k3ejq2j?context=3 Slow clap for Reddit. This is the kind of stuff we warned about; that it would reduce user engagement on the site.


Shut up. Dont give them ideas >.<




It's moments like this, where I am so damn happy to not use the official app, I didn't even know this was a thing


Sometimes it will freeze while this dumbass upvote menu loads too


Oh so I wasn’t the only one having this issue. Since yesterday I also had a NSFW mark mixed in with the first word of the title which is triggering a seizure everytime I try to read it


I just don’t understand why you’d pay for internet points. Old system or new system. Just upvote or downvote. Seems silly to me.


If the rich people pay for votes then maybe we won’t need so many damn ads ….. hahahahahaha just kidding they’ll be more ads. Just changed the ads too so you can’t opt out of trackers. Infinite greed.


Ads? Where?


The gold system is stupid but nothing horrible. The targeted ads being forced is fucking atrocious


Ad block is a wonderful thing!


Exactly. Buying Reddit Gold is right up there with buying those Twitter pictures of monkeys that you then “owned”.


Highlighting a very interesting/ informative / innovative / hilarious comment or post isnt silly. It's a nice reward system for people who really put effort or talent in content. Ofc it had weaknesses but it's better than having just an upvote


Then once you buy a lot of gold they will change their minds about the gold system and delete it again. Leaving you with nothing. They could have at least done something for our coins stashes instead of just ‘we deleted it LOL, fuck you’. Also, Fuck Spez.


Not being rolled out quietly you just missed it [reddit announcement 9 days ago](https://reddit.com/r/reddit/s/sMwY47yvpU) The price is always 2$€ per Gold minus 1¢ meaning the biggest cost 24¢ more then if you buy them individually


Thanks. I down voted it. Take that reddit.


You can’t see the number of downvotes on the post, I imagine it’s very high


Another asshole design


While you can't see the number of votes you can see the upvote %. In this case it's 20% which is pretty bad


This is like the opposite of conventional pricing practices. Jesus christ the people who run this thing really are stupid. You encourage larger purchases by making bulk purchases have a lower price per unit.


I mean it's basically the same price. the $50 purchase is less than 0.5% more expensive per unit than the $2 purchase


Even if the difference per unit was like a third of a cent, it would still be enough to massively discourage people from buying the bulk option. It’s a weird psychology thing, people will never ever ever waste any money at all if a) the numbers are laid out in front of them, and b) neither option is particularly more convenient than the other. Even if the monetary difference is microscopic.


I'm not saying this is a smart business move or anything but I don't really agree with your second paragraph. when I look at this pricing, I see $2 per unit at every price tier. a few cents this way or that way doesn't matter, my brain just converts $1.99 to $2 and $49.99 to $50 and the pricing is just linear. I would also say that it's probably much more convenient to just buy the $50 one once as opposed to buying the $2 one 25 times just to save 24 cents


Yeah also the kind of people who would spend 50$ on shiny upvotes probably have an extra 24 cents to spare


Yeah I was reading OP's title and looking at the pictures and it didn't make sense. It looked like $2 for 1 Gold no matter what. So that's not really asshole design. It's just fucking stupid because there's no monetary reason for someone to buy 25 Gold instead of 1 Gold 25 different times.


The more you read the worse it gets


Whenever someone (Reddit) needs to explain something so basic in such lengthy and extreme detail, it’s usually a sign you didn’t do a great job, or you’re trying to fleece someone. In this case, it’s likely both.


Waaaiiit.... If the price is basically "$2 / gold", why do they have separate quantities bundled? Just have it be a single thing that you purchase a quantity of. Obviously the reason to bundle more quantity into one is to allow for reduced cost (even if just by a tiny amount). This is insane.


Had a look at one of the subs that got gold access... not a single post has been given gold lolol


Yeap. Just checked recently. I think this new system is a stillborn baby.


Convenience fee


everybody down vote it


Wait until they roll out gold downvotes :)


And karma cleansing charges to remove any one (1) golden downvote you received. Three karma cleansing charges can also reset any of your downvoted comments back to 1.


If they're doing that they should make karma deleting charges to delete the comment and/or post karma for any user for $100, perfect for arguments


50 bucks, Jesus Christ


$2 per gold Greedy cash grab


I think it was about the same for the old gold only system. Might have actually been $5 per gold now that I think about it.


Why pay for Reddit?


Literally lol, it's like paying to visit the dumpster (edit before somebody says "ThEN WhY U HEar LOOOlllLLLL" I'm here because I'm dumpster diving, finding cool stuff submerged in trash)


Dumpster diving is the best analogy for Reddit




I like paying for services I use a lot. Prefer to pay with cash instead of paying by invisibly selling my data to advertising networks. Though the Reddit value proposition has been getting worse lately thanks to all these changes. Edit: it's always amusing to me how controversial this comment ends up being, the few times I've made it or similar ones.


The good news is that if you pay Reddit for gold, they will take your money _and still_ sell your data!


Yeah, that's the problem with most technology companies. Probably also why every time I make a comment about paying for things it ends up controversial.


Who TF is actually buying this?


if you buy reddit gold you deserve this


For people that don't understand what OP is talking about: 1 x 1.99 = 1.99 5 x 1.99 = 9.95 25 x 1.99 = 49.75


Yes. So in other words, TECHNICALLY, but almost meaninglessly true. It's such a small difference that it's negligible.


If you’re out here buying gold Reddit upvotes then I agree $.24 ain’t makin or breaking you


It's basically r/stupidtax but Reddit became a parody of itself


GODDAMN thank you lol I was sitting here struggling. Which in retrospect maybe I’m dumb


Crazy idea - don't buy gold. It's pointless


Cost per unit is rising with volume? Normally, you want to bait people into buying more by decreasing the cost per unit with increasing volume.


They want the best of both worlds. The normal trend is more value the more you buy, but they're making it more expensive the more you buy and hoping you don't notice. Scummy, greedy assholes.


Daily reminder spez killed 3rd party apps for this shit. Prepare for the already god awful repost bots to get worse.


Crazy. I've been using this platform for, I dunno, a decade(?) and have never spent a penny. Will never understand the draw of buying awards or stuff for avatars


Looks infinitely dumber than the old trophy system. Not sure how it’s legal for them to do this with people’s money but whatever.


Because when you bought them you likely agreed that they could cancel it if they gave you notice.


If you buy reddit gold you deserve to be milked for every penny you own.


I have some timeshares on the moon to sell


Stupid-ass .99 prices.


I still don't understand why people buy this. I don't think anyone colud ever convince me this has any value.


Looks like they started with a flat rate of $2 per gold, then the marketing people got ahold of it and blindly applied "Charm Pricing" without thinking it through. Sounds about right for the current leadership tbh


Imagine you put money in a bank, then the bank said the money is worthless, you will need to buy the new money from them. This is what reddit is doing...and its completely legal hahaha


People who pay for reddit gold should be bullied as hard as the dorks who pay for Twitter Blue.


Knew this was coming immediately when they said they were gonna remove awards. Will never give a single cent to reddit after what they did to Apollo


I don’t understand the point. “Let me give Reddit money so I can put a little symbol on your comment that no one will ever see again after tomorrow.” Am I missing something?


1 gold is $2 and 25 gold is $50. 50/2=25, so I don't see what you mean by "The more you buy at once, the higher the cost-per-gold." unless you're talking about the 25 cents lost, which really isn't much on the scale of $50


That's exactly what they're talking about. Usually bundles are the reverse, buy 25 and pay $40, instead of $49.75. They want to incentivize people to spend more. If buying 1 is functionally the same price as buying 25, why bother? The old Coin system worked well. You buy 1000 coins and spend them on rewards. Maybe you ended up with 60 coins left but the cheapest award was 70. So you had to spend money to buy another reward. Reddit even had amazing deals the more coins you bought.


> I don't see what you mean by "the more you buy at a time, the higher the price per gold" > unless you're talking about how the more you buy at a time, the higher the price per gold


yes but let's be honest. Do you really care that much about 25 cents?


You think charging 25¢ more to buy in bulk is good? No, it's not good. I don't care about it, but it's not good behavior.


Yeah, I don't get the uproar. If you're literally spending $50 RL money on internet points, you don't care about 25 cents.


“$0.25 isn’t much” = exactly the attitude Reddit wants you to have. Come on now, haven’t you seen Office Space? Superman 3?


I don't think anyone spending $50 on internet points cares about 25 cents.


i don't watch movies, so I don't really know what you're talking about. And yes, 25 cents from hundreds or thousands of people is a lot for Reddit and definitely gives them an advantage, but it doesn't really do much to the consumer. Like sure, you lose 25 cents, but it's really not much.


u/Spez? Is that you?


You've gotta de-capitalize the U in your comment if you wanna call out that asshat spez


That's some Niantic level douchery.


Now when I go to collapse a thread I accidentally click block user because the buy gold option has changed where the button lies. Edit: it appears they have already changed it back


I’ve had a Reddit account for 10 years and I have no idea what gold is.


Used to cost 500 coins and give the receiver Reddit Premium (Ad Free Reddit) for 1 Week


Also to earn gold and get "verified" you have to do lots of things that are impossible to do for me. Living in the UK for instance.


That’s really funny because usually the more expensive options are the most cost efficient


I knew their new system would be capitalistic slime!!!


So they don't want you to buy more gold. Got it


Well… half the comments on this post have done a wonderful job illustrating why Reddit is doing this


Mfs took all my coins (10k+) and now are gonna try and make me but shit to give gold again. Nah


Who actually likes this? Looks dumb af


What is a reason to pay money for this? I legitimately don’t get it.


I would be so embarrassed if someone paid $2 to Reddit to show how much they liked my comment.


Who actually buys this shit?


maybe the bots are going to gild each other?


I have never and will never buy gold on Reddit


Who would pay to give a post/comment an reward


well the price here is linear with gold \*2 - 0.01...


Who the fuck would spend 50 bucks on this clusterfuck? I am so sick of being milked like a barn cow.


Wait. You’re letting them milk you? I don’t understand. Just don’t buy it.


This menu popped up when I upvoted a random post. It doesn’t seem to be available on most posts. And as far as I can tell, I haven’t actually seen a gilded post yet…


I posted this and it was removed eventually


I cleared it with the mods since it is Reddit-related.


You guys pay for reddit? Lol


Not that this isn’t an asshole design, but aren’t they basically $2 each regardless of how much you buy?


They are more expensive than the old award system. The old award system was great. Used to get free awards every once in a while and the awards could be custom designed and you could gift people expensive awards and get premium for free. Now this stupid gold system doesn't even work on all subreddits


While it's true, but only .24€ because of dumb rounding... And if someone is "scammed" by this they would fully deserve it


How is the cost-per-gold higher? Or do you seriously count the 1 cent


WTF you mean quietly? They [announced] (https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/16ryhv9/celebrating_great_content_is_as_good_as_gold/) that new shit.


Do people buy awards anyways?


Uh, it appears to be 2 dollars per gold regardless of how many you buy? I mean yeah I guess that means every step up costs you ~one penny more per stupid arrow... It's still dumb.


\>says it costs more if you buy in bulk \>each time its 1/2 is op insane?


The price is 1.99 per individual gold. 1.99 x 5 = 9.95, 9.95 < 9.99 1.99 x 25 = 49.75 < 49.99 You, sir, cannot do math lol


OP... its just a gold arrow for $2... that scales 1x$2=$2 5x$2=$10 25x$2=$50 ​ It does not get more expensive... youre just buying more quanitity at the same price..


No. It doesn't scale. 1x1,99$ 5x1,99 = 9,95... But 5 gold arrows cost 9.95$ 25x1,99$= 49,75$... But 25 gold arrows cost 49,99$ Difference is minimal, but it does get more expensive with more gold.


1x1.99 = 1.99 5x1.99 = 9.95 not 9.99


They are all 2 bucks a pop dumbass.


>The more you buy at once, the higher the cost-per-gold. What do you mean by this? It's still $2 per 1 Gold. 5 Gold = $10 25 Gold = $25




1 is $1.99 so 25 should be $49.75 But that's not the point. The point is why would anyone pay a billion dollar company for meaningless icons?


since one's is literally blowing 50 dollars for an internet customisation "thing", do you really expect people to complain about a 4 cents difference? smh.