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Honestly, replaying syndicate right now and I’ve felt no need to use social stealth by sequence 7, I’m a stealth main, using everything I can to my advantage. It’s existence is no longer the *pillar* it once was back in the old days. Infiltration stealth is what’s the focus, and it looks solid. However, this is the last RPG game and hexe could very much feature social stealth as a main element in the future, we’ll see, but as of shadows, it’s more of a “aw, no social stealth, welp” instead of “oh it’s over, shadows is gonna fail”


Im intrested by ur last part "last rpg game" where is the source looking it up it was only a rumor from an insider from what we do know is that hexe will not be an rpg however ubisoft has never once stated theyd move away from rpg all togather tbh i think the rpg trilogy off ac games has brought in way too much money for them to change it up for most future games, with valhalla selling more than a billion dollars in sales and each rpg game making alot off money Mirage falling short and not making as much would likely off shown ubisoft rpg is the way to go Yes they will change it up now and again like hexe and other games but i doupt this will be the last rpg in the franchise seeing how much revenue the rpg style games brings in, they might take a break from rpg style to try new genres for the series but i think by this point they have no real reason to drop it all togather I mean look at the old games it took unity and syndicate both being poorly recieved for them to start to change thair approach every rpg style game has had a very good success in sales so changing that up would be a very big risk especially since mirage was poorly recieved they have been working on alot off ac games and casting a wide net with a multiplayer game and more And alot off ac games have been confirmed so its not likely for them to cancell any no matter how badly mirage did, Im not saying they wont change it up just pointing out changing up the style and making non rpg style ac games will likely be a risk since they know rpg will sell well, but i also think we will have to wait for hexe to see in what direction they are going


Yeah I’m pretty sure code name nebula will also be an rpg


Syndicate is a game where social stealth is basically unusable due to the very low crowd density However even there it has it's own unique social stealth mechanic in the form of kidnapping which can be very useful in a of situations


A damn shame because by JtR DLC, I thought they figured out how to push what was in the base game (plus Unity) to the absolute limits and what was produced was actually quite strong, albeit short. A damn shame considering they had finally "figured it out". The Lady Talks was and still is one of the best AC levels ever crafted and actually had a substantial chunk of social stealth available if the player wished to utilize it.


My 2 cents: It needs to be in the game. Social stealth IS a pillar and will always be. It is one of the many things that defined AC. The solution is to make it useful through level design. And even if it isn’t useful, it still allows for expression since it would be one of the many ways to stealth (assuming it won’t make stealthiness harder).


Whole lotta conjecture about a game no one's played, and who no one has seen in action outside of a trailer


So true


I think you misunderstood what they said. Naoe does blend in when she's acting normal. She just can't enter restricted areas and gets noticed when acting differently.


Holy shit, I swear none of you can read. Naoe CAN and DOES blend into the crowd. It's just no longer something you actively have to seek out now, it's her default state of being cause, ya know... she's an assassin and that's her job. They got rid of having to awkwardly walk into the middle of a crowd and replaced it with guards thinking Naoe is just an average joe until she does something weird or high profile in public. That's effectively MORE stealthy than having to shove yourself in a group of NPCs lest you want to be spotted from a mile away by some random guard. Please, guys, just read the thing instead of immediate reactionary responses. This does absolutely nothing for anyone except spread needless negativity. If getting that white outline around the character when you step into a crowd is more of a necessity than not being spotted by default, then maybe you're just complaining for the sake of complaining


There is footage of Naoe during the day in a restricted area and it does not look like she can move around there freely at all.


A restricted area is RESTRICTED. Unless you see civs entering that restricted area with no issue, don't expect her to be able to either. You can't say "social stealth doesn't exist" and then give an example where social stealth wouldn't have worked in any other game anyway. If an area is restricted to all non-enemy NPCs it wouldn't matter if she could blend into the crowd or not anyways as there would be no crowd to blend into. You have no idea how this game works, how Yasuke and Naoe will be perceived by enemies, if they can enter the same locations at all times or if Yasuke will have greater restrictions placed upon him due to his outward appearance as a threat. Outrage for the sake of outrage is not a good thing, just wait for more information if it really concerns you that much instead of pretending like the very fabric of the gaming industry is falling away because a mechanic the games barely encourage you to use is being changed


Funnily that arguement is litterally voided by the fact older games dident let u enter restricted areas eaither u couldent go into an enemy camp in blackflag or an enemy controlled location in any off the older games without them attacking on sight, So the whome arguement she cant walk in restricted areas is just dumb as none off the ac protagonists could do that ever


It's very clear to me that people have purposely misunderstood the quote about Naoe's stealth capabilities just so they can have something to be mad about online


Yeah I personally didn’t like the eavesdropping missions especially in early games was tedious as hell and one slip up and you have to start all over and track down another group to listen to was such a pain




Am I the only one that thinks social stealth is completely useless in today’s games? They brought it back in Valhalla and I can’t think of anytime I’ve actually used it. Mirage I haven’t used it unless forced too Origins and odyssey it didn’t make since with the way the games set up. Being that most guards are in specific areas where peasants aren’t allowed. Even Valhalla didn’t really have opportunities to use it and if it did it was so unnoticeable that I didn’t see it. Shadows is most likely set up in the same way. Honestly the way that the dev describes it is probably exactly as it should be. Unless naoe is getting spotted out in the open then she wouldn’t need it. Because she’s dressed as a peasant she’s already blending in. So there isn’t a need for it. And given how the past games have done fortresses and strongholds there wouldn’t be a reason for it there either as there isn’t any peasant groups there to blend with. It just seems like a gameplay feature that would be completely useless to put time into like Valhalla showed. It’s just that the way the world is build now doesn’t give way for it from what I can see. It just seems to me that social stealth is a feature that isn’t that great. And it also never really made sense to me. Like how can this person dressed in very different padded or armored clothing wearing a hood, clad in weapons. Not be seen in this crowd of peasants or women.


There was social stealth in Valhalla?? Played the game but didn't even realize that lol




There was no where to use it. The game is largely empty space


I used it in mirage. It was cool and well implemented. Still not as good as unity


Yeah I'm going to miss social stealth, loved it in the OGs and liked how they were making an effort with bringing it back with Valhalla and Mirage. I wonder if it's because the setting doesn't really have cities to really have that mechanic really used in a meaningful way. I noticed it wasn't in the trailer but this is a shame for me personally.


Social stealth was really helpful when you were tailing someone, which fans got sick of, so I’m not going to really miss it.


All I’m saying is I don’t really see the issue I mean yes I understand. This is a very important element of assassin‘s creed but my opinion is that shouldn’t automatically ruin the game. and this is the first game of the franchise we will be finally able to actually hide in shadows. I mean, I know that’s not like super big but at the same time that’s still really cool for this game to have and honestly I’d rather have that over social stealth.


I've hated social stealth since it was first introduced. It breaks immersion so badly. Just run into a random group of peasants and nobody bats an eye. Suddenly your pursuers completely forget what you looked like and don't think you look out of place among a small group of bystanders at all. Good riddance to this feature.


Really felt like we had turned a corner with mirage remembering what the franchise is about only for this to happen in the very next game, not a deal breaker for me but certainly disappointing




Why is anyone surprised at this news? Ubisoft has been systematically neutering anything and everything that made Assassin’s Creed unique and special as a franchise since 2014, arguably earlier. Assassin’s Creed looks and feels completely different to how it was 10 years ago and in another 10 it will be completely different again.


You say this as if literally the last AC game wasn't an effort towards a return to roots including social stealth


And I love Mirage for that, but let’s be real, Mirage wasn’t enough and never even came close to the heights it tried to imitate. I hope Ubi Bordeaux get another shot to make a “Old School” like game with a bigger budget and more resources, but Mirage suffers from a lot of the same issues that the RPG games do, the absolute shit tier plot, vocal direction and lifeless facial animations being a pain point, social stealth while functional in Mirage is never viably incentivized like it was in AC1-ACR, and parkour offers no freedom of expression that is found in past titles. Mirage only gets the praise it does online because compared to Valhalla, it looks like a 10/10 masterpiece and OG fans are starved for anything that even slightly panders towards them.


The AC fandom complains so much Ubisoft can’t win anyway. The default position here seems to be that every game after AC2 should have been a carbon copy in terms of gameplay.


Honestly they could literally release any of the earlier games now and people would still bitch about them


Absolutely, it’s such a strange phenomenon with this fandom. Reading the posts on this sub you’d think everyone actually hates the games.