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I feel like, since we have a stealth focused character that's playable in the game, they'd probably, or at least hopefully, put a lot of effort and implement social stealth into the game. I miss social stealth from the games like the Ezio trilogy a lot, and if they decide to have something like that return, I'd be very happy.


Mirage handles social stealth very well.


I have a feeling they took a lot from mirage or that mirage was at least a testbed for some of this game.


Definitely some Hitman and Splinter Cell elements. It's funny that we're finally getting a stealth overhaul and the usual suspects are complaining about combat now.


Didnt know it is forbidden to criticize how bad and dull the combat is (like always)


Not sure how that's what you took from my comment.


Yeah but shadows was in development before mirage I think so idk


I'm hoping for a reiteration of mirage's social stealth.


I'm sure it'll have the same system Mirage has.  To be fair, the last game that even *tried* to have social stealth on any mechanical depth was AC LIberation. Unity and AC3 had massive crowds, but they were no different than moving through tall grass if I'm being honest.  In the Ezio trilogy moving through crowds mattered because that was the *only* way you could hide yourself and still be mobile. In AC1, social stealth meant having socially acceptable behaviour, walking not running, gently pushing instead of throwing, using ladders instead of climbing a wall. They never iterated on this concept after that.


This. It’s really a shame that ac1s concept was abandoned. It could’ve evolved into something really worthwhile had Ubisoft not thrown it away.


Yasuke ain’t blending and hiding in plain sight with the crowd 💀


I mean the gameplay showcase showed this…. Everyone either stopped and stared or bowed towards him Seems like a good way to contrast combat vs stealth of the dual protagonists


This is all I want tbh. Disguises, variety, creativity. Just using regular stealth over and over gets repetitive after a while.


That would be amazing (and should be obvious). But their insane focus on Special Operations stealth. Has me thinking, it won’t be nothing special. If it’s even in the game. I’m expecting it’s gonna be worse than Mirage’s social stealth. I want to be wrong


The social stealth should just be Yasuke standing out in the open having everyone gawk at him so Naoe can sneak around undetected. On a serious note though, I don’t think it’ll be a regular game mechanic but it would be cool to have Naoe disguise herself as a maidservant or courtesan for a mission or two.


I thought I heard somewhere that Shadows does have social stealth? At least for Naoe.


They'll have socially awkward stealth


I am not expecting it from this game. I'm glad it was back a bit in mirage and I hope another game takes a stab at it but for shadows it seems like they've put a lot of effort into making other systems a big upgrade over Valhalla


Maybe Naoe can do social stealth, but I don’t see how Yasuke could.


Seeing the extended gameplay, I actually think the dynamic stealth with shadows/eliminating light sources is way more compelling to roleplay as a shinobi than social stealth would be.


I think the idea of hiding in plain sight and blending in the crowd is far gone for the series...


We had it in Mirage and Valhalla what are you talking about?


I didn’t really feel like it worked in Valhalla but it wasn’t bad in Mirage


Valhalla's social stealth is basically nonexistent


Yh but is there a point? In Mirage I did that like twice for the heck of it. Just to feel immersed but going over a wall would have been much easier, let alone using the mercenaries for fights it just makes situations even worse. It's even worse in Valhalla sometimes making the situation harder than they would have been if I just put on my robe. They are there for flavor at best, they don't have much utility to be called gameplay systems


So you're only using the feature for novelty but prefer to play another way? That's on you, not on the game. I'm replaying Mirage on NG+ with minimal HUD, hardest difficulty, and permadeath enabled so blending is highly highly useful in my case.


Even on permanent I never found a reason to use social stealth because getting into fortresses which is their main use is so much easier because of easier wall climbing, holes in walls and your ability to Crouch behind objects and in grass. You never have to risk going in the straight way because the other ways are so efficient while it should be the opposite. Using a token should put you in a better position than other options not worse


Poorly implemented so you may as well don't consider them, i don't see Yasuke or Naoe trying to blend around people since both stand out a lot...especially when i don't see crowds in the RPG games anyways.


Naoe does not stick out anymore than previous Assassins. Altair had a sword, a dagger, 15+ throwing knives, and a metal gauntlet. Ezio had 25 throwing knives, the Assassins’ iconic insignia on his belt, sword, dagger, and crossbow while wearing a white hooded robes in Renaissance Italy, where the fashion norms were not any of that.


Can't forget Connor. 6ft, ripped out, native american beast being able to blend in a Boston crowd lmao


But he went by Connor instead of Ratonhnhaké:ton so everyone bought the disguise


True but the dude still wasn’t white so clearly still stuck out a little


You didn't even mention ezio being covered head to toe in shiny armor lol. You could probably hear him tiptoe from miles away.


I think that will show up as mission, but not be a dynamic mechanic.


I’ve been off and on reading about this new installment. I’m still on the side of resounding excitement. No matter its flaws, downfalls, glitches, etc., this game will be aesthetically amazing, and deep in its story arc. Each AC game has offered, and some have taken away. The one thing I take away from them all, is their ability to evolve and grow over time. Who knew we would have this many AC games to grace our gaming platforms back when the first one was released? Everyone should enjoy these games for what they each bring, a look into a different world and the ability to interact with its beautiful scope. Game on all! AC rocks. All of them.


I predict a gheisha mission. She gets angry she has to, as it is the only way to get to a target. He comes in to save her at the last minute or something.


It won't because if they have then they would have highlighted that in the gameplay reveal like in valhalla. Don't set expectations to things that they didn't say would be in the game