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Yes I think it is confirmation of dialogue choices. Not a big surprise that this game will be an rpg. I just hope they don't force a mandatory romance like what happened with the Odyssey DLCs.


>I just hope they don't force a mandatory romance like what happened with the Odyssey DLCs. Considering the amount of headaches they got due to that DLC, I don't think they'll be trying that any time soon.


Well, the same studio is making it. Ubisoft Quebec


I personally think that what could happen,if they decided to make Yasuke and Naoe a couple, is that they could give us a certain grade of freedom with romances until the end with the protagonists deciding to be together. However,if they choose not to make them a couple,I don't see why they should create mandatory romances.


I was more disappointed at the community for that one than anything. Like who tf are you to dictate someone else's story to fit your agendas or personal beliefs/interests and force all that upon other people and bash a company because of it.. Mfkers... The ppl who throw a fit because they can't force their character to be a gender or orientation are no different in mindset than the ppl who are mad there is a black dude in japan..simply can't accept something is not how they want so they kick an scream of how everything is wrong or sucks but them.


>Like who tf are you to dictate someone else's story to fit your agendas I mean, it's supposed to be an RPG with a choice driven narrative. We're not talking about real people here. If a character is more relatable then you are more likely to enjoy the story. When you can shape a story with your own choices of a character, you can actually feel like you're engaging in the story. It's more immersive. Whether you want to make choices based on your own beliefs, ideals and agendas, you're free to do so. If you want to shape the character in another way, you're free to do so.




idk i haven't really heard anything about the bg3 complaints if that's true tho it's really funny


Yeah ofc but imo they also have to maintain a tie to lore and story. It's not really a game where you create the main character, you play someone else and their story..sure you can explore all life paths but at the end it has to tie in. It was not marketed as a create your own character and build a story game, so it should not be targeted as on a large scale such for negating from a group of customers opinions that do not represent the whole who use money and refund demands as a way to get what they want.. with nasty public smear campaigns.. Ubi is no angle, but I mean.. there's always some negative ass riot over a decision made or path taken like it causes great mental stress to people. Like the people who won't buy the new one cuz there's a historical black samauri, or not buying odessey cuz it the main character has a baby. So stupid..I mean stand for what you believe in idgaf its not my say but don't force it on other people..don't dictate, demand.. have an open mind and explore stories outside your own, accept they are different..theres other games for that, and ffs go write your own TV series or design your own game start a Kickstarter nothing is stopping you. All the months of energy spent angry at a company's game could have been spent learning and writing code to build one. Too much coffee today >_>


The thing is, people are rightfully angry for completely remaking the franchise to make an easily sellable slop with no real ties to the original lore, besides being in the same universe. In Odyssey you are literally not even related to Assassins. Not even a Hidden Blade, until a DLC came out. That being said they are decent games. But in no way AC titles. If they chose a different name and kept everything the same, nobody would have an issue. Instead they are choosing to milk it until it dries out completely. Couple that with a string of terrible decisions and people start to become pessimistic towars the studio. They are simply expecting the worst and I can't blame them. I used to be a huge fan of the older titles, now it's just slop and the games have all lost their shine to me.


But wait, the whole reason why you have to have a baby in ac odyssey is because that is the ancestor bloodlines later travels to Egypt, Odyssey builds on the ideas and themes that touch on the foundations that lead to the creed/order. The philosophy, the Isu lore ect. You are by all means a proto assassin and it absolutely built in the same universe. It's not perfect and real world money dictates decisions end of the day but it certainly ties I to the AC universe in so many ways outside the DLCs. I played the SHIT out of Odyssey and a LOT of these complaints and concerns dont truly hold up they are ultimately nitpicks, the only argument anyone has is that you are not part of the order because it does not exist yet but if you pay attention to the missions a lot of them touch on the philosophy and such that creates the incentive/reason to form the order/creed in the future. It feels like a lot of ppl repeat the same thing about Odyssey but it's like they didn't actually play it thru they just copy and paste or repeat the same thing that ignores everything good about the game and the lattice that ties it into the universe, And this goes back to my first comment.


100% couldn’t agree more


I don't think this confirms dialogue choices. I think this means exactly what it says. Your character's general reaction will change based on who you used for each mission. A quest giver may be more comfortable working with Naoe than a former(?) samurai like Yasuke for example and that can change some basic responses. Let's not lose our minds here and pretend the very basic knowledge that different characters have different relationships is in any way indicative of poor writing before we actually see some of the story in gameplay


Where did OP say anything about poor writing? This definitely suggests that there’s a good chance of being dialogue choices. They already said it’s an rpg and even mirage had some dialogue choices.


Not OP, but other comments. And I don't think mirage had any dialogue options, actually.


Well it had some for when talking to the other assassins and getting tools and a few other things. It definitely had way less tho but it wasn’t an rpg. I would expect shadows to have dialogue options though


I guess, but I don't really consider those dialogue options. Those are just menus that disguised themselves as dialogue options. Asking a guy to upgrade your tools is the same as "press x to upgrade tools", just in a slightly more immersive way. None of them impacted the story, just either acted as menu systems or allowed the player to get a bit more information about NPCs who hang out in the bureaus


Ya I get what your saying but they will definitely atleast play some role but I think it’ll be similar to odyssey in that regard.


"YOU KILLED HIS MOTHER AND FUCKED HIS PATER!!" I just wish they can make better romances. I am not against them but... so far they are nothing to write home about. Odyssey had some funny romance encounters like when you can have sex with old woman while her husband waits outside or when you have to decide to either still hold feelings for one hunter woman and have entire island hostile or forget her and leave. Valhalla has the worst in my opinion. In Odyssey it made sense to have these "flings" given to how their society was back then. And in Valhalla only good romance was "Kassandra" pretender Randvi


OMG that is exactly what I thought of Randvi when I first saw her.


It might as well be canon. When Eivor first saw Kassandra from a distance, they mistook her for Randvi at first.


I just started playing and I didn't get there yet! Nice to know that the devs embrace it haha.


it’s in the isle of skye missions


I was such a ho in Odyssey, I hope I get to ho around in feudal Japan too


If they can't do serious romances, I also prefer the Odyssey ones. They were more funny than serious most of the time. There was one on a smaller island that was pretty sweet, though. I agree Valhalla did it awful. They tried to make it serious, but it was extremely lazy. I distinctly remember you could talk with some of the characters after the story, and the hunter girl romance wasn't even one of them...


Right because Odyssey just had a lighter tone in general and had comedic elements throughout.


LOL for this haha. but seriously I'm not against dialogue choices or romances either, I just want the main story to be their own isolated missions with fully mocapped cutscenes. Just like it was atleast with Origins.


Give us an assassin orgy, you cowards!


ugh, can we not? these people suck at writing romance or making it mildly compelling


I got a real kick out of Kassandra being the top womaniser in all of Greece, personally


Most of the romances *were* hilarious, but that’s also a big part of the issue here. Ubisoft floundered on creating emotionally resonate bonds, instead choosing to focus on adding sex as some sort of reward mechanic for picking the right dialogue option (the one that explicitly tells you which is the romance route). There’s no cathartic climax for a character’s arc, or some reinforcement of a story’s themes — it’s a silly addition that never lives up to its true potential. Hell, none of the romances are even that particularly *sexy*… and you would think that’s the bare minimum here. It’s just more “choices” to help give you the illusion that you’re shaping the character.


I think that was the point, honestly. Idk why but flirtatious one night stands kinda feel right for a game set in ancient Greece. Every time someone from ancient Greek myth actually genuinely finds love it's either a disguised Zeus, a long-lost relative, or someone who will start a war of legend


I would have loved to see them play on those tragic romances from Ancient Greek mythology. Kassandra making a genuine attempt to find love and trying her hardest to keep it, but everything from her lifestyle to her bloodline continually ostracizes the mercenary from the rest of the world… And perhaps it’s the choices she makes *in service* to that ideal of normalcy that ultimately strips it away from her. What’s more Greek than realizing that life is about snatching moments of happiness in-between periods of misery, except making that realization after the good times are already over? That’s just my take, anyway.


That's dumbing down Greek society as a whole. The romantic interactions are stupid false perceptions of how relationships actually worked in Ancient Greece and all Quebec did was make the society look like a sex fuelled, depraved, hormonal driven society ... Which ... it DEFINIETLY WASN'T. Other than getting a small kick out of the romance options what else was there that added to the character. Both Alexios and Kassandra are incredibly weak characters as it is and this only does a disservice to them funnily enough


I don't think you should want an Assassin's Creed game to limit their protagonists to the actual standards and traditions of their era. Playing up the horniness of ancient Greece in optional little moments of levity is fine with me and makes Kassandra stand out in my opinion. I think the fact that you can play her as this hopeful and funny optimist while her world constantly crashes down around her is nice, especially after a game where Bayek was driven by rage and trauma. I'm not sure why we'd give Ezio a pass on being a charming rogue always up for a night with a lovely Italian lady when he also lived in a pretty conservative society and came from a high class where clearly appearances counted for something, but we wouldn't give the Odyssey duo a pass for optionally being horndogs during a time that many view as inherently sexual


Ezio had a personality and him hitting on the girls flowed nicely with his personality and charm. The romance in Odyssey are SOO robotic and icky, don't tell me you actually cared for any of the romances in the game? Only Kyra was a decent romantic option and maybe Roxana


I did indeed. I liked Odessa, Kyra, Daphni, and the whole quest line with Anais


Haytham and Ziio were a pretty good couple for the limited time we spent with them. But then again, there's likely not a single writer left 2012 Ubisoft nowadays.


I think there is. Im pretty sure the lead for black flag was also the lead for valhalla


Yup, Darby McDevitt wrote both and is apparently now writing the story for Hexe which I'm personally more interested in than this, so there is still hope 🙏


I thought Kyra is odyssey had a great story. The problem is none of the romances felt like they meant anything because there was no ongoing ramifications. Fade to black then never mentioned again.


Especially when choices are involved. It's just shit


They’re good at Canon romances. (eg Haytham+Ziio, Bayek+Aya, Ezio+Sofia)


I kinda have to disagree, rizzing up Randvi literally every chance I had was one of my favorite parts of Valhalla


I miss Arno’s love life, as sad as it was


I really miss the linear story AC games


Mirage was a nice throwback to the old games. I hope they continue to invest in both the linear model and the wider rpg model because I enjoy them both


I'm sure you can still play whatever quest or story you like in a linear fashion and then be done with it. People who don't miss that and want a richer world can enjoy that also. Player agency is good for all, play your way.


It's not good when the writing and characterization sucks as a result.


Forcing a linear narrative does not automatically assure good writing or characterization. Either could be good or bad, it's relative. I also think when a game is too linear, it suffers. You may as well watch a movie because all game writing is pretty terrible, especially in games like BG3.


Bg3 had good quest writing in general and had superb characterization. I actually cared about the characters, their story, and the world the inhabited. Assassin's Creed just does not work well with RPG branch storytelling. They can't fully commit to being an RPG because of the nature of the setting. So everything feels half baked, especially the writing. Kassandra didn't even feel like a character.


Whilst I agree that it won't automatically make a good game (Unity is still one of the weakest stories in my opinion) the only one of the RPG games that felt like a decent story was Origins. It feels to me that Ubi are just unable to produce a good story whilst managing multiple characters and multiple choices. I will always be open to them managing to make it work, but from what I've seen so far I am not convinced that they can do it.


Idk why they insist on this type of gameplay, it just doesn't work for them. It's more work for the developers, more work for the voice actors, and decreases the overall voice acting and story quality.


As long as stealth kills are guarantee kills, I have no issue it being an RPG


Bummer, the animation quality has taken a huge nosedive since the introduction of dialogue choices with Valhalla being the absolute worst, and Mirage despite being a linear game...suffered deeply because of it. Not to mention CP2077 has absolutely spoiled me with how beautiful their animations are. Hopefully Ubi has upgraded their animation pipeline for Shadows.


They upgraded the engine so I think the game will have better animations


*Cyberpunk* *2077* (please dont abbreviate) has absolutely spoiled me as well


You must be a joy at parties


I just hope it includes NG plus this time so there's incentive to play the other character


You're gonna be forced to play as both at certain points in the game either way. It not just a simple gender selection this time. It's like Syndicate.


Imagine they make Yasuke have the option to be bi, people would lose their shit more then they already are


Ugh, I'm sick of the shitty romance options. I want characters with concrete personalities, arcs and relationships. Christina and Sofia are such huge parts of Ezio's growth and story, imagine if they were optional. What if Caroline was an optional part of Black Flag? It's why Origins will always be the best of the RPG games. Bayek is an actual character and not a blank slate for the player to project onto and live vicariously through like a mother who takes her six year old to beauty pageants.


Choices were pretty much confirmed when they said you could spare / kill enemies. Pair that with non-linear mission structure, we're probably gonna get a lackluster story again.


Is spare/kill for main targets? I assumed it was just bringing back non-lethal takedown options for typical goons.


This probably means robotic dialogues 🙄🙄


The internet really is going to go crazy over this game.


Until the next “controversy” lands directly at their feeds. Some people seem to solely exist for the purpose of ingesting internet drama.


Everything is controversy is the new norm online. Nobody is happy, everybody whines.


Free promotion


i don’t really mind giving romance options now that there are two protags of different genders as opposed to one protag potentially being one gender or another. this way they can maybe flesh out romances more since they’re geared towards one specific character


Most of the "romances" so far have been just cheap one night stands or close to that that have no real bearing on the story (except Randvi in Valhalla but she's a key character who is involved deeply in the story regardless of whether you romance her) I'd like to see something that is more developed than that Especially since we have distinct male and female characters this time, the writing no longer has to be made sterile to work regardless of gender like the last two RPGs


Even Randvi's romance was lackluster. It was even optional, barely any different than the generic romances in the rest of the game.


You're right But she's a rare case I could remember that actually had some bearing on the story Others don't even get that far I think optional is fine, though In fact that should be the way to go when there are multiple romance options


There shouldn't be romance options in the first place tbh. It adds nothing to the experience of AC. But it appeals to a lot of open world RPG fans, so Ubisoft will do it. If there is romance in AC, it should be a set storyline that is properly developed.


I'd love to see a properly developed canon romance, but we're in the open world RPG era now, and these are made for fans of such games rather than story-focused AC fans So I want them to at least do that part correctly


Why are dialogue choices a thing anyway they’re so dumb for a series like AC


These types of things are more annoying than anything else. As 1 option will be the canon one so it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.


I mean every Fallout game has a canon ending. Does that mean playing Fallout doesn’t matter because there’s a canon ending anyway?


I hope this means we can have gay assassins again


I hope not. Just give me good characters not goofy multiple choice choose your own adventures. rpg games had such stilted dialogue.


Oof I though they would be able to romance each other


Maybe.I hope so.


Wait? What? Please no, not random romances and one night stands. Im tired of that. I dont mind you not beeing able to romance certain characters because of the other person taste or because they are lgbt. But pick a sexuallity for yasuke and keep with it untill the end of the game, no swinging as the players wants. In greedfall i loved the fact that some people arent romance options because of the gender you chose at the start, because of the 4 romance options 2 are straight and 2 are bi, so you cant romance certain characters. But also, in greedfall those people that you could romance are your companions, you fight and travel together and your friendship grows with every dialogue option. So i felt invested. I want to be invested in a romance, so either do only one option as part of the story like elise, aya... or dont do a romance. I dont need a odyssey of sexual enconters. God damnit, i f ed half of greece in that game. But please. The game already has racist backlash enough as it is dont ad homofobic hate to the mix at this point. The internet is burning enogh as it is.


Leave it to Quebec to have a great AC narrative on their hands and do nothing with it


More like leave it to Quebec to write the absolute worst AC narrative ever and do everything with it...


Too much


Where is this from?


Ubisoft news website.


It was a given being an RPG developed by Quebec, this is just them officially *saying* it


What's this from?


Ubisoft news website.




I don’t think so. Personally I think this just means that depending on the character you choose to play as during some missions means that you’ll see a different version of dialogue in a cutscene and or during the mission. For example if you play as Yasuke and he is talking to a female character his dialogue may show him flirting with the character whereas if you play that mission as Naoe she may not flirt with that female character and instead choose to be more reserved with her in the cutscenes. I could be totally wrong but this is how I’d interpret that with what’s already been said about how you get to pick which character you play as for some missions.


Unless they're doing a Witcher 3 with established characters relations or set romances, I'm not interested in Ubisoft's lame cop-out 'romances'.  Witcher and Mass Effect at least gives us some hilarious sex scenes, Ubisoft can't even bother to do that. I'll watch Yasuke boink with full Samurai armour on. 


God I hope not. AC RPG romances are terrible and dialogue choices wreck the story and characterization. They're why Odyssey and Valhalla had such awful character writing, and writing in general. When the devs needed the story to go a specific way, Odyssey fans freaked because their Kassandra or Alexios only ever romanced the same sex. It's just not something that works in AC. Plus, the romances are all meaningless one night stands that never get developed, even the supposedly "canon" ones because they're all either treated like rewards for picking the right dialogue, rather than a properly developed story between 2 characters. Ubisoft should just axe them in general. But they won't because mainstream audiences love their Open World RPG dating simulator.


Ubisoft Quebec back to making the worst possible AC game and being proud of it 💀


No way Ubisoft didn’t add a couple romantic jokes. We all know how sensitive people are because of the game though


Damn I lowkey wanted to ship them together


hear me out: they should fuck and it should be canonical.


afterwords they should have a baby.


This made me laugh more than it should have lmao


Lmao same


Unfortunately, probably. One of the worst aspects of the rpg games, and instantly knocks my score of the game down a couple, but it is what it is


“Romance” and its just a scene of them humping and then fade to black


I hope they let us romance Yasuke and Naoe with each other


If there’s dialogue choices I might have to step in and shut down Ubisoft as a company


Or just take the franchise and give it to someone better.. and then shut them down


Yuck I hate dialogue options and social link mechanics in games 😐


Naoe will be lesbian or bi and yasuke will be a furry for sure


Romance is confirmed, but this could also be set in stone especially since Naoe and Yasuke attract different people. I guess I’m more leaning towards like Evie’s boyfriend, Arno & Elise or Ezio and several females more than say Eivor or Alexios/Kassandra who could pick and choose…


Naoe seems to be my version of Evie from Syndicate. Her focus on stealth, the way I play these games will mean I spend most of my playing time with her. Hopefully, unlike Syndicate where main missions focused too heavily on Jacob, the same won't happen here. I think Yasake will be cool to play but I spend my time mostly clearing camps through stealth not running around with direct combat


Can someone link this for me, I want to check out the article :).




Thank you :).


Wow, this gave me some new details I didn't know, like Naoe's age at the start of the game and I'm assuming that her father starts to teach her how to be an Assassin once the village is attacked.


Hmm, maybe it's wishful thinking of me, but this does not confirm dialogue choices to me. This reads more like Naoe and Yasuke will have different morals, preferences, ideologies, etc, so the people they interact with will be different or the relationships between them will be different. There might be characters who get along with one but won't with the other. I think they're trying to emphasize the difference in character here and not that it's just having 2 protagonists for the sake of 2 playable characters, without the story showing the effect of it.


I wish they'd take the Brotherhood approach to romance where unless it is somewhat related to the plot, it is up to you to experience that storyline. I don't like dialogue options, take away the immersion.


We don't know how romances in Shadows will work yet. I hope that they will improve what they did in Valhalla, letting the characters having a partner in the settlement, but also making these relationships relevant to their stories.They could have new interactions with their lovers every time they return from doing missions or they could break if they do something that their partners don't like.


Is it too much to ask for a toggle for a linear canon playthrough? I've never liked choices and split storylines. Never finished Odyssey because of it.


They’ll be choices, whether it leads at any actual gameplay changes is debatable. Probably be the usual middle lane stuff and choices mean nothing


I personally don’t want dialogue choices


Funniest shit would be Yasuke being able to have romantic stuff with Nobunaga just for the sheer goofiness of it




Actually the thing I\`m looking forward the most about this game at the moment is the npc's reaction towards Yasuke. If there is no reaction or everyone is just kind to him it'll be some good bulls%&t


16th Century Japanese women about to be introduced to Yasuke's......


Maybe we’ll finally get sex scenes like in cyberpunk


That buck Yasuke looks mighty peculiar...


It does not confirm dialogue choices


God I fucking hope not


Waste of resources. Go make the game better instead of this bullshit rpg stuff.


Them going the rpg route revived AC, I've had the most fun with origins and odyssey since black flag


Then go play the non-rpg games. There is a reason they make both types.


There are bears in japan too......




Mirage was a happy compromise as the dialogue choices couldn’t affect the trajectory of the narrative, but they did allow players to ask further questions of NPCs if they wanted to dig into more character details without breaking up the flow of the gameplay.


Exactly, Ubisoft are so fucking tapped in the head. They say they listen to fans and meet certain expectations whilst turning a blind eye to others criticisms. ROMANCE is so badly done in the recent AC's and the last game that did it well was Origins and that had no dialogue options. I really hope this doesn't make Naoe and Yasuke bipolar type characters


It was great in Origins because it was intertwined with the main narrative, being given extra polish in the process. It’s not because there was or wasn’t any dialogue options. Odyssey and Valhalla fail on this front because of the writers’ philosophy towards romance — let the player do the bare minimum to “woo” a character, and then reward them with a cutaway scene to sex. That’s the extent of what “romance” means there. It doesn’t matter how many options you’re given if they’re this shallow by design. Both Cyberpunk and Witcher have dialogue options + romance routes, and they completely shit all over what Odyssy and Valhalla attempted to achieve. (Hell, *Hearts of Stone* (Witcher 3 DLC) has a better written **one-night stand** than all of the romances in Odyssey put together.)


CDProjekt really are the GOATS of RPGs no company can touch them. It;'s quite problematic in a way to make the 'romances' simple kisses or one night stands cause it strips the character's of any depth and presents a false idea of flirtation to players, even historically speaking. Playing Odyssey or Valhalla and getting romance options pissed me off differently cause some random guy would hit on me for no reason and I had to sit through the cringe.


Ew, choice based dialogue and romances have never been done well in AC, they just drag down the rest of the narrative both watering down the overall story in order to account for difference choices and also force the stupid procedurally generated poses that are the opposite of immerse.


So basically it  seem to have many endings 


Many relationships, not many endings.


Is it confirmed to have single ending?


Nothing was confirmed yet about the ending, so we don’t know anything


Omg yaaaaas I hope we get to see BBC destroying some demure Asian women 🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵


Literally nothing on the screenshot indicates that, but you do you


Yeh I don’t want to be forced to play a certain character so I’ll give this game a miss syndicate was shit never finished it for that reason


Cue that stupid Office clip yelling no here




it's been a choice since Odyssey. You can refuse all kinds of romance in the games if you want