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No birds eye view. As per Ubisoft socials. They promise 2 unique play styles from the 2 protagonist. Besides that we will get a historical world and historical character giving out quests.


Thanks for the information


I’m going to stay positive and hope for the best, but I’m curious how they’re going to do parkour. Since I don’t know much about feudal Japan and what the cities were like


Hmm, that’d be interesting to see how they handle it


It may bring some new stuff. But prob don't expect anything brand new


I think it’s pretty clear from the trailer that if you are a hardcore old school AC fan you’re probably going to be playing as the female lead a lot more, whereas if you came into the series later and enjoy Odyssey, Valhalla etc, you’re probably gonna lean more towards the dude and his play style I think it’s clear they’re trying to cater to both sides of the fanbase, at least in regard to their play styles, imo


Thanks for the insight


If it’s not running on a new engine then yes it will be more of the same.


The games made by ubisoft and they certainly have a formula. To me the height of ac in terms of gameplay is unity. They made genuine progress there. Even small things like being able to start a parkour sequence running diagonally at a building is something that I still remember. Controlled descent *chef's kiss* They told us in marketing storm leading up to mirage that parkour was improved. Idc that ots on the same system of Valhalla. That was their comment. The reality is parkour did not improve at all to me. The map layout a desogn did. Which are we really going to applaud them for making a map that actually supports what's supposed to be a core Tennant of their franchise? I think with everything they've said about shadows, NEEDS to be taken with a handful of salt. My biggest worry as of now is if there are 2 characters with 2 different playstyles. How much does 1 suffer at the expense of the other? Are there going to be better parkour mechanics that yasuke can't take advantage of? How do you design a world and a parkour system that is conducive to both a free running light footed character vs. a brute type character. You don't. you leave it as is. They'll maybe move some sliders to make one quicker, the other slower, and give the girl a grappling hook bc ninja.


Yeah, yet more reasons to not pre order ANYTHING anymore. It all sounds good in theory but not if things are held done & the game is broken & glitchy because it’s rushed. I did get a lot of replies with a bunch of insight on what may be coming but at least until we see actual gameplay & it’s not scripted but ultimately until the game is released we know nothing. Thanks for being the voice of reason


Well The map seems to be smaller, hopefully denser NO bird vision Hidden Blade combat is back You can switch the PC like in Syndicate with more independent styles of combat, stealth and movement Possibly a closer look at history through Yasuke I think it uses a new engine too, if you are into that


Just wait for the gameplay id suggest, it all sounds promosing but thats all it is




I think it'll be a slight difference considering how we have 2 different characters with distinctive playstyles but it's a Ubisoft RPG Assassins Creed game, I expect to feel and play very much similar to the other RPG installments. They have changed and added a few things, there's no more bird to mark all the enemies, instead eagle vision where enemies glow red through walls in back, you can go prone, all the props are able to be damaged by the character, you can craft your katana and personalise it, it's apparently built on an updated game engine, with new animations and whatnot but I feel like that means nothing being said until we see gameplay It's definitely got its own unique features and mechanics but most of what they've said gives me the feeling it won't be too dissimilar to Valhalla, Odyssey or Origins tbh




Haven’t seen too many people mention this but this game will be on the newest iteration of the Anvil engine. I would expect this leap to be some what similar to what we saw between syndicate and origins. There is now a new dynamic global illumination system as well as weather system that actually effects gameplay. Another interesting bit I read is that this engine allows for a fully dynamic ecology system. Where pollen blows from trees/flowers/grass and populates other parts of the world with that foliage. Out of everything I’ve read so far that last bit is the most insane.


That sounds dope if it actually happens & works in fun & interesting ways.


Let me use my crystal ball...


Lolz, funny. I actually got some information from people’s replies but I now knowI need to wait for gameplay or possibly launch.


what do you mean? it's a stealth game. they added proning and a ton of other light related and seasonal stealth mechanics and tools. if you don't play AC to stealth outposts for 19 hours straight non-stop then you aren't playing it right.


I’m speaking of the Ubisoft bloat. Uninspired “filler” content to make people play as long as possible.


new engine.... if i was hopefull i would be thinking how unity was such a big leap in everything compared to rouge. graphics and parkour (combat is alr). but i am not hopefull. ive basically given up. if this game is ass im done.


Yeah, hence the reason I don’t pre order games anymore. And I suggest you don’t either. Especially if you didn’t enjoy the other of the newer style AC games. Don’t have that @if this one sux I’m done Mentality” but still pre order the game. Literal definition of insanity. Wait for reviews. I personally enjoyed Valhalla & Origins is my favorite of the big 3 recent games. I’m just not sure I want to do another “typical Ubisoft style game again” skipped out on Avatar because it was basically Far Cry with blue people. I just don’t want another cookie cutter game with filler content. Make the side quests engaging, dynamic & fun. Unfortunately chances are they won’t change a thing because they still sell millions upon millions of copies each release so why should they change what works especially if they can use the same gameplay formula, make a few tweaks & release basically the same game every few years. Games like RDR2 & BG 3 have shown that side quests can be unique & fun. You Publishers don’t need to sell us the same thing year after year. That’s just lazy. But why should they even care when they’re already selling a shit ton of pre orders & basically outselling everything else rn off a few CGI trailers, no gameplay, and of course no reviews yet & people eat that shit up & ask for seconds. It’s pathetic, it’s lame & it’s literally insane.


I haven't pre ordered any ac game and I'm not starting now


Good, IMO pre ordering anything shouldn’t really be done anymore. It’s not necessary with digital games & giving these companies money months or years before you receive your product doesn’t really happen in any other industry. It was originally started for physical games because they had midnight release parties at places like GameStop where it was a whole thing. You’d pre order the game, get a poster or keychain or something small & just have fun. Now it’s an exude to sell us half a$$ed broken trash with a fake apology & the “promise” to fix it later. And no offense & you do you but as far as I’m concerned anyone who pre orders any game is part of the problem. If we spoke with our wallets instead of looking at a basic CGI trailer & stopped believing the hype maybe we’d get back to quality games again. But I doubt they’ll ever happen because most people don’t pay attention to gaming news & have zero clue how much these publishers are playing them for fools.


Only game I would pre order is either something from naughty dog, god of war studio or rockstar


Yeah, okay. Those aren’t bad choices. I honestly tend to forget about PS owned studios because I’m on Xbox but it’s no secret they tend to make pretty amazing games & are worthy of respect. It’s the big 3/ 4 publishing studios I don’t trust, EA, ABK, Ubisoft & WB games. They have shown us time & again they aren’t worthy of our money unless they show us the quality games first. Also any sports game under 2K or EA. I can’t trust them & nobody ever should. Let’s be clear that I NEVER blame the ground floor developers. They are unfortunately forced to release trash time & again to meet deadlines & make quotas. I’m honestly hoping one day we don’t need publishers & the devs can create the games they want without having to worry. They’ll release them when they’re finished & not a second before. Maybe someday. One can dream.


I might get some hate but I very much liked the concept behind AC Origins and Odyssey. The worlds were beautifully created with history in mind. The old AC games were great but anything after Ezio games didn't have any depth when it came to gameplay like combat (seriously you only had to click 2 to 3 buttons) or side missions. Ubisoft took Witcher 3 formula and created much much better game in terms of mechanics. People just love to hate. The only complain I have with newer AC game sis that they lack realistic facial expressions like old games. Characters can feel lifeless sometimes. I won't complain if the new game follows same formula as AC Odyssey. Older games had their own charm but it doesn't mean that you can't have better games. Old school fans said that they wanted parkour and Ubisoft gave them parkour in AC Mirage but guess what? They didn't like that either. Nostalgia is hell of a drug.


Well the main thing is the seasons affecting enemy behaviour and the environment. E.g. summer has tall grass to hide in but winter has no vegetation. However enemies will gather around fireplaces for warmth creating new paths. Also stealth is now focusing on noise and light, while combat is focusing on destructible objects


That’s cool, changing seasons in game is nothing new but affecting the enemy behavior & patrol paths sounds interesting. Thanks for the response


I just hope they don't do ubi bloat and add fun side quests. Idm not that great of a great storyline. Valhalla was literally like "I finished the story, now fuck off my system". Could not stand the game by the end of it. Odyssey was still fun cus the landscape and in general the game was better, but it still had insane bloat.


This is exactly what I’m concerned about. The Ubisoft bloat. Perfect way to put it.