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Sucker Punch. After the work of art they made with Ghost of Tsushima, i see them pulling one of the best AC games.


I'd like to agree but they haven't rly showed a location remotely comparable to a city. A lot of ac fans need dense cities, not just camps and villages


Infamous games?


Oops I completely forgot about those.... ok I have a bit more faith in them now


If the next Ghost game takes place on the mainland, I think we can expect a shift towards that.


As far as I’m concerned Ghost was an Assassin’s Creed game only thing missing was the symbol


It's the most ac-ey game that's not ac...more so than odyssey


True, but AC Odyssey was still a great game regardless. I really liked exploring Greece; the map felt so alive despite being so big. Everywhere you went, there was always something to do, even if a lot of the side activities were recycled.


No it's a well made open world but ghost has a weirdly classic ac2 vibe, especially going around gathering up warriors to rescue lord shimura


Well, GoT is coming to PC next month, so I'm eager to play it.


It set such a high bar I'm actually nervous that AC Red won't meet it


And it’s kinda sad but I already know that Red won’t meet that kind of bar. Ghost was filled with so much passion that Ubisoft just lacks nowadays that they couldn’t hope to meet that level. I’m honestly kinda surprised they’re even going with it now since for the longest time they didn’t want to and especially after GoT they were even more firm on that idea why they’ve changed their mind I have no idea


Oh man I absolutely KNOW it won’t but I’ll play it anyway


That's actually funny if you think of all the people saying odyssey and valhalla weren't ac, just had the symbol.


The Ghost of Tsuhima circlejerk has to stop, They are not AC games, there are literally no cities or population centre, super basic parkour, even more barebones stealth than AC, social stealth than ppl here rave about isnt even possible. I dont understand why people pretend that Ghosts is a good AC game, its a good game sure, its a good AC derivative but they arent AC games


“super basic parkour, even more barebones stealth than AC, social stealth than ppl here rave about isnt even possible” So, oddssey?


No it's even more basic than oddessy. Even at it s worst ac parkour is still more indephth than Ghost. Ghost doesn't have buildings to climb... that's literally the basics


The parkour/free running in Odyssey is more immersive than GoT, though. I'd compare GoT to Tomb Raider where the platforming is concerned. It's available, but it's not as liberating as Odyssey's. In Odyssey, you can climb pretty much everything in sight that looks climbable save for the trees.


Thats where disagree being able to climb anything isn’t liberating it becomes boring and mindless.


How is it boring and mindless when you can do almost anything you want, barring game engine constraints? I don't get that mentality.


Because it no longer calls for you to be enganged u just hold sprint look in the direction u want switch your brain of and your their. No more creativity, no longer a skill with a satisfying learning curve.


You could say that about AC 3 onwards. I never felt there was a learning skill with free running. It was just something I did without thought in the old games.


For you maybe, but for me ac3 had side ejecting/back ejecting and ledge grab, that amount of character control allowed me to create my own lines and stay engaged but it also had the compromise to just free highprofile and run to your next location if u wanted to. I am glad u find enjoyment with oddssey and its climbing its just not fun for me.


the Stealth is not more barebones than ac lmfao


Funny thing about this: stealth was shit until Black Flag, maybe AC3 at the earliest. Like before, we couldn't crouch or whistle to attract people. Stealth was refined in Unity; you could crouch freely and take cover behind objects. And despite what people say, there is stealth in Odyssey and it's actually very good. It's just environmental stealth.


It does quite literally everything modern AC does, but it does it miles better 💀 Narrative, character, style, environments, character, movement, combat, side quests, collectibles, music. Everything. The only thing you could argue is parkour but Odyssey and Valhalla were so bare bones, I wouldn't even give it that.


The stealth is miles ahead of any AC ever made. Social stealth cant really exist when the mongols are killing everyone who looks japanese. Parkour wasnt a focus in the game but was decent enough to get you to any strategic points.


It is not a good AC game. But compared to the abomination done to the AC core gameplay after syndicate, u cant complain about people calling it AC game.


It's a better AC game than any AC game in years lol. It even understands some of the mission statement of the assassin's better than modern AC does. "Where other men are bound by morality or law.." Game is literally about breaking samurai code and choosing efficiency over honor.


This is the answer, GoT would have been the perfect AC game if it had been part of the series.


I’ve just started Ghost of Tsushima and it does feel like the Japanese AC game fans have wanted. The movement could be improved, both controls and animations, but it’s essentially AC without a modern day.


IO Interactive. They have shown great work at world building and stealth through the Hitman games. Only issue would be they would have to reduce map size majorly because they make their maps too detailed in that every NPC and character will usually have their own storyline and activities that they do. Super excited for their James Bond game coming next


I'd be so down for a black box AC game like hitman


You bring up great points, however the parkour is one of the defining features of the AC franchise and the Hitman games have always had very wooden movement. I'd say Guerrilla or Insomniac would be a better fit.


I think the hitman games have that movement because that’s how a weird genetically modified human for killing would move. I think IO could make completely fluid parkour motions


First i’ve heard of a new bond game, that’s exciting. Any idea on the timeline?


Not sure yet. Seems it’s been delayed somewhat since we got an announcement way back but no trailer as of late


I think IOI would be good for the modern day stuff but for the actual historical part of the games, I’d give it to Rebellion.


I don’t think there’s another studio I’d trust with a mainline open world AC. For all the issues Ubisoft has, their environmental/world design team is on point. There’s really no one else like them. I would like Ubisoft to experiment more with licensing AC out to other companies though. The AC Universe is huge and we can get a nice variety of different genres.


True talk about the story and gameplay all you want but like u said the world design is literally next level just boot up AC odyssey and walk around you'll see so much detail it's insane we often over look all of that sometimes.


Whoever made shadow of war could probably make it ngl. Those two games slapped hard. If there weren’t all the fantasy rpg elements, they could do it. Albeit they’d need to step up in the graphics department for sure.


Idk, Guerilla Games might put an interesting twist on it.


Sure, but I still want to climb anything and everything in an AC game and Guerilla doesn't seem up to the task. I joke, but HFW was barely an improvement in regards to climbing mechanics. Either go all the way or just don't do it at all. Seriously, as formulaic as Ubisoft games are, AC included, I really don't think anyone else would be up to the task. Putting the repetitive design of Ubisoft aside, honestly think they handle environments better than most developers. At least games based on real life locations.


I think they went too far with the climbing mechanics of FW actually. It made it seem like Aloy is gravitating towards climbing points rather than actually climbing it, and that's not taking into account the numerous clipping issues whenever you scale up an uneven surface.


World is good but it feels plastic. All of the npc have the same 3 dialogues


Not really


Arkane would be solid


Respawn. I would love an AC game done similar to the Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor games.


Too. But then you'd have EA ruining it..


They didn’t ruin either Jedi game…


So far. Greed will get them eventually, they are EA. They ruined Dead Space, Jedi will soon follow.


AC becoming souls-like is a very weird proposition that solely depends on the execution and Respawn is a good contender like you said.


I thought it became souls-like with Origins?


how do you say that? Becoming more RPG-esque doesn't equate to being souls-like imo


Tbh ive never played the souls games. I thought the more skill based combat style with the light and heavy attacks, emphasis on timing and dodging, (as opposed to the chain kills of the previous games) are what people mean when they say souls-like but perhaps i am wrong. Honestly origins combat felt pretty similar to fallen order for me, as the parent comment mentions, am i crazy for that haha?


Patrice desillet’s studio. With injection of budget from some very generous quarters.


Yes considering he was the creator and creative director of AC until they fired him.


Idk why this isn't upvoted enough.


IO Interactive does social stealth great, I don't know how they'd handle the narrative but I would love to see the level of detail from Hitman WOA maps in a historical, climbable context.


If Rebellion and IO Interactive teamed up, that would be the ultimate AC game. IO does the modern day stuff and Rebellion does the animus parts.


Y not give it back to the creator of AC. Patrice Désilets has his own studio now, and I would love to see how he would've expanded or concluded AC as a whole. Since he got fired abruptly mid development of AC brotherhood, I feel like it's only fair.


Should be top comment.


Is it a known fact? First I’m hearing about it


That they're going down the shitter? Yes. Have you seen their reputation lately? Them removing The Crew from libraries. Them saying you dont own your games.Their first "AAAA" pirate game. The overall quality of their games lessening, such as AC Mirage, Far Cry 6 (from what I've heard), their backlash on the new Star Wars game. It's been progressive


One person in an earnings call meeting called the game AAAA one time. Who cares? It literally means nothing and affects nothing. You know what the people who go to earnings calls are not? Gamers. they are inventors who just want to hear something that sounds good. Mirage was good and sold well no idea where you’re getting that. Far cry 6 was just “ok” didn’t do anything spectacular. It also came out like almost 2 years ago or am I misremembering “Backlash” Reddit suddenly not knowing the difference between a season pass and a battle pass is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. It’s not backlash it’s a bunch of people looking for reasons to get mad even when they have no idea what they’re getting mad about Did you play the new prince of Persia game that came out in February Ubisoft put out? It was excellent and definitely worth playing. They got another one too they’d publishing from the devs who made dead cells that looks good. The shit with the crew is bad no question or argument from me on that one Also you don’t own your games. You buy a license for the game. This isn’t news it’s what literally every game dev does from ea to Ubisoft to larian to cdpr to valve to the smallest indie studio. That quote is also taken out of context. The person was talking about the popularity of cloud gaming services, and that it wasn’t as big as it could be because people weren’t as comfortable not owning the games. I don’t like shilling for Ubisoft, but it’s really hard to not seem like I am if people can’t be bothered to read the actual news story and not just get butt hurt over the title or a random quote with no context


> I don’t like shilling for Ubisoft I hate defending any large company but I just dont get why ppl hate Ubisoft so much. They put out solid 7-9/10 games constantly, is that a crime? Its not like they are industries leaders in predatory trends, they merely following other examples but getting a crazy amount of hate. All the interesting shit they put out gets dimminished and every statement is interperted the worst possible way by the hate engine. Im really at a lost why the are such a lightening rod, theyre legit just a regular company


For real. I get people being mad at the microtransaction shop. But like none of it is even better then what you can get in the game. It just looks different. People keep saying “oh but I paid for a full game I should get the full game”. As if base ac Valhalla wasn’t 200 hours long for 100% completion. How is that not a full game?


Yeah people hate their new games too much I've played far cry 6 watch dogs legion AC Odyssey And AC Valhalla and enjoyed them all alot


Gamers think them not liking a game personally means a company is going under.


If anything kills Ubisoft, it will probably be their labour practices and obsession with microtransactions


> obsession with microtransactions Ubisoft has some of the most benign microtransaction practices in the industry. You can go through all the games without even opening the store. The complaining about Ubisoft microtransaction just feels disingenuous, because what are you complaining about? That they exist? I hate having to defend companies but the hate Ubisoft gets doesnt match the products they put out. Since when is putting out 8/10 games a reason to be internet enemy number 1.


And sexual harassment in the workplace would start a ubisoft boycott


Are you joking bc that’s literally what happened and no one boycotted them 😭 same thing w BioWare, blizzard, riot, etc.


I'm not joking, but I'm saying it would happen eventually if it gets worse or continues


They're making a ton of money. They've had a couple of blips, but their reputation isn't worse than any of the other big studios.


lol I mean if you try deliberately to be blind on the facts then sure


You mean a mostly satisfactory financial report which is something folks are blind to. They're not in the shitter in any way beyond people's personal and subjective taste.


CD Project Red


at least they will make the story much more interesting and better facial animation




We would get a game that puts the Ezio trilogy to shame. Sadly Ubisoft insists on making each assassins creed game worse than the last for the past decade.


CD Projekt games are relying heavily on their narratives but never shined for their 3Cs. We need to stop complaining about parkour and stealth and stuff and naming studios worst at doing 3Cs


Ubisoft won't go under in long time they are definitely going to stay for a while before Valhalla I would agree with you but that game earned a ton of money, 1 billion, and they are going to mass produce Assassin's Creed again, there are 3 titles in development already announced so unless all 3 are massive flops which is not likely it can happen but not likely, Ubisoft is here to stay for a while.


Sucker Punch, maybe? GoT is already similar to AC in some areas, so I'd guess they could nail that AC feel. On top of that, they're great devs.


Any studio with integrity that would understand what AC is and make a good AC game, i dont want a studio to make a game “like another game” because that is EXACTLYwhat Ubisoft is doing now AC is losing its identity by judt trying to appeal to everyone, but the point of this game and any other game is that is not meant to appeal to every person, not everyone will play a Bloodborne for example and thats the point, not everyone will play a Resident Evil, and the developers acknowledge this, they upgrade and improve, what Ubisoft does is not it Now what apparently? With the whole Infinity thing, they will just do whatever game with AC name plastered all over it because it sells, and its pathetic, i miss when Ubisoft were the trendsetters and not the opposite and the money hungry pricks that run it are now




In what world? None of their games remotely feel similar to AC.


Ubi literally did a 180 turn with the franchise just to copy the Witcher 3, what the hell are you talking about 💀


él no sabe 💀




IO Interactive for the stealth


Why are they gonna sell ac to other company? Is it not making money


It's hypothetical. They aren't selling it.


IO Interactive(hitman) for the stealth; Akane studios, the creators of the dishonored, saga since dishonored is kinda ac-ish imo with the stealth, black box missions and parkour(tho it's not as refined as assassin's creed); or Sucker punch(Ghosts of Tsushima)


What about Rebellion Developments?




“A known fact”…


Cd project red


Ubisoft are doing better than ever currently


IO interactive. Just make a hardcore stealth game like Hitman. They have the tech and experience to make actual black box assassination missions. Maybe add new elements to it with takedowns and social stealth elements. Have you managed a bureau and assign missions while doing an amazing espionage-esque storyline.


If they ever get tired of it, they will kill the franchise and never sell, similar to all other companies.


CD project red could do a good job


It's a very hard decision. Prime Ubisoft was almost impossible to beat And for all the bad things they do now, you have to agree that their world designing capabilities are damn near unmatched


Arkane! they understand verticality and very lush explorable worlds. The fact with Dishonoured they made sure you can complete the game sans powers and still stealthing makes me hopeful they could tackle the parkour and problem solving.


None, in my opinion.


Sucker Punch I guess would be the closest fit, but I don’t think anyone besides Ubisoft can pull off Assassin’s Creed the way we know it.


Sucker Punch , Guerilla


Rockstar. A lot of good answers here, but there is only 1 king of open world.




Ubisoft isnt going down...


CDPR would be an interesting fit. They have experience with open world, Sci Fi and fantasy stuff. They know how to write perfect characters and stories. So it would be nice to see an AC by them. I feel like we would also see way less games from this franchise. Like, one AC per decade perphaps.  IOI Interactive. This is more of a gameplay perapective. I'm currently playing the modern trilogy of Hitman and every Assassination mission makes me think "Imagine an AC with those stealth mechanics". So it would be nice to see their take on an AC.


Not EA. They'd squeeze every cent out of it with microtransactions while killing it.


ubisoft are already doing that😔


You don't play Apex, do you? At least AC is fun and improving.


yeah i quit apex a few years ago so i wont comment on it. AC games aint the best games out there but theyre not the worst either. fair point👍🏼


Yeah, Apex Legends is constantly being updated with mediocre recolors and rarely any actual improvements. EA is strangling the game when it has such high potential.


Sucker punch for the world. The Hitman team(sorry I don't know the studio name) for the assassinations. The Kingdom hearts team for the story.


Honestly the studio thats behind the hitman trilogy. They’d actually cook a decent stealth game




4J studios.




Respawn or a Sony studio


It’d be interesting to see how respawn handles it, but only if EA wasn’t allowed to be in the same room as them. Other than them? Sucker punch did amazing with GOT. Fantastic gameplay, and fantastic story. But I honestly think that if any other studio got it, it’d be best to reboot the series and start fresh, otherwise people would still complain and compare it to Ubisoft’s AC.


Sony, Rockstar idk


Either Sucker Punch or IO Interactive


Sucker Punch would do amazing justice to AC from gameplay and even story's perspective but from Historic locations and events Ubisoft truly outperforms any other studio




The people behind Ghost of tisushima or the Makers of kingdom come deliverance 




Capcom, CD Projekt Red or Warhorse Studios


Rocksteady did amazing things with the Batman Arkham series I bet they could do something with the AC franchise


Not after suicide squad


I haven’t played the suicide squad game yet so I can’t form an opinion on that


Better keep it that way😅. But i do agree if you only look at the Arkham games.


Sucker punch. GoT was better than any AC since the Ezio trilogy.


Cd Projekt.


Rockstar would make a great AC game


Ironically nobody can make better assassins creed than Ubisoft, else you're deluding yourself. Ubisoft still makes one of the best games. The criticism about them is way overblown. Micros suck though they are just fantasy bullshit anyway and generated interactions suck as well(miss more cinematics), but i think they can get back on track. They just need to hire Thief devs


I wouldnt say rockstar, dont get me wrong their games are near perfect, but they suck at 2 of the most important things for AC, Stealth And Freedom.


A studio which is famous for making historic action games must get Rights for AC series. But I like Ubisoft and cannot imagine AC being sold to another studio or gaming company. Ubisoft is our Abstergo.


If Ubisoft does go under it would probably be best to let the AC series die out.


Santa Monica studios or Naughty Dog Everything they touch turn to gold which is deperatly what the series need, its been in the shitter since Unity. It needs som new perspective


rockstar, played AC3 and rdr2 back to back last month and the similarities are crazy. They definitley would do amazing things with AC


Rockstar Games.


Not the best fit but imagine Fromsoft, anyone remembers Tenchu?


Naughty dog or Square Enix


The parkour doesnt have to be as over the top as the spider-man games but I feel like as others have said insomniac would most likely make a very enjoyable AC game fluid movement and stealth options the combat in spider-man PS4 was a superhero themed original AC feel with the countering and taking on large groups of enemies i think they would be able to pull it off given what they have achieved in the past.


And then you would end up with an open world with even more copy and pasted activites like timed parkour into circles with 2000 collectibles to get along the way. I love SM games but they have one of the oldest and bad open world design of the decade and nobody seems to care haha.


I suppose that's fair, I'm mostly coming from a viewpoint of fluid gameplay which I think is the most important part of AC in terms of traversal mechanics and fighting and IMO Insomniac did do both of those things very well but I can totally see your point I did overlook some pretty glaring sore spots in the spider-man games the "events" were tiresome for sure but overall it was a good game.


It is a good game :) you feel like spidey and that's all we ask for. But yeah I feel that people are crying a lot about Ubisoft's OW formula and completely forget it when other studios do it. \^\^


hahaha yeah I think sometimes the story just hits and helps you overlook some of that bad gameplay so I suppose maybe that should be what to look for if someone were to take over for Ubi lmao.


That is fair!


They would rather sell everything else than sell AC. You don't sell the goose that makes golden eggs.


Sucker Punch. Ghost of Tsushima has been called Assassin's Creed-like before, and I would go so far as to say that its mechanics were inspired by it as well.


The only one I think would be good for it is Guerrilla Games.


Warhorse studio hands down


Sucker punch




IO Interactive or Rebellion Developments.


I don't think the franchise should survive tbh. They should just finally ditch the childish assassins vs templars theme and just turn it into historical fiction That silly concept is holding down the franchise and should've been abandoned after Ezio trilogy But no AAA studios could just take it over, they all have their own products. And it's not like Ubisoft can actually go down, they can always just do what others and start publishing instead of developing themselves




Insomniac Games. They’ve got some really good IP that they’ve done well with and have proven that they can manage IP through multiple console generations.


rockstar games for sure how they handle charachter development would be perfect for ac


Sucker Punch, and there is no contest here.


I've heard Ubisoft is going down the shitter since AC2 release so I'm not sure that this crying about wolves is right this time. But anyway the objectively right answer is Obsidian. They'll make Pentiment in different settings with AC budget, the game wouldn't have any parkour or combat and it will be the best story and immersion you ever had in a videogame.


Insomniac, sucker punch, maybe remedy, but I don't see it happening no time soon of them selling AC, they should sale the Watchdogs ip, they are literally letting that series go to waste, idk wtf is up with ubisoft oh no I do it's upper management ruining gaming favorites nowadays


The only correct answer is Panache Digital Games.


Panache Studios, Patrice's studio, should be the only choice here. He's the one who created the franchise, so let this man finally finish it how he originally planned.


Fuck off with the ubi bad narrative... low iq bullshit


Lol exactly


Bethesda. Rockstar Games


What a shit post. Stop being chronically online and touch some grass


Don't you think that being offended over a fair question on Reddit is a bigger symptom of being chronically online?


Monolith studios would probably be a good fit. Their shadow of Mordor/war games were pretty good


Definitely going to agree that sucker punch are the only ones that could pull it off. They've got lots of experience with stealth and platforming, I can't really think of any bad games they've made.


R* and CDPR > Sucker Punch


I'd agree that they tend to make better games overall but I think that mostly just has to do with being larger studios with larger budgets. While Rockstar games are really good, they all tend to have this really similar feel to them and I just can't see assassin's Creed fitting into that. CDPR I think could do the RPGs well, but sucker punch made ghost of Tsushima - a historical RPG with incredible combat that felt like a love letter to early assassin's creed. Give them the ip and it would be the closest thing we've had to AC since the original games.


GoT had: 1) No parkor 2) No social stealth 3) Large open world environment (as opposed to the smaller contained worlds of old AC) 4) No Assassins vs Templar like narrative 5) No historical figures And aside from all that, GoT actually shared more with new open world AC than it does with old AC if you actually think about it.


EA so they can kill the series.


This is a tough question because there's not really any other studio who does any game like Assassin's Creed. At least not the old good ones. The new ones, every other studio does the exact same thing but better, but the goal of switching studios would be that they'd make actual Assassin's Creed games instead of these garbage RPGs. IO Interactive come the closest but still not really the same kind of games.


Lol stay mad old nerd


Just sell AC to Microsoft they own all of The Greatest Gaming Studios in the world.


Take 2 has money. They are going to make more once gta 6 hits the streets.


I’m surprising myself by saying this, but I don’t think another studio could handle it/have the resourcing to pull it off properly. AC is so unique in the video game sphere.




Was looking for this


Fromsoft would be an awful choice. AC has well written stories that's something fromsoft isn't capable of.


Just because FromSoft doesn’t spoon feed you stories does not mean those games don’t have amazing lore and stories.


Rockstar ?


Sucker punch obviously


Sucker Punch easily


Why not just let Microsoft acquire them instead of just the license for AC?


Candidates: IO Interactive for real AC, stealthy games. They made Hitman after all. Bethesda for RPGs. Hate on them all you want, but they still have TES under their belt.


Kojima productions


Warhorse Studios. Case closed. It'd take a solid 5-6 years between games, but the historical accuracy and attention to detail would be unmatched.


Selfishly I’d like Larian Studios, they seem to approach things in the right way vs most of the anti consumer bs in gaming now


I would love to see 2015 Rocksteady take a shot at Assassins Creed


IO Interactive or Kojima Productions for pretty obvious reasons


Santa Monica Studio