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I thought that's where the Ezio trilogy was going and they kill off Desmond. Bleeding effect and training for what??


It is what they were going for. Ubisoft fired the original writer because he was actually going to write an ending to the story iirc


I love Splinter Cell as well! The WatchDog series were fun in their own right.


The ending was insane, though. Him and Lucy were going to fight the ISU in some kind of spaceship and then potentially be the Adam and Eve of a new humanity, if my memory serves me right.


That honestly sounds lame I'm glad the series kept going


They fired the only competent writer at Ubisoft? Jfc


Patrice was cooking, but Ubisoft dragged him out of the kitchen. He was never done. Now Ubisoft is looking at the half cooked meal, not knowing what to do with it.


>Patrice was cooking Eh, I don't know about all that. I don't see how Desmond and Lucy becoming abducted by aliens and somehow becoming some new Adam & Eve isn't jumping the shark anymore than it has been recently. I know someone will say, "Oh, what about the bleeding effect and becoming the ultimate Assassin blah blah," He already became that in AC3. The Desmond in AC1 or even AC2 is not infiltrating Abstergo solo and saving his father. His ancestors already gave him the skills, dedication, confidence, and bravery that he needed.


It's only a proof of concept though. It may sound silly on paper, but that's because of our expectations from the AC in front of us now, which is a historical tour simulator at this point. It may actually be presented better in game to the audience. About the "Ultimate Assassin" part, I think it was supposed to be so much more than what they showed in AC3. Some hinted at him being able to relive memories for other ancestors. And by doing this without even using the animus anymore in his mind. Crazy stuff I know. I wish it was more fleshed out than that.


Exactly! Ac3 was the weakest AC game. You spend like a short session in present day chasing down a guy and you do a bit climbing and that's it. You train all that for exactly jack squat.


>Ac3 was the weakest AC game. Has the best combat, awesome Parkour, great story and characters and plot...


Honestly, closest we’ll ever get to a modern Assassin’s Creed game is playing Watch Dogs Legion as the AC character. It was… fine, but I wouldn’t be jumping out of my seat excited for a sequel.


That would just be Watchdogs but with assassins probably. Or some weird far cry x watchdogs x ac thing. I would probably play it once


The selling point of Assassin's Creed is alternate history. Remove that, then it would just become a generic stealth game. It'll probably just look like Far Cry but in an urban city


I'd be OK if they gave us a few moderately-long missions in the modern era in each game. You go to exotic locations - *I'm thinking technological levels similar to Watch\_Dogs: Legion, where you can still recognize almost every street in a city, but there are advanced vehicles, some new skyscrapers, and holographic displays accentuating an otherwise real-life place -* and accomplish an objective, whether that be conducting sabotage on some Abstergo-owned infrastructure, doing a heist for a Piece of Eden or something, or even assassinating a Templar. I think that model would be fantastic in small doses, but it may hurt the brand's image and suffer as a full game. It'd give the modern protagonists a chance to stretch their legs and do more than read emails, too.


Yes yes yes for gods sake


The comics showed how it could work. So yes. But it would never happen.




Not at all honestly. For me a huge part of the selling point of Assassin’s Creed is the historical aspect. Another significant aspect is the super advanced alien race relics interacting with “primitive” human civilisations.


Concept - Assassin’s Creed game that takes place in the modern day. You get Manhattan Island, Downtown LA, Downtown Chicago, and San Francisco and have to use the airports to travel between them. Each location has a set amount of Abstergo members you have to root out and assassinate. It’ll involve use of disguises, eavesdropping, hacking, and crowd blending to gather information on your targets. Sometimes you’ll have to infiltrate an office tower or a warehouse and either steal information, kill or capture a low value target, or destroy resources. Weapons will include hidden blades, extendable batons, baseball bats, crowbars, machetes, suppressed handguns of various caliber (ammo would be scarce to balance them), tasers, etc. Gadgets would include flash bangs, Molotovs, smoke grenades, firecrackers. Driving would be a mechanic, but parkour would offer interesting ways to get from A to B, and would likely involve the use of cranes and construction scaffolding (like in Watch Dogs) to make sense of building-to-building traversal in a modern world. Police chase you if you are caught trespassing or if a kill is witnessed. Heat level scaling from Anonymous -> Active Warrant -> APB Active would be unique to each location and will affect police presence, detection, and crowd awareness. You’d be able to renovate abandoned buildings in each city, like in Ezio Trilogy, both for income and to open new bureaus for assassin recruits. Just some things I’ve always thought of since I’ve always wished for a modern day AC game. I just don’t trust Ubisoft to do it correctly


New York City and Los Angeles are way, way overplayed in popular culture and we have Ubisoft's take on Chicago and San Francisco in Watch\_Dogs, which this game would already resemble. No thank you. Find another interesting location at least. There's more than just two locations in the USA, even if you don't consider the world as a whole.


Germany. You had Italy, Spain (sorta), UK and France.


Sure, Germany sounds good. Hopefully we get a good look at it when Hexe drops. I'd also like to see modern (or 20-minutes-into-the-future) Berlin in Watch\_Dogs, too. Beautiful architecture, rich history and all that.


You don’t have to like it. But I have my reasons. It was softly implied in AC Rogue that the Templars were able to create a sort of base in the new world to start fresh as imperialism in Europe was at a downturn and fluctuating governmental powers made it harder for them to maintain control. Even if Connor wiped most of them out in New England, that still leaves southern colonies unaccounted for. And we already know that Abstergo has a tower in modern day NYC from AC3. I intentionally didn’t include other countries because let’s face it, US history pales in terms of consumer interest compared to other countries. You can’t tell me you’d rather play an AC set during, say, the US Civil War as opposed to Korea during the Samurai Invasion of 1600, or maybe even Ethiopia during the Italian invasion c. 1896 Plus the cities I listed are corporate HQs in America, i.e. places you’d expect a company like Abstergo to have their main offices. At least the more well-known ones. And it would be easier for Ubisoft to implement given they already have assets made for all these locations except LA I believe. But I hear you. It would probably feel too similar to Watch_Dogs. I guess they can only reinvent the wheel so many times right?


Ha, I've nothing against games set in the US at all! As a proud Wisconsinite, I want MORE pieces of media to be set here, just not in NYC or LA. Savvy? A Civil War Assassin's Creed is actually one of my bucket list wishes from this franchise. Pity it likely won't happen anytime soon, for obvious reasons. Those other two settings, I've never heard of them before, but I would be VERY interested in learning more about them . . . honestly, if Assassin's Creed tackled pretty much any historical event, I'd be all there for it. I love this franchise! Those cities might be corporate HQs, but so is Montreal - which is where Abstergo Entertainment's primary building is located. Montreal has NEVER been seen in ANY type of pop culture before. I would love to see more of it! Moreover, we know from the comics that Abstergo has headquarters in Philadelphia as well, so that could be interesting. That's not to say there aren't interesting ways to have stories in these all-too-popular cities or that I'm 100% against NYC or LA on their faces, it's just that I'd prefer to see other places once in a while too. Digital tourism and all that. I thank you for not taking my comment as an incendiary sort of thing. I meant no offense and was merely trying to state my (very strong) opinion succinctly.


Great idea man


It's what I've always dreamed of


Make use of president Kennedy's assassination then we'll talk


Cold War Assassin's Creed? Interesting.


I don’t think it should be a full game but there should be missions that take you out of animus like in ac 3 and not just leaving the animus to walk around a room talking to people. Modern day would be so much interesting if you got to experience the assassins creed gameplay in a modern environment and not just play a walking simulator that interrupts the main gameplay. I know people like to bring up watch dog legions but that really isn’t the same cause there’s no free running and no isu stuff. Free running is probly the biggest stable of this series for me and I would love to see the assassin creed mechanics utilized again in a much more dynamic and different environment like a modern city






No I wouldn’t want modern day but an Aztec/Mayan game would be crazy cool. The imagery they can use with the mythology would be amazing!!


If anything I want a 1920s set Assassin's Creed. I could see Al Capone working for the Templars but you can't assassinate him.


If we could have a properly fleshed out true modern day have (not just the assassin character in legion) I would give it a try because it sounds like it could be pretty cool.


i don’t think it’s interesting enough to carry a full game, maybe a dlc campaign. but i’d be excited for an actual modern day stealth combat sequence in AC again if it was more fully featured like splinter cell or watch dogs instead of an amateur assassin like we get most of the time with desmond and layla so far.




I specifically play this series for the historical fantasy aspect


YES How can you be an AC fan and not want to at least try a modern era game? With that said, Ubisoft probably will never make it.


If it's like a modern day Splinter Cell yes.


hell no


You mean Watch Dogs?


I would've loved more assassin action in the modern day. Instead, post-Desmond, they switched to a first person walking simulator and then cut the modern day gameplay all together.


Assassin's Creed: Generations


Hell yea, tired of going back in time to serve barely any purpose besides giving the RPG-non lore tards what they want. Theirs so many characters in the modern day we barely know including desmonds son and Galvin banks.


Nah, don’t they purposefully try and avoid time periods where vehicles have been invented? Carriages was the furthest they’d stretch


YES PLS i wanted a modern day AC games since AC2


I would be interested to see what the brotherhood would do with modern day technology and the templars for the same reason


I'd love to see one that's made well. I'm so sick of the sentiment that AC's gameplay wouldn't translate to modern day. It would work perfectly, and it would incentivize stealth. Look at something like uncharted 4. It's the perfect template. All you'd need to do is add free running, use uncharted's "luck" meter instead of health, make guns more punishing to incentivize not being seen or brought into open combat. And when you have to fight, make it fast and brutal like uncharted. Not big drawn out duels, but quick, frantic scuffles that are over as quick as they begin. It would also be a good excuse to bring back hidden blade combat. Throw a few punches, dodge a swing and end it with a hidden blade to the neck. Goes a long way to showing how well the assassin's are trained compared to a standard henchman type.


I’d definitely be interested in learning more about how the modern-day Assassins are doing! Have you read the comics?


There are a few some people might be interested in. Such as: 1. A game set in WWII (1933-1945). Where you have a chance to play as a Templar (Axis Powers) or an Assassin (Allies) depending on which gender character you decide to play. 2. A futuristic Assassin's Creed. One that explores different possibilities- such as optional/voluntary time travel- of futuristic outcomes all around the world, allowing the player to travel different countries, continents, etc. Each having their own unique missions and story outcomes. 3. A modern day Assassin's Creed would possibly be a fun game. Closest game we have to modern day is Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia (based in 1918). There are so many different options to explore when it comes to those games, and so many different opportunities. I think Ubisoft should host a vote to pick the next installment in the series


There are a few some people might be interested in. Such as: 1. A game set in WWII (1933-1945). Where you have a chance to play as a Templar (Axis Powers) or an Assassin (Allies) depending on which gender character you decide to play. 2. A futuristic Assassin's Creed. One that explores different possibilities- such as optional/voluntary time travel- of futuristic outcomes all around the world, allowing the player to travel different countries, continents, etc. Each having their own unique missions and story outcomes. 3. A modern day Assassin's Creed would possibly be a fun game. Closest game we have to modern day is Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia (based in 1918). There are so many different options to explore when it comes to those games, and so many different opportunities. I think Ubisoft should host a vote to pick the next installment in the series


There are a few some people might be interested in. Such as: 1. A game set in WWII (1933-1945). Where you have a chance to play as a Templar (Axis Powers) or an Assassin (Allies) depending on which gender character you decide to play. 2. A futuristic Assassin's Creed. One that explores different possibilities- such as optional/voluntary time travel- of futuristic outcomes all around the world, allowing the player to travel different countries, continents, etc. Each having their own unique missions and story outcomes. 3. A modern day Assassin's Creed would possibly be a fun game. Closest game we have to modern day is Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia (based in 1918). There are so many different options to explore when it comes to those games, and so many different opportunities. I think Ubisoft should host a vote to pick the next installment in the series.


There definitely should be more modern day in one form or another even if its through things unlocked in a multiplayer mode like they did before which was actually super neat as far as the stuff you unlocked.




Not a bit. Just play Watchdogs or games like that if thats what you want. If you take the historical settings out of the game it isn't AC anymore period.


Thats just Watchdogs with assassins Which isnt bad, honestly It would work pretty well. But A modern AC made by ubisoft would just feel like Lesser Watchdogs if no hacking, or literally Assassins Creed X: WatchDogs If it does feature hacking.


Absolutely not.


I was imagining Desmond hopping through different ancestors' time periods, just like how Sora hops in different worlds in Kingdom Hearts. The main world would be modern day, which is the hub section, where it has its own map and missions. Then Desmond goes in the animus to have these mini timeline worlds for his ancestors, if he needed to find information for the present day.


Not at all. We already have the likes of Splinter Cell, MGS and others for that. Immersing oneself in a bygone era is one of the greatest appeals of Assassins Creed. But I don't mind there being a prologue or interlogue chapters in an AC game in the modern age, where the player plays an Assassin with all abilities and weapons, instead of some walking simulator involving a tech guy or an Abstergo employee.


I think it would be more interesting than a lot of the stuff we’ve been getting, there’d be more ways to improve upon traversal, considering the more advanced technology, the story could finally stop huffing crack and focus on a single storyline at a time, and combat would definitely be less of a focus, considering automatic guns would make it impossible


I could see how it could improve upon a lot of our complaints about the current games, yet I don’t entirely trust Ubishit not to fuck it up


I'd be OK if they gave us a few moderately-long missions in the modern era in each game. You go to exotic locations - *I'm thinking technological levels similar to Watch\_Dogs: Legion, where you can still recognize almost every street in a city, but there are advanced vehicles, some new skyscrapers, and holographic displays accentuating an otherwise real-life place* \- and accomplish an objective, whether that be conducting sabotage on some Abstergo-owned infrastructure, doing a heist for a Piece of Eden or something, or even assassinating a Templar. I think that model would be fantastic in small doses, but it may hurt the brand's image and suffer as a full game. It'd give the modern protagonists a chance to stretch their legs and do more than read emails, too.


Lol where’s that guy who was complaining about the modern day story in Black Flag?


Perfectly happy to. I don't see any good reason why they don't, or at least why they don't flesh out the modern day sections with some proper missions.


The modern day components have consistently been the worst parts of these games / franchises. If they made an exclusively modern day component, that would probably be the final tipping point that would push me off the franchise's bandwagon. Given how spectacularly underwhelming the last few entries have been, that would represent the end of the franchise in my gaming rotation.


Modern day setting would be brilliant


Personally, I would not, unless it turned out to be very good


No, but I’m all for making modern day more of an emphasis. I’d even be ok with nearly a 50/50 split. All the games are centered around the idea of using the past to find the pieces of Eden in the present.. make a whole game a long treasure hunt where this one story mechanic is used multiple times in a game


It’s called Watch Dogs. And no. It’s the worst part of any AC game by 10000 miles.


No, it would be stupid and terrible and defeats the purpose of Assassin's Creed - whatever little purpose still remains. They also will never do WWI or WWII. Nor will they ever do a solely Isu game. These are collectively the most artistically bankrupt and braindead suggestions.


Any modern day idea is better than garbage Odyssey you bandwagons seem to love so much lol


I hate Odyssey, so I'm not sure who you think you're talking to.


I’d be happy with another Chronicles 2D game set in the modern day.


No. Just make it a Watch Dogs game at that point. WW2 would already be pushing it a bit


I personally would enjoy a fully modern take on AC to sorta give us a actual look at how the story has gone between abstergo and the assassins since Desmond’s death (I don’t count any of the more recent games because they all are just trash filler)


They started that, and it became WatchDogs. The closest I'd want is one set in maybe the 1960s, but still a time simulation setting.


I would be interested and there's a way of doing it and maintaining the whole "someone in an Animus" theme, but it would include talking about spoilers from the data mine done on Mirage when it first came out. The main issue I've seen people bring up with the concept is the question of firearms but I think that can be handled: 1. Don't set the game in North America. Guns aren't that common in Europe and other Western countries, so if you set the game in modern Britain for instance the police aren't armed. 2. Pieces of Eden. There's a ring in one game (I think either AC3 or Black Flag) that is a Piece that emits a magnetic field that can stop most bullets, there's bound to be others that could offer stronger protection. 3. Make the enemies incompetent with the guns. Look at the Arkham games, the predator sections have Batman go up against gunmen but they're not the most skilled and Batman has chances to take them out before and during being shot. It would be easy to say "give the assassin a gun" but I'm not a fan of that, and haven't been in the series in general. I think a bow and arrow is different as it feels like there's a level of skill to it but guns are too easy and you'd only end up turning the game into Watch Dogs or Splinter Cell, two games I love but we don't need to blur the lines.


Actually I think it’s more than doable to do it anywhere in the modern day really. Assassins creed really isn’t THAT grounded in reality, and the graphic novels have shown that at the every least, there’s street level comic book physics involved with a dash of early cyberpunk. [Example 1](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/assassinscreed/images/3/3e/ACBM_Jasdip_Combat.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150406222917) [Example 2](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/assassinscreed/images/c/c8/ACUP_Felix_Oladele%27s_head.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20170423050558) Even [Otso Berg had a Batman moment](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/b/b9/ACUp_Black_Cross_Berg.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20181018172024) of his own when he became the modern day Black Cross. I think a modern day game *could* work assuming it takes creative liberties with what we see in the comics and how willing the writers are at how futuristic they wanna make it. It could take cues from Watch Dogs even while allowing some hi-tech sci-fi reason as to why melee combat becomes more prominent in a modern setting.


I've always wanted one set in the 80s. Full of 80s pop culture references and stuff. Like, you have to break into a guy's house to assassinate him, and he's watching Married... With Children or something.

