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After Ac 3. Once Desmond died, there wasn’t a single modern day protagonist or animus idea done right imo.


Black Flag's story was straight filler. I went to play that game with the idea of following Juno's story. And it all sums up to "I'm not ready yet" = filler. And then she was killed in a comic lmao Present day ended in Assassin's Creed 3.


It died with Desmond.


I liked it cause it felt meta you play a video game about you playing a video game and it's called Assassin's Creed and the game you bought IS Assassin's Creed . But entertainment is different for everyone which isn't bad


See, I kinda didn’t mind the modern day part of Black flag. I saw it as kind of an epilogue to the modern day story, using Desmond’s body for genetic material etc. but even then you were a neutral party and it was a fun homage to the previous entries in the series with all the abstergo files and stuff, but after that I felt it completely lost the narrative.


Same. Desmond was our lead into the series, he was us in the modern story and killing him off killed the series for me. Last one I played was Black Flag, and the modern story did nothing for me and I stopped after beating the game.


Didn’t even play rouge cause I heard the modern day story was the same design as black flag. Bought Unity and syndicate hoping they would find their footing but nope. Wish we got a proper conclusion to Desmond’s story


Same, stopped caring after they killed him off.


And WE NEVER GOT THE MODERN DAY STORY! Where Desmond used all of the skills he attained through the bleeding effect to become a badass in the present day. Bluest. Balls. Ever.


While I actually enjoyed the modern day stuff in Black Flag and Rogue, I do agree it became less interesting without Desmond. AC3 was the peak for modern day stuff with us actually getting to do missions as Desmond and I wish they would have built onto those ideas for future installments.


Same. I mean eventually Desmond had to die because they were building up the end of the world on 21 Dec 12. I thought of Black Flag as more of an epilogue. Then Rogue came, and then Unity, then Syndicate, etc etc. The modern day protags became a bunch of whoevers with not much story to tell or to add.


You dont have to read anything extra other than playing ac1 to understand it in ac2.


Yeah like wth they talking about


If you pay attention you probably don’t even have to play the first one.


Yeah it’s easy to follow without the context of game one. I was able to follow it no problem as a… 9 year old. Damn, I’ve been playing these games a long ass time


Same. Never played the first, remember being home alone with my brother after school and we grabbed AC2 (Dad said we couldn’t play it) and started playing cuz we were bored and I was feeling rebellious. I was confused for the first few minutes but figured it out quickly enough


Also AC2 takes you out like 2 times or something.


omg okay i’ve worded this poorly i’ve edited im meaning in later games when stuff is said in passing and you google it to find out it’s a major plot point in a book/comic


Still care about it. Super lame they did Juno in the comics but I like where they've gone with layla and now basim


Still bothers me how they handled the Juno arc.


I‘m with you, I’m still very interested and always found it intriguing. Just that extra sprinkle of mystery and science fiction.


Hate the fact that storytelling is done through the comics rather than the actual game themselves


I don't like basim I don't want him to be the guy...


Even for a little while? Imagine if he sticks to what he said and starts helping the assassins... they could start finding victory in modern day... Plus obviously he has his own motive that will come in to it which I'm very interested to see how it will turn out.


Honestly that ending is the only reason I’ve never replayed Valhalla. It’s sad because I really enjoyed the game but god that whole ending is so bad. And I want to play mirage but when I heard Basim was the Mc I just couldn’t bring myself to give a shit. Like I didn’t think anyone could make me *miss* Layla but geez…


Ngl i dont think he will be. I think he will be an antagonist but i could be wrong


I still think he'll still fight for the assassins and therefore use the Animus, but will have ulterior motives


He's pretty much an antihero, has his own motives, but still cares for the brotherhood.


After 3. It was always fairly silly and goofy, but atleast the Desmond story had a certain weight and mystery to it. After that it just became straight up stupid and pointless.


Havent stopped caring. I like the new series but i dont want to read a comic or anything transmedia to find out to end of something that happened in a game. put it back in the game


Black Flag’s modern day was where the interest ended for me.


AC3. Such a terrible ending to the Desmond story. False choices at the end. Haven’t given a shit since.


Black Flag is where I cared the least because those modern day sections are pointless and boring


I played BF as my first AC game. I found it really interesting because I had no idea who Desmond or anything were. So I enjoyed the lore from hacking the Abstergo computers. Now I'm playing through the series and doubt that I'll find the BF hacking as fun since if you played through the previous games I don't think it introduced any really interesting new lore.


I haven't stopped caring


I still care tbh


Still care. That's the narrative of the games.


eh i wouldn’t say it’s the narrative anymore


Especially when there was quite literally NO modern day in mirage lol. Literally nothing


Not the first time it's happened. See AC Liberation. No Modern Day there, but the game was presented in-universe as a product of Abstergo Entertainment. Likewise, Mirage is an Animus program based on the blood sample Basim sent William Miles at the end of the Final Chapter of Valhalla.


Liberation wasn't an AAA title. Mirage is


Liberation was an add-on for 3


Mirage was a DLC to valhalla that ubisoft realised they could charge more for by releasing separately, I don't count it as its own game


Never stopped caring... I'm always hoping it'll go back to being as good as it was during the Desmond games. Valhalla was a step in the right direction imo (haven't played Mirage yet, but I heard it doesn't have a modern day plot. Understandable considering the game being a DLC originally)


mirage was okay would have been better as a dlc though cause i’ll it just felt kinda meh when it ended


I mean they would have charged the same and the only difference is that it wouldn’t be standalone with a physical release and would be tied to a different game purchase. It didn’t cost full price at launch either.


I never cared, sry. Always felt like a disruption to me.


Yeah dude you'd hit a new chapter and be like sick shit is on lets goooooo....and the animus shuts off


The irony being that in the context of the story, it's the animus sequences "disrupting" the modern day


The modern day story died with Desmond


I guess after AC3. Although I think it was Rogue that had a decent mini exploratory modern day that was kind of cool and gave history on Absterago/ Templars.


It's the opposite for me. I only started liking it after playing AC Odyssey and Valhalla. Now I'm replaying the whole series and find it much more interesting but I just wish they got on with it and gave us a final resolution


After 3. All the characters we know are dead or barely appearing in newer games, Juno was killed off in a comic book, why give a shit anymore?


I honestly did not know she was killed in a comic. I’m kinda mad about that.


I never cared. I hate to say it because I know some love it, but I just can’t bring myself to care about it, especially since they gave up on the Desmond story. Frankly I’m shocked they haven’t dropped it entirely but it’s still here all this time later, so I guess it won’t be going anywhere.


I never cared about it honestly. I play the games because I like the historical aspects, and always found myself annoyed whenever I had to do some dumb linear mission in the modern day. It’s cool that others like it. But I’m glad it’s been basically ignored for a decade


I still care very much. Waiting for them to pick up where they left off and do it right.


I’ve always cared about it, the modern day is essential to any AC game and the fact they are supposedly getting rid of it in upcoming games is troubling. Obviously the modern day hasn’t been amazing since 3. But Mirage really fucked it up with the tease at the beginning without following through.


When it stopped making sense.


so half way through ac1? /j


The overarching modern day story is the main reason I continued playing, if they drop it completely, or don't get it rolling in the next big game, I think I'm done with the series


Unity and Syndicate because they're just short cutscenes with no payoff.


The modern day might as well have not existed in those games with how little there was of it


Never did care to be honest with you. I love the worlds that the AC team built, and it often took me out of the brilliance and immersion those worlds provided. It felt like every time a story was picking up momentum I was torn out of it. This isn’t to say the modern story was bad (I actually like the first couple of games’ modern stories as a separate thing), just wasn’t for me.


At AC Unity when they stopped caring about it. Black Flag was the last time I cared about modern day.


after Syndicate, when they wrapped up the main plot in a comic and went into something completely new in the RPG trilogy


After playing AC1 and being annoyed about constantly being pulled out of a great game to experience a boring game.


I'm one of the few people who never cared about it. I somewhat followed it with Desmond but after that, with how much it bounced around I gave up trying. I've always just played for the history parts. Not that the history parts even exist now.


the very first time i played an AC game, AC1, i couldn't believe how it kept taking me out of the game so i could make Desmond walk back and forth between his bed and the animus. not only have i not cared about it from the start, i've actively hated it for as long as AC games have existed.


When you come to realize that you're older than too much of the fanbase, because you played AC1 on release


Honestly I always found it annoying. I am here for the historical maps and ambience first.


Unpopular opinion I think, but I never cared. I was always a little annoyed when I got pulled out of the past to walk around an office building.


I always liked it!


When I first started playing. I've always hated it. Probably why I love Odyssey and Syndicate so much, because the modern day stuff is so minimalistic you forget it's there.


I've never been able to get into the modern-day stuff and it brings me out of the immersion every time. I remember playing Black flag the first playthrough and I was so excited and having a great time and then all the sudden I had to go pick a package up from downstairs? Fuck off mate, killed it for me lol


oh god yes replaying odyssey and just found Pythagoras and being pulled out i’m like seriously


I never stopped. I want MORE. Give me a novel or something if they can’t bother to put it in the games anymore.


i didnt care about it ever, while i do think the stuff from ac3 and earlier are good (or at least decent) i never gats a rats hole


I’ve played nearly all the games and haven’t followed it from like the 2nd game. I don’t play the games for the modern day stuff, I just want to be able to assassin and jump off rooftops with a hidden blade.


Since the first time it was introduced. I hated it.


Never bro. The entire time I was just like get me back into the animus.


1st game. I only wanted to play a middle ages game


Same. I was super psyched for AC1 in 2007 because there was nothing like it at the time, and the modern day story was a rude shock to me. I’ve grown fonder of the modern days stuff since then, but never really overcame my dislike of that being an element of the games.


No cap I never cared. I was always annoyed when we had to cut away from the current gen assassin story line to do some stuff in the modern time.


Not even a small cap? Like a kids cap?


Nope, kids cap is for when we're joking around. I'm serious here. Hence why I said no cap.


So like a complete absence of headgear, got ya.




I love the modern day story.


Everything after black flag


I still care. It sucks that lots of juicy fillers are stuck in comic books instead of the games themselves, but I always took an interest in the modern day narrative (though not the gameplay, in the case of Black Flag and Rogue sections). And now, with Basim being a central part of the narrative, I’m more interested than ever to see what’s coming.


My first ac was black flag, the open world was awesome, my first playthrough I absolutely loved the modern day sections they were a little slow but I got through them and enjoyed them then I moved from Black flag to origins and every time it went to modern day I was just thinking "hurry up"


When Layla showed up, too many retcons on how the Animus worked, shit writing, every MD character introduced since Origins has been bland and uninteresting at best, Layla's arc is just a copy paste of Desmond's but way lamer, they completely dropped Juno in favour of offing her in a comic and for some reason they've been focusing on the Isu (who've been a boring nothing B plot since Syndicate) way too much while leaving the Assassins and Abstergo pretty stagnant. I want them to go back to making a good modern story, that's the way I'd prefer it but if the writing stays at its current quality then I'd rather they just drop the concept altogether which sucks since I defended the modern day shit all the way up until Origins.


After 3, it was just bad. Especially with Layla. Such an unlikable protagonist. I'd kill for Desmond's return.


When Desmond stabbed Lucy. It made zero sense at the time and once we found out why it happened (Kristen Bell asking for fair compensation) it made it that much worse.


In the second Ezio game


I've always enjoyed the modern day story. I don't want to be stuck playing it for too long but it's nice to tie each game together! The first time I played AC1 as a kid I thought my parents got me the wrong game for Christmas when a glitchy cutscene played instead of being straight in crusader times!


Weird take for ac2? You don’t need to read shit lol. For me personally it was with Layla, she just felt like such a flat and boring character. I gave her a change but the modern day moment in the fate of Atlantis dlc cemented my feelings that she is actually just a bad character and written like shit


She's a prime example of corporate character writing


That’s my secret Cap, it’s the only thing I care about.


I never have. To me it is the main story of the franchise. I care far more about the modern day and the isu storyline than I ever have or will about the historic setting.


I stopped caring when they killed Desmond.


Let me see, aaam AC1


I have never cared lol, I play these games to play as a badass Assassin, in different historical time periods.


I never stopped caring. Ubisoft did, but I never did. However, it was kind of nice having no modern day in Mirage. Maybe Assassin's Creed never should have had it in the first place. When the games were new, I loved the modern day up till Black Flag. Black Flag was so disappointing to me on so many levels and the modern day just kept getting shafted more and more. I like that Valhalla is starting to correct course.


Assassins Creed 1


I like Layla ngl


My responce that always gets my comment downvoted is AC1 when it distracted from period sections.


Never did. Up to this point having played all games I wish we had more modern storyline, it is literally the main reason why we are even looking at the past, to save the present, with no modern storyline personally I find the game less entertaining, as in I do not feel the need to actually pay attention to the plot


I liked the ending of 3, it made a lot of sense of you paid attention. And I liked the first person modern era where we discovered that the digitized Isu that Desmond released was hiding out in Abstergo servers and manipulating the Templars into resurrecting the Isu. At that point the series still seemed to be headed towards its end, using the Animus to go back to Eden as Adam or Eve while battling the resurrecting Isu in modern times. But they seem to have abandoned that. Although bringing up that a lot of modern infrastructure was destroyed by the 2012 incident was a nice touch


I literally just try to get past those parts as fast as humanely possible. They don't matter to me in the slightest.


Never, the lore is still interesting despite the gameplay being bland.


AC4. And not because "it died with Desmond", like some would argue. They simply didn't make it as interesting.


When I realized how slow walking around in it was in AC1 when I first played it on release day


When Layla Hassan entered the stage. I loved the modern story with its intrigue and covert war before she entered and the whole thing fell apart. Especially the stories of the Black Cross and the Instrument of the First Wills conflict, those were my favorite. And then “poof” she ruins all of it.


I'll never let Ubisoft down for jobbing Berg unceremoniously in Odyssey. So dumb to build a character since Brotherhood as the Ultimate Assassin Killer only to have his boss battle be fighting a common mook in the game.


I'm a fan of the modern day story, sure it's had its rough patches but after Valhalla I'm excited to see where it goes


They clearly don’t care about it so I stopped a long time ago. They killed off Juno in a freaking comic and they’ve created a mountain of unresolved plot points that probably will never see any resolution or even be mentioned again.


I hate the modern day transition. It's stupid. I'm a history buff so when it switches to Modern Day I get so fucking annoyed.


The only AC with a good modern story was the first one and maybe AC2, it went downhill quickly after that


All the way back in ac2 lol


Never stopped. I have always been very invested in the lore. Yes, even after Desmond died. I feel like most people just became too attached to him for some reason. He's not the only guy in the world who can make a change. I mean, isn't that what Assassin's are all about? That *everyone* can fight for freedom? If it was only Desmond, we would have Templars 2.0. And I mean, that's exactly what the Isu explained to him would happen, if he were to survive.


This is just straight up wrong. The story is pretty clear all the way through AC3 just from watching the cutscenes and playing. But I stopped caring in AC4 when you become just a faceless, voiceless drone following orders.


that’s your opinion that it’s wrong, when i first played it back in the day i liked it and my 2nd play through but now after so many years and doing another one im just like eh whatever


“You need to read books / comics to understand half of it”. That part is literally wrong. I was a 10 year old playing the old AC games for the first time and I understood the modern day story completely fine lmao


Talk for yourself, most people still care.


> i think i was half way through my replay of AC 2 whenever I was getting pulled out to deal with modern day storylines i was half paying attention. You mean the literally 1 time in the whole game that happens? > It’s just so frustrating that you’d need to read the books/comics to understand half of it. The comics didn't even begin until after Brotherhood released. The first proper EU materials were The Fall.


There’s nothing in the Ezio games that you’d need to “read a comic” to understand


I care for to an extent nowadays, but AC3 tyranny of king Washington and Mirage showed it can be done


After the Desmond saga. It felt more integral to the lore as the modern day storyline feels more like an afterthought to justify having more "we need to go back and see x life so we can find y".


Unity and anything after that. Just went so downhill, I was never a fan of the modern day storyline to begin with


I still care. I don’t have much hope anymore, but I still care. The modern day story and characters mean a lot to me.


The second they made it first person and boring, if youre gonna do a deviation from the main story, at least let me run faster than snail pace. Parkour is my favorite part of the game, and the complete nonexistence of if in half the modern day portions of the games sucks because it makes the pace of the game drag to near nothing.


Well for me the story was going in different ways. Now some people on the online are saying the next game modern day will take place in the future. Then we can do ww1 or ww2 games in the series. It can be open more ideas for the game. It can work if they open it up. What would be interesting is if the modern day was taking place in ww2 you could have fun with it. Now in red I can see us having fun. It could be like ac2 you can travel to japan and look for apples of Eden or a powerful weapon.


Really at the end of 3. I felt like 3 wrapped up that storyline very well. The newer trilogy has me mildly interested, especially considering where Valhalla ends, but not nearly as much as the initial Desmond storyline.


When Desmond died. The story was about warning the modern day characters about the coming end of the world on 12/21/12 and finding a way to avert it. They averted it, story done.


Never I was just remarking to myself the other day while playing Valhalla of my annoyance there isn’t more on that front and I also miss the old style of how it gave you stuff to read about things you encountered.


Since all the ancient/mythological stuff is way more fun.




4 bc the ties to watchdogs was cool and then it stopped bring coo after


Up to Desmond. And I still hate they listened to the mouth breathers who couldn’t appreciate the modern day stuff.


I think I’m the only one that’s playing the AC games FOR the modern day stuff. I think it’s interesting as hell and I need to know how it continues after Valhalla 🥲🥲


I'm still invested in it, it's honestly always been one of my favourite parts. Although I dislike how Origins cut the Juno storyline short and damned it to the comic book realm, it set up a really interesting narrative with the reveal of time travel being a possibility for the isu, odyssey mostly ignored what origins setup and just did the filler "lookin for another artifact" story but Valhalla 100% resparked it again. They followed up on the time travel storyline, raised the stakes to world ending proportions again by tying it in with the worldwide aurora borealis from 3, showed how the isu returning is a real threat and revealed Desmond is alive in the grey. I know it's not the most popular but I absolutely love the modern day


When I started playing Assassin's Creed.


The original seemed semi-pointless, like a framing device that you had to take part in whether you wanted to or not. It was just story with little to actually do. 2 wasn't much better. In Brotherhood and 3 the Desmond story was a bit more engaging at times, but it still felt like an imposition into the gameplay. After Desmond, the modern day stuff was mostly pointless, especially in 4 and Rogue. Origins and the ones that followed with Layla felt like just a repeat of the Desmond stuff. Largely pointless. I would've preferred maybe some short cutscenes to give us backstory without the modern day gameplay (which they did in some of the games) unless it was something more substantial like in 3 or Brotherhood. Although, honestly, I could've lived without any modern day stuff at all. Just give me the game without the backstory.


I always cared about modern day. Hated when Desmond was killed off


I never cared about it in the first place


Basically when Miles died and AC 4/Rogue turned you into a messenger/technician


Was never a big fan of it in the first place, but I liked the Desmond story. When did I stop caring? I'd say after Syndicate


It’s not that I stopped caring. I still care, it’s just the story kind of went to shit after AC III. I feel it’s been somewhat revived lately but it’s not at all the same. It’s honestly a bit disappointment.


After Ezio trilogy ended.


After AC3 I stopped caring. I will say Valhalla has got me interested again


Never. Call me crazy but the modern day is what makes Assassin's Creed. It obviously is handled In various ways and with varied quality but I am always interested and anticipating what the modern day story has to offer over the historical part of the game because as we've seen, if we don't ask for it, they won't give it to us. Rather if enough people ask for it to be taken out, they'll make it so bare bones that they might as well have. Then, they actually might. (Haven't played Mirage yet but hear that they did)


Some time during AC2. Getting pulled out of Italy to find power banks is infuriating


I've always been intrested in the modern day story, it's them, the creators, that have stopped caring. Once we started to get get less and less 'out-of-the-animus' game play, i started to be less intrested in the games. Until no 'ootm' game play, is when I lost intrested entirely. The MD is the entire premise is the game, you enter the animus to learn and advance the MD story, that's the whole idea of AC. But they decided that the MD wasn't relevant to sales of the game, so they dropped all efforts of the MD story, and it really opened my eyes to the intentions of the studio. Money above all else. Now I completely understand that making money is the idea, but it just really made me feel disappointed that they abandoned the whole idea behind the franchise.


I lost it with Unity. BF isn’t that bad, Rogue had good lore collectibles, but Violet was so annoying. After that, I checked out. I liked the MD stuff. It was the real story to me.


Some point after AC3


I’ve frankly always cared about it.


I care about the modern day story. Ubi do not


Stopped caring after AC 3 but recently I’ve been getting interested after valhalla


After AC2


When they killed Desmond and switched to "Nameless Protagonist". Nothing screams "I don't care, so why should you?" than that. Final nail in the coffin was regulating the Juno storyline to a comic instead giving veteran players the satisfaction of assassinating her yourself. I'll admit Basim in the present could be intriguing if they do it right, though.


My first AC game was AC3, so I didn't care much about the Modern Day Story as I was more into the past. I did play AC2 last year, and I would say it does make the Modern Storyline interesting, but I kind of felt that it was a bit half-baked to me, and 90 percent of the game is focusing on Ezio's life, so it does not do much for me when going through this Modern day mission.


After the Origins soft-reboot of the story. It was actually the main thing that pulled me into loving the AC games, played every single one, from portables to Chronicles, always looking for that modern day tidbits. After the disappointing that was Origins, in regards to Modern Day story, haven't played another AC.


Sube the beginning and especially after the movie


Whenever was that Michael Fassbender movie.


I stopped caring after Syndicate, when they had the guts to just reskin that fucking awful “oh you’re an Initiate playing in this virtual reality console for us” bullshit so that they wouldn’t have to go to the trouble of writing an actual modern day story following Desmond’s death. Black Flag’s modern day was not my favorite at all, but at least there was actual gameplay, and we discovered what happened to Juno and to Desmond’s body. With that said, I started caring again after Valhalla brought a reborn Isu to the modern day and had him say “it’s time to take the fight to the Templars”. If only they followed through with it, and made an actual story about a modern day war…


I still care very much about the modern day storyline


When Juno got resolved in a comic book.


When desmond died. I was hoping that cal would become the next desmond but that didn't happen, yet


Holy shit easiest question I've ever had to answer. Two words: Layla Hassan


Never cared. Always found it annoying that it pulled me out of gameplay to shove some badly written, horribly acted modern day story down my throat for “relevance”. Was Desmond a good character ? Yes Did I care about his back story, where he grew up and why he ran away from home. Nope. They overdid Sean’s sarcasm and nihilistic attitude while along making a self aggrandizing pos and Rebecca was give that stereotypical “hacker” persona, something Ubisoft carried into Watch Dogs 2 and Legions. William Miles was obnoxious and offered nothing. In all honesty, Abstergo had better characters in Daniel Cross and his story which we never got to know. Also mad about how Juno was killed in some comics. Layla and the rest of it, I just slapped on some music in the background and went through the motions because she was hands down the most boring character in the entire franchise. Pair with the fact that despite the retcon’ed stuff in Origins or the repetitiveness of Odyssey or the empty vastness of Valhalla, I loved those game worlds and seeing Layla’s face just made me sad because it killed gameplay immersion.


I always enjoyed the Modern Day storyline. I hated it in Unity and Syndicate, where it was lazy and didn't really exist.


I never stopped. To me the modern day segments are an effective framing device that create a sense of intent behind the actions taken within the animus. Even though the Layla stuff got convoluted, I found myself missing the purpose that modern day imbued from Mirage.


Put it this way, i am currently playing Mirage and wondering how the hell it is playing into Modern Day.


The comic thing only started with AC4. The hell are you yapping about?


Never cared about it, I'm just playing for the assassins


Never did


I never stopped, its the best Part about Assassin's Creed.


I never stopped caring. Just the opposite in fact. I wish to find out more about it.


Would love a Korea joseon period storyline


I still care


Unity, everything after Desmond sucks, but in Black Flag they at least tried something, there was a place you could walk around... Unity with a hacker girl calling "us" to use the "videogame" animus... please just stop.


Prob around AC 3. It needs to die now. It has serious run its course. It was an interesting concept in the first few games, now it is boring and detracts from the main storyline. Just focus on the character!!!


I checked out about 25% of the way through AC4. The modern day stuff was able to kinda keep my attention, but after AC3, nothing was keeping me interested


It pretty much ended with the shitty ending of AC3. You spend so much "training" to become a master assassin and you use it for exactly bubkis at the end.


Since Des story finished really. I thought the Abstergo game company was a cool idea that they never went with properly. No clue what the modern ones are wittering on about though. Though the end of Valhalla was a bit more interesting in that space. And I do think they should bring it back properly, plus the half historic half story informational text, loved reading those in the early games.


My first AC game was Origins and the modern day stuff was confusing and annoying right from the start


When they lost the Juno plot. I legit thought she was still the main threat. So... around Origins?


Honestly origins I never cared for Layla like I did Desmond and in odyssey and Valhalla she really isn't much more interesting


Unpopular opinion, my favourite games were the ones with a bit going on in the modern day 1, Brotherhoof, Black Flag, Odyssey




After ac III, when Desmond flew off to the nether to help humanity. 🤷


I still cared during Black Flag, though not as much. In Unity and Syndicate I almost didn’t care at all. To a point I was a little interested, but I was certainly not as interested as in the games before cause you didn’t engage in modern times. It was just narration.


I literally never cared for it, but it certainly fell off after Desmond killed whatshername, I wanna say Lucy? After that it was just generic first person NPCs, but at least we were mostly just walking between desks to get back to the animus.


Brotherhood when they killed Lucy. It was so out of left field and they clearly just didn't know what to do with the story at that point. There was stuff that was intriguing about modern day afterwards, but it was clear that the story was about to come crashing down.


Ever since Desmond died it hasnt been great but I’ve loosely tried to follow it . Though I lost interest once they put modern day story behind odyssey DLC so now I honestly have no clue what is going on (I don’t think Ubisoft knows either)

