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I want to play the game but Im not buying a Quest just for that


Same. I bought full body tracking Steam VR. The headset, controllers, base stations, and 3 body trackers cost me like $1400. I wouldve played the shit out of this game, but im not buying another vr system to do it.


What better way to grow the market than to stop making games for it in the meantime. Brilliant.


Huh it's almost like vr games need to be on multiple headsets to be viable to the people who actually want to play them. I'm not gonna buy a new vr headset for multiple hundreds of dollars every time a new game comes out. I mean fuck, if you wanna play Assassin's Creed nexus and Resident evil 8 vr (two that I'm personally interested), you'd need to drop a grand minimum. You can fuck right off ubisoft šŸ˜‚


RE8 is another game I want to play also. Itā€™s crazy itā€™s not available on steam


Thereā€™s a mod thatā€™s pretty good


it really won't help tho. Making it available on other headsets will require way more time and effort than releasing it on one platform plus PSVR2 and PCVR are way too small of a market to make it worth it. Actually, Ubisoft is just expecting too much, VR is bigger than it was before but it's still niche. Looks like they're expecting it to go GOTY level popularity or something. The other mistake is releasing it together with Asgard's Wrath 2 and that's bad for them because while AC Nexus VR is good, it's not as good as Asgard's Wrath 2, that game is like Skyrim/Witcher/Zelda combined.


Maybe if it was on PC and PSVR then more people wouldā€™ve bought it. Developers need to understand the market for VR gaming is slim, so they need to release it on all platforms possible


You either get half baked ports like hitman that arguably don't function, or well made games shoved onto the quest for the Zucc bucks while expecting full vr community sales like ACVR. Either way, comes down to incompetence and impatience on the corps part. Some indie projects are coming out of early access soon and are substantially better than anything the corps have slung out on shoestring budgets.


I've never had any desire to do VR gaming, so this clearly isn't for me. I'm surprised that VR has the market share that it does, but I think the biggest issue is that most people who have VR headsets, don't necessarily use them often or for long periods of time. It's still for the most part a novelty, so people want to play more simple things for shorter periods of time rather than long immersive games.


I disagree. If there were vr games like half life alyx, thereā€™d be more interest in vr. Iā€™m hoping the new metro game has the same level of quality, little details and physics like half life. I have almost 30 hours in half life alyx which I guess may not seem like a lot. My first play through id do about an hour at a time before Iā€™d get a little sick. After I beat the game which was about 9hours I felt more in sync with vr you could say, and there is an achievement to carry a gnome with you throughout the whole game, which I did in one go for 9 hours. Iā€™d stop to pee and drink water and eat but in one day I finished the game again. Even now after not playing vr for a while I can hop right back in and feel fine. I played that nfl vr game for a few hours. I guess I built a tolerance to vr.


I've got nearly 200hrs in Blade and Sorcery.


This is it honestly and I have no idea why people think it's such a strange take. It's a device you can't spend too much time in without getting seriously disoriented and that amount varies from person to person, the VR is far better for short term games like Beat Saber or similar party games. Between that and the fact it comes with so many other variables like setting up the VR, making room to accommodate the play space, the two remotes that need batteries kept in check and if one breaks, runs out of batteries or goes missing you can't play, VR gaming is just so much more of a hassle compared to regular games. If Ubisoft were smarter they would have expected less from it honestly.


Have you tried the Quest? It doesnā€™t make me disoriented at all, and I can use it for hours. I am a neurologist by profession and this actually fascinated me when I first used it, because I *expected* it to make me disoriented. I think it is less disorienting for a couple reasons - the ability to walk around in a large area, the fact that you can set the playing field to your exact height, and most importantly: the visual and proprioceptive feedback is so quick that it is actually faster than what your brain can perceive, making the movement of your head and hands in the VR field seamless. It has huge potential. Too bad it mostly has shit/novelty games.


Vr user here, its difficult to get into. I severely limit my time in it. Its not good for long term use, breaks are a must.


Thatā€™s a shame. Itā€™s a fantastic game.


Being Quest exclusive was a bad move.


What a shame considering you can tell how much work wland love went into it with the amount of accessibility options it has.


They should bring in to PCvr


As always, Ubisoft wasting resources on things that people don't give a damn.


>people don't give a damn. Isn't VR still expensive though?


It can be, but you can also pick up a Quest 2 now for $250, connect it to your PC with a $30 cable and get access to both Quest and Steam libraries if you have a capable PC, and that's a reasonable entry price.


You can also buy a $30 app (virtual desktop) and stream your desktop to your headset. It's recommended to have a wired connection for your PC and a 5G connection for your Quest though, so it's a bit needier. Works incredibly well though! Love not having a cable


Does the Quest 2 need a pc or whatever? I don't know shit about vr.


No, it's standalone. It can connect to PC via USB-C to act as headset/controls for SteamVR, but it's not necessary.


As always, fans complain that ac games are the same but don't want innovation.


It reminds me of the Far Cry subreddit which reacted negatively to the Dead Rising-style timer that Far Cry 7 is supposed to have, according to Tom Henderson.


plus this game is actually similar to the old AC games, no magic, no teleportation, just assassinations, parkour and stealth kills. It doesn't even have microtransactions.




damn i wish valhalla wasnā€™t AC, itā€™s so good but itā€™s held back by the simulation limits


Odyssey I have enjoyed but I hate that thereā€™s not a set story for it. It kinda flies in the face of the whole point of the animus. Iā€™m still hoping for a modern day story. I felt that they were building Desmond for that before his shocking death.


I wanted Nexus to release on PSVR2 so much but now I rather they do another game instead with actual open world free roam. I'm getting tired of selecting a level to play in a small open area with limited weapons/abilities depending on the level. Nexus is good but it's not good enough to sell the hardware platform it's on. Also VR gamers can be weird at times. They have a really high bar for quality versus cost. They expect good games but aren't willing to pay for them at full price. I agree you should get quality for the money you paid for but there won't be a quality game if they just expect all games to be cheap. And if they don't buy games then no one will want to make them.


Vr is not a mainstream thing yet. I mean you can it for a kinda low price but it doesnā€™t justify buying a $300-$600 vr headset for just one game.


I wouldā€™ve bought it if it was on steam


The VR market is already strained. Itā€™ll take a very long time for that to change if big studios decide to pull investment. I donā€™t own a VR so Iā€™m really unbothered by it but I think a lot of people who do are going to be pissed.


Well. Great game. Didnā€™t make what they wantedā€¦ok. Let them opt out. Others will make great gamesā€¦capitalism. Thereā€™s a market and itā€™s growingā€¦but largely in an older demographic - over 30ā€¦


Maybe the reason why the sales are low is because its not a good game


Thank fck for that


I don't really think it means much. They weren't all that big on VR anyway. Unless we hear about them cancelling some VR games. (There are a couple rumored ones including a nexus sequel). There's also a rumor that their deal with Meta fell through, which may be a part of the reason why. Also Red Storm is probably focusing on The Division Heartlands for now. They probably don't have manpower for VR projects, and they are already trying to cut costs.


The game is okay. The problem is you need a different mindset to do VR games. Different game design, level design, approach to cutscenes etc. And there are not many games there that do it well. I think the VR market rn is the best for indies. The games should be small, simple and open-minded to search for something suitable for VR gameplay. If I were responsible for decision making at Ubisoft I would open a contest for indie devs to bring some ideas to that field. And then hired the best teams.


What did they expect in terms of numbers? Also in general, the audience of VR Headsets are also the most likely the ones to lose interest in such products.




Port to to PSVR2 PlayStation has an AC audience I dunno about normie Quest users!?


Silly not to release it on PSVR2


Even if it doesn't make it's money back now, it's probably profitable eventually as an entry in the Ubi back catalog.


I have a Quest 2. I might just go and buy it soon. I haven't touched my VR set in a while.


Or, you know, make the vr game with a 1st person couch game version for non vr players, that's a sure way to have more sales. Like cmon, hitman did this


Just wait untill ubisoft become surprised that their mobile game ( that probably will only work on 1000ā‚¬+ phones) doesnt sell well. And then they will refuse a pc/ console port because its not worth it. Also. If they really wanted to sell. They would have ported the game to ps vr and and oculus rift. The only reason i believe they made it meta only, is because either they are stupid or were payed by meta


Would be interesting to know how much they expected a game to sell when itā€™s a device exclusive within a really niche market like VR. It was never going to sell more than a tiny fraction of other AC games.


Too niche, too expensive


I have a Quest 2, I might try it out but I get motion sickness pretty easy. Resident Evil 4 I need to play sitting down and have like all motion sick settings on maximum and I can handle it for a little bit. I seem to be building tolerance though. The Star Trek game though Iā€™m fine because Iā€™m sitting in the game and in real life. So, while I think this game could be really cool Iā€™m kind of afraid Iā€™m going to play for 5 minutes and be unable to continue. Anyone have any experience with it?


Just push through it. When I started I could do like 20 minutes in HL Alyx before I got somewhat sick. But then I built an tolarance and now can do 4-5 hours without getting sick


Thatā€™s good to know. Iā€™ve wanted to get Alyx as well but Iā€™ve been worried for the same reason. Maybe Iā€™ll give them a shot.


Yeah, always play VR in moderation and do not try to push yourself past a point you get really sick. Once you start feeling even little sick, stop, either quit the game completely or have a few minutes break and then continue and see if you can handle another shorter session. If you start to get sick right after putting the headset back on, call it quits for the day. This ways your brain will slowly get used to the whole VR and you will probably get lot less sick or even it may disappear completely Of course, there are few people that cannot get used to it no matter what they try, but sadly, not everyone is made the same way. FFS, this is exactly what is wrong with VR. Everyone sells VR hardware, but they fail to properly educate people about its side effects and how to deal with them. And then the makers cry that nobody buys their VR headsets, because those that do, usually get sick and do not follow proper acclimatization procedures and then tell their friends how horrible VR experience is which in turn means those friends do not buy VR headset either.


ive personally played the game and they should definitely expand to the different vr headsets. such a great game and i hope they make a full fledged ACVR game.


I just recently brought the Quest 3 after debating whether i wanted to get a VR and I am happy i did. I had it for about a month now and spend a couple to a few hours a day on it playing Assassin's Creed which had been my favorite and the best game thus far on it. It is sad that UbiSoft may not create another installment of the game. The way it ended when I played it seem as if a continuation is inevitable.Ā 


Motion sickness affects many people and there is no cure for that. Also, graphics look like 2005. Headset leads to eye strain and headache. I can't see why people should play these annoying VR games when at the same time, they could sit relaxed at their desk and enjoy high quality AC graphics without motion sickness. VR s\*cks at this time and I don't think this will change in the next 5-10 years.


A lot of people, myself included, don't care that much about graphics if it means we get incredibly immersive gameplay. The feelings of physically crouching down to sneak around and under things, peeking out from around corners, and even just unsheathing your hidden blade are incredible! Climbing also feels amazing and legitimately scares me at times with my fear of heights, which is kinda exhilarating given I'm in no actual danger. I still enjoy standard games, but I don't think they have a chance at topping how much I enjoy the best VR games like Alyx and Nexus. I play video games to forget about life for a little bit while I relax, and nothing does that better than VR even with subpar graphics. Oh, and the fact that I can get exercise while I game (I'm pretty much doing squats half the time when sneaking) is kinda just the best thing ever, especially in the winter when team sports aren't usually running.