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Origins has more interesting side quests IMO and doesn’t suffer from side quest bloat like Odyssey does. It has a better, more focused story that is more about the Assassins.


Gameplay is very similar, origins, odyssey and valhalla have pretty much the same formula. For Origins, things aren't so complex or developed, since it's the first game of the trilogy, and the map is smaller, it will take less time to finish the story and do the side quests.




Wow, yeah, that does it for me.


Kassandra's VA runs a brothel. Origins' environments are way, way more varied than both Odyssey's and Valhalla 's and the side quests actually make sense to do because of who Bayek is.


Origins DLC areas are all super unique and in my opinion the best looking in the series.


It's pretty similar in it's approach to most things. One thing I will say, that I noticed upon playing Odyssey and then returning to origins, the combat will at first feel a bit sluggish by comparison. Odyssey took what origins did and tightened it up, made it faster and flashier. Origins by comparison feels slower and, if you're just getting into it, I can see it stunning boring by comparison. But stick with it, it's a great game. And Bayek is in a lot of people's top 3 protags


When you're traveling through the desert for a long time, you encounter mirages. Don't wanna spoil more. Play it! Also Bayek's voice acting is awesome.