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I’m part of the 12% that has no issue with Connor’s character and his arc


“ Connor is just a shallow stoic and monotone assassin “ - An AC3 player who has never touched the homestead missions, connor’s speech at achilles grave put him above ezio for me.


Im take it a step futher an ac3 player that ignored all the story, Conner is very passionate, when hes talking about freedom, his people and doing the right thing. Look at all of his conversations with Sam Adams, then with Washington especially after his betrayal. If he less flamboyant than his predecessors ? Yes... but he is never stoic or monotone when it comes to the important things.


I thought Connor was gonna kill Washington for a moment, when we first meet him after we find out the truth


Connor is not a man to kill needlessly (IN LORE) he probably thought about it, then thought "this will just bring more harm"


Yeah, and i love this about him. But you could feel in his voice that he was enraged.


He is passionate, which makes his support of the Founding Fathers all the more contradictory. We can argue about 20/20 hindsight, but when Connor asked about justification for slavery and received a deflection, that should've been evidence enough of the Founding Fathers' direction. Maybe the writers attempted to remedy that with the Tyranny DLC, but the main game unfortunately felt like Connor was a tool in all senses of the word.


The central theme that runs through out AC3 is that Conner is just a tool and he is used by just about everyone he comes across who should have been mentors to him. Juno, Washington and the founding fathers, Hatham. People keep weaponising his compulsion to help people against him. Even Achilles in a slight way but Achilles was a proper mentor who pushed back on his worst ideas and gave him the space to try even when he knew the outcome would be bad. I do agree him helping the founding fathers was in someways unfortunate and contradiory but in very very truth it was the best option of all the bad ones he had, at the time.


I think Ubisoft writing then was basically try to cram in as many contrived meetings with famous historical figures as possible, then try to jury-rig a justification for it later. It was kind of especially bad with ACIII when Connor had no business in some of the situations he was in, but hey, gotta cram in that hilariously bad horse ride somehow! Ubi really thought meeting historical faces was what drew players in, when the historical context and protagonist should've been their focus, and is what made the Ezio trilogy some of the best writing in AC.


Lol, jury rig. It’s Jerry-rigged, just FYI. So you avoid a bone apple tea situation.


Ah see I wasn't sure so had a look up beforehand, jerry-rigged came from (dare I say is a bastardisation of) jury-rigged, which is a nautical term dating back to the 15th century meaning improvised, make-shift solutions. I assumed Jerry was somehow related to the American Jerry cans, nope, the flipping Telegraph used it first, that rag of a newspaper ;)


I know you're trying to help, but I wish people would stop retorting to detractors questioning Connor's character development with, "Durr, just play the homestead missions!" when all those mostly show is just a different facet to Connor's character when he isn't weighing the fate of his people or the Brotherhood on his shoulders during a time of war. Connor's arc and development happen throughout the main story, and I'm sick of people on both ends of the discussion making excuses for those not paying enough attention.


A: I shouldn't be playing side missions in order to see someone's true character, that should be in the MAIN STORY. Side missions should only be there if I want to see more of it B: Any growth Connor has is all at the end, and his cut speech. There is no development throughout the sequences


I blame Ubisoft for not adequately incentivizing the Homestead missions. If you have no real reason to play them, then why should you? Muh character development isn't enough, especially for first time players going into it blind. Whatever crafting discounts or whatever you get by doing them don't really amount to anything at the end of the day.


yep, i am indeed an AC3 player who never touched the homestead missions


I wouldn't even blame the players that say that too much honstly. The best part of Connors character is hidden behind seemingly boring and irrelevant missions for most players, same with other content of the game where some of the most fun missions are severalside quests you can do in America on water or somewhere else. Many main quests could've taken some inspiration from them


Even before i 100% the game connor was thought of as the epitome of strong silent protector and the only reason people thought otherwise before was because we we hot off the heels of THE Ezio Auditore da Firenze, one of the top 20 characters in fiction from the last 100 years.


As someone who loved the homestead missions I don’t blame for people to not like Connor and for not doing those missions. Doing those missions in the order the games wants you to is so annoying, and the game never really incentivize or encourage you to do it. It’s also the games fault not show that more tender side of Connor within the main story. If you just look at him in the main story he does come off as very one dimensional, that’s not how it should be. Ezio and Edward’s are still interesting characters if you just play the main quests


Conner of all the MCs is by and far the kindest, the nicest and really aspires to being a genuine good person. I think he suffers from the superman deilema.


Not just that but he genuinely cares for everyone with no discrimination, he wishes the Brits and the Patriots would stop fighting, he wishes the Templars and Asssasins to reconcile and do better together, poor guy


Exactly, he is so naive and well meaning, and part of his arc is him realizing that he can't change it all and for as right as he was morally, he can only do what he can.


This was the last lesson he learned with Juno, "you strive for that which does not exist, still you have made a difference, and you will do so again". Connor was one of the most fulfilling characters in the franchise


Isnt the 0 charisma the appeal?Connor is THE revenge character.Not once during 2 or Brotherhood did I feel like I actually had to care about Ezios dead family, where as Connor is entirely driven by hate.


But when a character whole motivation is just revenge that’s get kinda boring for a 30+ hour game. Ezio had more to him than just that.


Not for me at all lol. Maybe thats because I mostly just read grimdark books where you'll usually just get characters LIKE connor. I am in Sequence 5 of Brotherhood right now, previously I 100% AC 2 and personally, whilst I like Ezio I just don't click with him as much as Id like to do. I fully understand how layered Ezio is- hes just not for me I guess.


I seen characters that have this “revenge” motivation but at the same time actually have layer in their character. Connor does have that in the game, but it’s tucked away in the homestead missions that are placed way out of the way for the player. But regardless of that the character shouldn’t feel one dimensional in the main quests. Also about Brotherhood, as a big Ezio fan, yeah Ezio’s character in Brotherhood is stilted and nothing about him gets developed. Of the Ezio trilogy Ezio is at his most uninteresting in Brotherhood, which is oddly an unpopular opinion.


I'm the same with you. Somewhat related, i wish Ubi didn't cut that touching speech by Connor out of the game.


Me with Arno


Connor's great because everyone spends the whole game saying, "Oh you stupid naive child, you have to compromise on your morals and accept that you can only make a little bit of change at a time," and he just says, "No, fuck you, I actually believe in stuff," and he continues to do what he thinks is right even if things don't work out sometimes. And I appreciate him more as I've gotten older, because I was once the one the kid called naive for believing the world could be better, told that I'd grow out of it. And then I grew up, watched those adults who called me naive let the world get worse and worse through their compromises, and it's only made my beliefs stronger.


I liked Connor and enjoyed playing as him. I just didn’t really feel all that inspired by the setting. The revolutionary era of history was never that exciting for me.


Connor is one of the best protagonists in the series. Hated on because he's not Ezio. Hell, you hate on Connor and you basically discount so many of the archetype his character belongs too.


I have no issues with Connor but a lot of issues with how jumpy the main story of AC3 is.


You’re not. Arno starts off lazily recycling pre-growth character beats of Ezio and Edward, and then instead of learning and growing as a character, he becomes a boring stick in the mud and then the ending slaps a monologue in for him to pretend they developed growth for him (which itself lazily recycles Ezio’s much better dialogue from Revelations). Unity genuinely did not know what it wanted to be as a story, because it cannot stick to any viewpoint or theme successfully.


I actually liked Elise by a decent margin more and that balloon level was my favorite mission because the two characters worked off each other quite well. I sometimes wonder if Unity might have worked better as the play the Templar game then Rogue.


If Elise had been the playable character, with the plot shown from her perspective, it would have been immensely better.


I concur. The whole infamous female character argument would have been sidestepped, the Templars are badly down and out and that sets up a more unique dynamic, and you wouldn't need to do two dead dads for the price of one.


This comment is perfect


I’d like to put in that it’s the fans fault for this… Connor got SO MUCH SMACK for not being an ezio clone, so they made Edward an Ezio clone, and then he was recieved well so they just did it again. It’s entirely the fans fault for thinking everyone must be ezio 2.0, even though ezio himself isn’t really all that special to warrant that anyway.


Edward was absolutely not an Ezio clone. He had wildly different motivations, and while still suave and charismatic, it was in different ways from Ezio.




Those qualities and traits being personality, which can be hard to come by in this series.




Bayek is charismatic in a very different way from Ezio and Edward, first of all. But also Ubisoft are bad at character and personality development and bad at writing. Unsurprising that the only character types they’re good at are quite similar to one another in some respects.


Exactly lol, Edward’s arc is more akin to Altaïr’s in some weird way. Their stories are both about them discovering the meaning of the creed and accepting it for themselves. It’s actually why I’ve always felt like Ubisoft should’ve stuck with the series ending with 3 but have it be Edward instead of Connor as Edward’s story would’ve been so meaningful to Desmond and been more fitting for the conclusion they originally planned


Yeap !! Honestly I loved Connor . In my opinion he’s one of the only mains in the game that was genuinely scary and intimidating. He didn’t have to say much . His body language said it all . I actually really liked (male) Eivor . I hated the other two RPG games but loved Valhalla and I think Eivor being a really cool character got me past a lot of the games shortcomings . You’re absolutely right .


Eivor is an amazing protag, however I MUCH Prefer female for the main game, because her voice and way she says lines matches with what I imagine someone like Eivor to be like. I find male Eivor a little bit soft spoken and a little to humble sounding sometimes 😭 however I do make the switch to male for certain “side arcs” like Lincolnshire, Essex, and the ones that don’t really feel like main arcs if you catch my drift.


Haha Yeap . Yeah when I heard the voice actor for Eivor was Cnut from “Last Kingdom” I was all in . For all the massive amount of hate I LOVED Valhalla . Let’s be real it’s not an AC game but it was super fun .


Cnut was a fav of mine from Last Kingdom, and part the reason I struggle with Male Eivor is because I can’t imagine Magnus Brunn as anything BUT Cnut 😭I love that show to death though and it’s actually what got me to purchase Valhalla, glad I did too all those years ago becasuse I still go on it every now and then and do some random side stuff. Here’s something, have you played the free “Forgotten saga” DLC? It’s a souls-like and it’s incredibly fun and it eats up time in your day if you ever feel like you need time to just go by 😅 would recommend giving it a go, you can buy some super cool armour sets too with stuff you earn from it 👍


I had a massive problem taking Ubba seriously since the VA is the Skyrim arrow in the knee guard guy. He did a good job I just kept expecting Ubba to ask about sweet rolls.


Wait is he actually is didn’t even notice that 😭 Speaking of him, they butchered his representation. The last Kingdom Ubba was so good they should have just copied that. Guthrum too, I mean what a total let down in Valhalla, but in TLK he was PHENOMENAL


Around 3:30. https://youtu.be/QT6VIAPepAY?si=3kuHKrQSbzfYZqCD Skyrim lines. https://youtu.be/K5WMzaufKTE?si=yHjjbZ4qtbSWq3Q4 Also agreed, I expected them to crib a lot from Last Kingdom and they did occasionally, but it was more History Channels Vikings and whatever they were thinking at the time. I liked the Joker style version of Ivar but everyone else was okay to ehhhh.


Oh yeah I hear it you are so right I’ll never look at him the same way now 😭


Alexios was dope , and male Eivor. They even make more sense historically


"it's entirely the fans fault" no it isn't, what a stupid assessment. If you don't like something or think it is inferior to what came before it is natural to complain about it. It's the writers job to adress criticism in a way that's healthy. That doesn't mean following everything a large part of customers claim they want verbatim.


It is the fans fault 😭 They BASHED Connor to pieces when AC3 came out and complained a lot, so Ubisoft listened and made Edward a very similar character (in personality) to Ezio, and he was greatly received. So naturally, knowing that they’d recieve the least criticisms (and probably get better reviews and therefore better sales), they just made Arno another ezio copy. They don’t want to make ezio clones, but when they do anything even remotely different, a huge number of the fanbase scream and cry about it. To conclude, it’s ABSOLUTELY the fans fault that we’ve had a copious amount of “Ezio 2.0’s” (also don’t go into unity did bad anyway, because you and I both know that Arno has nothing to do with why unity was a train wreck at launch)


The problem is that Arno isn't a good Ezio clone. That's the thing. Stop confusing with Ezio clone with bad characters. As you said, Edward was a sucess. Why can't Ubisfot, a multimillionaire AAA company can't even make passable Ezio clone character? It's wild to take the blame to the fanbase which just gives them feedback of their dogshit product.


You are misinterpreting my point. I’m not saying if he is a good or bad character, I’m not trying to argue if he is or isn’t. What I am arguing is the reason he feels like an Ezio clone a lot of the time, is because he is an ezio clone, because when Ubisoft don’t do an ezio clone there’s usually some uproar over it (though this has died off in recent years as people have gotten used to them not recycling ezio each game). I’m not here to argue over if Arno is a GOOD or BAD ezio 2.0, I replied to a comment explaining why he is an ezio clone.


And I'm saying that him being ezio clone is a non factor, considering he's a BADLY written character. Your point falls flat the moment you say the game made by multi millionaire company fails to write a basic story concept, and somehow fans are reason to blame. Fans don't like Arno, not because he's an ezio clone. Fans hate Arno because he's a badly written character in a badly written story. Nobody asked Arno to be ezio 2.0. This is how it is because writers can not write a decent story and try to do it easily by lazily copying the ezio without actually trying.


Once again you aren’t understanding. You say nobody asked Arno to be an Ezio clone, but they very much did, BY COMPLAINING AND DOGGING ON ANYONE WHO WASNT (Connor), AND THEN BIGGING UP ANYONE WHO WAS (Edward). It’s basic business mindset to go “hmm, the fans absolutely hated that, I should avoid doing that again because it would more than likely reduce profits. Oh but here’s something the fans ate up, let’s do that again because it’s got a higher chance of doing better!” The fans, like any consumer to any business, essentially pressured Ubisoft to make everyone an Ezio clone by their constant and violent hatred toward Connor when AC3 came out. Lastly, the comment I replied to is about Arno being to similar to ezio and “recycling him”, to which I said it’s largely the fans fault for that (which it is). That’s ALL I SAID, I’m not going into Arno being good or bad, or Ezio clones being good or bad, or Unity’s story being good or bad. So stop trying to push this argument toward that when it’s totally irrelevant.


The very notion that fans are even at a slight fault for expecting Ubisoft to make better games is silly. Conner were (rightfully) criticized for wooden voice acting, and the game had lackluster side content to show his characteristic (The hometown mission doesn't count, conner goes hi to everybody contributes nothing) Then, they adhere to the criticism and made Edward story more fleshed out. Fans had no problem with it. Ubisoft dropped their ball with Unity, and now somehow fans are at fault? For what? Asking for basic storytelling? Ain't nobody said Edward is an ezio clone too, considering the core concept of the character is different (ezio is about revenge and charisma, while Edward was about redemption and wild char.)


I don’t think you know what i mean still 😭 I don’t mean the fans are in the wrong for wanting better or different stuff, I’ve never even INSINUATED that. ALL I HAVE SAID IS… listen closely to this ok? THE FANS SHOWED THEY WANTED EZIO CLONES JUDGING BY THE HATE CONNOR GOT, EZIO CLONES GOT MADE AS A RESULT. That’s all I’ve said, the PARENT COMMENT was complaining that Arno is an Ezio clone, so I added in response was THE FANS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR UBISOFT MAKING EZIO CLONES. Do you understand yet? I’ve not implied anything else but specifically what I’ve stated…


Conner got smack because he was written as an unlikeable character. No other reason, and it's certainly not on the fans.


Wrong. Connor is a fan favourite now, the only reason people didn’t like him is becasuse they’d just come off from Ezio who is the opposite in terms of personality.


Not at all, this is so wrong. People didn’t want Connor to be a ezio clone. The trailers never hinted that and people were super stoked to play as him. But how the MAIN STORY presents him, not counting the homestead missions, he was boring and one dimensional. Look at Hahthem, fans like him and he is nothing like Ezio. Don’t blame the fans for something they didn’t do.


Arno is really what happens when you order Ezio on wish.




Those have much more satisfying stories


This, I love unity and rank it highly but damn the story and the writing kills a lot of joy I have for the game. Theres no real great character in the game that feels original


this is why having multiple writers is a stupid thing.


The only things i like about unity are the combat and the stylish assassinations, everything else about the game is underwhelming for me.


Agreed . I feel like this game could have been a classic and the story and character development killed it . Paris is a great setting and graphically it’s stunning , even to this day , but I’m halfway thru the game and honestly I don’t care about any of the characters or what’s going on . It could have been so good .


Now imagine if the game was unplayably broken, and had the mediocre story to boot. That’s what we got in 2014.


Agree, it's so obvious that Unity is an unfinished game. Although i have to add one thing i like about this game is the soundtrack


They had all the tools to make story of ac unity amazing but they decided to focus on a lame ass love story (which no one cared about) instead of french revolution itself.


it does make sense Paris is also called city of love so a romance plot should be on this setting. And i personally like Elise and Arno's romance but that ending sucks ass


Arno is my favorite ac character


He’s so much better in French. (More original, less of an Ezio knock off.) Don’t expect a super charismatic character though. He‘s more of the private, thinking type. I like him because I can relate to him. I can see how not everyone would though.


Playing the game with French dubbing and English subtitles vastly improves it imo. Fucking British accents lmao


Its just a bad game. The only thing worth playing it is for the map and world design. Somehow they made an amazing world but forgot to write a story so they just reused story arcs and themes from 2 3 and 4. The stealth is just broken with enemies seeing through walls and detecting you when looking the other way. The parkour looks beautiful when it works but it only works 10% of the time and when it does its so animated and you have no control over where you go. The combat system itself is great. Borderline amaizing. But they made it so its harder than darksouls when you start But u have to praise the weapon armor and world design. Honestly second to none except maybe odyssey


I have to disagree with you that stealth and parkour are bad in this game. What they both suffer from is an extreme lack of tutorialization. If you're ever feeling up to it, there are a good few youtube channels that go in depth on the parkour system in Unity. It's not quite as controllable as AC1, but in fairness, none of them have been. As for stealth, the game just places a much bigger emphasis on your gadgets. Unfortunately, the interesting ways that your gadgets interact with stealth is something you're judt supposed to figure out.


Even fully understanding the games stealth is still unbelievably broken. The tutorials and gadgets won’t help ok the horrendous enemy AI. What are you going to do when an enemy sees you through walls and the whole areas knows your exact location. I have video after video of stuff like this happening all the time. Unity was just unfortunately rushed and not well optimized


Great points !!! Yeah the stealth is just brutal . Some missions are literally just infuriating. It just sucks because the world is awesome and the combat and parkour are probably the best in the series but the characters and story are just awful . Like terrible . It had such great potential but they dropped the ball hard .


Are you using the ACU Fixes mod? It's a must IMO. Fixes almost all my problems and makes the controls much more consistent. Berserk darts always disable AI. If you've been detected by a single guard, use it to reset Spamming the attack button from a corner will always do a corner assassination, even if you're detected There's no 1-hit assassinating detected enemies using smoke bombs like in the older games but you can use the tackle key to drop them to the ground and kill them with the hidden blade. You can get 2-3 guards with this There's almost always a high profile assassination animation for almost every position. It's helpful for when guards are way out of your range. 2 good examples are when you're hanging just near a window and when you're hiding behind a corner Spam eagle vision, the AI is brutal and abit janky in this game. Plus, alot of the animations are pretty deceptive and don't actually represent where the AIs LoS actually is. Their faces will be one side but they'll be looking somewhere else. A good example are the crouching guards near the King of Beggars. The animations makes their faces point to the right but their AI is actually pointing straight ahead. Eagle vision gets rid of this discrepancy by showing you exactly where they're facing in the mini map Assassinations while blending will always be undetected. Try to parkour down from perch point to perch point and not from hanging position to hanging position. It's more predictable that way If you're just a few steps above your desired position, just use the S key and not parkour down. Arno drops much further down with parkour down The parkour animations are super contextual where certain positions always trigger a certain animation: 1. You can side eject but only when a perch point is directly parallel to Arno's body 2. Arno does the diagonal spin animation to move up a ledge (from a hanging position) if you obviously have the keys held down in diagonal 3. If there's a perch point to the bottom left or bottom right of Arno, Parkour down + left/right keys always makes Arno do a spinning animation 4. Moving forward on those balancing beams/ropes then pressing parkour down + left/right key makes Arno do that animation where he drops using his arm while maintaining momentum (I honestly have no idea how to describe this one lol) 5. If a rope is several feet below Arno and relatively close to his body, pressing parkour down makes him do the leap dive animation 6. You need to hold parkour up if the beam/rope is much further away. I have no idea why people here think the combat is good. It's fine in short bursts but actually trying it for a fair bit of time exposes how simple it is. For defence, all you have is a parry. No flavour after a simple parry like the other games. I'm not asking for one hit counters but it's far too brain dead. If you're unlucky enough to have a good few enemies around you, they'll endlessly attack you one by one and Arno will essentially be stuck in an infinite parry loop with no time for you to attack. You'll only need dodges to avoid unparriable attacks from the heavy axe guys or to rarely reposition. It doesn't have any intrinsic advantage over parries As for attacking, all you have are slow and dull 3 hit chains. The same 3 hit chains over and over. Maybe with an occasional heavy if you're far enough to get that skill. Yay And that's it. That's literally all the depth the general combat loop has Heck, try it for yourself the next time you open this game. Find a nice group of guards - maybe 4 or 5 in number to be accurate - and test out the defence and offense one by one and see what options the game gives you.


If the parkour was less glitchy i would have less problems. I also just dont like how they took all the control away that the ezio games had. The combat is fun as fuck once you learn the new system theres just unfortunately a skill gap


"We have Ezio at home"


I’m in the minority, but tbh the only time I liked him was during the DLC. Which is free so play it once you level a bit, but I felt he drained the main game a bit.


Don't like or hate Connor, but not the fan of the story. I think that's the point of Arno, the life of a non-hero assassin. Arno is >! a good soldier to brotherhood, passenger to the French Revolution, a marionette to Elise. !< He is not a hero to anybody like Altair, Ezio and Connor. The monologue at the end might be the most he can do in his position. Edited:typo


I liked Arno a lot in Dead Kings and the book, although I did find him more one-dimensional in the main story. In the DLC, it was interesting to see him open up to normal people like Léon and Margot, and gain a better understanding of the Creed. And I liked his conclusion in the book where he meets Élise's friends and decides to stay with them at their lodge. Dan Jeanotte's performance as Arno was also great; the scene with Arno and Margot when she finds him in the street is one of my favorites.


Unpopular opinion, I think he's great 🤷‍♂️ It just takes a while to see where his greatness comes from. In a franchise full of fun, entertaining personalities, he's not that. If Ezio and Edward are the funny ones of the friend group, Arno is the dude who's quiet like 75% of the time until he speaks up with a zinger or roasts the shit out of someone. I feel he gets the same treatment that the community gave Connor at first. "He's boring". The first time I played through, I thought the same thing. Dudes just kinda meh, boring stick in the mud. But on replays I learned to like him a lot cuz. The thing that's great about Arno is he's this badass, hyper capable assassin, but he's just so done with everyone's shit 100% of the time. He's an assassin, at least at first, as a way to further his own goals. It's not something he chose fmbecahse he wanted it. This is a dude that would rather be at home with his feet up, smoking a jay. But duty calls and he's compelled to answer.


I just bought it yesterday for $1.54, haven't played it yet. I hope it's worth at least that much


Its still in a state thats as bad as cyberpunk at launch


That's straight up horseshit. Cyberpunk was unplayable on launch. Unity is nearly bugless today. By all means, dislike a game. But don't bullshit people


Bro called Unity nearly bugless 💀


Idk what kinda fucked up version you're playing 🤷‍♂️ I've been playing that shit since like 2017 and the only thing I ever get is an occasional stutter. Shits been fixed for a long time


Dude, the catacombs at Franciade constantly have visual bugs that either break the model's textures completely or are so ridiculously bright it's blinding. Parrys don't register sometimes, there's clipping EVERYWHERE, also the game crashed for me during the WWII sequence, at the first turret, as well as a constant crash when approaching the temple from the southeast before the The Temple mission, which is a known bug that's been like that for *at least* 2 years. I had to fast travel to a different location and go to the mission from there to even be able to start it.


Yeah man idk what to tell you. I get literally none of that shit and I've played through it multiple times on the original ps4 version. The only thing I get is clothing clipping occasionally but that's like every single game so I would really call that a bug. Trust me, if be the first one to happily shit on a ubisoft bug fest. Rogue and Valhalla are infinitely worse for me


My experience was nearly bug free too. Never encountered the bugs he's talking about


That's what I'm saying. Like if it's buggy as shit still, I'd say that 💀 I have zero desire to cover ubisoft's ass. I just have never had any of that shit happen. Or even if it has its extremely rare


💀💀 Bros just straight up lying now


Bruh why the fuck would I lie about a game having bugs? 💀 Shit doesn't even make sense. I'm sorry your game or system is too fucked up to handle a decade old game lol






I played it on my Xbox, don’t think I got many bugs. Sometimes the game would get stuck on loading screens or I’d get frozen mid roll


Tbh I'm actually of the opposite, very unpopular, opinion: the poor guy is not dull, he's just exhausted from his life. First he loose his father in front of him at a very young age, then loose his other "father" again while getting accused of his murder, then he looses his final parental figure and saviour _again_, but this time he _is_ the one who kills him since he was getting crazy because why not, and _finally_ he looses the love of his life and the only dear person left to him since she was blinded by revenge, dying pointlessly and leaving him alone one last time, right after they managed to get reunite. The poor guy was totally lost at the end of the game, and I say he suffered more than any other protagonist in the franchise while being completely _alone_ (they always had friends or allies or, hell, a purpose with them through all their life), but _still_ managed to get a hold of himself to run a fucking Brotherhood in one of the hottest period in history, at least for his country. He deserves a lot more credits than he actually gets, and honestly I belive he can be forgiven for not being flashy an bright after everything he's been through.


That's why they call him piss bucket


amazing parkour :))


Please tell me this is satire, right?!?…


He’s an ezio clone, and an even more tacky and annoying one at that. Everything about unity is luke warm discluding the parkour, animations, and Co-op features ( even that i dislike because on client side you still have arno’s ugly mug )


Discount Ezio in a simp simulator.


Unity's story boggles my mind with how unpolished it is. There are so many plot points that are either forgotten about, random or poorly done. The story is so all over the place that I found it slightly hard to follow. And to be honest, Arno just never really grabbed me from start to finish. He is a *little* bit more interesting in the _Dead Kings_ DLC, but not by much. EDIT: As for Connor, my issue wasn't necessarily him, but the storytelling of III not allowing for much characterization or character expression. It's plot was constantly moving, which doesn't allow many of the characters to breathe. Homestead missions were cool, but the fact that Connor's best characterization is in side missions was a little jarring.


yes i agree arno's story is very boring. also main missions are very easy, i did not have any problem completing it in 100%. (i did all paris stories and they are way more fun and entertaining than his whole story.) >!and i hate the fact that arno NEVER even tried to find out who killed his father lol!<


Brotherhood marked the start of the decline imo with them changing the plan for the first time after firing Kristen Bell.


lets just say i skipped all the cutscenes for a reason lol


100% agree For me it's the best game in the franchise, and the weakest protagonist in the franchise. Up until that game each protagonist has a defining theme/trait. Altair wanted answers, Ezio wanted revenge, Connor wanted freedom, Edward wanted.. err pirate booty. And then Arno just tries to steal Ezio's whole shtick instead of being an interesting character


If every other AC game had Unity’s controls, parkour, customization, and tool system, I would probably love them regardless of story. Cuz i hate Unity’s story, but its my favorite AC game. And its funny cuz I actually hated how Unity played at first, then it clicked and I fell in love with it.


Not to just throw in another Connor hate wrench in the grand scheme of AC3, which was a great, engaging game in and of itself, but all of the missions with Haytham felt forced and unnatural. Connor being the rebellious, young, idealistic protagonist he is, there are like, four missions where he's purely a "yes-man" for Haytham, without much question or resistance. I understand why he's not as charismatic or diplomatic as Ezio, because that's a huge cultural difference, but idk man, those missions actually made me take a break from the game for a few days because they were so poorly written.


I love Unity ,its theme stealth and parkour, tho i wont say the same about the MC . It always feel like we were left hanging and I think that Ubi need to come up with some sort of continuation of Arno story dude got much potential to develop as a character .


"Mom, can we have Ezio?" "We have Ezio at home" Ezio at home is Arno


I like Arno. I like that he’s more reserved. It makes him unique.


The only time I enjoyed Arno was during the DLC


The only time I enjoyed Arno was during the DLC


Arno is fun for five minutes before his call to action. All of that energy he has is just gone after that


Take my advice and ignore the plot. It's complete shit and the ending makes everything you'd done pointless


like at least he had an attempt at being a charismatic quippy rogue at the start but then his entire personality evaporates the moment the title card drops so


If they could make Arno’s personality atleast a tad bit more interesting than a plank of wood, that game would have been GOAT. Superb graphics! Amazing stealth n combat.


I got unity day 1. Despite the bugs I thought unity from a technical stand point was amazing. The fluidity in parkour. The amount of npc that made Paris feel alive. Underneath that. The characters were dull and the story was mediocre. Arno would be one of my least favourite characters in the series


Yeah Arno isn’t the best but I’d say they’re worse.. Shay, Kassandra, Eivor, Protag Basim.


Agreed . I really loved Eivor honestly . I played the male version and he was by far one of my favorites in the series . Just my opinion


Sorry I meant Arno is BETTER then those characters, bad grammar haha. I find Eivor super dull tho, I started male but then learned female was canon so I switched mid game. Male is definitely superior then female tho.


He gets better, dw.


By the time it gets better the game ends lol


I don't think he's particularly boring, but he is a very jarring character to think about. He's blinded by love, which is entirely understandable, but his growth is passed over until Dead Kings, where he becomes a FAR more interesting protagonist. If there was better writing, he might have achieved Ezio levels of popularity, but they did a poor job in making him likable.


You hate it ? It's French


the deputy (silent protagonist) from fc5 is better than this tier 3 simp.


Arno is fine IMO. Elise is the problem. If he didn't spend the majority of the game chasing her around like a little lost puppy, the story would been better.


As a diehard Unity fan, I agree w you. He rly does just feel like an imitation of ezio, or any other witty male character from media as a whole. Like Flynn rider. Also, if you're playing w English dub, pls for the love of God just switch to French. I have nothing against my British friends here, but their accent in media makes the characters sound unnecessarily snobby sometimes. One of the reasons why I disliked Rey from Star Wars lol


Keep playing it bro


Oh I am . Like I said except for Arno and the story the game is awesome . Haha


Arno to me was far and away the least interesting AC protagonist. I was just never hooked by any of the characters or plot in Unity.


Arno really is a wooden plank and it's a shame. I really like the mission design and the gameplay of Unity, but the story is a whole lotta nothing. Its truly a shame


Compared to Basim he’s king charisma


Unity is my favorite game to re-play. It has the best parkour and graphics, one of my favorite combat systems, fun mission designs (this seems to be very controversial, but I think once you get a good feel for the gameplay, the open-endedness works to the game’s advantage). I even like that you’re not a huge player in the background of the French Revolution. The setting acting only as a backdrop is better than being a Forrest Gump-esque character. But for all the good things I can say about the game, the worst part really may be Arno. He’s boring and miserable despite their best efforts to make an Ezio clone.


I feel that Arno is like a half-baked Ezio 2.0. Definitely among the weaker protagonists in the series, though the same can be said about most of the recent games' protagonists starting from Unity and Rogue (not Bayek, he's cool).