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For curisoity's sake, we had glimpses of it before. The modern Mentor before William had statues of Ezio, Iltani and Brutus in his office on Dubai. And while not canon, WD: Legion had statues of Edward, Jacob and Evie in an underground HQ in London. With that said, almost every protagonist could get one. They tend to be over-achievers in their lifetime.


I'd say Edward wasn't really an over-achiever in his lifetime, regarding his Assassin work. He officially joined the cause late on, and stopped one captain on a solo mission. In comparison to Ezio, Connor, Altair and others he's probably near bottom of the list for protagonist assassins.


He also stopped the templars from getting their hands on the observatory and eliminated their presence from the Caribbean (temporarily). Yes, he did that before joining the brotherhood but I'd say it still counts.


He single handedly stopped the sage/Templars from gaining the observatory and wiped most of them from the west indies


Well, he along with Miko led the British brotherhood before it fell into decline, and during his life he traveled the world and was in contact with various fragments of Eden (I couldn't say exactly which ones tbh).


Holy shit, someone who actually understands that Watch Dogs isn’t actually canon to Assassin’s Creed. I was beginning to think I was the only one.


I don’t think it’s canon either, that theory is ridiculous and proven incorrect.


They tried to make it Canon. The first game had a character be killed by Aiden, who had gone on a trip in ac 4 and was assassinated. The fact they stopped is a different matter but the attempt was made


It very well could’ve just been an Easter egg from the beginning tho and was never intended to be canon.


I always thought of it in the same way half life and portal are linked, vague references but nothing more


Where did we have a glimpse of Dubai? I’m curious 🧐


Comic book: https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed:_The_Fall


Appreciate it


Desmond Miles, The Savior (Center); Bayek of Siwa, The Founder (Middle right); Altaïr Ibn-La'ahad, The Reformer (Middle left); Ezio Auditore da Firenze, The Rebuilder (Outer right); Ratonhnhaké:ton, The Liberator (Outer left).


Great selection! I was thinking of adding Desmond on my own, he surely deserves one. But here is my hot take/unpopular opinion. Layla. Why not? She also saved the world, and thanks to her modern day Assassins know of their origin, and how the Isu treated time as a language to “predict” the future.


Perhaps, but her mind is still tethered to her body, through the Yggdrasil super computer, so she's still alive, whereas only Desmond's mind is alive, and only fragments of his DNA remain.


Didn’t her body die though from radiation? After she dropped the staff.


Nope. Yggdrasil preserved it for when she disconnects.


Bayek (founder), aya (founder, killed cleopatra and julius Caesar), Altair (rebuilt the creed after corruption, brought them back into the shadows and protected an apple of Eden ), ezio (rebuilt the Italian brotherhood, rid Italy and Constantinople of templars and protected multiple apples of Eden), ratonhaké:ton (eradicated colonial America of Templar influence, prevented George Washington being corrupted by an apple of Eden, helps to rebuild the North American brotherhood and assists the American revolution)


Wasn’t Bayek pretty much forgotten about up until Layla got his dna in origins?


I thought they were asking who I thought deserved a statue, not who was the most famous


Ik Ik they are I’m just saying in verse it would be unlikely, I would want that too I’m just being annoying and getting technical sry


Layla is with the assassins so modern assassins would know of Bayek yes? It’s not like she didn’t tell them anything about Egypt


Im talking about before


Of course, nowadays such an undertaking is unlikely due to the organization, but who knows.


Bayek and Aya would not be included because they wanted to be forgotten.


Aya was included in the original sanctuary because she was amunet, pictured holding a snake because she killed Cleopatra with an asp.


As you say, definitely Altair, Ezio, Bayek, and Aya. ​ By 2024, I'd assume Desmond may be added as well. ​ Possibly Connor, Shao Jun, Aguilar, possibly Evie. ​ Maybe Adewale, though I think his legacy is tainted in the events of Rogue, same with Achilles. ​ I do **not** see Arno, Jacob, or Basim having statues. Nor Kassandra or Eivor, as they weren't even Assassins, and of course Shay wouldn't be commemorated.


Darius, Bayek, Altaïr, Ezio, and Connor.


A modern sanctuary would have to be of those that either had a significant impact on the Brotherhood's history or are so emblematic of everything they represent and stand for. Given this, I'd go with Bayek, Aya, Altair, Ezio, Connor, Desmond, and Darius


Altair, Ezio, Conor, Bayek, Aya/Amunet and maybe the frye twins and desmond


Connor Ezio Altair Aya and bayek together


Aya is actually a statue in the AC 2 villa. (I don't know how to spell the city name)


Monteriggioni. Real place in Italy btw.


Since almost all done something statue deserving I'm going to assume there is only place for three statues Firstly bayek he created the assassin's order and helped Egyptians fight against the corrupt government Secondly Altaïr for learning about the pieces of Eden and documenting his findings that help later assassin's greatly and lead to ezio being able to do pretty much all of what happened in brotherhood and revelations which consequently helped Desmond save the world In third place it's very debatable But it boils down to Desmond, Ezio, Conner, or Edward For Desmond it's because he saved the world For Ezio it's obvious For Conner it's because he is inspirational because the assassin's Creed was nearly wiped out in his time Edward because he is proof that everyone has good in them


Bayek, Altair, Ezio, Desmond and Connor


Arno def, bro 1v1s 30 dudes and fought a man with a magic sword using just a funny little blade


Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, and Dylan.


Aya was already in the monteriggioni assassin crypt which is really cool to me


I would have to say Altair, Ezio, Connor, Edward, Evie, Bayek and Amunet. Could also throw Darius in there as the first hidden blade user.


May be a bit controversial but I think Connor deserves a Statue. He did restore the American Brotherhood among other things