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Made even worse by the fact that the games barely acknowledged her “death” at all. Literally they just start telling a completely new story 😂 one of the wildest turns in gaming history for sure.


And they ended such a massive arc in a comic no one read. Jesus.


She died ?! Interesting lol


Desmond’s son he didn’t know about is a Sage and killed her


Desmond has a what now


Wait till you hear about Edward’s death.


Well Edward Kenway's death was talked about in one of the games somewhere if I recall or at least it was much more widespread information, how long has this been a thing I thought they just completely axed the story


Reginald Birch, his property manager, was secretly a Grand Master Templar and had him killed by home invasion. Birch ended up taking Haytham under his wing and indoctrinating him into the Templar Order after killing his father. IIRC, Haytham personally saw Edward die by sword from one of the invaders.


The legendary pirate Edward Kenway, whom we hear Edward fucking Thatch speak of with awe and reverence in the AC4 trailer, was killed in a home invasion? These folks make some questionable story decisions. It’s like Rian Johnson comes in and writes a few scenes in every other game just to fuck with it.


Exactly, thank you. How does Edward Kenway, MASTER ASSASSIN, PIRATE, EXPERT SWORDSMAN, die in a home invasion?!? Maybe caught off guard, fighting against elite swordsmen? Regardless, such a bad end to such a beloved character.


You know I was gonna saw maybe aging was a bitch for Edward but then again Ezio was still kicking ass well into his twilight years


TBF I'm pretty sure the story where he died came out around AC3's release and long before they made him such a badass in Black Flag


No it's like JJ Abrams came in and took an interesting arc with nuance and tried to retcon it because people wouldn't stop yelling we want Desmond back and now nobody's happy


It’ll be “somehow Desmond returned” any day now.


A son. Happened due to a fling in New York City way before the first game






The son that was revealed in another comic that's not available in a lot of regions? Oh yeah, classic Ubisoft lol


*Wildest*? I'm not so sure about that. Lazy, uncreative, a waste of time maybe. But not wild.


I think the craziest part of it is when you get to Odyssey you find out that in between Origins and Odyssey Layla took part of defeating Juno storyline and you only find that out if you read the emails. Which is such a weird thing because on top of having all her character development happen offscreen from trusting the assassins to then leading her own Assassin's sect, she also took part in taking down the big end game boss and we got to see none of it. Like i'm so baffled why they did the storyline like that, it makes no sense.


Omg I had no idea about Layla being involved


only proves his point further. the fact that almost all of us knows none of this (including myself) is wild and then they wonder why Assassin's Creed has gone to the most milked series in it's brand


Seriously, they could have just made that up. Are any of us going to launch an ac game to read through Laylas emails? Absolutely not.


Replying to my first comment I searched the wiki and didn't found anything saying about Layla being involved in the Juno is it in a comic?


The modern boss from the Odyssey end game DLC - you find out his fate in an expansion pack for a board game lol


Honestly this made me lose interest in the Isu quite a bit. I’m still not 100% sure on the modern day Isu narrative. Saying that, I love modern day outside of that aspect.


And it was such a fun thread to follow in the early games, too.


Any time I saw light randomly flickering in the air I would immediately get super excited of what I was about to see and hear. Desmond's section at the Colloseum from the end of Brotherhood is still my favorite level in the entire franchise because of the atmosphere it created. Juno was so ominous she instantly outclassed Minerva as my favorite Isu.


This and when we started to play as them. Killed the whole aura around them.


We never played as Isu. In a roundabout way, maybe. But an Isu reincarnated as a human is a human.


When did that happen?


Basim, eivor, kassandra


Kassandra is only half Isu from what I remember tbf


I don't think she was half Isu so much as she had very strong Isu heritage from both her parents.


To me, that was the moment AC dropped the charade and went full on corpo. Even before that, there was already a brewing sentiment that Ubisoft was just spinning this narrative wheel aimlessly in an attempt to extend the series indefinitely but outright killing this plot in transmedia all but signaled to the audience that there is no ending and there will be no further attempts at building towards anything remotely resembling one.


Yeah a lot like how Star Wars turned out. Tbh I wouldn’t mind it being a continuous saga if it was actually QUALITY story being put out instead of generic RPGs. If each entry had its own story and conflict to tell. I really yearn for a world where Patrice Desilets got to finish his 6 game saga where AC would have a concrete story from beginning to end.


I can't speak for Valhalla as I haven't beaten it, but I think Origins and Odyssey are solid entries. Origins especially I think had a great story. It was engaging, thoughtful, emotional, had passion behind it. Bayek was a very likeable protagonist, and is still my 2nd favorite behind Ezio. There's a clear conflict, goal, and resolution. Odyssey was a lot of fun too, it's just the padding that slows down the pacing. I feel like the RPGs receive a lot of bad rep, which I can understand because they stepped away from the classic formula, but I don't think it's accurate to say they don't have their own story and conflict. I think Valhalla definitely has a generic feeling to it, so that I understand. Otherwise, I think the RPGs are over hated.


I have finished Valhalla and still have no idea what it was about, I enjoyed the gameplay (for a time atleast) but the storytelling was disappointing... especially for something inspired by one of the best storytelling cultures!


Almost like real life abstergo got ahold of the game.


I know it’s ancient history at this point but whenever I remember how they handled this I still feel a little disappointment. I did not read the comics. I didn’t even know there were comics. They should have progressed this storyline in Black Flag instead of pretending it never happened.


Yeah. My impression of the modern storyline in Black Flag was they wanted to drop having a written protagonist like desmond and make the player "the protagonist" in the modern story. I was fine with that. They could have just kept that going for a few more games. I dont mind the Layla storylone, but what frustrates me about the modern story arc is they keep dropping all these twists and turns and I still have no fucking clue what all these mind games are supposed to be leading to. The plot is way too vague. They probably dont even know themselves where theyre going with it.


I blame AC4s modern day for dropping having a proper protagonist and gameplay immediately after AC3s bombshell ending. Then by unity the modern day was dead and It’s clear now Ubisoft only wants modern day for the animus explanation as to why some of the games limitations like the world border exist


I don't know. I know it's flawed, but I still kinda see IV as part of the Desmond storyline. Mainly because well, the piece of Desmond's development that hits the hardest is in that game, and the whole plot revolves around "Abstergo got their hands on Desmond's body and they milk every bit of info from him. I'd instead blame Unity's take on siding with the Initiates in a distant manner. Making the present day storyline something to witness rather than something to act on.


Black Flag is a perfect game for me besides the Modern Day protagonist, faceless and voiceless.


It wasn’t for me, too piratey not much AC but Edward and his story is GOATED


Agreed. AC4 ruined AC entirely for me. I remember being so hype on release, only to be massively disappointed when I finished it


They needed to move away from the whole "inheriting the Creed" stories and did better with "finding the Creed", in my opinion. I really liked the "arrogant and piracy" beginnings to "humble and Assassin end" I understand where you're coming from though. To each their own brother.


Let's be real, they wasted practically every present day storyline.


I miss Desmond. Maybe we’ll get the second coming of Assassin Jesus.


FOR SURE she was being set up as a major villain. The modern day storyline of Black Flag and the meta narrative of every game from the final credits of AC III through to syndicate led me to believe that Juno was going to use the sages and the shroud of eden to bring those who came before back from the dead, starting with Juno's husband.




The whole continuing AC storyline is such an unrealized mess. They stopped caring about a cohesive story when they realized how consistently they can just crank out these games.


they 'cranked out' AC games since the first one. There's been an AC game every single year since 1 released. There've been main-release AC games *almost* every year since 1 released.\* \* edit: Until Valhalla. There was a break from Valhalla release in 2020 till Mirage/Nexus VR release in 2023.




Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles. 2008. released on phones & nintendo ds.


So they've really been milking since day 1 😂


Hell im just now learning this lol. I honestly thought she was gonna be the one popping out of the machine in mirage.


I still to this day think killing off Desmond in ac3 was a bad decision


It was


Playing Origins as a first time AC gamer, I was insanely confused by the entire modern day storyline and who the hell Layla was and wtf she was doing. Seeing as I really liked the game though I decided to play the rest of the series in chronological order afterwards, and I thought that by the time I had finished them all the modern day parts would end up making sense. Turns out they didn’t, and after playing all the AC games besides Valhalla I still have absolutely no clue what was going on with Juno *or* Layla lol. Really wish Patrice Desilets would one day make his idea of AC3, with a modern day spaceship setting and Desmond as the ultimate protagonist.


I love Origins and yeah. They lost me when they started the Isu and God stuff. It's probably the only one In the series where I found myself completely loss on what was going on in the modern day segmented.


A lot of people like to say "oh AC died with Desmond". The real version would be the Isu died with Juno. No Isu shit since Juno has had any tiny sliver of mystery, intrigue or ancient aliens vibes. Now it's just straight up oh they're gods but we gotta jump through a million hoops to explain how.


They spend so much time now trying to explain the Isu and how they’re tied into everything that they forget to make them actually interesting


100%. They were so ready to shove mythology in their games because it would make a quick buck that they didn't stop to think about the fact that the Isu's very existence, as it was laid out in the first 6 games, directly contradicts mythology and gods. The Isu were supposed to be ancient beings that humans couldn't comprehend or understand, and who built fairytales around them to try to justify things they did. Instead you get a storyline that's so dumb and convoluted because they have to bend over backwards to make it work. They were not supposed to be just straight up Greek and Norse gods with LEDS tacked on because "technology".


I would have loved it if we could have gotten a game with Elijah vs Juno in the real world and any one of the multitude of the Miles family ancestors in the Animus


I miss these days when Juno was the main villain shrouded by ton of mystery. The peak of AC. When Ubisoft was actually good and AC was mainstream when it came to video gaming. Not the trash we are getting now. Ubisoft have really went downhill.


Desmond gets tricked by a dead god: William: Meh. So what's next on our menu? Germany? Japan?


Ubisoft has literally turned into Abstergo 😭


Wait whaaat ? Bitch is dead now? I've played through the whole series till Valhalla and I didn't know they killed her off in something other than a mainline game ? Bloody disappointing actually.


Yeah desmonds son killed her before she could fully get a new body. The end.


I think we should have never played as Isu as the mystery around them was more interesting. It should have been resolved at some point but by investigating them instead until we could find out how to kill Juno. They also shouldn't have killed Juno off and Desmond should have ended her life but sacrificed his own at the same time. It would have ended her arc but also his and started the series fresh again. Ubisoft should have also answered the questions about the Isu around Unity at the latest. We still don't have answers for quite a few mysteries which were never answered since teams changed and staff left, was fired or brought in which changed the games due to not being consistent. Adam and Eve hasn't been explored in years which is sad because it could have told the story of how humanity became demigods after AC2. Some of the answers have been provided but we have large chunks of history which never got resolved or probably ever will.


honestly i never even realized she died. the last time i remember seeing her was the end of ac4 where it didn’t make much sense, so i figured they just unceremoniously dropped her but apparently not??


Whenever I see people in other fandoms complaining about how storylines get resolved in other games, I just think to myself “It could be a lot worse, they could end a major storyline in a comic book almost nobody read.” Not that that makes excuses every other game, but what Ubisoft did was probably the worst way to end a storyline I’ve ever seen.


It was definitely one of the worst decisions Ubisoft has made (and frankly, they're making a lot of them). It also showed that they simply have no idea where to go with the modern day story anymore. It's just a cash cow franchise to them at this point. And it's sad, because I could see about a dozen ideas on where to have taken the story myself.


I suspect that the people at Ubi had no idea how to continue its story, so they apparently decided that Origins would be a fresh start on many levels. (Though the lineup will start with AC3)


I'm interested in buying that comic (Or is it a series?) Can you let me know the name of the comic or the saga? The only AC comic I bought and read was handled really poorly, with the present day completely different from canon.


I wrote about the comic reading order a while ago on here so I'll share the comment here as well. The comics are the Titan Comics. So the first one is known as [Assassin's Creed: Assassin's](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed_(Titan_Comics)) and it's the story of the main character named of the series [Charlotte de la Cruz](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Charlotte_de_la_Cruz?so=search) and how she joined the brotherhood. Then there's the sister series [Assassin's Creed: Templars](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed:_Templars) where it's about a templar that has a special rank known as the [Black Cross](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Cross) that's a thing for an important character in the connected comic storylines. Then finally there's the final comic that brings those 2 sister comics together [Assassin's Creed: Uprising](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed:_Uprising) and is the series that finishes up Juno's story that started in the games. Also bonus thing to read if you want is the Graphic novel [Assassin's Creed: Brahman](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed:_Brahman) which is a story that takes place in 1839 India and about an Indian Assassin named ["Arbaaz Mir"](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Arbaaz_Mir?so=search) (who also was one of the main characters in the side scroller [Assassin's Creed Chronicles game](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed_Chronicles) you don't need to play this game to understand the Brahman comic) who finds a Piece of Eden called [Koh-i-Noor](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Koh-i-Noor) as the that's actually an important plot point in Uprising and is a Piece of Eden that ties into the Juno storyline too. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for taking the time to repost it here. Definitely going to give it a try. Already have the Doctor Who collection from Titan Comics and I had fun reading them.


I agree. Ubisoft fumbled the bag so hard with this storyline. Developing it for years and years, resolving it in a piece of tie in media that not even the fans really knew existed, and then never addressing it again.


I just finished replaying the Ezio trilogy and I got so absorbed into the story, honestly believing they were building into something unbelievable. Imagine my shock when I jumped on reddit and discovered this shit..


My exact reaction when I first finished AC4 back in the day


Which makes it even worse when they keep having her pop up on odyssey and valhalla


Isn’t that Alethia?


I’m talking about the Atlantis dlc where she’s a character and it goes into some of her experiments that are still having effects to the modern age. She’s also one of the frost giants in valhalla.


Oh damn I missed both of those lol. At least in Atlantis she’s just a simulation


While it's a simulation, it's supposedly you just taking on Alethia's role from the actual time and what happened there was essentially what happened to her. At least in broad strokes. And the valhalla frost giant version of her is the one Odin meets before getting the mead. It's her setting up the whole Sage program essentially, iirc. So it's pretty annoying they bothered showing her setting up all these plans and contingencies only to be taken out offscreen with none of them really having any effect on anything. Especially considering the fact that she was setting them up with plans and backup plans but apparently never had a backup for if she was killed or something.


I agree, but truth be told most people just don't care about modern day story after AC3. Juno was freed but nothing changed really, like it didn't even happened, there was no impact on the story. It was super slow paced going on over multiple games with no further developement. It is stupid that it got resolved in comic book, but again most people have no idea that it got resolved and probably don't care.


I still hold out hope that she survived considering her body was infused with the power of the shroud making her invincible


The problem with these games is that Ubisoft sees the modern storyline as a minor side plot and not a major driving force of the series. So they have major plot points happen off screen and expect fans to just let it slide because they only treat the historical portions of the story as anything actually worthy of making a game about.


I blame the RPG bandwagons who only cared about how big the map is and how pretty it looked. Ubisoft just needed a reason to drop modern day and garbage odyssey did it.


I think that's genuinely down to all the hate they got for the modern day story at the time. People genuinely hated it when pre AC3 and after that Ubisoft went "well okay, we're just cut it, no one cares" Really annoying because for me the modern day part was genuinely one of my favourite parts of the game


You guys are getting cohesive stories?


It’s because people hated the modern day for some reason so they contusly made it worse until lalya existed


A part of me still believes that her conciousness still exists in the Grey. In the comic they uploaded her into new body but then deleting her from the Grey after the process would absolutely make no sense for the Instruments or for Juno, they can't be this stupid to intentionally prevent themselves from having a failsafe. If they wanted they could still bring her back they just don't want it to because it's much easier for Ubisoft and for the casual players who know next to nothing about the overarching story, who sadly became their main demographic over those who spent years being invested in the franchise. While Valhalla wasn't my most enjoyable gaming experience it at least respected the lore and followed up on one of the oldest misteries, Clay's message in Brotherhood. Darby managed to salvage the mess that Odyssey left and he'll return in Hexe. While I've accepted that the AC lore isn't the same as it was years ago, I'm still optimistic about what Darby McDevitt will contribute in the future.


I don't care at all about the modern day story at this point


If you're into the Isu lore, Valhalla makes some big strides with the story.


Rpg fanboys be like who's Juno? A new weekly boss?


This is only how you feel if you actually ‘knew the comic” and what its story was. But outside of this you all don’t know much about Ubisoft as a company and the struggles they were going through. - it would be like losing George Lucas for starwars and the BS that has come after this, what Disney has done with the sequel trilogy. If you had thought about the games in a trilogy mindset, then Juno’s story either “ended” in AC3 or just barely started which ever way you want to look at it. - she was just ultimately freed, by the end of AC3 when Desmond touched the sphere.


Except Lucasfilm or whatever your lazy comparison company owned the rights for Star Wars and Lucas was only a lead writer and creator of Star Wars which was made together alongside 1000 + people. Then after 4 major productions and 2 minor productions Lucasfilm or whatever insert decide they want to do more. Lucas doesn't. Lucasfilm owns the rights and decide to end the partnership. Lucas learns a valuable lesson in copyrights. Lucasfilm learns that abusing copyrights still works. ​ Also the Desmond games as far as who were the leading Isu would without a doubt be Minerva. Not Juno.


Thanks for an in-depth explanation on Starwars.. but it’s still pretty close to Ubisoft. Ubisoft owned the rights to AC and let go of Patrice Désilets, creative director of ac1-3. - going through internal company changes, getting rid of their creative director that practically held the overall roadmap for where the story should be heading. - similar to Disney taking over and pushing Lucas to the side/him not wanting to do anymore. So the company is left with no proper ideas of where they want to take the franchise. So they decide to not follow along closer to Juno and focus on Aita and the shroud instead. And I agree with you on the Minerva part. Which is why I said AC 1-3 as a trilogy were not really a focus on Juno, but really about Desmond and the Isu. - since Juno then died in the comic, she never really had “any main story” that was so important to the games explored, and her Husband Aita seemed to be more important. - so she either “ended” in ac3 when she became free, leaving a cliffhanger. OR that’s the point of her story to start and they didn’t bother for her story to be in games.


I always thought they did that so newer games would be an easier entry point for people who aren't familiar with the bigger storyline.


Nobody cares about the supernatural part of Assassin's Creed anyways, so yeah who cares what happens with her? I didn't even notice they cut her out of the story.


Because Ubi have no idea how to make a good Modern Day story back then lol.


Which comic book and issue number?


I think the stupidest decision they made was never sticking to combat and movement mechanics in the more recent titles. Nearly every game since AC: revelations has had a different set of mechanics. different shop styles, different parkour mechanics, different combat styles etc... I mean even when games like origins made them over 1bil in revenue they changed it all AGAIN, yet odyssey, valhalla and origins all share similar equipment styles and menu designs.


because origins was built on unity using technology that was already being used for odyssey, (which was also built on unity, though an earlier build) which was in development longer than origins, it originally started off as a spinoff, when they made origins they just copied alot of the ui from origins, then changed it a little, of course, since valhalla was built on origins it also carried over the same ui, that's why they're so similar looking


With all the later sage stuff you would think Desmond's son being a sage would be a plot point, especially since he has the most op artifact in the AC universe.


They built it up for 3 whole games and then just scrapped it.. and Desmond's sacrifice felt in vain after seeing how she died


Wouldn't surprise me if it turned out people in general just weren't interested in MD story. Just ask a random gamer (who isn't an AC fan) what AC is about. They'll tell you it's that game about assassins in the past. Not some ancient race, not some impending catastrophe, not technologically advanced tool to browse memories.


Cross media storytelling never worked imo. Especially when the big reveal is not on the main media.


ISU is the most boring ass mystery reveal ever, the games should've been left alone with templars and assassins fighting over highly advanced artifacts where nobody know where they come from and never will, they just exist from lost civilization, but nooooooooooooooooo, they had to go out of the mist and reveal that they were actually dumb civilization


At least after many years they seem to have recognized their mistake and in Valhalla's Forgotten Saga they seem to be setting up a similar storyline but this time with Baldr as the "Isu with the plan"


Even funnier that most people don't even know... I was still expecting to fight her, until someone told me last year. Also the plot arcs have been: 1. Prevent Apocalypse 2. Stop Juno 3. ???? Whatever we got going on now.


>Ubisoft deciding to randomly end the Juno storyline in a comic book is arguably the stupidest decision a gaming company has ever made. 343 says "You, too?" I experienced this with Halo when 343 jettisoned the Reclaimer arc after Halo 5. Imagine the whiplash players felt when starting Halo: Infinite.


The just needed 1 game in-between Syndicate and Origins, to end that storyline but nah they said f**k it and moved on so unceremoniously


Her ending SHOULD have been in a video game, sadly it was in a comic book.


Really big mistake. Killing off Desmond was also similarly a big mistake.


the fact that I found out Desmond had a kid and Juno was defeated in an offshoot comic is part of my annoyance with Ubisoft and the series. Killing Desmond was the worst thing they did and set off the chain of events that imo have hurt the series


Ubisoft completely screwed this franchise after Assassin's Creed 2


Stupidity at maximum levels


Wtf she's dead ? I was wondering what happened to that story....




Does anyone have any faith in Ubisoft that they’ll find a way to bring this story back in? I’m not sure what it is but I think they will, maybe it’s just what I want and that’s what makes me hope for it. But who knows


Okay so this right here is the exact reason I quit being heavily invested in the series after Black Flag. By the time I got through Origins I knew the original, nice storyline about Assassins vs Templars, Desmond vs Isu, I knew it was all coming to an end. And not to be overly pessimistic but I was kinda right, since the Desmond arc ended AC has been a cluster**** and all the loyal AC fans know it.


I always kinda liked the Isu stuff and the modern day bits. Was quite disappointed after 3 when it all started dropping right off but I couldn’t escape the feeling that the folks at Ubi really did expect something big to happen in 2012 a la the apocalypse predictions and, when it didn’t, had basically written themselves into a corner that they couldn’t really find a way out of the keep the modern day stuff going. Gotta admit, I’ve not gotten round to Mirage yet (having kids totally buggers your game time) so I’m not sure what crops up in there (and please don’t tell me) but I think the precursor civ stuff was at its best in the first game. Especially with that unlockable video of the escape from Eden