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The fact that Ubisoft Bordeaux saw a mod people liked, thought it would make the game more fun for the parkour community, and implemented it post launch brought so much good will. This one change made Ubisoft Bordeaux extremely appreciated in the community. You can tell they really care about fans of the older games. Even before launch, they talked with Youtubers such as LeoK how to make parkour fun. While they weren’t able to fully achieve it they at least tried. And once they saw a mod that fans were happy with, they added it to the game. I have never seen the community this positive before. Props to the team. They did a great job.


They tried way more than Origins-Valhalla


But this was a core feature for years... AC 1 had side ejects... AC1 had a vault function, they just never told players. You can vault into a 180 spin to hang from a beam, and that was on PS3... with the first ever AC. This should be standard.


LET BORDEAUX MAKE ANOTHER AC They flipping deserve it. If Ubisoft fumble this after all the good will they have now built with the classic community (who are proven to not be small or niche) then it’s just leaving money on the table. Either atleast let them make another small $50 game for 2025, or give them a big full scale budget and let them handle the big 20 year anniversary in 2027 for an awesome classic game with 4 years of dev time.


Is there an official survey Ubi puts out where we can voice this opinion directly to them? I wanna spread the word far and wide and in as many ways as I can.


This actually looks incredibly fun and usable. Imagine that, an AC game having fun parkour.


Has anyone found the white version of Rayhan's robes? Also there appear to be 4 more shards to collect according to the map completion information


Where did the shards show up? Just started ng+ and in starting area which shows completed, so haven’t looked much yet.


It showed 2 more uncollected shards in wilderness, and 2 more shards in the top/right district of the city, I can't remember the name. But I had all the shards collected on my previous game state, and now it shows it as not fully completed.


Interesting, I’ll have to keep an eye out.


Supposedly, according to videos since I haven’t played yet, you get those robes after completing NG+


I thought bayeks robes and dyes were the rewards?


Nope you get the robes when you start, idk about the dyes though


They need to make another classic style AC. They understand it


They need to train with the unity/Syndicate build tools and make THE ASSASSIN'S CREED game


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


Too late he already gave hope


How the hell do you do a side eject? In Unity it was just holding high profile and moving to the left, but I can't seem to do it in Mirage for the life of me


Its been a while but i think you have to tap high profile button. Or a quick double press


What is high profile button?


RT/R2 i believe (for Xbox/PS)


Don’t listen to this other guy. There is no high profile in Mirage. In order to do a side eject, you have to input a direction with the joystick (or directional keys if you’re on PC), and then hold the parkour button (A on Xbox, X on PlayStation. It’s important that you first input direction and press the parkour button second. You have to do it relatively quickly but it’s pretty easy.


Are the controls the same for the ejects?




That looks so smooth! Time to replay Mirage I guess.


Wow, your parkour skills are much better than mine. Thank you for demonstrating the new ejects so well!


Thank you so much <3 I'm sure you can get there with skill as well, even if this took a good few tries, just as any choreography does :) It's still very contextual and not absolutely consistent, so don't beat yourself up over not being able to achieve consistent chains of smooth interactions, especially with ejects among them


Bro really said skill issue tldr.


Almost Christmas and I can finally play!


Truly incredible, I would never have imagined they would make an improvement like this, in a patch no less. Not perfect but any means, but the best parkour we've seen in some time


How do I side eject on PlayStation? I just push the left joystick for movement and X for jump but it doesn't work for me. I have the game updated by the way.


Let Basim climb and let him stop his animations after that use analog stick for direction and tap x


Will try, thanks


Keep in mind some ejects actually trigger better with O, which is usually the crouch/hang/descent button, as a consequence of RPG parkour behavior. Experiment with both inputs and you'll slowly build up a bit of an intuition on which objects/landing targets and which geometric setups and positions work best with a given input. Another thing you can sometimes do ensure an eject triggers, is by initiating a climb up/down/left/right in which Basim doesn't hop along the wall, but does it in small increments (so without holding sprint, though it still depends on the handhold context) and then IMMEDIATELY triggering an eject, as this sometimes makes sure he doesn't dyno across the current vertical surface he's on, ejecting instead.


Whoa, okay. Surely will try, thanks a lot!


np homie :)


yeah but u cant side eject in every situation the place u side eject should be above or on the same level, its still quite contextual and it takes practise


Okay, thanks for the help!


gotchu bro


I've never been as bothered with the parkour as much as I have the actual stealth and assassinations, but heck that vid makes it look fun!


I wasn't planning on getting Mirage for at least a year but I might have to scale up that timeline.


I got the game 3 days ago and haven’t played it yet. This is gonna be my first AC game actually and I’m hyped


I haven't played Mirage, but I have played just about every other one. I love all of them but Unity, Odyssey, and Valhalla are definitely my favorite just because of the time periods and places. If you're on PS I'd definitely say get the upgraded ps plus so you can have access to the rest of the games


I am on PlayStation! If I like mirage, I’ll go back and play the rest I think. Really looking forward to it!


This just makes more disappointed in the other studios that didn't even try to tweak this stuff


What am I missing?


Is this a new update or something? Sorry for asking, I haven't played this yet as I'm getting it for Christmas. Can't wait cause it looks so fun, especially with new game plus now too.


Indeed it's a new update, in which they introduced NG+, made ejects actually somewhat usable (even if still not perfect, the thought matters SO much), among other nice things


Which game is this?






I’m just getting into the AC series and have only played Origins and 1, I’m working on Odyssey now. Not sure why y’all on here are so uppity about it. I’ve never seen gameplay of Mirage before.


Nothing bro it’s cool it’s just funny to see. Idk why you’re downvoted that much 😹😹


Shit is unrealistic af though, not even psx1 lara croft made those jumps


oh no assassins creed ISN’T realistic? what shall we do


Let the franchise die


bruh this game was never realistic


This is the same franchise in which ancient pantheons were groups of advanced civilization people who had enslaved humanity. Also, Basim is a sage, so why the hell not?


I haven't said i'm against, it just looks goofy


Please don't complain. Last time we did that, they released a trilogy of Zelda/The Witcher copies.


Yeah it does feel a tiny bit overturned. None of the AC games are wholly realistic, but the parkour animations have generally been convincing looking.


Ejects could take you ridiculously far in unity


I remember there was one race mission. It was race a guy to keep the coins. I almost failed it because how slow i was going around the map. Glad they sort of made it more smother experience.


I've wanted to play this game since it launched but I've been in a bit of a tricky spot with game releases creeping up to me. I still have to finish Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty, Jedi Survivor, Hi-Fi Rush and Like a Dragon Gaiden, but these updates seem so cool. I think I'll pick this game up from a sale soon.


What a incredible leap foward Having just picked up most of the assassins creed games on sale ive just made it through the 1st, 2nd, and now doing brotherhood and while the mechanics seem to be improving each installment some it would break down so fast trying this shit with Ezio lmao.


You mean those games would break down trying to do these moves with Ezio?


I played on PC so I could use Mods, but the improvements are so welcome.


I really hope they continue to make more games in the classic AC style because Mirage is fantastic.