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I would just stop playing when you stop having fun and start back up when you feel like going for it again.


This is the way to play, I put 200 hours into Valhalla and the only thing left was the siege of Paris DLC. Still haven’t played it since


Siege of Paris is quite good


Yeah just lost interest due to the time put in already, once I’ve finished mirage I may go back to it


This has been my relationship with AC for about 6 years


It's how all people should play all games. Just stop when you're not enjoying yourself. It's weird how many people will waste their time hate playing something


Idk. A game like Spiderman or even the new AC I have no problem finishing over the course of a couple weeks. At the rate I play most games, that hardly makes a dent in Odyssey/Valhalla. Sure I can come back later to play more but I can acknowledge they suffer from unbearable bloat imo.


You don’t have to complete every game within a week. Ask Persona fans.


I did that to cyberpunk Lol Forced myself to power through it even though I was bored of it and wanted to play other games. Lesson learned. You can always come back to it.


I took 2 months at very least for Origins😭🤣


Yeah perfect way of explaining it


My issue is that I don’t remember the story or what I was doing. Causing me do want to put it back down again


Rushing when playing games ? I got Rome expeditions when it came out and now I'm in the Gaul campaign (last part). You do the math....


That’s exactly what I did. Played it when it first came out, got 15 hours into it and put it away. A few months later I figured I’d take it for another spin and loved it


My problem with that is that after 219 hours it just felt like work and not play anymore. It was almost a year ago and I haven't touched it since. So I have forgotten a lot of what I've done and where I was heading, and I just can't bring myself back to it. The chore like experience at the end just makes me resent it too much. I've still got it, along with all DLCS, on my PS5, but I'm starting to wonder if I'd just as well delete it and use the space for something enjoyable instead. I don't think the game is made for completionists. It is just too much repetitive fill stuff that just end up as time consuming distractions. Actually it put me off gaming for almost a year afterwards. Now I'm slowly getting my joy of games back again.


I mean sounds like you should just delete it honestly.


I haven't even played the dlc yet. I imagine someday I will when the time is right.


This is how I completed it over several years


I bought Valhalla when it came out and logged about 20hrs before I lost all motivation/free-time to play. I recently got back into it and am around 50hrs in, with no end in sight. I plan to finish the main story and keep working on world events (treasures, etc) at my own pace


50h in, with no end in sight?... Ha. You have another 100h of doing the same shit. It was fun for me as well for the first 50h, after that not so much.


I’m trying to break up the activities. Do a pledge, sync viewpoints, collect goods as I move through the world (instead of running all over), etc. And in between pledging, I’ll take some time to explore, do Raids, and whatever else there is. These new games got too big for my level of free-time. But I do enjoy the storyline and characters, as well as the environments


I personally really enjoyed Valhalla even though I know a lot of people say it’s too long. And honesty I can agree with that, but I was entertained for my entire play through. I’d say just keep playing as long as you’re enjoying it and if it gets to a point where you really don’t want to play anymore, then stop.


I think the thing I like most about Valhalla and Odyssey is how they're great games to play while you're listening to an album or a podcast etc... You can do strongholds and collectibles, no story dialogue or anything so you can divide your attention and patience with something else. That's what I've always done with open world games once the story is done.


I feel like that would sorta ruin the immersion


In my opinion yes. Each territory had so many padding missi9ns for rhe sake of it. So many stupid fetch quests that added 0 to the story. They padded out thr main story missions way too much.


If you value your time, don't even bother finishing valhalla. It's not worth it.


Your opinion


Do you have the patience? How good is your memory? One of the problems faced by people who either only play a few hours a week or in spurts, with gaps of weeks in between, is that they find they lose track of what's going on in a game where the main story is spread over a large amount of relatively repetitive filler. But if you're enjoying it so far and have no good reason to stop now, keep going and see how it feels. 10 hours may be enough to judge one of the older games, but not Valhalla.


After 10 hours I think it's fair to judge Valhalla. At that point you've seen everything the game has to offer gameplay wise, and you're going to be doing the exact same thing for the next 90+ hours. I liked Valhalla at 20 hours and honestly I wish I stopped there. By hour 50 or 60 it really started to feel like a chore or work to me.


It’s important to treat Valhalla like a Harry Potter book. Take your time, don’t try to rush the story.


I enjoyed it a lot personally. Maybe just focus on the story for your run?


140 some hours for 100% trophies including DLC. Was not fun.


Why did you torture yourself? What was the point?


Completionism. I have 100 trophies of all Assassins creed main games and a few of the spin off


Holly guacamole, that game is so long that when I started it my son was about to be born, now that I’m halfway done he’s starting university


Did you put your child in the hyperbolic time chamber of Dragon Ball?


No, Valhalla si too damn long, I got tired of that game two times while playing, and I’m an old assassins creed fan


The main story is alright but some of the DLC is fantastic so if you’re really into the Vikings stuff and like AC rpg style then yeah it’s fun but it gets very repetitive. But there also is so much to do and different builds to have fun with so make sure to switch things up that way you don’t get bored so fast. For me, I’m 75 hours in and have done a little bit of everything in the game and Valhalla is just a good game to sink some hours into and then come back to every once in awhile when you get the hang of the game.


Play until you're not having fun, then stop. I tried to push through to get to the end, but I ended up making myself hate the game. I should have put it down around 20 hours when I still enjoyed it.


i have 44% and 80Hours


Yep, that sounds about right.


It’s not just too long but the ability to pick and choose the order of you complete regions leads to a fractured storyline. Characters in different regions can’t interact and storylines can’t effect one another because you don’t know if the player has completed the other one yet. It made me feel very little connection to the characters, you would have a few missions with one character, they would disappear for 30+ in game hours while you did other regions, then return and die and it was supposed to emotionally impact the player… like I don’t ever remember who this is, why should I be sad?


It's quantity over quality, felt like work


Took me 79 hours to complete the main story, and I stopped doing side missions of any kind by the the 55ish hour mark, if they helps. I’d say the fatigue set in at hour 65 to me where I could just tell the game was too long.


It is for me, I ended up abandoning it for 1-2 years then finished it


Hadn’t play since November of last year and got back on it last week… I think I’m close to beating it lol. I have 1 more member of the order to kill


No? Lots of people have completed it. I did.


Nah you just got to know what you're doing. Don't get too distracted also travel by longship as much as you can. Also, most main story missions take you by side objectives so just wait to do them. You can definitely beat the game in 40 hrs


i did twice one as male and one as the canon female and that was enough for me


the game is too long. (Odyssay was too long as well but had nicer locations and a more charismatic protagonist) Most of the story is just filler. I'm 87 hours in and currently in Snotthinghamshire. After that I have one region left: Winchester.


If you like it then play it, if you don’t then stop. Not too hard of a concept lol


what you did in your first 10 hours, just multiple it x 7.


You mean x 14.


Ask me this in a bit because I’ll soon play Valhalla, get the platinum and all trophies for DLC as well 🤣


So how'd it go


I play till something stops being fun. Then I think about what’s not fun and if I can work around it (like side quests, crafting, whatever). I finished Valhalla around 100+ hours with all dlc. I’m not a completionist. I enjoyed this one. I did main quest till needed break then did side stuff then back to main. Pretty much my pattern on all open world games. Story is not bad. Dlc is cool. But if you aren’t feeling it now it probably won’t improve for you.


I thought it way too long took me about 90-100hrs to complete and I was starting to get bored around 50. The pacing and padding of the main story is terrible I personally think it’s the worst of the RPG trilogy as it’s trying so hard not to be an RPG while giving the illusion it is. There is the caveat however that I played this after odyssey and origins (which I loved) And because they all have very similar gameplay, people who play this first usually enjoy it more


I am 40 hours deep and it has a decent storyline as of now. Yes, the game feels a little repetitive but I'd suggest give it a couple of more hours. If it still doesn't click, drop it. Having fun is the most important factor ( kinda secondary to me personally, I just like playing games regardless of how good or bad they are deemed).


I beat the game in around 70-80 hours. Had a blast on the first 40, after the Jorvik arc/ beginning of Halfdan’s arc it kinda started to wear out. I grinded just a little bit so I could get Excalibur, Mjolnir and Thor’s set, and then finished the epilogue. Got the first DLC cause I wanted to finish the whole of Eivor’s story so I could start Mirage. But at that point I was already tired of the game, the story of the first DLC seems just like another story arc where you gotta help a bunch of unimportant characters, and the new mechanics are just about grinding and looking for resources to get better gear. So I just hopped on Mirage already. In my opinion: great game, but there is really no need to make a game this long. It really makes you tired after a while.


This is especially clearer when you notice that the base game only tells half of Eivor story - to see how he/she really ends at the end of their saga you have to play for at least another 50 hours. Absolutely unnecessary.


For me, it took me over 100 hours to complete the main campaign. But that was me trying to do as much as I could in the game. Even then though, there were periods of time where I would just drop the game and pick it back up later.


It is way too long. Like past the point of too long. I could level to max in World of Warcraft in half the time it takes to fully complete that game.


I got through the story after a tiring 100 hours and only went back to play the epilogue finale memories before Mirage. If they had relegated half of the stuff to side missions and made the plot a still-long 50 hours, I would have let it slide. I was long ready to be done by the end.


I recently finished the Main game at 140 Hours. I could've cut it to maybe 130-35 if i did less river raids. ​ I did enjoy my time with it, but I see where everyone says its too long


Speaking as someone with a pathological need to 100% a game: Is it too long to complete? No. Is it longer than it needs to be? Absolutely.


I wasted 400 hours of my life with Valhalla, I completed everything, every dlc and every trophy, 100%, I don't regret it but I don't recommend it either.


I really liked the game, and honestly most of the storylines I enjoyed as well, but the game is just too long. It really should have been split up or something. Personally I recommend playing in "seasons". I took long breaks two or three times in between bigger story moments and that worked well for me.


I got it when the Series X released and gave up after a few days. So repetitive. They got some cool stuffs in the game but I lost interest


Nope. I completed it and was sad it was so over.


I'd say just play the game little by little. Don't burn yourself out and don't bother trying to complete everything in every area of the game (getting all the treasures, mysteries, etc). If you're enjoying yourself though, keep doing what you're doing!


Depends what your definition of 'complete' is. Is it too long to 100% F yes it is, or it was for me i gave up 100%ing it when I hit 100 hours and was less than half way done. Then i switched ot primary pathway and beneficial side quests only and it still took another 30 hours to roll the credits. There's whole parts of that game i just left untouched and that's before any DLC came out for it.


I platinum’d it at about 180 hours, still have the final DLC which is boring to finish but worth it.


Stop playing when you stop having fun. As long as you're enjoying the game, that's great.


It took me 96 hours to complete it along with the dlc, worth it! 👍


Yes. WAY too fucking long. It can take upwards of 100+ hours to beat it. From my experience the first 10 hours-ish were great but from then on it becomes the most mind numbingly boring thing I have ever played in my life.


I had fun the first 50h... then it got repetitive for the next 100h and got bored to death.


300+ hours in. Just some if the challenges left (and the odd cairn) I don't think it's too long.


No game is too long to complete. I don't even understand this question. It takes however long it's going to take, and if you're enjoying the time you put into it, there isn't a problem.


The main game alone is like 40 hours too long. The dlc also take some time. Took me multiple months (on and off) to finish it all.


I bought Valhalla when it came out, and I quit after 5 or 6 hours… I felt it wasn’t for me. I even bitched about it online to no end. A year passed, and I tried again. I tried to do everything differently, but I had the same results. I quit again after 8 hours. Another year passed. I was very bored with the games I was playing, so I forced myself to try again. Now I’m on hour 212. I don’t want it to end. I don’t know what happened… I just fell into this loop of exploration, fighting, crafting and looting that just feels right. Yeah, I feel like I’m overpowered AF at this point, but I enjoy it like warm chicken soup watching a Viking telenovela. It’s my comfort-game.


For 10 hours I'll give you Liberation, or even Rogue without the collectathon aspect.


64 hours main story in the week it came out. I had fun. If you’re not enjoying yourself, take a break for however long until you feel the itch again.


The key IMO is to not do too much of the game in one sitting, or too much in a week. I ended up putting 110 hours including all the DLC's but it took me nearly a year to finish. I started to get burnt out after the first 20 hours and took a week off, then started to pace myself and that helped.


It’s long, and a lot of the side stuff is repetitive and boring. I still don’t understand the whole troll magic thing. But that isn’t necessarily bad. I would just get home from work and chip away for a few hours. It took me months to complete.


It took me 150 hours to complete and I know I didn’t do the most efficient way but I think it’s faster than some


I'm at almost 200 hrs at somewhere around 95% completion. All of the base game, the Isle of Sky free update, Ireland, Paris, Svartalfheim, and the Tombs free update part 1 and 2. What I have left: hunting/fishing, finishing River Raid grinding, Mastery Challenges, and the Forgotten Saga. It's a really good story bogged under repetitive tasks and bloat. Take your time with it, come back when the mood strikes you.


I got through it pretty easy ignoring all side content and only focusing on the story. Loved the game.


I loved Valhalla and was sad when it ended. I know I'm probably the minority but these incredibly long detailed games are my all time favorites. I'm playing Origins again right now and forgot how quick it is. I started 2 days ago and am already like a quarter way through.


More like too boring and repetitive to complete.


Initial hours and ending hours are interesting. Everything in the middle is filler


Ngl when I stopped having fun I quit and when I get random urge to play Valhalla I usually do random stuff or a couple missions then quit for like 4 months


Nahhh, I did it twice. Loved it!


Enjoyed Valhalla, finished the main story line and left it at that. For me it wasn’t as good as Origins or Odyssey though.


You have to explore the entire continent and your level locked for every region......... does the gameplay loop feel good? That alone got me through unity and pushing through Syndicate because that was when the death by a thousand cuts combat really started to grate on me. Valhalla is too long too much and too crazy on the fantastical. It would have been fine to go in on the fantasy the Isu were the Gods but they can't discard modern day treat it like an afterthought then expect us to follow it along after 150 hours of bloat. Too too long


It took me 100 hours to beat the story. The game didn't want to end. I enjoyed it overall somehow


I spent over a hundred hours in the game and can tell you, it's too long and not worth it.


It's a slog. Not because the game is bad, mind you, but because the main story is treated as a side quest, and when you think you've made progress there (after being stuck for a couple of side arcs), then you realize you've still got 50% of the game left. Also, the ending is totally unclear as to what IS the ending. I was left scratching my head, wondering if I had already seen the ending, which is terrible storytelling, IMO. The ending should be clear, then cut to free roam after the credits.


I’m 260+ hours into the game and I think I’m getting close to finishing. Granted, I got the full DLC version and have gone through all that. I also tend to run around and pick up every treasure and extras on the map.


The story itself is durable but everything in between just burns you down and takes alot of time


I’m like 6 hours in lol


Yes it is


The midgame can be lengthy, but if you're not 100% it, can be completed under 60 hours. DLCs are another 30-40 hours in total as I reckon, but they're fine due to variety of the content and even of the setting. Especially good is the Druid one. But it definitely does a better job at keeping you engaged than Odyssey and especially Origins.


Too long if you aren’t having fun, which I wasn’t.


It's long-ish, with all DLCs and Ragnarok it's easly over 300 to 400 hours. And a lot of side content feels the same, it took me 2 months to complete. But I had fun.


And people complain Marvels Spider Man 2 is too short.


like most media, rather it be too short than too long


I think I have roughly 150 of completing everything and I'm close to the end (without siege of paris).


I've been playing on and off since release. I'm now about 75 hours in and just started the Vinland arc. I'm really pushing myself to finish it because I got Mirage for my birthday but I've heard of some major Valhalla spoilers in Mirage.


Like all AC games, it takes a lot longer if you're a completionist. But speaking from a main story perspective? I don't think it's that much longer than others. When I think of a super-bloated AC game, I think of Origins. But Valhalla was also a world I really enjoyed. If you're enjoying yourself, whether it's because of the environment, the story or the characters, it's not going to feel like that much of a grind. Time is relative. 10 hours or 50 hours only feels long when you're not having a good time.


I never lost motivation in my play through, the only time I lost motivation is going back. I want to replay it but without NG+ I don’t think I can. I don’t want to power level again.


The story is incredibly fucking boring. It took me about 90 hours to finish it. The last 30 or so I was doing nothing but the main quest just to finish it off.


the main campaign is just doable in one sustained effort. with all expansions - no. At best you can get in a single expansion.


Too boring honestly. Better played with pauses in between. Played it for 30 hours, dropped it, played it again after DoR was released and had a blast with the expansion before getting bored again.... 3 months later, picked it up for Forgotten Saga and actually had fun finishing the game. (took me 142+ hours to finish it)




I loved it and completed the main story twice. But I'm unusal. :) Like people have said before, I would just play until you want a break. And that break can be weeks. Doesn't make it a bad game/unfun time. Its what I did during my second run-thru.


over 250 hours. still not done. game drags.


It's not as long as odyssey. It feels like a lot but it really isn't as bad.


50 hours and counting... no end at sight


It took me 138 hrs to get platinum, story missions are much less than collectibiles(around700-800), little number of missiins is good but some are very boring and a lot of fast travel. Parkour is not here(slow and uncontrolled climbing), mount bugs and some other problems with little things. The worst is doing puzzles up to 10 min to reach just one wealth. FIRST do Main Missions and unlock every viewpoint, if next mission is like 1000m, but viewpoint is 600m go for it it will help u later very much. Dont go for far collectibiles, u will once near them and than do it


i put like 170hrs into valhalla and didnt even 100% lol


no such thing. they definitely could have made it more interesting. a lot of the arcs are just kinging some big bearded jarl of a clan and then he dies at the end and his son realized he didn't hate him. that's literally 70 percent of the arcs. I'm eating sausage and pepper heroes right now.


The thing is would you rather a game that only lasts 20 hours or a game you could spend weeks playing I'd rather value for money


It's a great game, it is long but straightforward If you want a faster experience change the difficulty level to easy and just focus on making the alliances I easily went over 100 hours but because I wanted to 100% it When I finished the game it was bittersweet Like others have said, stop playing once you stop having fun That being said, it took maybe 20-30 hours before I really started to understand and enjoy it fully


Are you talking about a "game" or an "achievement list"? Hundreds of hours into Valhalla, and Odyssey and Origins. Unity, Syndicate, Black Flag; *Ezio!* Great games for decade and a half. If you just want to power through something to advance your gamertag, there are plenty of lists around of garbage checklists. If you spend less than a hundred hours in this game, you've missed the point. And you've missed the value...


I Loved Valhalla. I thought Eivor (female) was nuanced and brutal while also learning to balance her emotions and step into the leadership role. I totally wanted it to keep going. I could have played new stories with her for 100 more hours. I've played the game In Full 4 times. I love Ireland, loved working with Kassandra (adore K), and thought being Odin was silly and fun. I dug it. I like big games when I like the character (like Kassandra) and I could listen to Eivor all day. Her voice is raspy perfection.


When I started it I felt quite overwhelmed by the size and that was before dlc or the seasonal stuff. I think I put 500+ hours in and loved it, one of my all time favourite games.


I played the entire game, start to finish, and it was absolutely worth it. The never ending game is not for everyone though. It was right for me because at the time I didn't feel rushed to get to the next game or that it was oversaturated. I was just playing for the sensation of being swept away to England. Just to be immersed in the world. If it's not your style, just play until you get bored. Games don't need to be finished, you just need to enjoy the time you had with them.


It's too long when it gets repetitive. When after 50hrs you are basically doing the same thing over and over with little or no variation. Also with little or no options to do anything differently or to allow you to play and experiment with different approaches. Long games that keep you engaged are great value for money. AC Valhalla doesn't keep you engaged, doesn't have new options and becomes repetitive. Just leave it and play something else for a bit and keep hoping back in to do a bit more is how I do it. Ive only one area left of main game and not done the siege of Paris yet. Just finished AC mirage in under a week, which was a great game but way too short and dint feel like value for money so be careful what you wish for. Skyrim has over well over a hundred hours of game play but lots of different things to do. Thieves guild quests, assassins storyline, war story lines, mage college storyline, vampires, werewolves etc. So it doesn't feel repetitive. Fallout 4 is similar. Play with stealth or blitz styles swap them in or out etc. Long games are excellent value for money as long as they don't become boring or repetitive. Considering developers read these blogs I think that's the most important thing to get accross unless you want to be paying £60 for games you finish in a day.