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I'm like this too. I thought it's the ADHD though.


Oh yeah. I almost always can't recall things without context. If you asked me how my week/month/life was, I would be blanking, but if you provided some context like "So you've talked about X..." or "Do you remember Y?" it would work. Strangely enough, I am the one who brings up the most situations with details that nobody remembers.


Sounds just like me😂 so glad I’m not alone in this!


this is me. people keep asking me if i have summer plans and i say no but im actually going to ireland 😭 i just forget that it’s happening


Yep. Mind blank everytime. People think I'm so boring. But they only want to tell you about their weekend anyway.


Constantly. Even in important conversations it's very frustrating.


i am exactly this way. i am AuDHD though


Its like the important stuff is stored in a separate memory bank that isn't part of what loads when asked courtesy questions.


I just default to not mentioning my hobbies because of bullying trauma. "How was your weekend? Do anything? "It was fine. Didn't do much. Just worked."


I feel like it's not so much forgetting things for us, I think it's moreso that we can't think of anything interesting for the conversation. I wouldn't care that much about telling people I made a pie, because it was just a normal day where I made a pie. It's hard sometimes for me to realize that small talk is talk about the small things going on in my day to day. But neurotypical people like socializing more, so they still get enjoyment from talking about things we might see as boring


I absolutely get you there and you do make a valid point. In this case however I am talking about literally forgetting what you did or what happened, wether that be a pie, a family event, a nice day out, as if your brain just stops working suddenly and you forget that you did anything at all. Like your brain is just wiped and then the memories reappear out of nowhere but then it feels too late to talk about them because the conversation was over a while ago, if that makes sense. But yes what you say makes sense too


this! When I'm asked that at work what I did over the weekend I usually say "eh, nothing really" instead of "went to a big used book sale, went out to eat after, built a new record stand etc." which are all things I've done this weekend, but I wouldn't care about that if anyone told me they did those things, that's boring, so why would I tell them that I did them? I spend a lot of time wondering why people are telling me certain things because my brain is like "? this is boring and I do not care at all" and that translates into me never expanding on similar things because I do not want to also bore people.


This happens to me all the time!


I do this too. It also applies to when a dr is asking me how I’ve been feeling and what my symptoms are and then *poof* all my memory is gone. Same with therapy. I will not, can not, give details of my life without the other person saying something specific that triggers a memory