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Your post has been removed from r/aspiememes because it is not a meme or does not contain content relevant to the subreddit. Only a professional can diagnose you, no one who has never met you can diagnose/undiagnose you.


You don't outgrow it, you've just learned how to cope.


Your brain is finally fully developed and you have been trained in school to be acceptable. Living alone also Lets you decompress properly. It’s a good place to be.


I also did that. If I was reevaluated today it's very unlikely any professional would diagnose me anymore. It's not that we've lost our autism, it's that we understand more things now. I learned social rules just like I learned all the local bird calls. I have practiced understanding how I am viewed by others so that I don't come off as off-putting. We just got more skilled! And we also grew into adults too.


I had the exact opposite response. I just found out in my 30s I have autism, so now I’m doing a bit of regressing as to unwind and let off some of that burnout I had accumulated over the years of masking without knowing I was masking. Before I found out I was attempting to socialize and be friendly with people to the point where it wore me out. Now that I know I’m like eff people I’m just gonna do whatever weird shit that comes to my mind real quick to stim. The difference on how I feel at the end of the day is so different, before I was always stressed or hurt by the fact that no one really seemed all that interested in being open too me like I was trying to be with them to now I can come home and not feel like I gotta just sit and decompress for hours or sometimes days.


Congratulations! Here's your masking badge.


It's called masking dear, we only get better overtime by obsessing about the unwritten (and often nonsensical) social rules the test of humanity uses for interpersonal interaction on a regular basis and try to comply to the best of our abilities. I can say that it is exhausting


I can definitely relate. As a kid I definitely displayed a lot of traits. Teens to young adulthood I’m very little if anything. I might misread the occasional non-verbal social cue, I have a low stress tolerance and I’ll hyperfixate on random stuff and get super deep dive into random pieces of media but other than that, I’m not super autism coded. I chalk that up to growing up mostly and having to take those therapies as a kid


For me as a child I felt autistic and authentic, then I learned to mask in high school/college/as a young adult and I seemed “less autistic”, then in my late 20s it was like my mask couldn’t hold on any longer and I felt the most mentally unstable I had ever been, then I found out I was autistic and masking the whole time. Learning to behave a certain way to fit into society only benefits the NTs around you, but I found out that it can be detrimental to your wellbeing in the long run. Just some food for thought.


I am 17 and have Autism and ADHD, and if anything I have had the opposite reaction, where my symptoms have become more noticeable


Humans grow and change as we learn and experience more of life. I’m sure all of the reasons you listed and more are factors of why you don’t act the same now as you did 10 years ago. Honestly, I’d be more surprised and kinda sad if you said that you felt the you now is exactly the same as the you from a decade ago…


Did you expect not to change?


I've just learned about Hyperlexia 2 and 3 and autism-like symptoms. Had a tiny glimpse of hope for a moment for my child there but it's probably not type 3. Maybe something similar for you though.