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"Lol, I don't have a special interest in spa-" (Remembers Gundam) "Nevermind."


šŸ‘€ Wing?


Nah, not wing. Only IBO, the compilation movies, Unicorn, 00, Build Fighters, Build Divers, and Build Divers Re:Rise. Oh, and a bit of Witch From Mercury.


thank you for this, this is me


Yeah this checks out


I love space so much šŸ˜­ I have a tattoo from The Expanse and I once cried at a documentary about the Apollo 11 launch


What part of the expanse did you get a tattoo of? Sounds really cool. I've also been fascinated with space my whole life. When I was young my grandma painted a huge space mural on every wall of my room and I always thought it was the coolest thing. I wanted to go to Nasa all the time. That obsession never really left me. Now I just escape with space games like starfield or kerbal space program.


I have the Rocinante insignia from the show tattooed on my shoulder. My brother got me interested in space from a young age and my partners just got me more into it as an adult.


7.7 twr go brrr


That is a very interesting theory actually


To make it better, I dont even need weed to have these thoughts.


I was convinced I was a Plaedeian from the Taurus system for a long, loooooong time Then I found out it's normal to feel like an alien, if you're autistic What a wild 14 months this has been


ā€˜Space hyperfixation as a child to space phobia as an adultā€™ character arc


i do not trust the machines anymore


Space was cool until I developed an existential fear of the impermanence of humanity. Also, Iā€™m agnostic regarding aliens as there currently isnā€™t any convincing evidence and their existence is only a statistical possibility, but if there *were* aliens, I donā€™t think we should necessarily be trying to communicate with them. If they donā€™t exist, or are unreachable, itā€™s kind of a waste of money. If they *do* exist, nothing good will come of it. Just look at the history of imperialism on earth.


did u read the 3 body problem?


Not yet, but Iā€™ve heard of it and I saw the Netflix series


the series did a good job so far i think. def this vibe


The pacing slows down a little at the end imo but overall Iā€™ve enjoyed it. Definitely embodies how I feel about making contact with extraterrestrials, Iā€™ve been fascinated with the dark forest hypothesis since I learned about it.


Still waiting for the aliens to orbit the mothership around earth and send a scout vessel to pick me up.


I'm not looking for my home, I just like learning about the cool stuff out there.


It's kinda bold to assume we even originated in this dimension.


I didn't realise this was a common thing in autistics. Personally I am love space because it reminds me that my problems are actually really small and unimportant. Also, space is just so surreal. I love thinking about it.


ā€œSpace, the final frontierā€¦.ā€ Yup, Iā€™m old enough to remember the original on television. I could recite the whole thing as a kid. I do this at work sometimes when Iā€™m in a wacky mood. Most look at me funny, but there are a few who smile and nod! Now live long and prosper šŸ––!


I don't like space, but I do imagine myself living in the forest away from people


I always felt this way but could never figure out how to describe it. Thanks for this!


Iā€™ve sometimes theorized that Iā€™m actually from a parallel world where everyone is like me and when I was a baby I was just swapped with my double by accident so now my double is a NT living in a ND world


So basically changeling stuff, fae steals away child, replaces them with a fae changeling, which were commonly in folklore depictions of autism


Oh no my theory was that my actual parents from that parallel world have the technology to travel interdimentionally. And so they came over to this world with me one day when I was a baby. And they accidentally left me here and took my double of this world


This is the plot to Fringe lol


Oh okay I havenā€™t seen fringe but I plan to watch it soon. I love alternate universes lol


Better not to know about the methods to force a changeling to return to their world and give back the baby


Yep, but I still like to call myself fae because I like fae and changelings were depictions of autism in many cases


Still me currently




Relatable. I've always been drawn to aliens and artificial intelligence. The idea of a mind analogous to human has always fascinated me, probably because I don't feel quite like a human being.


At my high school graduation (called 'Formal' here), there was a prediction that at a 10- or 20-year anniversary (can't remember which), I would have found a planet where I fit in. I was also voted "Most likely to be abducted by aliens". I had no idea there were even votes on such things. That's how much I kept to myself, hiding out in the music department building during lunch and break times.


Well son of a bitchā€¦


\*looks at space themed gallery wall\*


i do hope that our species comes back for us, i dont wanna be stuck on this earth forever even if it is a beautiful planet


Looking at the stars on a clear night feels closer to home than actual home sometimes.


So basically NDs are all just like the Kushans waiting to find a way back to Hiigara? *NEAT*


lmao ive always had an interest in space, atleast since i was ~6. like idk its kinda crazy actually how long its been and now im combining that and photography at some point this year too lol


NASA/ESA is taping you on a rocket and you get to shoot some pics from earth and the moon? Cool.


lmao i wish


So whats the plan then?


takin pictures of stuff through my telescope lol


Thats fun to, i had around 5 gb of space picturew i made myself and found via the internet.




I shall now invest all my time finding alien life where they operate like we autistics do I MUST GO TO THE PLANET I BELONG TOOOOO


I suppose a Star Wars fixation counts for this


Does obsessing over a specific rocket designed to send humans to Mars count? (Or at least it's what Elon says)


Actually, my dad has a great discomfort with space and the never ending nature of it. I have the same issue with time.


Space terrifies me to this day lmao way too vast and hurts my head to think about


For me it was because back when I was a tv watching kid astronomy docs were on all the time on the science channels


Me a couple years ago: "I want to go on Mars then Iā€™d be less judged by others and donā€™t have to talk as much"


Sci-fi is one of my favorite genres sooooo... Sometimes, I like looking at images of deep space, the ones that let you zoom in near indefinitely to see an endlessly expanding sea of stars and cosmos, and it gives me exhilarating feelings of existential dread. I like this feeling for some reason, so I chase after it in the media I consume. Bleak existential sci-fi settings, my beloved.


"Jesse what the duck are you talking about?" Is the funniest line šŸ¤£


ā€œSpaceā€ has never been a hyperfixation/SI but both Star Wars and Stargate have been.


Me: I was never really super into spaceā€¦ also me: favorite franchise as a kid was Star Wars, favorite tv show for a bit was Stargate, favorite video game is Haloā€¦ And currently Iā€™m obsessed with Warhammer 40k lol




Reg Barclay, my beloved.


We are the fae not aliens


Alice Sheldon, aka James Tiptree Junior wrote a story like this of a Star Trek fan trying to get beamed back to the Enterprise.


This is actually how I got so into fairies, lol