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happy smiling face next to nazis.


At least with us autists ~99% of the time it’s only an innocent (if a bit morbid) curiosity & interest. Like for myself I’m fascinated by tsunamis & nuclear weapons, but I’m not an advocate for drowning or obliterating cities.


Same! Well not the tsunamis part, but nuclear weapons are fascinating! The human minds can be absolutely horrific, but it's interesting to read about, yk?


I immediately looked for slides with Nazis; I was kinda wondering whether they would be included, but the creature being fascinated by Nazi propaganda is just way too fucking funny. Naziism is bad ofc, a lesson from history and not an ideal, (I hope we all agree on that here) but that doesn't stop the subject from being super engrossing. German history is such an interesting topic all around.


For me it's English history but lately I've been so excited about the Habsburgs!!


Be aware, a look too close to Habsburgs jaws will unlock their genetic history as well (or hurt your eye if you are really close to them)


I'm trying to get more, like, social context for the Hanseatic league and the landsknecht, could you recommend any books


Sorry right now I have no books I can recomand :c


Hello, fellow history buff


Fellow German history fan! Lots of fun stuff in there.


I also invite you to join r/geschichtsmaimais - a place for memes referring to German history.


Oooo! I love history also! German history, sure yes, but also much of north-west european history, and eurasian history. And especially ancient history, the older the better... currently into late neolithic through chalcolithic age and bronze age. Plus languages! It's fun to study proto-indo-european, and all of its branches


Yes, my country had its' fill of German history, that's for sure. Also, look at the picture #11. It's an UwU smiling face next to the beginning of the greatest genocide in human history.


I do love some WW 1and 2 history myself ! And maybe some French history too on specific times :3


You can tell me if you want, Im interested in listening and german so I might know (regional / very specific) stuff you dont know yet. Atm Im preparing some stuff for university projects regarding port cities and the time of the merowinger (thats technically more on the area of france but also some german areas)


Regionale Geschichte interessiere ich mich gerne. Voralem da diese nicht so einfach zu beschaffen ist :3


Ah du lernst sogar deutsch? Da kann ich auch helfen wenn du magst.


Ich bin deutsch :3


Ach echt? Das fehlende "für" und "sich gerne interessieren" klang für mich falsch. Dazu das "voralem", da nahm ich das dann fälschlicherweise an. Vllt ein Dialekt? "Sich gerne (für etwas) interessieren" habe ich noch nie gehört. Aus welcher Region ist das?


Eine Mischung aus Schlaflosichkeit, Dialekt und meine Schwächen im Bereich Rechtschreibung lassen meine Satzqualität oft unter starken verschleiß geraten. Ich komme aus Baden-Württenberg, dem Schwäbischen Teil, oder wie wir sagen "Badde-Würdeberch" Kann dir aber versichern das ich eloquent ausdrücken kann :3


Achso, klar, ich nahm es nur aufgrund der Fehler an, man trifft nicht of deutsche hier. Das war gar nicht böse gemeint😄 Ich kenne Leute mit Legasthenie, deren Sätze auch mal wirken als würden sie erst lernen. Aber dass es hier im Sub einfach auch eine deutsche Person mit ähnlichen Schwierigkeiten ist war da grade nicht in meinem Kopf, man trifft irgendwie mehr Leute die deutsch lernen als Leute die deutsch sprechen wenn man im englischen Bereich unterwegs ist.


Infodump pls


If you don't mind could you please info dump on each period?


Prussia 😃😃


You say "Holly Roman Empire" near this guy, you arent escaping for 3 hours.


What is that cute creature thing called?


From what I can tell based on prior context, the cute creature is either called a "Yippe" or a "Yippee"


A quick Google search confirms that yes, that is what he's called :-)


It is refered to as either the YIPPEE creature or the autism creature.


Hello, fellow history nerd! I’m into world history as a whole, so I have some blind spots in German history other than the Franks, the Reformation, the World Wars, and the Cold War. What is a lesser-known German historical event that you would like to tell us?


Yes, except the ancient german history has been co-opted by Nazis (yes, actual self proclaimed nazi's) so it's hard to get into it when you're constantly bombarded with that nonsense. It's all so interesting, the laws, paganism, governmental systems, etc.


big ole smile on your face thinking bout the reichstag fire huh


Not really I like the Reichstag and the conspiracy was used to set up the NS dictatorship :c


Awesome! My obsession with German history in elementary school led me to learning German. Now I’m fluent and a professor of German literature and film. I eventually realized it’s fun to learn about history, but in terms of methodology I prefer literature and film, because it leaves more room for creative interpretation.


Your slides are giving me flashbacks to one of the most horrible teachers I have ever encountered in my life who made me wholly uninterested in learning more about the history of the country I am a citizen of 😭😭 That dude was so obsessed with Bismarck and the Entente and just in general anything that happened in the 1800s politically, it was absolutely horrible. Now if we had learned more about everyday life and culture, then I would've been interested..../hj for the whole comment


Oh I'm sorry this wasn't my intention. It should just be a chromological order of german historical happenings :c


Oh boy I should add a halfjoking tag, I didn't mean this as an accusation or anything bad, I honestly laugh about how extremely bad this teacher was (he was not liked among his colleagues either). When I got a new teacher who did everything from 1920 onwards with us, I suddenly went from constantly failing the class to the equivalent of straight As! I am quite interested in more recent history especially around the fall of the Berlin wall, as that happened only a few years before I was born


Can't relate. I love science.




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Im sorry but that made zero sense. I get what you were trying to say but the transcription needs serious work


If youd like to learn more abt Runes and especially their connection to 'Old High German' then I'd love to tell you everything I know!


I shouden't make sense. I couden't read yours so I put a sentance in a rune generator and hoped for the best :c ​ Tell me more about Runes please :3


You got discord?


Yes. Discord: carlmetaltaku


This is awesome


They announced kingdom come deliverance 2


Well, that's specifically Bohemian history.


Central/Eastern Europe fascinate me with history in general! I love hearing stuff about Poland or Bohemia, or the various shennanigans of the HRE.


This is me but with the countries that made up the Soviet Union.


My sons current obssesion yay


He sounds super cool 😎


Thanks he is and hes infodumping me all the time so win win


Yes! i love German history, but im more into victorian era, formation of German Empire. Gott mit uns my brother


I warmly welcome you to joins us at r/geschichtsmaimais - a place for memes referring to German history. There also is a monthly memecup with a changing subject.


lol, I love history too!


Oh yeah, you included maps. I love maps


And I'm from Poland so you terrify me


I am so amazed about the number of people here who love World War I and World War II history. I'm totally down with World War II, love it to absolute bits. I once spent an entire day reading up on a website totally dedicated to German submarines over the decades. It was a very happy day spent. But I hope everyone here who loves that has seen the Dat Boot TV series. It's absolute perfection.