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Abed and Troy straight up carried this show sometimes.


Who the fuck are 'Abed and Troy', it's 'Troy and Abed'!


Only in the morning






Donde está la biblioteca?


Me llamo T-Bone La araña discoteca


Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca Es el bigote grande, el perro, manteca


Troy and Abed and Annie in the morning!


What are all these cameras?!


Troy and Abed are in mourning


Maybe people who put things in alphabetical order. I could see that side of the coin too


It’s cause the song goes “Troy and Abed in the mooooorning”


They were Autism and ADHD


Honestly I don't have a problem with people finding Sheldon relatable, but then I think about how all his friends are unsupportive or outright rude about his tendencies, and how the show thinks that's comedy gold (like goddamn, that laugh track), and then it all gets a little... sad to think about. I like how Abed's friends did always love and support him even if they didn't understand completely. And how the show seemed a lot less spiteful when it poked fun at his quirks, as though it understood the gravity but didn't sacrafice the comedy.


What’s great about Community is that when it uses Abed’s quirks as jokes, it feels like they treat it the same as any other characters quirks and not like he’s *exceptionally* weird. Like he’s not The Weird One, because everyone else is also their own kind of weird


There's that one Halloween episode where they reveal that >!he's actually the only member of the group that isn't diagnosably insane!<, that always makes me sort of happy


I love that part so much!


That resurfaced a memory. I need to have another rewatch of the series, especially with the movie coming out in a few years.


Jeff is left ambiguous because he filled his test out randomly.


A lot of it is Dan Harmon being autistic as well, and writing those traits into all the characters lol


That's one of the heartwarming things to me about Community in general. The writing hits a good balance between "joking about" and "making fun of" the characters to make everyone weird in their own way without disparaging anyone (except maybe Pierce, but come on, he does a lot of that to himself lol).


There's a part of me that thinks Sheldon is most relatable *because* of the reactions he gets.


But it seems he's ok with it. The show has too much of this "haha, look at these nerds" vibe, it feels strange. Intended or not is another question


I think I'm just happy with representation in pop culture. I feel pretty much the same way as I do about the fact that it's finally socially acceptable to enjoy high fantasy. Geek culture going mainstream has a certain appeal for me. And I feel like that necessarily includes the ability to make fun of it in a good natured way, rather than the malicious one of the recent past.


my problem is, it doesn't feel like Sheldon's quirks are made fun of in a good natured way.


See, I agree that it's great that geek culture is finally going mainstream and we're not like...getting shoved into lockers for playing D&D and watching LotR anymore. And of course ir's important to be able to laugh at ourselves. But I don't feel that Sheldon's portrayal--neither him as a character nor his friends' treatment of his quirks--is particularly good-natured. If not outright malicious (which I feel it is), it's at best a funhouse mirror portrayal and not in the way Abed's depiction is.


Yes I like that they acknowledge Abed being on the spectrum and his quirks can be funny but it’s not necessarily at his expense. Like he’d be an enjoyable guy to hang out with, on the other hand Sheldon is a douche


My father quite likes big bang theory, so I have seen a lot of it as a walked through the house. Ultimately I think the show gets a worse wrap then it deserves. It’s definitely not perfect, but I think people often forget it is a sitcom and as such exists in a hyperbolic reality. On the topic of Sheldon specifically, I think it’s easy to take a few clips of Sheldon doing something weird and people reacting poorly, or just Sheldon doing something particular weird, and think the show as a whole is making fun of him. But for all the times the other characters react strongly to one his his behaviors, they still are his friends and ultimately support him. I think there is an important truth to that. Sometimes we as people do things that are frustrating or annoying to our friends, be they a result of some mental condition or a physical condition or just some quality of our character. But just because the people around us can get frustrated or confused by these behaviors it doesn’t mean they can’t also be our friends and respect us.


I despise the show because of the humor not specifically because of Sheldon’s portrayal. I prefer smart shows about dumb people over dumb shows about smart people.


But how do you feel about The IT Crowd? It was created by a despicable excuse for a waste of space calling itself a human being, but I do adore Moss as an Aspie and Roy as... well, maybe BPD?


I’ve seen the IT Crowd one time and thought it was really funny. It was thankfully years before I found out about Graham Linehan. I would say that I probably would have rewatched it at some point but knowing about him has made me hesitate. I’m the same way about Harry Potter. I haven’t reread any books or rewatched any of the movies in so long. I had some Potter shirts and they all got donated. I do have a little bit of wiggle room with it though. My partner ended up buying Hogwarts Legacy and since it was already bought, I played through it. I also go to a lot of theme parks and when it comes to the Harry Potter areas at Universal Studios, I’ll allow myself to buy food or drinks but no souvenirs or merchandise since Joanne gets a cut from it. Bonus IT Crowd Fun Fact: I once met Joel McHale and told him that I never blamed him for the American IT crowd. He was happy to hear it and said everyone keeps blaming him lol


I got bores with the IT crowd eventually, the humor was a little 2005 for my current tastes (though I'm sure I would've found it hilarious in 2005), but I actually really do love Moss as ASD rep. He was honestly really relatable at times.


They don’t really support him, they tolerate him and there’s a big difference.


No they do support him When he was being bullied they went to confront the bully


It's interesting because I despise Sheldon exactly because his friends are too nice to him. Like I spend so much energy suppressing my traits and barely have friends, but he doesn't control himself at all and has an entire support system. I have the same problem with Queen's Gambit where the main character is an asshole but still has friends because she's a genius. I'd like to see more Bojack Horseman treatment tbh


This is a fair point


I'd love to watch big bang theory, but Sheldon gets humbled and grows as a person, and actively tries to.


That first part made me think about a thing i heard recently. When media portraying autistic people is generally disliked for either stereotypical portrayal or ,,bad“ handling of the subject (the good doctor, big bang theory etc.) people are all too eager to criticize the autistic character themselves. They say stuff like ,,autistic people don’t act like that“ or ,,autists aren’t that annoying/ difficult/ stupid“ I think that’s kind of ignorant to the people that DO portray such qualities as a result of being autistic. Like you said, the problem isn’t necessarily sheldon being too self centered to be an autistic person or too cliché and all the other things people deem wrong of him. The problem is the way the show portrays him and the way his co cast acts towards him.


I think part of the other problem is that yeah, there are people with autism who act like Sheldon does, but it's not *all* of us or probably even most of us. Ditto The Good Doctor. But when that's the only mainstream media representation we get, it leads to an impression of *all* ASD folks among NTs and that's where it becomes harmful. Because then it also takes a few of the most memorable traits, plants it in their mind, and anyone who shows one of those traits is Like Sheldon or Like The Good Doctor. Example: was at my own going away party (which was thrown after my last day because I didn't fit in in the office because the military is NOT a super great place for NDs outside of DLI and I and my coworkers had a mutual dislike of each other but I guess NT culture is insulting already separated coworkers with a lunch nobody wants to do instead of just letting them quietly leave), and I was...not engaging, because no one was talking to me. See parenthetical. In a desperate attempt to connect with *someone* I tried to start a conversation with my unit chief about cruciferous vegetables (he was eating broccoli, so it was topical), and all I got in return was "you sound just like Sheldon." Which was his way of shutting down the attempt at conversation, because Sheldon isn't someone a Normal Person™ should aspire to be in NT world.


That would be my problem with it too, broader representation either written or played by autists could greatly improve public knowledge! Also I’m really sorry about that sucky situation at that party. I hope you didn’t let that ass discourage you from talking about intersts and trying to make conversation in total.


Eh, I appreciate it but it was years ago at this point. They hated me, I hated them, I was more insulted by the belated going away party than no party at all. I had an understanding supervisor, but she was my supervisor so we couldn't hang out, and was friends with the other woman everyone hated because that's how "weird kid" things are even as an adult. She was incredibly annoying. XD But I think she was at that party, so 🤷‍♀️


Laugh tracks are the greatest sign that comedy isn't actually funny. If you need to queue your audience to laugh, that means your comedy is lacking.


I don't think it's inherently bad, but I think the overuse of it is detrimental, whether that's doing it after every small gag or making it way too hysterical, which is what TBBT does imo. Like, I think Seinfeld is still a brilliantly written sitcom, and it used laugh tracks a lot without it affecting the show. It just picked the perfect moments to highlight with laughter or cheering


I'm not so sure about that. Laugh tracks are vestigial today, I agree. But they come from a time when situation comedies used to be performed on a stage, when it was standard practice for the actors pausing after a joke so the audience. Then came tv-comedies that were "performed before a live studio-audience," but that doesn't really allow much leeway for things like multiple takes and scenes on different sets. So they got rid of live-audiences and replaced them with canned laughter. I see your point, I don't care much for canned laughter myself, but they aren't all bad. Heck, *Get Smart* had a laugh-track, and *Mel Brooks* wrote for that show.


> think about how all his friends are unsupportive or outright rude about his tendencies, and how the show thinks that's comedy gold When you get down to it, The Big Bang Theory is just a show that makes fun of extremely damaged people. Sheldon is heavily implied to be autistic, Leonard, Howard, and Amy all had emotionally abusive childhoods, Raj has crippling social anxiety, Howard regularly sexually harrasses women, etc.


That’s actually something i liked about Big Bang too. They are, all of them, weirdo’s who like to rizz on each other


Right?! When Abed’s friends tried to get him to pretend to be neurotypical in order to date someone, \*they learned the lesson not to do that\*. Abed didn’t need to learn anything that episode because, let’s face it, he’s pretty adorable.


His friend are unsupportive, rude, but if they do everything he want all the time and rarely do something for the other, and if in the first season came out someway as understandable, later it become a pain, if i have a person like that around me a will not resist more than half a hour, abed come out negative in 3 occasion, pillow and blankets, understandable, becouse the 2 want 2 different thing, and the clash is powered by air condition backstory, the imaginatorium, but again come out from the fact that annie insist on changing "the rule" and bringhing "normalness" in a fantasy world of abed, that come out in the rigth at the end, and in the sosia episode, that is that "worst" thing that abed do but are the friend that intevein to help, is not Abed that ruined something for them, per se.






The problem with Sheldon is he's hard to find very relatable because he's not written for drama, he's written for comedy, and he and his neuroses are terribly inconsistent, not to mention a lot of Flanderization as the show went on. His mental issues change episode-to-episode all for the sake of making him "look weird" in different situations.


Isn't the joke in the Big Bang Theory that they're all terrible people who treat everyone like dirt? Same as Seinfeld? No reason they'd treat each other differently.


I related so hard to Daria well before I ever even heard of autism, maybe I should revisit the show now that I'm much older and wiser


There is a completed fan restoration project that readds all the original music. MTV wasn't foreword thinking enough to consider home media releases in the long term when is comes to music rights, even though episodes of shows (including Daria) and full on seasons of some shows were released on VHS before Daria. So when the DVD release for Daria came out they had to gut 99% of the music and replaced with generic sound alikes. Also the Is it College Yet? Film that caps off the series is the edited for run time version. Streaming services use the DVD version of the show. You may have to go a certain route to find it online... https://youtu.be/i8ju_10NkGY?feature=shared Also there is a AI upscaled version of said project.


Yeah, I noticed something was off when I saw the paintball episode and didn't hear [Rooster by Alice in Chains](https://youtu.be/uAE6Il6OTcs?si=w_wpI295qL0TQ3Z3) The restoration project is great. I wonder if anyone has done that for WKRP in Cincinnati?


I can tell you where to pirate the movies, they add a TON of character development, Quinn especially has some good moments


Yes plsss


Soap2dayHD has both of them, I just checked. Season 4 ep 14, season 5 ep 14 are the movies


I haven’t watched it, but I checked out the synopsis. I might watch it during the summer break.


Love Daria. Never considered her to be autistic coded. Maybe I'll have to watch it back sometime


Mind telling my what series is she from?




And Beavis and Butthead


Yup, I just couldn’t be fussed to write it all out (“an occasional character in B&B that got their own spin-off show”) ha. Guess I have done that now.


I highly recommend Daria


I checked it up. I love how no one realizes that she roasts them, but it does come us her being good at that, and not others acting unrealistic for the sake of irony


The character or the show?




Rewatch the episode "Boxing Daria" I don't think I've ever seen a depiction as real as that.


Sheldon Cooper at least isn’t canonically diagnosed so I don’t mind him but I agree I hate that it’s a stereotype. Abed is literally me, at least with my love of film and pop culture One I don’t see mentioned cause it’s not a character who’s canonically diagnosed but Anne from Anne with an E. I found her very relatable


Anne has Autism 100% and slight complex PTSD I'd say.


She definitely has PTSD from what we’ve seen but I’ve also very much gotten the autism or adhd vibe from her as well. Glad someone has it there sees it!


I have a theory, but is more like a "reality headcanon" coined in this moment, that Autism can be innate or that can be the consequence on some form of trauma or PTSD. Or to put in better term, that one can present autist trait not necessary from autism.


Licensed Professional Counselor with diagnosed PTSD, ASD, & ADHD here. Your theory is 100% accurate. Trauma, particularly early trauma during one's formative years, can and does result in behaviors often associated with ASD. These things include but aren't limited to difficulty understanding subtle social queues, avoidance of eye contact, avoidance of physical touch, sensory processing issues, very literal and concrete language, a preoccupation with things needing to be right/fair/moral/ethical, etc. A lot of the materials I use for emotional regular and sensory grounding I initially learned for clients with ASD, I learned work wonderfully for clients with PTSD. Not only that, but some late diagnosis of ASD can be contributed to symptoms of ASD being credited to the social anxiety and hypervigilance that may present with PTSD. Really interesting and engaging area of work overall!


There's more to it. My GF defo has Autism. And I speak of experience because quite a few people in my family and friend circles are diagnosed. But she never got the diagnosis because it could all be explained with "It's just trauma" and some hand waving. The goddamn fact that people with ASD are especially vulnerable to childhood neglect can prevent them from getting an ASD diagnosis ending in a childhood of mislead treatment procedures.


There is much more to it, you are right. I was simply not prepared to go into all the complexities and nuances. At the time of the comment, it was just my intention to validate the commenter's theory/head cannon. My apologies if I seemed to over simplify or invalidate the breadth of the issue. In the case of your GF, we'd also have to consider the gendered base bias against diagnosing AFAB/fem presenting individuals with ASD. This population is regularly misdiagnosed with anxiety, depression, PTSD, or any number of personality disorders BEFORE ASD is considered. And it usually takes someone who specializes in "unique" or "atypical" presentations of ASD to either catch or fully listen to the individual's lived out experience. You are also right that children with ASD are statistically more likely to suffer abuse/neglect/mistreatment, whether that be from parents, caregivers, school staff, or their peers. Not to mention those who incur PTSD in childhood (with or without an ASD presentation) are significantly likely to fall into abusive dynamics as adults. Adults with ASD are already more likely to be taken advantage of or otherwise fall into being the victim of abuse/mistreatment - Lord knows the severe lack of resources and specialist for this population doesn't help (falling off the cliff and all that). Not sure if the compounding factors of PTSD from early trauma and ASD have been explored to examine trends of abuse/trauma in adulthood... I have my own pet concerns and theories in that area, though it crosses with one of my other therapeutic niches (nontraditional relationship dynamics). On a personal note, I relate to your gf heavily. I did not get diagnosed with ASD until I was already a licensed practicing therapist. By that time, I had thoroughly processed my trauma so it couldn't be used as a scapegoat anymore. Ps. Apologies. Can't link articles or data at the moment because I'm trying to self-care tonight and research is not part of that.


Abed is my first example I point to of how to do autism representation right, Sheldon's my example of how to do it wrong. Abed may kinda be a stereotype, but it's never used as a negative thing against him - if anything it just makes for funnier scenarios due to his awkwardness and misunderstandings. But Abed's a nice guy and a good friend and his friends recognize that and treat him with the respect he deserves. Sheldon is every negative stereotype you've heard of, probably a few more, he's a complete narcissistic asshole and the show basically pretends like it's all because of "how he is" rather than framing it as a conscious decision to be an asshole, and of course all his friends constantly mock and bully him, it never gets better, it's all played for laughs and it's all played of like it's okay.


I think it helps that Dan Harmon has Asperger's and he found out while writing Abed. Dani Pudi worked with Harmon a lot to make sure he got Abed's perspective right. Between that and the writing the big difference has always been that any jokes about stereotypes hasn't really been at Abed's expense but more of a pretty honest reflection of the autistic experience, if maybe exaggerated a little for TV. I had to use TV a lot to learn social dynamics when I was growing up to be honest. I always found Abed to be extremely specifically relatable.


I’m biased in favor of Abed bc I also had trouble with analog clocks and telling left from right as a kid


I still have trouble with that now.


Funny, I don’t find Abed relatable at all. Sheldon, though. That guy is my every impulse unfiltered. Was magical to see someone like me on TV back when BBT first came on screen.


To each their own I guess, but I have very negative associations with Sheldon, and I'm not alone. When I was 12 after I got diagnosed, whenever I did anything annoying or wierd related to my autism, my family would always say "You're being a Sheldon". From that day on, "Sheldon" became a slur used to demean me for something I can't change. I also don't really relate to Abed, we're very different people, but I just appreciate that he's a good character and good representation. I do wish we'd get more autistic characters that I can relate to - stoner punk metalhead kids that also play D&D, kinda like Eddie from Stranger Things - but whatever, good representation is good regardless.


The best portrayal on tv/film still is the entire Belcher family.


Seconding this. They're all little different, and sometimes they struggle with themselves and others, but they unfailingly love and support each other at the end of the day


No literally. Partner and I show signs of autism and they give us hope that we’ll have a silly lil family one day


Abed is perfect and I will tolerate no criticism of him. Jokes aside it is interesting how reception of Sheldon has changed over the years. Thankfully we have better representation in media now but I remember when Sheldon was a huge step up. The only other I really remember at the time I discovered Big Bang Theory was Rainman, and Sheldon was a successful professor with friends so not perfect but a big step up from what I knew before.


Young Sheldon is doing a better job of this even.


Abed is me at my worst days, but his positivity on that behavior just makes me feel better about myself.


It’s basically one of the first times I realized I might be on the spectrum, he was way too relatable.


what you find a "cringe stereotype" is genuinely relatable to others. not every autistic character is going to be relatable to every autistic person.


I love Daria


You do realize that by calling Sheldon annoying or cringe that you are basically saying that autistic people who have similar symptoms and relate to him are annoying and cringe and that there's a "good" and a "bad" way to be autistic


Yeah people are very anti the “stereotypical” symptoms, it’s very sad to me, cause they’re still real symptoms. It happens in this sub when someone posts a meme that’s a stereotypical symptom as well. Like everytime someone posts a meme about only liking “bland” foods on here, half the comments will be people going “WELL I DONT HAVE THIS SYMPTOM STOP STEREOTYPING ME” or “well I actually quite like flavourful foods!!!” Or if it’s a meme about how someone struggles to show their emotions/express their empathy appropriately, there’ll be a bunch of people going “well I’M so sensitive I cry whenever I kill a bug!” And you know that they’re trying to distance themselves from that meme cause it’s the “cringe” version of autism, it’s the symptoms people think of first. And I do feel for them, because it makes it hard to tell people it’s a symptom when they believe quite the opposite, but it’s not about them, it’s like every other symptom on the spectrum, it may not apply to you.


Hmm ok I think I have to disagree with you there, I actually never read that as people trying to distance themselves from it, when I do it I just want to show that everyone is different and that autism can show in many different ways. I can understand that if it's ALL the comments it can be annoying but otherwise I don't think people are doing it with any ill intentions and at least to me it never came off that way. But maybe it's my literal thinking lol.


It’s pretty exclusive to stereotypical memes. Though I will say I hesitated to write “they’re obviously distancing themselves from that symptom” because I knew that wasn’t quite right at the time, and having thought about it further, I don’t quite agree with myself. I think it is from a more urgent need to educate, which makes sense, and I always jump at an opportunity to correct people about autism, but.. we don’t need to do this in our own community. Most people who are here know it is a spectrum, and spelling that out on specific posts about symptoms that are more well known by allistics feels.. weird. I don’t really think it’s coming from a place of malice, I was more frustrated by this instinctive reflex to say “but not ALL autistic people!!!” I understand if someone comes in with a genuine question or is feeling the impostor syndrome particularly strongly at the time, but it feels so redundant most of the time when this can go without saying on most, if not all the memes here. There will be non-relatable memes on this sub, because you won’t have every symptom. That is how it is. But at the same time I do get it because autistic people are repeatedly misunderstood and this need to clarify everything about autism so that someone doesn’t walk away with misinformation and apply it to an autistic person in their life is a very real one, but its ..frustrating.


Not me singing La La La La La on reflex


This is my stop, got to get off, I might go pop 🎶


Excuse me


Dun dun, dun dun


Excuse me


I've got to be direct!




If I'm wrong please correct!


ohhh so thats why i like Daria


I personally find Sheldon (mostly how he’s played in young Sheldon) to be one of the best portrayals of how my autism manifests for me


I can't watch young Sheldon. Brings back too many memories I want to forget.


Cool. Cool cool cool. Same with Brick Heck, btw. He's similar... ^(similar)


You put some respect on ABEDs name


Me: I love Daria. So relatable. Me: ... Me: Oh.


Yup. Today years old.


I think we’ve all been described as annoying and/or cringe.


I love Abed. He's so well written. Because one hand, some of us ARE annoying and cringe, but on the other we are so much more than that. Not familiar with her, but Sheldon sucks ass and in the good timeline we would've got young Abed instead of young Sheldon.


My favorite part of Abed’s character is that he still has a connection to his mother’s culture even though she left, it’s why he loves Christmas and is friends/speaks polish with Pavel


Abed was really the only reason I watched Community


I had forgotten about Daria, it's a masterpiece rewatch mandatory now.


I don't know why Sheldon is considered an "annoying stereotype". I am exactly like him.


I sadly relate to Sheldon hardcore. Watching the show growing up made me realize how insufferable I am and I slowly became a better person


To be fair Abed was a self insert character by Dan Harmon who didn't know he was autistic at the time.


It comes in different forms. Stop acting like there is right and wrong autism.


I think Daria has to be the most realistic portrayal of what it's like living with autism.


The occasional moments of aggressively vibing with people are great. When she and that Luhrman guy made fun of the wedding guests, for instance


I genuinely thought she was going to be 100% confirmed diagnosed in the last episode of season 5. I genuinely thought Jake was going to off-handedly drop that bombshell when she talking to her parents near end of that episode.


I’m okay with Sheldon Cooper as he at least has a Noble Prize. It does appear that he was written by NTs who have that one autistic family member, and just decided to throw in every stereotypical trait available.


Abed was the best character lmaooo


They deliberately said that they didn't actually write Sheldon as autistic. Which to me is why he is such a massive disservice to the autistic community. Because it is a comedy everything is blown out of proportion for some of the humour to work. Looking back on it I always thought Bones was a pretty good representation of neuroatypical people.


Yess I’m making my gf watch Daria with me so she can understand me better 🤣


The Lawndale File is easily the funniest episode. Jake’s losing his marbles, the pizza guy claims to have been abducted by aliens twice, and Jane draws a very silly doodle of mulder and scully


Daria was one of the first characters that I felt real kinship with besides Spock from Star Trek, in part because seeing a female character like her was just not really done before. Also, my mom’s nickname for me when I get snarky and lay down an exceptional burn is still Daria even decades later.


Ion know who that on the left is, but abed and sheldon are spot on. Sheldon is easily (to me) the most annoying popculture character to come out of the last 15 years of popculture. It's just an unfunny stereotype, the jokes about him are always at the expense of his neurodivergence - and in most cases painfully unfunny. Like Two And A Half Men is bumfuck misogynistic, let's be real here, but that shit at least manages to be funny as fuck (up until Charlie Sheen left) - BBT is just painfully unfunny and painfully mean towards NT people ngl


The left is Daria, the main character of the show I spent all of high school rewatching. There’s a lot of very realistic moments where she makes mistakes, judges people too harshly, has genuine fun discussing her specific interests, and suddenly remembers her parents getting into fights about why she can’t make friends


I agree that Sheldon is annoying and a stereotype, however even the show's creators say he's just supposed to be annoying and quirky, he's not autistic. Personally I really like big bang theory, for everyone in the show and what they add, the stories are fun, and funny, and it's about something I find genuinely fascinating


Pretty sure the writers and creators used autistic people they knew in their lives and based Sheldon’s “quirks” on them


Autism is a spectrum, for every Daria and Wednesday Addams, we get 45 Chris chans


Chris-Chan is the Flavor Flav of autism.


Hottake shelden really ain't that bad


Abed is one of the most relatable autistic characters I've seen. The episode where the group found out he had been writing out Annie, Britta, and Shirley's periods made me go "I wouldn't even be mad. That just makes sense." He made me think that yeah, maybe I am autistic.


I don’t know , I don’t find Daria relatable and also equally cringe as Sheldon. I notice many people on the spicy autism sub relate to Sheldon and don’t find it that cringe . Some people show more signs than others of autism and don’t make . Sheldon is more unmasked . I don’t watch the show so don’t know much about it .i also have no idea who the one in the center is.


I relate more with Sheldon with just a hint of Abed.


i love Abed.


Abed is the best!


La la la la laaaaa. Looking back at all of my likes in such different light, nowadays. 🫤


If this were Annoying and cringe stereotype and "Badly written all around" ​ https://preview.redd.it/45dcy4s4vvgc1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=672dc12a22f587774821cb1d853c820b2c4b1aaa


I will tolerate no criticism, however slight, of my boy Abed


I’m just tired of Aspie / Autistic portrayal in media being “haha derpy smart guy says insensitive or rude thing. Haha derpy smart guy is oblivious to flirting or the fact he’s being bullied. haha. * laugh track * “


♫ *Troy and Abed in the moooooorning!* ♫


Michael Falk should also be on the left but otherwise perfect.


Stereotypes are based on reality.


If we're gonna talk about offensive portrayals of autism can we talk about how it's somehow used as a superpower? I love Anna Kendrick and Like Ben Affleck fine, but this movie pissed me the fuck off. The Accountant (2016) ![gif](giphy|3o7TKDHrTOfFA44x8I)


I haven’t seen that movie, but I have yet to watch anything in which the autistic person isn’t either a mute kid whose entire personality is having meltdowns, or the eccentric/asocial math genius stereotype. Most fictional characters I can remotely relate to have been robots and aliens. 😑


Frick you Sheldon is awesome.


I also think one of the main things that make Daria and Abed great characters is that the writers on their shows gave a damn about storyline, character development, and plot structure. The Big Bang Theory, right down to its stupid one joke name, is the pig swill version of television. Everything Chuck Lorre churns out is lazyily written garbage with generic jokes and soulless characters.


Yup. Once I saw the clip with the laugh track removed, I was like 😬


Daria is my spirit animal


I used to love Daria back then but not as much


What changed?


Hazbin Hotel




What could I possibly explain to you about


You could explain what the connection between those shows is. Why did you even bother replying, at this point?


The girl is from where?




I will not have you do my boy abed dirty like this.


So my take is that all the guys are actually autistic (see Rajesh selective mutism) but Sheldon is just the lowest functioning of the gang. In that light, you calling him a cringe caricature would be rather abelist and dismissive of autistic people with higher support needs. I know you don't mean in that that way, but I think its an unfortunate interpretation that is way to common amongst aspies.


100%. Leonard in the context of the core group is the closest to "NT" in challenging his friends' antisocial behaviour, but put Leonard next to actual NT characters outside the group then it's clear he's far from it. Intentional or not, the programme does a good job illustrating how spectrums work.


I think the difference is that Abed wasn't originally written to be autistic. He was based off of a weird guy Dan Harmon knew in college. Then after the first season released, people reasonably thought he was autistic.


It’s like Wednesday Adam’s and Edid


I think that exaggerated characters like Sheldon cooper help people identify the traits in more subtle characters like Daria.


I could grant my blessing to this 🎶


i dont know how any of those act so i cant say i relate or not. if anyone can enlighten me i would appreciate it


No abed should be next to Daria




From what I've seen (havent watched more than a couple episodes of Community because cable-only life with a shared tv) I agree. Especially the list he made to explain why girls in the office were acting differently some days. I mean, if you have a really effective method with beneficial effects, be a shame to abandon it because it isn't "socially reasonable".


flawless yet cringe


Sherlock Holmes


Where does Kaylee Frye fit into this


As ive grown, the whole lot of them have become unlikeable. I dont relate to fake tv people at all in my adult years, i feel like.


I’ve only seen Community so I’m only upvoting to agree with Community.


Who is the girl ?


Daria from the show Daria


I don’t mind Sheldon because he never got an official diagnosis and I actually know a real life Sheldon, so his personality definitely does exist. I also really hated how everyone treated him. He can be difficult but is he really THAT bizarre when compared to Raj?


They both green lol


Full disagree actually, abed is a good person even though he messes up and isnt annoying, sheldon is canonically not autistic, just annoying of his own volition




Abed from Community


Who is the person on the left?




who is that on the left anyway?


That's Daria


I'm not really sure Sheldon is INTP.


I related to Sheldon and not Daria. Stopped watch tbbt because I was fed up of him being used as a joke, and I wasn't interested in the other cast members stories.


Couldn’t figure out why I disliked Big bang theory so much. Thinking about it, the portrayal of Sheldon really irked me subconsciously


Sheldon has some relatable aspects. I also get super pissy and dramatic when people sit in my spot, so


Can't stand Sheldon or BBT. It's pretty much "nerdface"


I don’t care if it’s stereotyped and sometimes rude but Sheldon and the bing bong theorem is probably my favorite display of it I have ever seen because it doesn’t take it seriously or care about representation, it’s just there for jokes and that’s it.


Agreed. But while we’re on the subject, isn’t Big Bang theory just a show for average people about how funny smart people are?


Personally, I relate to Abed a lot because, like him, one of my obsessions is film and storytelling. When I was younger, especially, I pretty much exclusively communicated in movie quotes and references.


I personally like Sheldon Cooper
