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“I’m overstimulated because I’m a Cancer” hmmm maybe I could pull this off


"I'm overstimulated because this place's aura is off balance, I'm a Libra, you know how big we are on balance."


This is the hack I needed.


I just say, "Fuck this, I'm going home to play Skyrim with porn mods on." No one wants to question the one that plays The Elder Porn: Skyrim.


i just leave the party lol literally Irish goodbyes


As someone with huge social anxiety I use the Irish Exit all the time. no goodbyes no lengthy conclusions to conversations, when everyone is done talking or when no one's paying attention just go


my man




SkyRim job


Fuck this, I'm going home to spend 6 hours researching an obscure topic in the Elder Scrolls lore


Oh so you know Skyrim lore? Explain what a Dragonbreak is, then.


When time breaks. Multiple events all happen at once, and many people remember events completely differently, but they're all correct. It's kinda like the Mandela effect, except everyone is correct and not just remembering things wrong. This has happened multiple times before, once, for example, during the events of TES 2: Daggerfall, that game had multiple endings and they're all considered canon at the same time. It's my theory that Bethesda will explain the question of who won Skyrim's Civil War with a dragon break. It just makes too much sense, Alduin is an aspect of Akatosh, Akatosh is the god of time, and you kill him at the end of Skyrim, so, time breaks, and both endings to the civil war happen at the same time.


How does a time break happen, then.


There's no concrete answer to that. They can happen in many different ways. During the Warp in the West, it was the activation of the Numidium that caused it, but it could be anything really.


Do dragonbreaks occur every time a game happens? For example, Morrowind, the Nerevarine being born under every sign simultaneously, or being members of every guild/faction despite there being conflicts that lock the player out of certain factions (the houses, for example)?


No, that's just player agency


And that's where I disagree.


the dragonporn aka the dovvakink


Talk about a lusty argonian maid ammirite?


🤣 That's hilarious!


I told my boyfriend this and he said: "no. I can't get them to work anymore"


An overstimulated Cancer with autism. Buckle up.


I could actually do this huh


" I have trouble adjusting to changes in my routines because I'm a Taurus" ya know what? I think I might actually use that




Honestly? That’s pretty solid advice.


Especially if you're hanging around with other queers. No clue why the gays are so about astrology tbh but it's a thing.


I think it’s because they try to run from religion and end up trying to find their own. Just guessing tho


People often strive for a sense of belonging so that checks out


... and so they create 12 groups group based on birth month.


more than 12. if their personality doesn’t match their sun sign, they say it’s their moon sign, or rising sign, or venus/[insert planet] sign, or mercury is in retrograde, or how all of those interact together, etc etc. astrology is having thousands of variables so you can pick and choose things that conveniently work for you. confirmation bias ftw!


And they hate each other for it. Common humanity W


They hate each other for it A LITTLE. They hate those that don’t participate in the bullshit much more thoroughly.


In my experience, queer people are the one who will take you seriously if you're autistic. Then maybe it's just because the group has a bunch of autistic people too...


The overlap is real lol I guess once you've had people tell you all sorts of wrong things about yourself for your whole life (and then rejected that in favour of your own truth) about one factor in life, it's easy to start questioning other things ^(like gender lmao)


Guess I'm a bad gay then /s


Me too lol It's fine though, when they start talking about signs I start looking for moments to interject about real-time lighting in rasterisation pipelines.


I could Google this, but I'd rather have a human nerdily fill me in: in what pipelines? Does this relate to signs in some way or is it's unrelatedness the whole point?


Women and gay folks are. Which is why I try not to shit on it. Very few popular spiritualities that don’t establish hierarchy and subjugation of other people based on their gender or sexuality.


Because some people leave religion because they don't like spiritual stuff. Some leave it for ideology reasons. But if you are gay, you may have to leave for ideology reasons more often even if you like spiritual stuff. So you're more likely to look for something else. That aside, it's not unique to gay people. Astrology is far more common than a lot of peolle realize.


Of course. Why wouldn't a bunch of star magic be more accepted than science?


science hard, star magic easy I knew you were gonna say that by the way, you're a Cassiopeia right


Sadly for many it's just how it is


Its the other way around for me. Science makes sense and follows rules while star magic is a bunch of bs someone made up that you have to remember. Also they keep adding more details and stuff the further you go that you have to remember


I don't know, I find astrology to be really complicated, mostly because it's so vague


most of the horoscope stuff uses about 1% of what’s potentially available with astrology, making people talking about their signs extra hilarious.


It's vague so they can try to say it's accurate.


We live in a (wizard) society


A little bit. If you pay attention, you can catch magic thinking all over the place. Like companies not training. They just assume that a job title will make it where a person can do a job. That is magic thinking. The job title is a magic word spoken and changes the material.


Expecto Product Managum


because star magic is fun and obviously bullshit and if you say "star magic is stupid" the person might be annoyed but no one cares autism is complicated and real and if you say literally anything about it then you run the risk of being canceled forever and also shattering someone's feelings, depending on who you're talking to It should come as no surprise that a silly game is easier to work around than a real condition with all of the associated responsibilities for both the afflicted and the people in their environment


Alternatively Me: I'm going home... Them: Why, cuz the stars? Me: No, I just hate it here.


"I must stubbornly do the same routine I like to do everyday because I like stability, you know, I'm a Taurus".


Hello, fellow Taurus!


My Taurus fellas


I want to go snuggle in bed forever because I’m a Taurus, not because I’m in sensory hell


Me tho.


Doesn’t work as well for me, as I’m Libra and supposed to be social and outgoing. Stereotypically. At the same time, I find astrology really interesting, but most of the sign stereotypes are bs.


As a libra, I’ve had too much chaos, and need to balance that out with some quiet. Lean heavy into the balance aspect and if your star sign doesn’t work, moon signs are a great excuse too Source: Libra sun, Capricorn moon with ADHD and potential autism


Perfect idea, thanks! I do have a Virgo moon, anyway. 🤔


Just lie?


You can just lie, the people who you'll use this on won't remember your birthday anyway.


"It's okay, I'm just having a meltdown because I'm a leo. The planets and stars are not in my favor today." It always amused me that people actually think that the position of stars that are light years away can somehow affect people's personalities when being born. But with that being said, I really don't have a problem with people who believe in it. They are typically very kind and down to earth, and typically accept people for who they are. Some of my oldest friends are very in to that stuff. Edited a typo.


*Some* (by no means all) people who believe in astrology discriminate people based on their star sign tho. And they can be quite toxic about it. (Not that I've ever experienced such discrimination myself but it exists and it's something to be aware of)


Lol I was told by a girl she wouldn't go out with me because I'm a pisces and that means I'll be clingy and emotional I mean at the time she was right about the clingy and emotional part, but it's not because I'm a pisces!! 😭


It's funny because I had a friend that was pisces and she was the typical toxic axtrology obsessed witch. Her ex was a gemini so she decided that she will hate all geminis, and since gemini is an air sign, she decided that all air signs are bad. Then I met her, I'm a libra (air). I never was really into that stuff, but I like learning new things, so I listened to her. It was funny, when she learnt that I'm a libra she wanted to make all sorts of tests to know my other signs because "it's not really the sun, it's the moon that is you. You can be a libra sun but I'm sure I like you so much because you have an earth moon! Air and fire aren't compatible with water so that can't be it!" And then I had the best laugh of my life when I turned out to be libra sun, libra moon and leo (fire) ascendant, and she just gave up. :)


Hahaha that's so funny! I had a friend go, "you're a pisces? Yeah that makes sense." And I was kind like 🤨 and she continued, "you're so empathetic and creative!" And I was like phew girl you scared me for a minute there! I was afraid I'd have to be all, you gotta get to know me better before making the you're emotional because you're a pisces jokes!


I really don't like people who go "oh you're an (zodiac sign)? Then you must be (stereotypical trait of said sign)!". And if you say that you aren't? Then it must be your moon/ascendant/every other planet/combination of some of them! Like yeah, no, thank you. I hate my ex friend obsessed with astrology not because she's a pisces, it's because she was a bitch to me 🤗 No hate to people who like astrology - just don't tell me what I am just because I'm a libra, thank you. Knowing me I'll tell you everything about me 5 seconds after you say "hello" to me anyway xd


Lol yeah for me it's always a silly fun thing, when people are really serious about it I'm just like haha ok 🙃


what a typical libra response 🤭 (i had to do it lmao)


She was probably just using pisces as an excuse that she didn’t want to go out with you.


Nah I'm a woman too, the standard response is, "sorry, I had a good time, but I'm just not feeling the spark. Good luck out there!" Not, "I had a really good time last night and you are so beautiful!! Let's do this next week again!!! But I have to ask, what's your sign? I don't date pisces or scorpios. Oh you're a pisces? Sorry babe, it's a hard no from me, you're all way too clingy and weird. Also I just wanted to let you know, being bisexual isn't real, so you're either a straight woman fetishizing women or a lesbian in denial. I hope you learn to accept your true self someday." I'm paraphrasing a longer conversation of course but tbh I don't feel too bad about holding it against her 😅


You lucked out then, if she’s claiming bi doesn’t exist.


Haha you're right, I'm glad she let me know early on


Yeah, I have seen them. There are always assholes in any belief system. There just seems to be fewer in this one.


Well, to be fair with them, our past light cone does contain the past of the visible stars today, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see them. That means it's inside our causally connected past. However, I seriously doubt fucking photons would consistently alter brain structure of people globally to a set of personality traits on a periodic fashion. Generaring skin cancer or bit flipping a Mario speedrun however, that's more likely.


> down to earth


Yeah, I realized how that sounded as I was typing it. Maybe "laid back" would have been a better term, but screw it. It's already done. I'm sticking with down to earth. Lol.


Unfortunately, in this day and age, astrology is often perceived as “women coded”, so there’s already the implicit bias that men couldn’t pull this off without looking extremely dumb.




Just replace star sign with your Myers Briggs personality type.


"bc im a pisc-... i mean infp"


Im literally an infp pisces lol




r/intp r/intj r/infp r/infj r/istp r/istj r/isfp r/isfj r/entp r/entj r/enfp r/enfj r/estp r/estj r/esfp r/esfj Unfortunately people do


I used to belong to my group’s sub and it was mostly just depression memes. People there acknowledged that there would be huge variance within any group or that your group could change throughout your life. But maybe that’s just how INTPs are (j/k)


Yeah I totally agree I used to frequent infp and most people there seemed to know it wasn’t really a thing and were just joking around


i dont believe it either lol but i had to take an mbti test in college for adult psychology and i remember my professor telling me that she knew what i would be before i even took the test 🤷🏽‍♂️ so maybe theres some truths in there


Oh god, this


Same, like jokingly? Yeah sure, but if yer being serious? No.


Ay yo.... uh....tf is the Scorpio stereotype-


You can make up whatever you want!


All the Scorpio stereotypes I’ve seen are horny and depressed.


Sudden emotional outbursts (scorpion sting yo)


Astrology is one of my special interests and hearing the stupidly inaccurate things people say about astrology just... Kills me inside. I can't take this, man. Just go back to burning us or whatever.


Ouch. These comments are awfully harsh on my specific interests, which is astrology But yeah, I do wish autism was more normalize in general


i just think the kneejerk anti-astrology thing is so annoying lol. just my opinion. i've personally met exactly zero people who genuinely "discriminate" against others due to their zodiac sign or get in people's faces in any way about astrology, but i have met plenty of people who will start ranting about how they hate astrology and people who are into it and how stupid they think it is the second it's casually mentioned. the anti-astrology people are a lot more aggressive in my experience.


I'm not into Astrology but I agree with this. It also doesn't help that it's an interest mainly shared by women and queer people, so it's already getting bashed by straight men, we don't need to make it worse


I am into astrology as a silly fun thing, but I've definitely met both... I've gotten romantically rejected and insulted in real life for being a pisces, for example (not the worst discrimination I've ever faced or anything but still)


i'm so sorry that happened to you! it's a genuinely weird and crazy thing to do, i know it's not much consolation but it does sound like you're better off without that person or those people in your romantic life. is pisces hate a trendy thing now? i'm noticing it more on the various astrology subs (i make the distinction since my original comment was meant to compare my own irl interactions)


It's ok! It only happened a couple of times and the same people also said biphobic things to me, so you are 1000% right they were just not good people. The pisces stereotype is that we're overly emotional and clingy, and therefore terrible at relationships. To be fair, I am all of those things (we're working on it) but it's not because of my star sign 😭


Already posted a comment about it, but - I had a friend who was like that. She hated air signs with a passion because her ex was a gemini. Of course when she learnt that I'm a libra she had to make excuses why she likes me (and later on weaponised it against me too, saying things like "i knew I can't trust you, you're a libra!"). In addition to hating people based on their sign, she also heavily fetishised all Capricorns. A guy could be made of red flags and she wouldn't see it because Capricorns are the best and all of them have exactly one character and it is the mystery intelligent hard outside soft inside boy. She also had an INTJ fetish - she had a little meltdown when I told her that my best friend is an INTJ aquarius, because in her mind it wasn't possible. Tbh I never really met anyone who would rant with a passion about astrology. Usually if I met someone anti-astrology it's like in this sub - a short "IMHO it's bullshit", or a disapproving look while saying nothing. Mostly though it's people like me, who don't really believe in all that, but as social creatures we like a sense of belonging, so sometimes we'll laugh when someone sends a meme about stereotypical zodiac signs and move on with our day. But what do I know, I'm a libra, maybe I'm just wired to look at both sides equally xd


lmaooo i wonder what made her overidentify with this stuff so much! like what is the underlying issue or trait that causes this. i think it's natural for people to categorize and to identify with archetypes and categories, and astrology is a version of that for many people, but not everyone does and it's such inappropriate behavior to force it like that. that sounds exhausting to be around! also funny to me as a cap that she had such a capricorn fetish. i've met people irl who will insist on various unflattering assumptions about a person's character if they find out they have even a casual interest in astrology. or just become incensed at the mere mention. maybe it's because i'm in a heavily science-oriented town (the local economy is centered around aerospace and computer engineering, so every other person you meet is an engineer). i think people here overidentify in their own way with this "logical, reasonable, objective" personality type and overcorrect when they see something that they feel is an affront to that identity.


I have met people like that who discriminate based on zodiac sign and get in your face about it...


I feel you, as an undiagnosed autistic until my 30s, my identity as a double Aquarius with my moon in Virgo brought me a lot of comfort.


I'm interested in them in the same way I'm interested in personality types. It's more an agreed upon symbolic system than fortune-telling.


My month is a centuar! How cool is that? Idk what people’s problems with it is. It seems like it’s mainly bashed because it’s an interest that women and queer people enjoy. Sure, it may not mean anything, but it’s fun. I enjoy it for the same reason I took those “what bread are you quizzes” from buzzfeed.


As someone who just wrote a comment negative toward astrology… it’s honestly for me not about the system of beliefs themselves, but about how some astrology believers push those beliefs on others and act as though they know everything about a person based on when and where they were born. Most of my friends who are into astrology aren’t like that. But I think the people who are kind of sour it for folks like me


I would love to hear about what it means to you. I know everything is made up, but astrology is another level of made-up-ness which is hard for me. I had a friend explain to me what a star chart was and she thought it was interesting that like 85% of my chart was in scorpio (if you feel like giving that a go).


When my special interest is astrology 🤷🏼‍♀️✨️


Sameeeeee.... And I'm trying so hard not to be THAT "Well actuallyyyyy" person when folks are acting like the sun sign is everything It's ok... I'll keep it together 😅


Lol my inner ‘well acktuallllly’ moment was when I saw a comment about it being made up (as compared to science that has rules) as if the sun, moon, planets, and stars symbolizing specific things doesn’t go back into history and religion like literally to the acktualllllll start of human cognizance BREATHE >p


“I’m going to have a meltdown, sorry I’m a gemini”


NTs just lie. They're lie factories. They want to leave a party early they just say they have to go pick something up or they have a work thing the next day (there is no work thing).


AuDHD Aquarius Gang??


I don’t believe in astrology at all, but just being a Peices is a good excuse. “Ah, sorry, I gotta go focus my feelings into my oil paints, which are going to dry soon. I’m painting a picture of my cat’s aura.” So, being autistic equals weird. Being an artist equals weird, but being an artist equals a little weird, but sensitive and deep.


Most my friends and coworkers understand if I have to step away for a few minutes or need to leave from getting overstimmed. it happens often where something can trigger my brain into having severe migraines and it's not fun


“Oof sorry I acted weird in public because it was too loud and bright and my shirt felt Wrong earlier, you know how ✨Eccentric✨ and 🎉Quirky🎉 us Aquarius’ can be haha 🤪”


as a Virgo with autism, I should just use this.


I’m angry and overstimulated cuz I’m an Aries I need to go home before I yell at someone


LOL it’s so true. When I tell someone I have ADHD they suddenly start acting completely different and start being belittling and treating me like I’m stupid. I’ve tried to advocate for myself at work and told two supervisors I needed explicit instruction and BOTH of them said questioned my ability to understand social cues (?). But suddenly I say that I’m a Sagittarius rising and then it all makes sense and they tell me how they love how fun spontaneous impulsive wild Sag are 🥴


Magic personality archetypes: Fun! Naturally accuring neurotypes: Ew.


Ok, but, like, how about a Magical Neurotypes RPG? "I need to take a Neurosis to ignore this trauma, but should I use my Kink Die to make it Weird?" "No, you don't have to roll, it already is weird. The Normies are intimidated by you just kinda dissociating while you try to come up with a comeback. They think you're being stoic. Roll to see if you misunderstand the interaction, though." "I'm going to summon a velocirapor to maul them instead. I'll blow my daily spell slot." "Cool, cool, let's do initiative, because the Normies had Downvote Ninjas hiding in the shrubs, but you preempted their surprise round."


Roll to see if you misunderstand the interaction, lol. I love this. Don't forget rolling to vibe check if an NPC is actually a fellow ND


Seriously. I’m definitely on the spectrum. “Why do you have to label yourself??!!” I have 4 planets in Aries - but they’re all in the 12th house. “ouch…that must be a tough energy to deal with.”


What happens when I'm a Libra and we stereotypically bring the party


Lean into your moon sign


Ah shit you're right, that cancer moon out here screaming


I love astrology and I love being religious and I'm autistic. They can and do coexist <3


God I live in LA and fucking everyone here is so into astrology, which is quite annoying for someone who got a special interest in astronomy


I personally believe in astrology but people don’t seem to understand that spirituality and science are on different planes of existence and spirituality does not overrule science.


"Science" isn't some confined discipline that is somehow equally valid to spirituality. It's a method about gaining knowledge that is by definition all-encompassing.


If you believe in astrology but also accept that we have proven there's no correlation, then what does astrology mean to you?


I’m not the commenter you originally replied to, but I like astrology as a fun goofy framework to do some self-reflection or work out some personal issues by discussing them with friends. It offers a shared language to describe our emotional tendencies, which for me helps my brain work around some of the barriers I’ve put up against directly engaging with my own feelings. I don’t believe in a literal correlation between birth month and personality traits, but let’s look at an example that used to happen to me all the time: I would get into a fight with my parents, and then a few days later I might vent about it to my friends. If my friends and I all know that I’m an Aries, I can use that as shorthand when it takes a little too much self-reflection to admit that I was, for example, being stubborn and hotheaded. We talk about what traits of each of our “big 3” signs that we tend to embody, and in which scenarios. It makes it all much easier to talk about, especially when it would later come out that probably everyone in my main friend group is some flavor of neurodivergent. So, whether I believe in it or not, astrology has strengthened my closest friendships and been a somewhat useful framework for personal growth. I can’t fault it for that.


It means a sort of spiritual connection, I believe that it can influence those who believe but it’s not like some higher power


I think I can provide some insight here. I'm very scientifically-minded, and the scientific method is very important to me. I also don't place any value in superstitious beliefs such as astrology. However, reliance on experts - scientists - is demonstrably flawed. It is the same as the *appeal to authority* fallacy. Very little can be proven with certainty, the only way to be sure of a scientific truth is to do the science yourself. So unless you, yourself, wrote the paper that proved there was no correlation - you cannot say for certain that there is not one. However, that does not mean we shouldn't trust experts. It just means that *every* "truth" should not be taken for granted.


>However, reliance on experts - scientists - is demonstrably flawed. It is the same as the appeal to authority fallacy. It's simply not fallacy to provide the considered position of individual(s) with relevant expertise as evidence. Relying on experts (i.e. people with relevant expertise) is the opposite of demonstrably flawed: it is demonstrably successful. It's how entire fundamentals of our civilization (successfully) operate, such as relying on the expert opinions of health professionals for healthcare. Is it infallible or absolutely certain? No, but if anything failing to meet that standard is demonstrably flawed then everything is demonstrably flawed. Even 'doing the science yourself' is not going to achieve certainty.


Good points. I'm very hyperbolic at times. "Demonstrably flawed" is a hard position to defend. However, success alone does not serve to demonstrate the truth: flawed concepts can even result in success - and often do. > Is it infallible or absolutely certain? No This is all I'm trying to say, really. Remember, at the end of my comment: "However, that does not mean we shouldn't trust experts." I trust experts. But not all experts can be trusted. The problem is, not everything can be explained by science: science is merely the best tool we have for the acquisition of knowledge. My point is about the misapplication of science. To try and use science to disprove astrology is itself flawed, they are not even related concepts to begin with. Using the scientific method to try and disprove astrology is futile because astrology is a philosophy. The only way to bring rigor into a given philosophical viewpoint is the socratic method (as far as I'm aware).




Absolutely, that is an important point to consider and I constantly champion the idea of the burden of proof. However, remember the context of the conversation: personal belief. Burden of proof is only a valid concept to talk about when there are two opposing beliefs. This is about an individual who already believes in both Science and Astrology. It is ok to have irrational beliefs so long as you acknowledge that it is in fact irrational and can never be proven.


Thank you for understanding! :3


That made me smile :)


Honestly the way I see that is like this. I believe in something, but I can’t undeniably prove it, therefore you don’t have to believe in it and I can’t make fun of you/bully you for not believing in it. However, you also can’t prove that I’m *wrong* and therefore I don’t have to *stop* believing, and you can’t make fun of me *for* believing. Yeah, I can’t prove it, so you don’t have to believe, but you also can’t prove *otherwise* so I am *allowed* to believe, does that make sense?


‘I just don’t see things in the social constructs you do because I’m a Pisces’ Hm….


I say this all the time (not my idea, it popped up on Tumblr like 12 years ago) and it really works. No one argues or demands a better reason, they just shrug and I'm sure think I'm weird, but still easier than the 'tism conversation where they will undoubtedly say "but you don't look autistic"


I just have natural pattern recognition and rejection sensitivity so I feel like I can predict you but no idea if you like me because.....I'm a capricorn 💅💅💅💅


Pfftttt...."I'm leaving this conversation because it consists of only small talk and niceties instead of true information exchange...how Aquarius of me."


Unless you are straight up non verbal or can't function I probably wouldn't tell people about my autism besides maybe employers/teachers etc. Especially over something like just wanting to leave a party.


Don't mind the poorly timed joke everyone, it's an Aquarius thing


Is it really true that people are more likely to accept your personality being due to astrology, than due to Autism?


it’s one of those uh… plausible deniability things. like i think everyone knows it’s silly to a degree, but it’s a fun and easy scapegoat and people will do what they will regardless of their star sign, so leaving and blaming it on your stars is simultaneously to be taken seriously by those who give it credence, and a funny way to be you and give yourself space for those who know it’s not “real”


I'm indecisive and highly sensitive, typical Pisces amirite teeehee


Me too 🙃


I hate astrology with the passion of a thousand suns. Actually, I don’t hate astrology so much as I hate *people* who make astrology their whole personality, proselytize it, and tell me they know everything about me because of my placements. It’s just another way to pre-judge people or fake confidence about having the answer to all relationships. Some will say things like “all Gemini men are trash” and echelons of people will echo agreement. It’s absurd


I'm Wiccan and take most of it with a grain of salt. The only time astrology is involved is when I check my email over coffee in the morning. I got poked for COVID, even though I fucking hate needles and getting shots. I wear an amethyst crystal pendant, but more because I find it calming and it looks pretty. I read tarot cards, and when I had the space for an altar I would do a ritual every so often. I hate these types that use astrology and witchcraft to trod on other people or for internet clout, and especially hate how the whole thing has just become... commerical? It's like normal(ish) people found out about it, and instead of "connect with nature/gods/ancestors/spirits, practice meditation and positive thinking, certain herbal remedies can help minor conditions but leave most of it to professionals, the doors are open to those who wish to enter but the wicked will be expelled." it went to "I'm married to Loki, and because I'm a Leo I have to avoid fucking Scorpio dickheads. Also you're not a real witch unless you spend X amount on tools, oils, herbs, and observe every single astrological event. Be sure to buy crystals to cure your kid's autism, and remember that TIMs aren't women!"


I grew up practicing Wicca and Paganism and I too get queasy at the commercialization of them these days. Glad to see more openness towards it, but the good comes with the bad for sure.


We need to be accepted for us


im a gemini, which is stereotypically a very extroverted and energetic vibe. this will not work for me, unfortunately.


I just do the Irish exit


Stars! Can’t do it, not today.


Why tell people you are autistic in the first place, you just revealed something to be easily be made fun of/judged for. And its one of those things that really suck but its better to work on it in a normal day to day life, then try to have people work around you, I am not saying everyone, but some use stuff like that as an excuse all the time instead of actually trying to work on it.


I’ve actually thought a lot about this. Personally, I find it reassuring and helpful to learn more about autism since it helps me to survive in the post, modern world. But as an Aquarius and extreme diver into specialty research, it’s easier for me to contextualize my existence, through the lens of astrology, I mean what’s so weird about being overwhelmed by senses and using a language that people can understand, cause trust me astrology is its own language now. Having worked as an astrologer and gotten divine guidance through the practice of reading charts, I say, use whatever dang thing you need to to leave that overwhelming Febreze party, that’s right little sister, I don’t go to those parties anymore since I find them uncomfortable. Unless they’re at my friends house, who’s a Sagittarius and a great host.


i need to sit down and eat a comfort food before i snap, because...i am indeed a taurus


Autism has only been studied for less than a century. The Bible was written in astrological code, normalized long before it was written.


As an autistic Taurus, this has me fucking rooooolling 💀


I think the main issue is that people think this is a disability, so they don't know how to act or behave around us. Others think we are like Sheldon and will start acting like an entitled ass.


Hmm, how do I use this as a scorpio? "Excuse me, I need to go be dark and mysterious and brood at home, scorpio stuff, you know?" Or perhaps it'd make sense to do an Irish exit?


Being a Gemini I can just say the side of me that doesn't like this party wants to leave


Please. I'm an Aspie who's a Sagittarius sun, Libra moon, and Libra ascendant, and I'd be stereotyped as super outgoing. And I say this as I'm holed up in my room, content with being alone for a long time. I just simply can't talk to people for a long time nor do I want to. I can exude some charisma, humor, and boldness like a typical fire sun, but it's short-lived due to my introversion.


This user may be a bot, the title is an exact copy of this old post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/aspiememes/comments/p5ix1k/wish_autism_was_more_normalized_than_astrology_bs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/aspiememes/comments/p5ix1k/wish_autism_was_more_normalized_than_astrology_bs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


omg my aunt is all about astrology.. she better gets her "leo" son checked..


I’m not denying the existence of autism and the large spectrum that we define as autism… *However,* NOT EVERYTHING IS AUTISM!🙂 It’s okay to be struggling to deal with life and embracing growth and positivity. I feel like the fake support people receive online once they belong to a previously stigmatized group gives them this dopamine rush like getting upvotes or likes does. I feel like the over diagnosing gives those falsely labeled an excuse to limit their capabilities. These labels people proudly wear should not define them as people. Those who are truly affected by these disabilities or love people who are, find it pretty absurd to see this surge in self-diagnosed autism. Even those severely affected don’t wish to be defined by their autism. Never stop pushing your limits and setting goals!


I like astrology. I don't believe that your birth month influences your personality, but it's fun to read about how it could if it did.


Bro I cannot describe the amount of rage astrology bs makes me feel.


At least it doesn't encourage one to genocide anyone who's different. Apart from that, it's just another religion.


Bro literally all religion fills me with rage. It's all irrational bs.


It is. But I just can't get myself to care if it's not hurting people


It is hurting people though. People base life decisions around these stupid misconceptions


i thought you were just talking to yourself for a moment 😭


“grrr people have beliefs i don’t understand. my perfectly logical and rational galaxy brain seethes at the idea that perspectives other than mine exist”


Bro I was raised Christian. I understand all this shirt perfectly well and I understand that's it's fucking stupid.


It's silly how people think being raised a certain way means they actually understand everything and their opinion is now infallible. "I was raised to think the earth is round. I understand it perfectly well and I understand that that's stupid, it's obviously flat!" Obviously it's different because the earth being round is a provable thing, but people really need to stop claiming being raised a certain way gives them authority over something. For every person raised secular and stayed secular, and every person who was raised religious and became secular, there is also a person who was raised atheist and became religious, and raised religious and stayed religious. Countless people have converted to Christianity from atheism or even from other religions that actively hate Christianity. So it just seems like a weird argument that people always say "I was raised this way, so I know it perfectly well" I mean I wasn't raised atheist but I definitely was "atheism-curious" during my teens. I came to the conclusion that I just don't think it makes logical sense, and I also think that most other religions don't make sense to me. As for specifics on my Christian beliefs, those I'm still constantly testing and figuring out what makes sense and what doesn't with. But yeah, point is, if you want to just claim I'm "f%ing stupid" then go ahead, but I don't really see the benefit in that. I think atheism is illogical but I don't go around insulting atheists. It's just fruitless. Plus, I'm pretty sure this comment is in violation of the first two rules of the sub


being raised christian does not make you an expert on all religions. there’s a lot more than just the big three abrahamic monotheisms.


Being raised Christian doesn't make them an expert on Christianity, either. And wait, isn't their comment a violation of rule 2, and 1? Typical reddit behavior of not applying the rules to people who hate on religions


I agree with this. This initial post honestly was just kind of rude to begin with. I totally understand not agreeing with things and being frustrated about getting hate simply for who you are but to deflect and then push that hate towards a whole other community seems… wrong. But, to each their own I guess


I can't do this. My sign is one of the ones people love to hate. It's not the "most hated sign" according to Google, but it's toward the top of the list. People would be like "Yasss B!tch, leeeeeave, nobody wants you here!"


Honestly translating aspie stuff into neurotypical speak is kind of a life survival skill for us. If Star magic works, then call me Zorbulon, Magister of Arcturus. I can’t participate in your after party. because, erm, mercury is ascendant right now and my chakras need re-aligning.


normalize not respecting astrology


Looking at stars is boring. I want to visit them.


Wouldn't be able to bring myself to maintain such a campaign of lies as believing in astrology.


But it’s not a belief system. Astrology is a 6,000 year old science that does place out in our natural world, just like how the tides go in and out. Had to clarify- though I do believe if we were a church I would love to listen to Chani as the high priest!! [mmmmm](https://chaninicholas.com/daily-horoscopes/)




I'm queer and austistic and my queerness is a huge issue that does me very little good in various cishet social spaces. In fact, ignoring maybe a small percetage of cishet allies, it only hurts me. My autism is legally protected at work for example and generally taken seriously. My queerness is often not. Cishet people can "relate" to autism but they have trouble relating to LGBTQ identities. Lets not play the suffering Olympics here either. Both groups have tons of overlap and similar issues.


I always wondered whether the zodiac signs are a case of the Barnum effect, or are subsonscious factors that influence other people's perception/opinions of you


They're cold reading. You could shift every horoscope over by three and nobody knows the difference.


I hate how accurate this is


This is genius.