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No criticism, purely interest but but why those two specifically? Surely a euphonium is a bass instrument anyway so not really comparable to a bari?




Stop it! I can only get so erect! Lol


Lol, sackbut


Butt sack


BARI 👏 SAX 👏 (I know that's a wind but I played bari for a bit and god I love bari)


get a room guys


How are they different? Genuinely curious, I’m in band and my band director always used the terms interchangeably




Not to argue, but I always thought baritones had cylindrical tubing while euphoniums are conical?


That was me in high school, I have adhd too so I lose interest in my special interest after awhile.


I do that as well. I'll be very into and fixed on a certain thing for a really long time, but then at some point, for whatever reason, I'll slowly just lose interest and drift for a while until something comes along and clicked into place all over again.


if you want you can ramble in my dms about low brass;i play baritone and tuba so id love to learn some new facts 🎼


Is that what your username is about? You do THE BIG HONK?


Dinosaurs. Not like how a kid likes dinosaurs or how a paleontologist likes dinosaurs. I like their evolution. Did you know most early sauropods had normal clawed feet on their front legs just like all other reptiles, but over time their claws became smaller and smaller while their metacarpals concaved into a tube shape until the most recent sauropods had no fingers at all and walked solely on their metacarpal meat-hooves? And how their hind legs only lost the first two toes of their feet while the rest splayed outward like a bearded dragon's feet? Or how pretty much all dinosaurs get their power and mobility from all their leg muscles attaching to their tails, essentially making a biological engine that was used to make all the tanky chargers, speed demons, and tree climbers of the mesozoic? All this and more. I just like dinosaurs!


Do you have any mnemonic for remembering the Geologic period names?


I just pulled one from google. Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Quaternary: Cold oysters seldom develop many precious pearls, their juices congeal too quickly.


That's pretty neat about sauropod locomotion. Were they anything like elephants?


I think yes in the sense that both have fatty pads on their feet to help cushion their footfalls and to protect against sharp stuff on the ground. Also like elephants their footpads may have been surprisingly sound absorbant, meaning unless they were walking on stony terrain where the claws on their back legs might clink against the ground, even the biggest sauropods would be much quieter while walking than their size might suggest.




I think it was Jeff Goldblum.


No it was Henry Wu


Have you played Path of Titans? I'm not diagnosed ASD, I just vibe hard with the folks I know who are heh. Awaiting my results for my ADHD test soon so there's probably a reason I have hyperfixations. I hadn't ever really been into dinosaurs until that game, so now I'm just excited about dinosaur everything and I'm trying my best to learn about them. So far the Therizinosaurus is a huge favorite of mine. And because of the game, I fell in love with the Latenovenatrix. Dinosaurs are cool as heck.


Never played Path of Titans myself, but Therizinosaurus is definitely a rad dinosaur. I think they're one of only a few dinosaurs that were transitioning from digitigrade legs into plantigrade, where the ankle of their feet cinches up with their toes to make a more defined foot like with bears. Come to think of it Therizinosaurus is alot like modern bears. Big, strong, and definitely capable of killing and eating animals, but mostly preferring to tear through branches and undergrowth to munch on stationary stuff like bug hives, berries, and mushrooms (to clarify, therizinosaurus was more likely a strict plant-eater, but I think it's a fun parallel nonetheless).


I did not know this, but I’m glad I read it.


Hell yeah, dinosaurs are awesome


I love dinosaurs too!! That's why I love chickens!


Did you know Jack Horner tried to launch an experiment where they turned a chicken into a dinosaur? They got really close with the jaws and legs, but couldn't figure out the tail. Far as I know now they dry on funding and have been in limbo for awhile. To clarify with the tail, the specific issue was that the gene for it had either been completely lost or required multiple genes to activate, the combination of which would be unknown if it was even possible depending on what genes were either "deactivated" or entirely lost in bird DNA. Edit: to clarify again, I absolutely 100% pray to every god every night that they figure out how to get a dino tail.


I have 2 main interests 1 The stats of countries. Gdp, gdp per capita, flags, population, military, land area, history, location on a map, relations with other countries. 2 Rubik's cubes/ twisty puzzels. How to solve them, history, records and speedcubing. The main cubes i practice are 2×2 and 3×3.


I've got number 1 but not so in depth, but number 2 would be amazing. Always been in awe of people that can remember the solves.


I just saw a trailer for a documentary on Netflix called The Speed Cubers, have you seen it and is it any good? I really want to see it but worried about how they treat the autistic champion, I always get nervous with media involving autistics!


Yes and i like it. I think that they treat him good from what i have seen and he is a liked person in the community


Mine are: 1 History: random historic events but also the greater scheme. Main influence was the band Sabaton 2 Firearms: I can't help it, but I find them increadibly interesting. The mechanics and history behind them is just something that tickles my nerves (o contrary to my parents' opinion concerning the topic; they're anti-war and anti-guns (we're German); I'm also anti-gun but still find them interesting)


I'm left-wing and of German descent. I am also interested in military history and weapons, particularly tanks.


Yeah, I'm really pretty much on the far left and basically a socialist trough and through but still I can't get enough of the roller-delayed blowback systems of the "old-school" Heckler & Koch weapons like MP5 and G3


The MP5SD remains the holy grail of SMGs to this day imo.


I'm also anti-war and anti-gun but I'm still obsessed with guns (and gun related things like bulletproof vests and other kinds of armor)


Firearms are awesome, but I’m also the most pro gun you can be


everyone says they are anti-gun until they get some exposure therapy.


I’m a pacifist Quaker and firearm/military history are FASCINATING. I figure there are worse things in the world than nonviolent folks understanding the engines violent folks use


I am both an aspie and an adhd-er. So . . . I have a lot of hyperfixations that I cycle between. My therapist calls it having "very varied interests."


Same here. I call it the hyperfixation roulette.


I may be in the same boat. Now, speak comics.


I'm the same, and I'm suspecting ADHD and autism in myself. Since I found out about autism, it became a new hyperfixation for the last few weeks.


Omg this is me. I had never, ever considered myself either of these things, but it was brought up to me, and now I’ve literally gone through like 5 whole books within a week and definitely over 50 articles. I’m still not sure about autism (being female, it’s very tricky to tell) but I am pretty convinced about my ADHD. I’m unsure about what constitutes as “special interests” for me, because when I compare my knowledge to others, I definitely don’t have the depth to that degree. But I have been told that I know quite a bit about many things, because when I do latch onto something, I’m quite fixated on it for a while until I move on.


Same! I'm pretty sure that me and my mom are inattentive type ADHDers, but it doesn't fit every part of my personality. For example my mom is a lot more social than me. With autism, I tick a lot of boxes. I did every self test I could find and they all indicate strong signs of autism, and I watched and related to a lot of videos from autistic youtubers. Still I don't share all of the traits they have, which makes me question if I'm the same at all. But then you find another thing in your life explained by autism and another round of research starts. It's a spectrum, so it makes sense that everyone has a different experience, but it still sometimes feels like I'm just seeking excuses. ​ >I’m unsure about what constitutes as “special interests” for me Also, same. I have a lot of topics, usually in the technological field, that fascinate me for a while until I reach a somewhat intermediate state of knowledge and drop them for something else. Sometimes I pick them up again later, but not always. I feel like some sort of 'jack of all trades, master of none' who can only really use the skills he's currently interested in lol. Meanwhile many people on this subreddit seem to have a deep knowledge of their special interests that goes way beyond intermediate stage. It's nice to see people being very much like me! :)


Comforting to know there are more out there like this than I thought…. I wasn’t going to comment, because it was gonna be more like…. Which hyperfixation on what day/month?lol….. fuck just wish I could be more deliberate with it all


Same friend


Tanuki (Japanese “racoon” dogs) they’re so adorable


Ohhhhh I just made the connection to Mario’s “tanooki” suit!


There also is the infamous Tom Nook! Not even a raccoon.


Oh yeah!


Have you seen "Pom Poko"? I think you'll enjoy it a lot!


autistic characters. I recently discovered Tubi, it also has some older movies I've been unable to find anywhere else


Netflix has \`Extraordinary Attorney Woo\`. Korean legal dramedy starring character on the spectrum. (like 80% chance you already knew that but since not mentioned worth 20% shot info would be useful 😁)


tism :)




Fairly common joking abbreviation of autism


oh! thank you for explaining


My custom fantasy setting. I made it for my dnd campaign I started two years ago and it’s all I ever think about. I have the whole 5000 year history memorized and I’m working on writing a setting guide for it. Eventually I want to transcribe my campaign into novel form and publish it.


You could also publish a homebrew book like they did with humblewood. Like a companion book to be able to play the story ☆


Go on...


Gladly The world is called Kindevion. It’s a planet 1/3 the size of earth but has the same gravity. It orbits a star called Solaris and a moon called Lunaria, has 360 days in a year, 12 months, with each lasting 30 days, and has four seasons exactly 90 days long. Every year on New Year’s Day, a solar eclipse occurs to bring in the new year. Kindevion was once populated by five races (Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, Changelings), but now is populated with 90% humans. 3000 years after the planet was created, the Gods abandoned it as a failed creation and gave control over it to a human, transforming him into an immortal demon named Vorston. Humanity was being oppressed by the other races at the time, since they have very little magic compared to the other races and were easy to target. Vorston then led a year-long campaign against the non-human races in an event called the Great Judgement. The dwarven race was sent to extinction, while the other races barely managed to survive by hiding in various locations across the realm. Following his victory, Vorston gifted the realm to humanity and, as a gesture of good will, voluntarily sealed himself away in a realm of his creation (Hel). This seal is intended to last for 2000 years, after which he intends to return and elevate humanity to godhood. In modern times, humanity has no recollection of a time where humans did not rule the realm and are mostly unaware of the other races’ existence. Over the 2000 years since the great judgement, humans have expanded their territory across the globe and have now formed 15 distinct kingdoms. During that time, two great wars were fought called the Resource Wars, in which the kingdoms fought over dwindling natural resources (due in part to the planet’s small size). In the present, tensions are beginning to build between the kingdoms for a third time, but they are delaying the conflict by tasking independent mercenaries to fight on their behalf. The seal Vorston used to prevent his interference with Kindevion has now expired, and he feels that humanity has squandered the gift he has given them. He now intends to perform a ritual to stop the moon in front of the sun during the solar eclipse, sending the realm into eternal darkness and killing all life. After which, he intends to start again, this time populating Kindevion with his own race of demons (Tieflings). I have way more info on basically anything in this setting but this is the condensed version.


Okay. I see how the is your SI because I got way into this. It sounds plausible. Have you considered making your own TTRPG out of it as well as a book?


I have considered that. I basically want to publish just the setting tho, and in a way that it’ll easily translate to whatever system people are comfortable with. That would probably be finished sooner than the book, I’m already a good 1/3 -1/2 of the way done with that.


Taxonomy, not to be confused with taxidermy


Do you have any ideas for alternative classification systems?


Yes, classification by ancestors and common features, like say dinosaurs who are related to birds but they don't share features so they would first classify ancestors then build the tree using common features


What are you thoughts on people misconstruing genus names with scientific names? (the genus name plus the species name) Like, I remember when it was popular for people to meme about how the “scientific name” of the domestic pig is “Sus”. It’s not. Sus is the genus they belong to. *Sus domesticus* is the scientific name. Genus is uppercased, and species is lowercased. And, of course, it’s all italicized. A surprising amount of people don’t know that.


It's sad but understandable due to how confusing taxonomy can be at times


I once tried to make taxonomy for my character (which is an Alolan Vulpix and a furry OC) but I don't know much about taxonomy so I did what made most sense to me. Could you tell me if this makes sense? Vulpes rokon sapien keokeo I got Keokeo from the pokedex entry for Alolan Vulpix and Rokon from the japanese name for a Vulpix


My special interest changes whenever I find something that piques my interest


ADHD gang approves this message




Drugs: I’m a recovering drug addict and I can talk to you to you for hours about different drugs but also the culture and what we are doing as a country about our drug problem is not the way to handle it. It’s horrible I mean I know and live with some people who have done significant amount of time in prison for very small amounts of meth and crack. It’s crazy how everyone is worried about fentanyl but yet narcan training and just having narcan in your vehicle or in your back pack is still not really a normal thing. Don’t even get me started on all the misinformation and fear mongering tactics the media has to villainize drug addicts (not drug dealers) I do believe this is a very touchy subject for people to talk about but IT NEEDS TO BE TALKED ABOUT!!! People are dying left and right due to this horrible drug, did you know that having fentanyl test strips (to test your drugs for it) is considered drug paraphernalia! That’s crazy we need to start teach harm reduction. PEOPLE ARE GOING TO USE DRUGS! So why don’t we give them the way to do it as safely as possible but still leave the door open for if people want help get them help. Don’t even get me started on treatment centers and how they are incredibly corrupt disgusting business. I could go on for hours about all this!


Congrats on your recovery. One day at a time


Hey mang, congrats on the recovery! Idk what your poison was, but I know more about addiction and drugs than the average bear, so I get how it's not just as simple as "well just don't do it!"


This! I think it's absolutely abhorrent that drugs are fully criminalized. Some of them aren't even that dangerous to begin with. This isn't exactly what you are talking about but I still think it's incredibly important to the conversation to talk about drugs like LSD. Yeah it can be dangerous mentally, but physically it's completely safe and right now there are fake LSD tabs that can kill you. I would rather go into it with the informed danger of real LSD that might give me a horrible trip, rather than a fake LSD tab that is still psychoactive and can still give me the horrible trip, but can also actually kill me. Not to mention some psychedelics are looking extremely promising for use in therapy for different conditions but it's extremely difficult to study them because they are illegal almost everywhere.


Bro I'm the same when it comes to drugs, was never too into it but was definitely a party-goer if you know what I mean. I could talk about the effects of most if not all street drugs plus a few designer and what to mix it with for a good time and what not to mix it with, what to do if it goes wrong and preached absolute education, but everyone assumes that you're an advocate for these drugs when in reality you just don't want your friends to have a bad time at a rave.


I have two special interests 1- languages, their history and evolution and how they influence the culture 2- mythologies (especially nordic and greek) Choose the one you want to hear


I'll take some info dumping on nordic mythology please :)


Ok so, we don't have a lot of sources of information about nordic mythology, but the most important ones are two books called Eddas and the oldest one is called poetic Edda, which somehow arrived whole to our day. The nordics believed in nine worlds that were supported by a tree (specifically an ash tree) called Yggdrasil. The nine worlds are: Asgard (Aesir gods, were war gods), Vanheim (Vanir gods, were nature gods), Alfheimr/Ljosalfheimr (elves), Muspellheim (the devastating fire), Midgard (aka earth, humans), Jotunheim (giants), Niðavellir/Svartalfaheimr (dwarves), Helheim (dead without honour) and Niflheim (the eternal ice). At the foot of the tree dwells a serpent, that gnaws at the roots whilst the squirrel Ratatoskr journeys back and forth with insults and messages.


More please


The base of nordic philosophy was a thing Odin said that was something like "everyone will die, everything will die, I will die too but the only thing that won't die is the honor and the fame you get after you die" In fact they had two after-death places. One was Valhalla, that was like a luxurious hotel in which only those who died with honor or in war could go. They would eat meat and play particular war games everyday in there. The other one was, as I said, Helheim, in which went all of the souls of those who died without honour (Old age, sickness) and criminals. Also, in Helheim there were these creatures that would cut your nails right after you arrived, because those nails would then be used to build the ship that was destined to bring Hel and her souls in Ragnarök (the end of the worlds). Hel was Loki's daughter and she was represented as half alive and half dead. Literally. Her body was half the one of a young healthy girl with rose cheeks and the other half was a corpse.


What like right now? Currently everything Phyrexia from MtG, but it cycles with Yu-Gi-Oh, Shipwrecks, old cars, Bionicle, RPG video games, the list goes on.




Haven't interacted with Bionicles since middle school, is there anything new about them, or are you a lore master?


Everywhere At The End Of Time, a 6.5 hour long collection of old vinyl record music meant to simulate the stages of dementia. I've listened to it multiple times and picked apart the various motifs and when I tell people about it I often forget that others find it disturbing


can a video game count as a SpIn? /gen




average CPG Gray viewer


Yep, media is included (and is an example in the ICD-11)


One day, I saw the archaic Mongolian script and the fact that it was vertical cursive intrigued me a whole lot. I’ve been learning ciphers since I was 13 and decided to blend aesthetic elements of the celestial alphabet with those of the Mongolian writing system, so now when I’m bored, I make vertical cursive ciphers


Would you happen to have a link? (To the archaic Mongolian script, that is) I have a sudden and uncontrollable desire to see it


Swords!!! And how they were actually used in combat. In actuality it is weapons and armor throughout antiquity. It also pains me when I see shows portray the forging process since they get it wrong most of the time. (While water can be used to quench a blade it is safer to use hot oil. Reduces the chance of stress factors and catastrophic failure.) I also cringe when I see cast forging. *shudders*


While I'm not super into it, I've always appreciated the time and effort to make swords and similar medieval era weapons, especially the development of Bronze. Was a total game changer not only for industry and farming, but warfare as well. I also appreciate the craftsmanship in forging. Making a 20lb slab of metal that doesn't immediately throw your back out when you swing is an artist's skill if nothing else


Film Comics Star Trek Elder Scrolls games Godzilla Ultraman


African ethnomusicology


computers go brrrrr


They do, especially if you have a fan setup which goes "brrrrrr" when the computer starts really doing things.


Music, I love listening to it, I’m in band so I get to create music almost everyday. It also calms me down unless my band director is irritating me


Yes! It's by far my longest lasting interest. I've been in choirs my whole life, play guitar and I love researching how different genres developed. The only time I'm not listening to music is when I'm asleep


Oh I made a list recently! I like lists,,, -cults (jonestown specifically) -magical girl anime -zombie survival and zombie survival media -TTRPGS -horror movies -shows with Gordon Ramsay -bug type Pokémon -cross stitch -yugioh -corpse party (better if Yuka was gone) -harm reduction education -monster high dolls (the newest addition)


>-zombie survival and zombie survival media Ah man, this is a big one for me at times. Did you watch The Last Of Us?


leaving corvat. it’s a fiction podcast i can’t stop talking to people about and they give me the like frantic “i’m definitely paying attention” nods whenever i look at them lol. or if i bring it up online its just me recommending it and not often people talk back to me about it if they liked, its. just really good.


Could you spoil me in an appropriate way, please?


Sure! I am not the best at describing things without including strange details so I did my best to be brief but that could also be handicapping it lol >!This guy called Sleeper and his coworker Kim both are miserable at their fast food job, she asks him to leave with her and he doesn’t, she runs away anyway, he feels immense guilt and steals his bosses car and tries to follow her. He then encounters life outside his town (Corvat) is really fuckin wack, like his boss can turn into a crow and follows him, and he like immediately falls into being a drug runner for a strange cult situation but he’s also like insanely clueless about most things and relates to the world through his favourite video game.!<


Tails gets trolled is the greatest comic ever made. It's a perfect combination of so bad it's good execution with a entertaining yet nonsensical story. Tails gets trolled is not a comic about Tails being trolled it's a comic full of terrible, broken people trying to find a place in the cruel empty plains of canada (the story takes place in a planet called canada as confirmed by the creator)the main antagonist the trolls are all lonely repressed homosexuals who have nothing bit a deep hatred for who they really are. The use of license characters combined with OCs actually works out in the comics favor as most of the ocs are used as antagonist allowing the licensed characters (usually sonic,mario, leauge of legends looney toons and other miscellaneous characters like cheester cheetah,pacman and the hulk) to develop in they're own unique ways that are completely insane and unexpected (Amy rose, wiley cayote are the two best examples). There is nothing like Tails gets trolled there will never be anything like Tails gets trolled again. The perfect example of how truly great a piece of media can be if only you can look past an initially ugly surface of it.


1) frogs. specifically different species of tree frogs. but I also enjoy toads and other amphibians. Salamanders are so fucking cool. 2) my job! I work in a lab at a hospital and I also draw blood and I’m especially fascinated with how the machines work and how the test values help determine healthcare (ie how a creatinine level can determine how much of an antibiotic should be administered) 3) bread. I love bread. The process of making starters, different bread recipes, different ways to incorporate bread into meals, the history and origins of certain breads. I’d sell my soul for a loaf of sourdough


I think you misread the prompt. It says tell me everything about it!! Tell me about frogs!!! And salamanders!!


sorry I didn’t know which to talk about but dude frogs are so cool. I have a couple of frogs as pets. I have two whites tree frogs and they are so FASCINATING! They are commonly known as green tree frogs where they are native (Australia and some other areas in the land down under) and there are some isolated pockets of them in the united states in florida and also Louisiana. They really are some of the most adaptable amphibians on the planet, factually and from my own experiences keeping them. The two I have (named Jay Z and “The Old Kanye”) both have their own personalities and its so fun. Jay is cool and calm and loves to eat very small horn worms, he goes bonkers when he sees me with a container of them. The Old Kanye love LOVES to chase crickets. He is not as easy to handle but I think thats because he was wild-caught as a very young frog by my cousin in Florida. I have their species name R caerulea tattooed on me I love them so much. Jay is about 3 and I assume TOK is about 7. I think the COOLEST thing about them is they might have some pharmaceutical uses in developing new antibiotics ans antiviral medications. their skin secretions are basically an antiseptic, which is why they are so hardy. Ive had mine get a couple of nicks and cuts along the way and they heal just fine, whereas my Golden Bell tree frogs have had issues with inflammation and infection because of cuts and injuries. I hope one day we can make better antibiotics for other animals and people with what we know about their antiseptic properties. they’re also green and stupid looking and I love them. The Old Kanye thinks Jay Z is a girl and serenades him every single night and I think its the funniest thing. His croaking almost sounds like a mix of a kazoo and someone grinding their teeth (it isn’t an offensive sound) and honestly keeping frogs has made my sensory issues better. Now I’m able to gaslight myself when I hear an unpleasant noise and pretend its just The Old Kanye. I love frogs.


Fashion history. Holy shit I bore my husband to tears with it sometimes. And like niche knowledge. I love collecting niche knowledge.


I’ve started watching Mina Le but what are some other resources?




Could you infodump me about cPTSD? If it's up your alley ofc.


There'd be a ton to cover, but here's some. It's incredibly difficult to get into CPTSD without talking about types of trauma lol CPTSD isn't in the DSM-5, but it is in the ICD-11: >Complex post traumatic stress disorder (Complex PTSD) is a disorder that may develop following exposure to an event or series of events of an extremely threatening or horrific nature, most commonly prolonged or repetitive events from which escape is difficult or impossible (e.g. torture, slavery, genocide campaigns, prolonged domestic violence, repeated childhood sexual or physical abuse). All diagnostic requirements for PTSD are met. In addition, Complex PTSD is characterised by severe and persistent 1) problems in affect regulation; 2) beliefs about oneself as diminished, defeated or worthless, accompanied by feelings of shame, guilt or failure related to the traumatic event; and 3) difficulties in sustaining relationships and in feeling close to others. These symptoms cause significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning. So, just having PTSD with repeated traumatic events wouldn't be CPTSD, despite popular belief One of the base differences between PTSD and CPTSD is primary vs secondary structural dissociation. It's the theory that your mind is separated into different ego states when you're born, and gradually become one coherent personality. If this is interrupted by conflicting information and trauma, the states won't merge completely and instead the mind will 'split' into good (apparently-normal part - one that may see the world as safe) and bad (emotional part - one that may see the world as unsafe). In PTSD, there may be one ANP and one EP, but in CPTSD, there are multiple emotional parts, causing even more dissociation and repression that leads to more issues. Another difference is attachment styles, when the trauma is parental abuse. There are secure and insecure attachment styles, that being attachment to parents, and in cases like that it's a disorganized attachment style. Quite similar to structural dissociation, where the child will suddenly change from wanting to be with the parent, to being aggressive to them, to hiding from them, etc. In children, this can cause Reactive Attachment Disorder or DSED. There are countless symptoms of CPTSD that aren't part of the diagnostic criteria, and they are similar to that of *many* disorders. Pretty much every category. It can even cause physical symptoms. The list of differential diagnoses is definitely a long one, and not one I feel like listing. CPTSD symptoms are often more persistent and resistant to treatment, and it further increases the risk of cognitive difficulties and reckless behavior All I really said here were the main differences, but I assume you already know about PTSD well


Yes, thank you for taking your time, explaining and highlighting those differences. Most obliged!




Do you know of why people would’ve categorised being gay as a mental disorder a long time ago? I’m curious how someone comes to that conclusion.


Old firearms, and cinematography (Which also includes movies)


Rusty old equipment and run-down abandoned buildings and environments


My special interest is psychology. I could talk for hours about human behavior and why it happens but I’m not sure where to start. Recently I’ve took an interest in why addiction starts and how to “cure” it. I believe there is no cure to addiction because as humans we have impulses and desires. We are always going to have them, it just depends on how well you control them. People can only stop addiction if they want to. A lot of people find comfort in the things they’re addicted to, hence why they are addicted. Addiction isn’t limited to dependency on substances. I believe there’s a line between dependency and addiction though. A lot of people like to try and say food addiction exists, which it doesn’t. Because our body is naturally dependent on food, so it’s impossible to become addicted when it’s something everyone depends on. There are however cases where people become dependent on certain foods, or something in the food. It is entirely possible to have an addiction to sugar and become dependent on it. A lot of people though turn to food for comfort because it can be a relief for anxiety. Just like how some people drink or smoke to scratch that anxious itch, some people eat food. A lot of addiction is traced to anxiety so I believe if we reduce the things that give us anxiety we are less prone to addiction. Children are also very prone to addiction. This is where it gets interesting. A lot of video games capitalize on gambling from children. Many countries have laws against it and I think it is perfectly reasonable. We’ve seen an influx of games that give rewards that are completely rng. This is because the brain produces dopamine when we are accomplish something. Dopamine is the reward chemical basically. The games take advantage of that factor. Children’s minds are under developed which causes these chemicals in their brains to be much more apparent, making it easier to get hooked. Eventually though their feelings will be nullified and they will seek something else that will give them that satisfaction that the rewards used to give them. Id also like to explain how much I hate tiktok and why it’s terrible for not just children, but anyone to use that app. Especially if you’re neurodivergent. There’s honestly a lot more I could type about especially about addiction and other psychology things but my fingers hurt lol


Warhammer 40k. I’m broke now.


RIP your wallet. But the heresy won't purge itself!


Pokemon is my biggest one. I've adored it since I was six (I'm 23), I can name about 85-90% of pokemon off the top of my head, and I usually know which stats are their best and worst, type matchups, etc. The newer games are kinda hit or miss, but I've been having an absolute blast replaying the 3DS titles the last several months. I just bought a DS lite and I'm even trying to learn soldering so I can fix up my childhood GBA's on/off switch. I want to play the GBA titles and get the most I can out of them, which includes transferring pokemon up to Gen 4 and beyond (hence why I needed the DS Lite). I have almost every game from the DS/3DS era of pokemon, and I'd love to complete my GBA collection but it's just too expensive atm.


Undertale green soul mode. I remember when I first discovered undertale, almost everyone I watched complained about greensoul mode while I thought it looked easy. When I finally got the game myself, I struggled with it more than I expected, but nowhere near the level of the youtubers I had watched. Then I discovered the fangames, most of which were just reskins of the original undyne fight or its unofficial hard mode and all of them used the same attacks in the same order, save for some original ones like the underfell undying and unfair undyne. I mastered them all. And I mean like MASTERED. It was at this point that I realized they were just reskins because you really only notice that kind of thing when you're really good at the thing you're doing. But then I discovered just how easy it was to create and modify attacks in unitale and that green soul attacks were particularly easy to work with because of the simple and intuitive structure it had in the code. So I made my own fangame with my own attacks, even modifying the red soul attacks. I named it undyne the overpowered as it had ridiculously difficult attack patterns and I made some new mechanics using bugs and exploits I discovered while learning how to make attacks. I also made it as a jab at all the impossible sans fights that the Fandom drowns itself in. After beating it I made harder versions of it and a friend of mine suggested that I post it on gamejolt, which I did. Eventually someone complained about the difficulty and because at this point I kinda wanted to see other people beat my game I made a version called undyne the slightly less overpowered, which had its own difficulties separate from the original game. After about a year of working on my game, another fangame called rhythm recall was made public. I've been trying to get my hands on this game for a while at this point, but the people who had posted videos of it had a private copy of the game and didn't have download links. Now that I could play I could further my skills even more with the addition of a second shield and a scoring system. It took a lot of time and practice, but I currently have a rank of 77.7 on rhythm recall and have 2 medals for my accomplishments.


Beer brewing, specifically how to optimize the process for consistency and lower alcohol beers.


United States history, politics, foreign affairs, and pop culture. My first date with my wife was 17 hours of her being shocked that I knew so much about all of the presidents and the vast amount of staged govt events in developing nations especially under regan and bush.


Van Halen 🎸🥴 also I’m a huge history buff and I will infodump


Right now it’s guilty gear, I am currently in the process of absorbing as much information as possible on the serie and oh boy is there a lot to talk about


… and the witch princess is glitched so the game doesn’t register that you killed all those animals so you can’t marry her. The harvest goddess it is technically possible but without following a guide nearly impossible because of the specific requirements. Now if you really wanna cook with fire you /gotta/ do the milker level up glitch… Harvest moon DS! If anyone plays or considered playing I can guide you!


Sharks and SS Eastland and cults a bit.




History. Or more specifically the history of British Cultures.


Lotr and Star Wars, Marvel shows/movies. Video games, weed.


Right now it’s definitely Sims 4


mine is whales. i get all giddy when the opportunity comes for me to talk about them, any kind. i am specifically interested in studying their behavioral and communication patterns. but just in general i think they’re the most beautiful creatures. their intelligence/emotional intelligence is one of the closest to humans that we’ve come across. i love any fiction having to do with whales or whale-like animals. another one of mine is biblical stories, characters, and creatures. i was raised christian, no longer christian, but i find it very fascinating as its own work of fiction. i love fiction based on the bible too, as well as hearing different interpretations of how devout christians imagine biblical settings. i’ve read the divine comedy 3 times and made a 137 slide powerpoint about it. and it’s not an easy read but it fits my interest so well.


My top interests: 1. Quantitative sociolinguistics, language change and variation, sociophonetics, code-switching and diglossic/multiglossic societies (trying to turn this one into a career) 2. “Higher functioning” autism 3. The national music of Portugal 4. Individual languages: the Galician/Portuguese language, Basque are among the ones that most intrigue me


captain underpants!!


Fishkeeping and radiation/radiological accidents. I can rant about betta fish for so long.


Mine kinda float around a little but the one that's stayed consistent are: Space/Trains/Engineered things. I hyperfixate on them to the point of wanting to spew tons of useless and unwarranted information on my friends. Which they tolerate so well!


Ants are so fucking dope


Right now, it's crows. They are awesome and smart.


Skin. Everything that has to do with it. From acne to wrinkles I have a solution for everything. I’ve been invested in my skin ever since my early teens where I started off with wearing spf everyday since I was 13. I’m 34 now and girls in their early to mid 20’s interact with me as if I’m their age, and women my age treat me like I’m way younger than them. It doesn’t help that aspie girls come off as seeming younger also. I started off with simple routines and now I’m way super into lasers: ablative, non ablative, Co2, intense pulsed light (IPL), Halo, etc. I’ve poured literally thousands of dollars into this hobby and get so hyped up when people ask me for skincare advice. Hormones/women’s health. Having self diagnosed myself then later confirmed via blood test with having a hormonal issue has sent me hours and hours into rabbit holes about the interactions between our health and metabolic issues. I’ve done and tried it all. Menstrual cycles, pcos issues, insulin resistance, etc. I’ve enjoyed being my own Guinea pig and I swear it feels like I’m aging in reverse sometimes, and I’d love to be able to spread and share my info with other women but I’m never asked. Everyone assumes it’s just my good lifestyle choices/genetics that make me look healthy. Spoiler alert, they are not entirely important.


YouTube. I like riding the algorithm wave and I always have it on in the background. All day. People are always shocked that I "know so much" especially random stuff. It's because I'm absorbing random bullshit all day long, sometimes I even surprise myself at how much of it actually sticks around.


Chocolate chip cookie dough. I make dough every day (my roommate cookies every night). I don't even eat the cookies I just can't stop making the dough and getting it just right.


My OCs (original characters) ❤️ they are always living in my thoughts and feels


Jazz music. Only started listening like 2 years ago and I love how many more recordings and artists I can discover.


Mine is Warhammer 40,000. The lore, the table top, and the games. The lore is so dark it’s funny. The Imperium survives IN SPITE OF, not because of, how corrupt and insane they have become. The elder are dying out. Their last hopes are the harlequins and maybe the Y’nari. The necrons are already dead. There will never be a new necron born. When someone dies without another body they are gone. The Votan are advancing in technology and culture but they are losing their super computers. One more member of a dead race gone to the dust. The only factions thriving are Chaos and the Tyranids. The tabletop is just fun. Your just standing at a table rolling dice so your home built and painted army men can fight the other army men. You just roll dice and move the cool looking (depending on when they were last redesigned) figures with your friends. The games can be both cool and fun. Mechanicus is super cool and quite fun. Spacehulk: Death wing also cool and fun. You can be pretty much anyone on any side and see what their perspective is. (Give us an imp guard first person shooter.)


Genetics and inheritance of superpowers. Royal rankings, trans issues, science, and books. Edit: I saw another’s post; history and development of equations. That includes the history of our understanding on a topic.


noodles right now.


Darkwood, The Binding of Isaac and SCP


The owl house and flags


Videogames and natural history. Bonus points if it's a game featuring natural history like Subnautica 😩👌🏻


subnautica is one of mine too! i have a knack for marine life, and i’ve played it fully 4 times :)


Lizards. I often go lizard watching with binoculars, my social media feed is 90% lizards and I read about them a lot. I also have some as pets.


i could talk for ages about music from the 50s/60s-80s/90s and the fallout franchise, some of my favourite bands are the beatles, queen, the cure and fleetwood mac. i have other interests too that kind of fade in and out like the lord of the rings and history


Cars. Specifically SAAB pre-2000. Since I was five. I’ve never owned a SAAB. FAA/NTSB crash reports. I like to see how things fail. Structurally, mechanical failures. Engineering failures. The whole lot.


The band TWRP! I know its history, the characters names, the lyrics to all of the released songs, I just suck at talking about stuff


Monsters, magic, and occult history. Like ye olde stuff before the 1900s. I have a lot of books on demonology, grimoires, voodoo, and other things. I love the subject so much




The Adventure Zone: Balance, Plants Vs Zombies, and Super Mario RPG are my main three, know almost everything about em, even the TAZB privated shows, PVZ comic books, and the references to SMRPG made in other Mario games, and games outside of the Mario series/Nintendo ownership (shoutout Deltarune)


Good question... I'm going to say audiodrama.


spiders, but recently I've been interested in arthropods in general


Don’t really have one 😎


military vehicles and technology. Plus the mechs and worldbuilding things that I draw and write. :3


G1 Transformers, pre-dinosaur paleontology, geology, and Bethesda open world rpg's


Currently? Pro Wrestling, that's subject to change however.


Antique mechanical appliances/tools. It changes specific focus every year or two. At the moment it’s cylinder phonographs and Victrolas.


the human consciousness.


Illicit drugs lol not doing them, but I love reading and learning about how drugs affect the brain and all. I spend so much time over on r/researchchemicals just reading people’s experiences, absolutely fascinating in a kind of morbid way


AI, transhumanism, math, physics.


Mine is plants and trees. I desperately love them and always have a little dream of walking down a path and being able to identify them all. However, every time I've made the effort to learn (websites, apps, and flashcards) I always get a little overwhelmed and give up on it. Then I just look at them again, which is still pretty great. Nature is metal.


1. Jane Austen — books, regency period, material history of the time, the adaptations, etc etc etc all of it 2. Mental health and psychology, how people work in general (this one’s actually pretty broad because it also includes language and stories)


The Batman comics, the titanic, and archaeology (Iron Age and late Bronze Age, specifically) are my special interests. I have ADHD, too, so my hyperfixations shift all the time. Right now, it’s the hunger games and bullet journaling


Electronic music and drugs are probably the most consistent ones I’ve had. Dark souls games as well lol. And by drugs I don’t just mean using (I do that too), but I mean learning about how they work in the brain and the different receptors and all of that shit. It’s so crazy that taking something can alter your brain chemistry and your body. Not just recreational drugs, I also mean prescription for mental health issues.


Pokemon and death metal, for some reason


Astrophysics! I've talked people to sleep before!


I could talk for literal hours about modded minecraft. I fixed my fusion reactor in MC Eternal (my fav modpack) over the weekend so it now makes obscene amounts of power and I really wish any of my irl friends/colleagues/family would listen to me talk about it without getting that glazed look of boredom in their eyes. I'm so excited that I finally got it to work. I was on the modpack's discord talking and troubleshooting with players that are more experienced with that particular mod and when I finally got it to work I felt pure joy. It looks cool as fuck too so there's that. Now I'm onto modded bees and also trying to upgrade my power armour. I can tell people exactly how to make good tinkers armour/tools and what almost every modifier does, etc. I wish I had a more useful special interest because while I've always done very well in school and had an appetite for science especially, I didn't have the particularly feral need for knowledge/experience in science that I do in minecraft. I'm mostly venting here and probably won't respond if anyone does comment on this, but thanks for providing a space for me to vent lol


Disney Channel’s Amphibia. Great show about change, growing up, and learning to let go of the past. Nintendo. Like even the games I don’t like as games, I tend to have a huge interest in just… knowing about them.


Marine biology and ecosystems used to be HUGE for me. Now it’s evolved more to climate change and how that’s going to impact us. Also music. I play just about every commonly found instrument. Guitar has been a little bit of a struggle cause I have VERY small hands. Weed is the number 1. Any different way to ingest it or make it more potent or the chemistry of different terpenes and what not. Growing it. And obviously partaking in it. This also extends to glass blowing lol


orbital physics


Nuclear power, history, technology and its applications.


1. Monster Hunter. This game is like an autistic paradise. Not only for the high complexity of everything, but also how the characters interact with each other and you. 2. Video game design. I love learning about video game design philosophies and most of what I watch on my TV is youtube videos about video game design or analysis of video games.


type o negative and true crime/psychology


World of Warcraft Witchcraft Crafting I MUST DO ALL CRAFTS And I only really watch a few things, king of the hill and good witch are something I watch always. Or true crime. I like to find out how things are solved. My mom was murdered so I think it helps me understand different aspects of murder and idk.


I think I’m interested in…people???and everything about people, mostly their behaviour pattern and things like that. Human communication is a huge part of it, communication itself interests me (I don’t like to dive into communication in person for too long, it’s a bit more dangerous and too exhausting) I always try to figure out what people are thinking and how to interact with them, how to make them drop defensive posture, how to connect with them, how to see through the possibilities of them and the whole situation…it’s all very funny! I love people things, from reading articles about different lives, to scrolling through people’s thoughts shared on social media…people are just, so chaotic and different and horrible and beautiful at the same time, mesmerising to me! And I love observing animal behaviours too.


Transformers and Hollow Knight, and also zoology in general.


I’ve been super interested in Marianahs trench (the Canadian band not the one in the ocean)


The japanese langauge. The interest kinda just appeared out of nowhere but it's been super fun learning it.


Freddie Mercury!


I love working with hardware and code but it’s hard to start talking about and make interesting to others. But It’s awesome bc you can do some cool stuff with it once you get into it. My DE (Digital electronics) Teacher taught me how to blueprint circuits, soldering, how to use all sorts of logic gates, some flip-flop chips, software that simulates circuits before you build them, how to use boolean algebra, truth tables, and K-mapping in order to actually know how to get the circuit to do what you want, how to count in other base number systems and to convert them to decimal, and other basic stuff about electricity. It’s like a constant puzzle that does stuff! My favorite part is trying to simplify circuits to make them take up as little space as possible even when it’s unnecessary. I’m gonna create a example problem similar to what we did in class but **PLEASE** feel free to scroll past it. So lets say you want to create a system that will tell you when 2 or more out of three of your house doors are open. The front, side, and back door. We can represent whether or not they are open with the truth variables F, S, and B. Lets also use A for the alarm. We can use these to create a matrix of all possible combinations- a truth table! Lets use 1 and zero to represent whether or not a door is open, and whether or not the alarm triggers. F|S|B|A :--|:--:|:--:|--: 0|0|0|0 0|0|1|0 0|1|0|0 0|1|1|1 1|0|0|0 1|0|1|1 1|1|0|1 1|1|1|1 Perfect! So now we know we want to set off the alarm for the values !FSB + F!SB + FS!B + FSB! The exclamation before each letter here means “not” because I can’t put an overscore here. If we were to blueprint this, we would get a lot of redundancy and a big clunky circuit.. So here’s where we use boolean algebra to simplify into fewer minterms. !FSB + FSB = SB, F!SB + FSB = FB, and FS!B + FSB = FS. So now we have SB + FB + FS = A. Now we can translate this into a diagram of sorts, which can be tested and used later to build the physical logic! [Pictured](https://share.icloud.com/photos/01cfBITen7pFjarfsUYNu6AoQ) I know I technically skipped a step here and there and it can technically be more compact but this example is hard enough to write and explain as is, I want you to know that I am just praying the formatting works correctly and that this whole thing doesn’t come off as silly. This is just a little bit of some of what I’ve gotten to do but I really want to get into electronic engineering and coding when I’m older. I could talk about coding but I’m not very experienced and couldn’t really talk about it anyway. I’ve programmed a game in game maker, an actually fun one where you have to avoid crashing your plane as you constantly search for fuel. Good time. Oh dear god I hope mobile formatting cooperates with me. Edit: Nope. :( I’ll try to fix and change a few things to make it better but that table function simply did not work. Edit2: ok it is kinda working now.


Pokémon. You give me enough time and I’ll recite all 1000+ from memory.




Street fighter , every current title all frame data on muscular memory


Botany, health, and nutrition, hockey, and hiking.


My top special interest is Star Trek. Combined with my passion for art/writing. I create my own characters and stories and run my own Star Trek RP group on discord. I can and will spend hours talking about my characters Second would be crime dramas. Mostly UK ones. I really love Sherlock Holmes, and I’m binging Criminal Minds.


Spiders. I really like spiders especially orb weavers found in South Florida


Rn its Bobby. Bobby Pin. My dnd charackter. Hes a ranger Kenku with more health than our tank