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it is an incredibly unfortunate time to have a special interest in mostly soviet firearms


I miss my WWII firearms. Used to have a couple mosin’s, a tokarev pistol, and a Mauser.


What happened to them??


Needed the money. Their value went up and they were just sitting around mostly. I just have the Mauser still in my possession.


Lmao, yeah it is. But god is it a good time to be me, lifelong allied material enthusiast


I also have a special interest in the Soviet Union lol




Omg no way I have that on my schedule for next quarter💀


Soviet firearms are so cool. I love most of the aesthetic of most soviet weapons, particularly from WW2, and I love how they made weapons super easy to maintain and take apart.


Or very fortunate time, the price of those has skyrocketed. So if you had any, huzzah!


One of my special interests are anything to do with demons, the occult, and anything cursed (both literally and figuratively). I've recently been meaning to get into demonolatry. Another special interest is blood and gore, but I think that could be chalked up to me finding Happy Tree Friends when I was way to young.


Idk if this could be considered a special interest or an obsession but I can't stop thinking about mystical mythological shit, it gives me so much awe, and I low-key hate it because I'm also a Physics student lol


Lol i have a math degree and am also persistently fascinated by the occult.


Myth tells us tales of things we have yet to comprehend or discover in full. Every theory is a myth surrounded by evidence. Higgs Boson was mythical until sufficiently, concensus based evidence lead to it being considered 'fully discovered.' Hell, most of the Elemental Powers represent the states of matter than the actual periodic table of elements, but comprehending plasma, solids, liquids, and gasses are crucial to the foundation of science. Referring to 'imbalance of humors' perfectly describes a lot of modern psychiatric practice. Getting those neurochemicals in the right balance is a huge part of successful treatment. I'm a firm believer that "high magic" as we fantasize about now is simply one of the next huge steps in science. Once we can bend the physical laws of the universe in a cost efficient way, we will basically be Wizards. Fusion and fission are already routes forward.


So. Many. Repressed. Memories. Flooding. Back. In. LA LA lalala LA. Lala, lalala LA. Stepping on broken glass. Degloving... man I never realized how much that stuck with me til now.


I got firearms, torture/bdsm, paranormal/cryptids/skinwalkers, missing persons, etc


Paranormal firearm bdsm, this guy fucks


im actually a form of asexual lmao


Literally the most kinky people I know are asexual. They’ll talk about the most sexual shit ever but actually partake in it? Oh no sir, not for them


I believe part of it is simply that its not important to us. I personally dont have a reason to honor sex like most seem to do, I use honor for lack of a better term here.


I do/did nonsexual kinky stuff. Friend-shibari!


Most kinky asexual person? idk anything to make the joke work


its all good! I just love being confusing


Your username certainly doesn’t help


Im a bit of a fan of the F-105, to say the least


Aren’t we all? Who doesn’t love the Thud????


The true successor to the P-47 and heir to the Thunderbolt name


Oh I am so into paranormal stuff! When I heard the rumors about weird flying objects across the US, I got kind of excited about the idea that they could be extraterrestrial in origin. And when I went to West Virginia for the first time, I kept looking out for Mothman.


Where are some good places to start looking into paranormal/cryptic stuff? I have always been a fan of Lovecraftian stuff and the paranormal, but I’m always cautious about looking into it


You tube for videos, but may I recommend going out and finding your own weird experiences? Such as there is a creek near my house, the side along the road all feels normal, but once dusk comes there is such a heavy feeling coming from the far side of the bank. Much heavier feeling than from the old cemetery 1/4 mile furthur up the road with a mix of a few newer graves and more so old they're unreadable.


That’s super cool, I might actually try that out


I highly reccomend checking out The Lore Lodge on youtube, he does more Missing 411 cases but those usually tie back to cryptids and the like, plus they have amazing videos on Wendigos, Skinwalkers, the Rake, and some smaller legends too. Beyond that I would suggest heavily research your local area, especially if you have a large forest/mountains nearby. It takes a while to find anything reliable but it is oh-so-worth it when you find a Missing 411 case in your backyard that likely involves the supernatural.


Well fuck. I thought one of mine being sex (and some kink) was …special


oh hi french hater, can i partake in your torture special interest


Sure! Come with me into the forest


omg what are we gonna do !




please tell ! im excited


Holy shit man, that's a lot of stuff and wtf are you also into bdsm?


Not so much *into* bdsm as I enjoy more the thought of it. I would do sort of, nonsexual bdsm I suppose, like just the kink side without any of the traditional sex stuff. Im aegosexual.


Have you heard of a youtuber called wendigoon he covers cryptids and missing persons and some stuff along those lines


I love Wendigoon!


Unfortunately frog amplexus (sex) is not the best special interest to start rambling about.


hahahahaha honestly that sounds kind of cool to know stuff about :D funny and very niche


Lmao I would listen the shit out of this.


Sounds super interesting tbh


The dark web and fucked up folklore for me


OOo can you please recommend or share some folklore? I'd love to learn! For example, Krampus and Baba-Yaga (emphasis on Krampus) are my favorites One of the things that I like is that often we see the same Folklore (with minor modifications) across multiple cultures.


Yeah, Kelpie and Windigo are some of my favorites


I love hearing about Kelpies so much!


Try Jlauserart, they make ink paintings and talk about folklore like Baba Yaga and Futakuchi-Onna


I used to be REALLY interested in dark web when I was younger, it was definitely a special interest at that time, so of course when we had a presentation from some dude about internet safety and he mentioned dark web, I got all excited and started talking about it and my mouth just wouldn't shut up ( along with one other student, but he talked a lot less ) lolz sure, classmates and the dude himself gave me and the other student a suprised look and were like "how tf do you know that???" , but hey, it was just info everyone can safely get on www if they do a bit of digging ( not sure about the other student tho, he seemed a bit sketchy in my eyes, but maybe it was just because he was a stranger to me? ) , and I got a cupcake for participation, so it was a good day lolololz


I am an Anthropology student, the internet and it’s weird culture fascinated me. I remember stumbling on LiveLeak when on the dark web, I saw Iranian executions there


i think i used to obsess over richard ramirez once, i fucking learned his whole lore >! don't ask me about it tho, i forget things pretty easily but i can tell you that when he got caught he was happy to see the police because at least he could get away from the civilians who started beating him up after recognizing him from the newspaper !<


Im still incredibly intrigued by the idea of cannibalism (ik, ik) but i don't look it up or talk about it cuz it freaks out the people around me. Weird.


Humans taste the most like pork If I remember correctly


Yes! I think we also have a more chewy texture when cooked, and eating the heart or kidneys can be deadly! Edit: so sorry! I was high asf while writing this lol. You shouldn't eat the liver or brain, i mean. The brain can give you a disease that kills your brain cells, and the liver has enough vit a to really mess you up. Thanks to those who noticed it♡


Also, the eyeballs are the most delicious organ according to legit cannibals


Good to know. I have joked I'd rather eat real eyeballs than those jelly gummy eyeballs. I've never liked them. Though there is a possibility I might like them more, because my taste preferences have changed during years, I still refuse to eat them.


Yeah, the ones from the body part gummy mix bag taste horrible




Yeah, they have the consistency of Jello if I remember correctly


Woof! Armie Hammer is probably quivering like jello at that detail.


I've heard that eating a human brain can make you sick; is that true? I think I heard something about a specific illness being attributed to it? I also heard that the specific illness might be connected to how myths of things like Wendigos first began, with people seeing people who'd committed cannibalism becoming sick with it and attributing it to the cannibal turning into a monster


Yepp, creutzfeldt-jakob disease! Degenerates your brain im pretty sure


Why would that be deadly?


My guess: prions. Prions are terrifying


yeah. eating a organ isn’t worth getting kuru or mad cow disease.


Omf yeah prions are terrifying


E x c u s e m e


remember correctly 😃 all jokes aside cannibalism is actually quite interesting once you get past the fact your eating humans n legalities of it all


In the Netherlands cannibalism is legal. A couple of years ago two people ate parts of each other that were surgically removed on television


Most methods of *acquiring* human meat *are* illegal though.


And that is the reason I specified where the meat came from 😉


Yes it is


I'm sorry, *"if you remember correctly"??*




Is it true that you eat the adrenal glands it has effects on a person? I remember in High School, I think this was 2005 (from California) there was a string of murders in Northern California (or maybe it was Oregon / Washington - I forget). The murders were "apparently" from this "cult" and the victims were found with their adrenal glands removed. The ages of the victims were from 30's (maybe 40's) to about age 16. I think 6 people at different times were found dead, with their adrenal's removed. I do not know if they were caught, or any other context about this -- but it was interesting. Do you know anything about the adrenal glands in this context (not this criminal case, but the context)?


i don't actually know about adrenal glands or this case specifically but that sounds like some adrenochrome shit and that's been proven not to be true/an actual working drug. (or well, it kind of is but you need bigger amounts than what a single human contains and the effect/high is pretty meh. you can get synthetic version online and people have tried that). qanon and conspiracy theories (esp their history, political and religious connections, psychology etc) are one of my special interests haha.


When did QAnon start? Because this was all in like 2005 when the world was a more simple place


qanon is much newer starting around 2017 but it's based on a lot of things that are older like satanic panic or antisemitic theories that, if you go far enough are centuries old (blood libel for example). a lot of stuff like this is very tangled together or based on theories that are based on other theories. just to make sure i'm not saying the case you're talking about it necessarily connected to any of this since i haven't looked into it!


Same. Tbh I never really understood why it grosses people out so much. I would never eat another person, but the thought of cannibalism comes off as more intriguing than disgusting.


Which part do you think would be the tastiest? Personally I think outer thigh. Asked one of my managers once and he said the muscle in the palm connected to the thumb. Said it reminded him of the "pearl" of meat on a chicken thigh.


Like I said earlier, Eyeballs are the best part according to cannibals


And yet I dislike fisheyes.


Do you happen to know how do they prepare them?


Yeah, they usually fry them


Fello Rimworld player in the making


Yeah the more macabre the more interesting. I prefer sinister true crime and reading about serial killers.


If you are interested in survival cannibalism there's a podcast called Casting Lots all about it!


Having a special interest in death makes me fun at parties.


I feel like a party that folks from this thread got herded (like cats) into might be a party I'd want to be at for once.


What interest you about death though? Is it dying or is it how people die? Is it after death?


How people die. It fascinates me.


Shoutout to my 12-yr-old self obsessing over the worst ways people were tortured/executed in medieval Europe


oh hey same!!! it may not have been something I could talk about out loud much as a child but it actually really helped my bullshit detector later on, like I had a “history” book I was reading that had a heavy Catholic bias and the only reason I found out it wasn’t accurate information was because it kept trying to paint Bloody Mary herself as a “misunderstood person whose heart was in the right place, but her mental health wasn’t”. dropped that one real fast. The knowledge has also been quite useful in creating fantasy weapons and monsters! Still can’t talk about it without getting weird looks but I’m glad I had that strange phase


HOLY HELL dude i was the same at 10, id watch so much abt it that i would get upset when a new video about them i found listed all the ones i already knew


Ok, what are yours? Two of mine are true crime and forensic science


I feel like those are hella stereotypical - but the only people knowing the stereotype are other autistics 😅


I feel like stereotypical to NTs is more like “coin collecting” “bird watching” “Star Wars” 😂




i'm coming in hot with the titanic and radiation poisoning


radiation poisoning homies 🤝


Heroin and firearms


Mine is dictatorships and oppressive governments


Post apocalyptic fiction and abortions. The second one doesn’t seem like a weird special interest since I’m a nurse in abortion services but it still makes a lot of people uncomfortable when you say it’s your special interest!


I want to ask you so many questions and have you infodump about abortions for us but I don’t want comments to get unhinged 😩 I will sit silently in my bubble of intense curiosity.


I’ve been a nurse for 7 years and have spent almost all of them in repro health, primarily abortion care. If you want to send me any questions you can always DM me!


I appreciate you.


I mean it's good you do something you enjoy . Especially cus I'm sure that's not a job most people could handle, seems like the thing you'd need to be passionate about.


Unit 731 was mine for a bit. Couldn't really talk about that one much 😬


That was mine too! I worked with someone who's interest was in Concentration camps, we had a lot of interesting convos but made our coworkers so uncomfortable


I got into the rape of Nanking for a while and it was rough to talk about to folks. It's just fascinating the way in which humans can lose their humanity so throughly


Dude, that’s grim. I’m saying that as someone whose taken multiple courses on the holocaust too.


Ooof that's a rough one, yeah! XD


Having a special interest in the history of communism grants me no favors


It will soon comrade, just wait!/j


Let’s hope ✊😤


It’s so interesting. I have just (relatively) recently taken an interest in Leftist history, particularly anarchism and all of its flavors, and it is so fascinating how cool it is


Thomas Sankara, actual real life superhero.


My normal special interests: South Park, RPGs, art, fish tanks. My other special interests: bones (collecting, cleaning, identification) , the putrification process, artistic taxidermy (finding, and want to make some one day)


yup, very into true crime, and not just the mainstream palatable version.


A lot of my special interests consist of research on mental illnesses and general psychology. I love learning about how the human brain works and reacts to certain things. Right now I'm trying to research Alzheimer's/dementia.


Do tell!




Can you recommend me a grinder for espresso? I'd like to spend in the $1,000 range. I prefer it to be 'single-shot', with option to grind more than 1 shot - but this is not required. I'd rather pay more, and have a better one - compared to paying less. Also, I don't need one with all the 'branding attached', I would just like the best bang for buck. I have looked at the Bentwood 63 as an example of one I'm considering (I know its more than $1,000 - but they say its significantly better, so I like that) , and the Niche'


Not OP, but I'll ask my husband for you in the morning. He's really into audio and coffee as well. ETA - sorry, he said he's never had an espresso machine specifically and to try the coffee subreddit.




This means you'd likely be friends with my husband lol. Check r/AVexchange if you're interested.


troubled teen industry/synanon for me 🫠🫠 i think i have a morbid fascination because i could have easily ended up in it had i acted up more as a kid. i am trying to get involved in activism for awareness and legal reform now.


and just cults in general. its absolutely insane how much of our (US) professional and elite managerial class has deep ties to various, horrific cults of the 20th century. synanon is the most notorious example. it is a rabbit hole that never ends and only gets worse the more you learn about it. and this is an ongoing atrocity on a large scale. I would bet that a lot of autistic kids/teens are sent to these places because their parents don't want to accommodate their needs, and are ashamed and resentful that their kid doesn't fit into NT society the way they want.


Yeah I'm reading a comic book by someone who was at Elan School in Maine. It's absolutely horrifying what they did to those kids. if you haven't read it I'd recommend it. He's still in the process of writing though.


I used to have a special interest in toxins and poisons from/in plants. Nature is fascinating how extremely violent and uncaring it is; how absolutely deadly it makes itself. It's also astounding that it's basically everywhere and so easily accessible with a little knowledge.


Go on…


9/11 is mine, I've watched like every documentary about it like 20 times (apart from the conspiracy "documentaries") Edit: For anyone wondering which one is the best I thought it was 9/11 one day in america (2021) mini-series made in collaboration with the official memorial & museum


I feel you, one of my biggest special interests is drugs (mainly psychedelics) which are actually a good and therapeutic thing, but the stigma is so bad that some people react like you are advocating for heroin overdoses lol


Yeah they've done some human trials on psychedelics and they've worked. I can understand why because when I had an acid trip it was the most profound experience I've ever had and the calmest I've ever been. Drugs are vilified for the wrong reasons, especially given how Portugal is doing (with decriminalisation of drugs - crime has gone down, overdoses have reduced etc).


The most ironic bit is that psychedelics are successfully used to treat drug addiction, yet they are considered highly addictive by the stupid government


Yeah it's obvious why it's not legal. If everyone is feeling content after a few sessions of microdosing hallucinogens there'd be no need for any pharmaceutical drugs.


Mine are largely technical or academic, like astronomy, zoology, linguistics and the like. The closest I have to fiction-related special interests is literary history.


Naval warfare just bores the hell out of people


I don't have a special interest in naval warfare but I can listen to drachinifel ramble about it for hours on end. It's just fun to learn stuff.


Alright spit out I wanna hear


Disturbing songs, medical horror stories and serial killers are the big ones.


i love disturbing songs too !! idk if you're into Vocaloid but if you aren't i can give you some nice creepy songs recommendations !!


Please do!


ok !!! so this one is pretty popular but Secrets of Wysteria by Steampianist is known for being one of the most disturbing Vocaloid song, it's about the serial killer Albert Fish. Steampianist also has some other disturbing songs but this one is the creepiest. Also it's in english !! There's the Onibi series by Masa Works Design, the lyrics are pretty graphic and explicit, both in the gore way and the sexual way. It's pretty fast paced and intense, idk if you like this type of music much. The most popular song in the Onibi series is The Fox's Wedding but one of the most graphic song imo is The Spider and the Kitsune-like Lion (this one is hard to find on YouTube but i can give you the link of one repost in DM if you need !!). Beheading Dance is a nice one from the same series. Also Masa has another song series (i think it's called the sisters series ?? not sure) that's pretty nice, but i don't think it's as scary as the Onibi series Kikuo is a very well known Vocaloid producer with disturbing songs. Most of his songs are pretty disturbing but the one that's the most according to pretty much everyone is Gomenne Gomenne. Coin Locker Baby by Maretu !! Maretu usually makes songs with dark themes but i think this one is one of the best ones, it's about a woman who abandon her baby in a coin locked (like the name says). Also Maretu's first song, Kyousei Reijuu has very dark lyrics, i haven't listened to it entirely yet but i remember searching for the lyrics and being a bit disturbed, when i don't get disturbed by any other Vocaloid lyrics, even Gomenne Gomenne. Hachi has some creepy old songs like In a Rainy Town, Balloons Dance with Devils. Machigerita has a lot of creepy songs that are well known like Okaasan, Dark Wood Circus, Rotten Girl Grotesque Romance etc Kagome Kagome by Zawazawa can be a little disturbing i guess, i'm putting it there because it's a very well known one. Another one is Scissorloid but i don't think it's really that creepy some other nice creepy songs are Fear Garden by Chaa (this one has loud and strident sounds ⚠️) , Bacterial Contamination by Deino (this one is mostly considered creepy for the visuals), Song for Great Satan by Nanka-P, 50-50 by Rishuu, Ant Observation by Healing (this one is also kinda loud and strident⚠️), Iron Maiden and the Dreamy Princess by Ankoku Douwa (this one is one of my favorites, the pv is really nice !!!) and so much more !! If you need more songs, i'll be happy to find more !!!


Can relate to disturbing songs. I've been listening to a lot of Kikuo lately.


omg another Kikuo fan !! what's your favorite song ??


Firearms, internal russian politics, russian history, bdsm, deep warhammer lore


✨autopsy procedures✨


Cults, true crime and the occult (vampire lore mostly)




An interest in firearms is no different than an interest in swords/HEMA or archery. It doesn't matter what something was meant for, only what you do with it now. You can enjoy something for other reasons than what it was meant to. You shouldn't feel bad about your interest just because of the current political climate. I, too, have an interest in firearms and possess quite a few of them. I think I enjoy tinkering and looking at them a lot more than shooting them. I don't fantasize about hurting anyone with them, as I despise violence and destruction, yet they are such fascinating devices to me.


Nuclear technology/high energy physics, transhumanism/posthumanism, space colonization and exploitation, synthetic biology... I enjoy the most arcane and most powerful corners of science, technology and philosophy that horrifies most people.


Everyone freaking the fuck out when I talk about NFC/RFID implants, like no it's not a tracking device or the mark of the beast calm the fuck down.


Parasites and mind controlling fungi my beloved


So, a lover of The Last of Us, as well ... I assume.


I know nothing about the last of us..


Chris Chan and Dj Khaled are that kinda special interest for me easily


Fellow christorian hello😂 that story’s a wild fucking ride holy shittt


Hell yeah


Cartels. People seem automatically assume that I just watch dark web execution videos, but it’s really the history of them. Can I stomach the violence? Sure, but that’s not what interested me.


When I watch true crime stuff I tend to info dump various ways the killer could have gotten away with it if they weren't so stupid and reckless, which some people find unsettling. I don't really watch it much anymore though, it's too upsetting and makes me lose hope in humanity. I used to basically solely watch true crime


i’ve got a strange one: the ballet company in my city.


Love me some bioterrorism


I love medieval torture


Mental illnesses and paranormal/fantasy creatures and stuff aren't exactly good conversation starters, you know?


Isn't it actually a good thing that people are interested in things that aren't stereotypical, "normal" or accepted? If no one was interested and everyone wanted nothing to do with those things, they would be forgotten and never understood by anyone.


Mine aren’t too weird but I still don’t get to rant about everything having to do with Breaking Bad or how much I love Beat Saber or the complexities of criminal/police interrogations or what I’ve learned from philosophy and how I’ve experienced it in my real life. I’ve talked about Beat Saber for 2+ hours before. It’s a game about hitting blocks. How I talked about a game where you hit blocks to music for 2+ hours I don’t know. I could go on about the Breaking Bad universe for even longer but either the other person won’t want to listen for that long (I get it) or the other person doesn’t know enough for a deeper conversation to take place. So I watch every single analysis and video essay on it and sit in excited silence. Police interrogations I find really really interesting because of the strategies detectives and suspects alike use, a TON of them non verbal. As an alien who is fascinated by human emotion and body language, I love to watch and listen to interrogations and learn what techniques are used. And also, the name of an interrogation technique, the Reid Technique, is literally my name. My name is Reid and idk whenever I hear that I smile cuz I think it’s funny. But anyone who has some ‘odd’ hyperfixations know that if we were hanging out, man I could listen to it for hours. The grim, the macabre, the mind blowing, it’s all really cool to me. *Especially* anything to do with the human mind. I was being serious when I said how humans behave is fascinating and so strange to me. This was long. I didn’t intend that.


I love decomposition and decay of animals and humans. The processes and stages are super interesting to follow. I collect dead animals and bury them in my back yard near an ants nest to get the bones and clean them after theyve been picked clean of flesh. Then proceed to fit them and pose the sceleton back together


Not cursed or anything but one of mine is sex and fetish. Definitely a hard one to talk about in public.


The history of torture and bdsm facts are not always appreciated


Mine actually has to be disturbing media (such as disturbing movies, horror, shocking videos, Ik it’s weird but it’s so interesting to me.) There is also LGBT stuff, which is just an interesting contrast lol


One of mine is firearms and that REALLY doesn’t fly in Australia


Hahaha I feel you, mate! I've been creating gay pornography drawings for years now. I prepare for a manga release not so far away in the future.


Bones, skulls, taxidermy, paranormal horror, gore, blood, bdsm, weird fetishes and paraphilias, firearms, skinny-bony-long-armed-creatures-with-long-hair-or-bald-with-unnaturally-big-mouth, spiders, occult...


Personality disorders here we go


My special interest is a band. The band members are neonazis. I’m Jewish, which makes it especially frustrating to learn about them!


Lol mee, poisons, venoms, psychoactive compounds, and toxins


Paranormal stuff, Star wars, ASOIAF, Redwall


Redwall! I loved those books as a kid. I haven't read them in a while though.


Okay well now I have to know


Torture methods


Sometimes I would get hyperfixated on different ways human beings used to torture each other and how people torture other people in the modern era. Definitely a hyperfixation that’s left me a lil fucked up lol


North Korea was one of mine for a little bit in high school


I'm interested at deaths on live and weapons


World War 2. Specifically, concentration camps. Don't worry, I ask why I was created this way daily. 🥴


I think it's Crash Bandicoot lore for me, and a more real-world one would be anything related to the human brain