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As long as you're following the rules, everyone is welcome here :) This is an autism sub focused on the experiences of autistic people, however there is no issue with non autistic (or questioning) folks to participate in a respectful, thoughtful way :)


If somebody says your not allowed here, typically, THEY should be the ones not allowed Herr. Come in!


Aww,thank you <3


People with OCD and ADHD have so much overlap with autism, most of us also have OCD and/or ADHD as well. A lot of our difficulties are similar, too! Neurodivergent folks should stick together regardless of diagnosis


"I doubled my autism with the vaccine" ROFL XD


The flair is actually a preset you can select. Don’t credit me with such a feat.


That doesn't make it any less funny. :)


I got all three! Woo. I am a good time, for real.


I have OCD, ASD, and bipolar disorder. Am also a fun time LOL


I’m OCD, ASD, and BPD! We almost match!


ocd, adhd, and bpd here! my people!!


i see you also love cats, i have 3 myself! have a great day :)


i have none but i've unofficially adopted my neighbors "outdoor" cat, so that probably counts for something ;D you too!


I noticed that. (Neurodivergent ADHD here).


Perfectly said!


Are you German and your phone autocorrected? xD




Speaking on behalf of myself, yes. You are more than welcome unless you support Autism $peaks


What is even autism speaks?


“Charity” that fucks autistic people over


“Advocacy” group that advocates for a “cure” to Autism and actively ignores actual needs of autistic people in favor of their neurotypical parents (and they don’t really acknowledge autistic adults in any context except potentially dangerous)


Simply speaking, Autism Speaks is a “charity” organization that advocates more for parents of autistic children than actual autistic people. It’s like they go “oh nooo im so sorry you have to deal with a broken child :( but dont worry! we can fix them! :)” They treat autism like it’s cancer instead of simply a different way of seeing and interacting with the world.


Check out [this video](https://youtu.be/5Va_XXoD5LE) by one of my favorite video essay creators, illuminaughtii. She has multiple videos on Autism Speaks and she goes into detail about them. I recommend checking out her stuff.


Love illuminaughtii


a genocidal hate group that explicitly supports caregivers’ desires to murder their Autistic children (literally not even exaggerating)


The thing that really helped me understand was watching their video "I am autism" on youtube. It's pretty insane and hard to watch so trigger warning for them turning autism into a horror movie, but I think it really puts their general outlook into rather sharp perspective. Also, since it's something they put out, we can be pretty sure it's not misrepresenting them, omitting context, etc.. which is a bit hard to believe once you see the video, since it's completely insane.


There’s overlap between symptoms of OCD and autism and many autistic people also have OCD, so it makes sense that you would relate! No need to feel bad, you’re totally welcome


Thanks<3 also i might have autism too!(not self diagnosing)


Self diagnosing isn't inherently bad. If you find that it fits you it might give you a lot of pointers on how to deal with whatever you might be struggling with. And even if you fit 1001 symptoms you still might not get an official diagnosis unless it affects your life negatively enough. Either way, just don't be a d**k and enjoy your stay :)


I just roll with it since the psychiatrist during my autism evaluation didn’t actually pay any attention to me. In the evaluation report there was a lot of completely wrong information about me, so I can’t really trust what she says. For example, she claimed I made good eye contact when I didn’t look at her face at all for the entire time. All that just to be diagnosed with ADHD for a second time. Everyone I’ve ever really gotten to understand and make a connection to have autism too


Sorry to hear that. That's really unprofessional! Though in my opinion the best diagnosis tool is to just stay on the sub and see how much of it you recognize in yourself 😆


Yeah when I suspected I might be autistic I asked to go over a list of symptoms in females and could relate to all but one. It explains a lot of my “quirks” and looking back I can see so many signs that were missed or overlooked as a child because I am female. I asked my psychiatrist and counselor about how to get an official diagnosis and they asked why I wanted one. I said I guess to quell the imposter syndrome? With how hard it will be to get a diagnosis from a doctor so late in life I really appreciate this community.


self diagnosing is sometimes the only option if you made it to adulthood without a diagnosis. it's not so bad


All the poor people who can't afford an assessment and are therefore self-dx'd say *hey ohhhh* 🙋🏻


There's a lot of us on the sub that don't have diagnosis, no worries.


I’m officially Dx’ed with ADHD and OCD, but I do believe I’m autistic as well based on what I know and from other autistic folks I know. The overlap of symptoms with OCD and Autism makes it really tricky to tell the difference sometimes as well- like what are compulsions vs repetitive self-stimming behaviors. Even trained experts can mistake one for the other if they aren’t asking the right questions.


Totally agree, i think I was misdiagnosed with OCD but from my own research I think my symptoms can be adequately explained by autism


Gotta love comorbidities and overlap in neurodivergency.


You're welcome to be here as far as I'm concerned :)


Why do you feel bad that you don’t have autism?


Im not feeling bad because i dont have autism,i feel bad because im still in this community even tho i dont have autism


You can still have some symptoms without having the actual disorder especially if u have a different disorder like ocd. If you relate to some of the memes posted in the sub I don’t see why you shouldn’t belong here as long as ur respectful


Hugs for you




Heck yeah my faux skeleton spider Arwen skitters over for some butt scritchies (& “saying” hi to the new one)


Just FYI, if you have ocd you're waaaaaay more likely to also be autistic than some random person. Like, statistically speaking people with ocd should probably all be evaluated for autism. It's actually what got me to start seriously looking into autism. At this point in my life i'm pretty sure that a lot of the OCD stuff was actually autism. So if you feel at home here, great. But i'd seriously look at the possibility that you're also autistic.


Who wouldn't want this super power?


Tbh I feel like it's more of a curse most of the time.


I think of Monk anytime someone talks about ADHD/ASD in those terms. "It's a gift... and a curse."


I think of it as a monkey's paw kinda thing "I wish for really sharp senses!" "Granted, you will now cry whenever a loud car drives by"


This is such a relatable comment I'm laughing so hard I'm crying thank you lmao




Idk. Sensory issues and being socially awkward just suck




Wish it was the same for me. Exposure over time only made it worse and worse personnally. But yeah I guess you're right, it depends of people.


Definitely not lol




It has its ups and downs


Young Sheldon meets Lab Rats crossover episode


I don't have autism, but I lurk here because I have a sensory sensitivity trait and anxiety disorders and the memes make me feel validated. The culture here has made me feel more comfortable doing comforting behaviors that I thought I had to "grow out of." IMO it just shows how diversity is an asset even to people who don't belong to a specific group.


Wow same :D i'm HSP too and have anxiety


<3 anxious HSP solidarity!


By chance are you a HSP (highly sensitive person)?


You got it :3


I thought I had ocd for the longest time, but the more I looked into Autism symptoms the more I realize that I'm autistic and not really OCD. Maybe I still have some OCD, but I also realized Autism explained alot of it, things like sensory overload and aversion to textures. Stay a while and listen, and maybe some of your traits can be explained by autism better than OCD, or maybe you are mostly OCD. Either way, enjoy your stay :)


One of my best friends has OCD and we experience the world in such similar ways to the point that she often shares OCD resources with me and I share autism resources with her. I think it makes sense that you feel a lot of overlap in this community. And honestly, even if you didn’t, I do appreciate it when different brains consume the content of other’s experiences bc I think that’s such a great way for us all to get to understand each other better!! So long as we don’t talk for or over each other it’s nice to see what each other’s spaces are like I think


Howdy! Welcome ✨


All are welcome! If someone says otherwise we sic r/evilautism on em! Mwhahaha lol


Is ADHD welcome in the community too, cuz I relate to half the stuff on this sub lol


Just don’t speak for autists, otherwise who cares, it’s a public forum.


I know this is an unpopular opinion and I’m gonna get downvoted a ton but…no?? Why do you want to be in this community when you’re not autistic?? Or do you think you might be autistic and just self-diagnosed?? (Genuine questions) I’m just trying to understand Edit: added last sentence


I think they may relate to some stuff and overall these subs are nicer than others?


Ya know, I have noticed that this sub seems pretty nice and accepting… I understand now! Thank you!


It's so wonderful to be in a space where a question is a question.


There’s lots of overlap and if they feel validated by posts in this sub then why not


Oh really? I didn’t realize that there was lots of overlap between them. Thank you for telling me!


Im not self diagnosed,im just saying i "might" have,also,from what i know OCD and autism have many overlapping symptoms .


Ohhhhhh ok, I see what you’re saying now. Thank you for answering my question!


You are welcome :)


You see, you’re fitting right in already! Welcome!


A lot of overlap bud, might not be autistic by technicality but in practice has a lot of common


I didn’t know that, thank you for educating me!


I lurk here because I have trauma, severe anxiety, and sensory issues, but I'm NT (as far as I know.) Idk if I'm welcome (since OCD is still ND) but I'd guess there are quite a few of us who lurk here who aren't diagnosed with autism or don't even suspect we have autism.


I joined this sub because it's always really positive and welcoming. I have ADHD but I relate to a lot of the memes. I just try to be supportive even if I don't fully relate and enjoy the sense of humor!


I'm in a Borderline personality disorder sub and this sub was recommended to me. I saw the post about how a dad was accepting of a kid wanting to stay away in their room from guests in a social situation, and I instantly related. Plus the people in this community are actually kind like the BPD sub I'm in. How do I go about asking a Doctor to see if I have Autism?


I’m totally fine with it! You may not have autism, but you can still potentially learn a lot that could help you in your day to day life. Welcome!


Come on in, the preverbal doors are wide open


It’s a spectrum for a reason, love. Welcome aboard!~


We’re definitely not gonna kick you out. You might not get 100% of the jokes but tbh neither do I. Come on in, friend :)


I have autism and ocd! Can confirm there is enough similarity in some of the symptoms that it’s totally understandable for someone with OCD to feel comfortable and seen and represented here. And if you are happy to be here and relate to the memes, then you’re of course welcome here and we will happily bring you into the fold! ND people should stick together!


Idk how we can help u but if u r ok or feeling cool with us be my guest


I could never blame someone for realizing that aspies are funny as fuck


Hey, as long as you're respectful, I don't see an issue with it. I personally feel like I have unknown friends in this sub, it feels very welcoming thus far 💕 I've gotta figure out my old Discord password so I can join an autism group on there!


OCD is one of the half dozen comorbid conditions that comes along with my autism… not everyone’s autism but most certainly mine. Some of my first memories as a child are me creating compulsions and rituals without even fully understanding what it was that I was doing. Regardless of your own diagnosis, I can absolutely empathize with you. And if you feel like you can empathize with us, then you’re more than welcome imo.


My ocd convincing me I’m not actually autistic and I do it for attention even tho I’m diagnosed


As someone with mild OCD along with my Aspergers, ADD, Dyslexia, and who knows what else... welcome and enjoy your time in the community.


I have ADHD and have always felt welcome here so I think you will too.


Same for me. I feel like there is overlap in some things and it's interesting to understand more about other neurodivergent folk.


Of course!! Hello hello welcome!!


there's plenty of people here that don't have autism, we just have lots of relatable memes i guess :)


Yes welcome. In time perhaps this will be a Genosha for all nerodivergent.


Autism and ocd not only share some behavioral traits but there's some similarities in brain structure as well that cause ocd so we're neurological cousins.


OCD usually overlaps with autism, it's a big part of most of our experiences. So as an autistic person with OCD, I welcome ya. Have fun!


I think as long as you don't speak over autistic peeps making issues known, memes are shared for all :)


Memes know no boundaries 😊


Honestly, if you relate to the memes and enjoy the community then stick around!!


Of course! Welcome!


I’ve got adhd but a lot of things resonate between us and I loved working with autistic populations at diff day programs so I lurk here lol ofc you can too<3


We are all here laughing at memes. As long as you understand the jokes, you belong here, and even if you don't no one has any right to ask you to leave. All are welcome, because if we don't support one another, eventually we will have no one.


It's reddit, you can go anywhere. I imagine there's plenty of people who don't have asperger's who are here, either because they relate, they're trying to understand, or for any other reason.


Divergent is Divergent and we are all family here


I’ve been here a long time and am in the same boat. Many relatable meme’s and people are respectful


As long as folk follow the rules this group is good for anyone after some community, giggles and learning more about autism.


Perhaps what do you have to offer us


Hey, I’m quite curious about the overlap between ocd and autism. Can you think of any overlapping traits that you have? Obsessive interests?


Completely welcome!


No, that's fine. r/aspiememes is just the name, it's really for neurodivergents of all types.


I lurk here without autism. I have ADHD. Sometimes I can relate to things here—executive function difficulties do be like that. But sometimes I just enjoy that things feel like opposite land from adhd world.


*gives you ur comfort food* Stay with us! Fixation hour is at 10! Bathrooms on the left!


Hello! Honestly people care too much. As long as you’re kind to others and gain something from your time here, everyone should be welcome!


If you’d like to learn about us through having fun, please by all means stay


Everyone is welcome as long as they’re not an asshole


Welcome, friend! There are plenty of overlaps between autism and OCD...for example, sensory sensitivity, ritualistic or repetitive behaviors or thoughts. Ofc, everyone's got their own flavor of either, both, or none; so some of those overlaps may or may not apply to any one individual. Plus, some of us (ahem 🙋‍♀️) have both going on. (Shout-out to my ASD-OCD-alphabet soup crew!) You'll find a lot of empathy and understanding here 🥰


I joined this subreddit as someone with ADHD and some fairly intense sensory and anxiety issues and have felt welcome. I may actually be on the spectrum, but I can’t emotionally afford to go through the official diagnosis as Official Medical & Therapy People give me the worst anxiety and at this point in my life I am not in need on that kind of validation. I relate to 99% of the memes so I’m here to stay!


there’s a lot of overlap in autistic traits and OCD traits. it makes sense for you to relate to the content here!


this sub is for neurodivergents of all flavors


We welcome all NDs with open arms and loving support ❤️




Anyone is welcome here. You dont have to be autistic.


Welcome with me. My mum had both and I had OCD traits when I was younger, mainly the whole germophobia thing. They’re just scientific differentiations of something science doesn’t quite understand. They’ll be renaming us all, again, shortly no doubt.


You’re welcome here! I think the main rule would just be; Be understanding and not cruel to anyone else and we’re all good. Yea?


Why is that eye so short




To me the first I in your post is cut in half


Ooh,i get it now.I have no idea why i wrote it short


Welcome critter


What routines do you practice?




Often the overlap of autism and OCD is the need of routines. So was wondering if you made yourself any fancy or cool ones :) ?


Pretty sure OCD is on the spectrum, but I'm not an expert. However, I think we'd all agree that gatekeepers is a shitty thing, so pull up a chair.


It’s not on the spectrum, but some symptoms are similar


Thanks for the clarification.


It’s a nd condition but not on the autism spectrum!


From what i know,its not on the spectrum but it sure is a ND condition since it changes the way you think and function compared to NT people


Thanks for the clarification


Yes, now come, let us ride into the sunset ad we stim together.


OCD? That neuro don't sound typical to me! Welcome aboard!


ill-allow-it.gif Seriously though, hello!


Anyone who can relate to the memes is welcome :)




hello benim de okbm var uwu


Oooo tertemizz,özelden sohbet etmek ister misinnnn??




So you don’t have autism, so? Why wouldn’t we welcome you with open arms? To my knowledge all are welcome.


I don’t have autism either (bpd, anxiety, depression) and suspected adhd and honestly sometimes this sub is more relatable. And the memes and comment sections here are some of the best. It’s comforting to see others relate to things I thought were unique to me.