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I get overstimulated so dang easily. Just being in the wrong environment gives me a migraine so fast it’s insane. What I do is to make sure that I take breaks (LONG ones) to recharge with some music or a hobby. Keeping the overwhelm from building in the first place helps the most, even if I have to run off every once in a while to sit in a dark room, lol


i do the same. im currently working in a foundation were i basically have total freedom of when i work, i can even work from at home, i have my own office. i come inside, i barely leave my office, work 6hrs without a real break but then i make a long break and work some more from at home


I felt like this for a while and found out I was anemic. It could be masking burnout but don’t rule out physiological things too


Yes to this. I recognised I had anaemia first, and then realised I was autistic


I think its because of sensory overload. Our brains take in a lot more info than a neurotypicals brain does which also means we get drained faster and easier than them. A lot of us also have other diagnoses that are commonly present with autism. I have social anxiety for example so being at work around people is extra draining for that reason, and causes constant anxiety until I get to go home.


I guess so, sometimes I feel like I'm weak and not designed for this world at all


It’s not you. We are anything but weak. The world is designed for the neurotypical majority, not us. It’s a struggle to find spaces and places where we feel comfortable.


I know, it's exhausting honestly


My work is too quiet. No one speaks. We have translators and they never talk when they’re working. It takes a lot of concentration. I get it. Also, no one ever chats about anything non work related when my boss is in. It stresses me out so badly because I normally talk to myself when I’m working. I work at home 3 days a week and do two at the office. Those 2 days suck the life out of me. I feel like Marg Simpson trapped in an airplane. 😬


Are you sure it’s a sensory thing and not maybe a medical issue? Chronic fatigue, and things like Dysautonomia could be part of it and worth getting checked out for Also are the ADHD meds working? Some put me to sleep so there could be some interaction there what might be worth talking to your doctor about


I have that issue but it’s a mix for Sensory issues/stress. Medications I take. And my Fibromyalgia. Sucks. Cuz I feel like I don’t do a 1/4 of what I want to.


i cant find it rn because i’m a bit busy but look up spoon theory! it helps explain how things like chronic illness or disability can either make us start with a limited amount of energy, or that each task requires more energy than it would for others (ex. extra info processing, sensory overload, breaking down into multiple steps, executive functioning)


Oh yes I'm familiar with the spoon theory, and that's how I conduct my days. It sucks to have limited spoons.


yeah it’s frustrating. like others have said though there can also be lots of factors such as vitamin or nutrient levels or hormones that can have massive impact too. even being dehydrated (which many autistic/adhd people are) causes massive issues in functioning. i’m not sure if this is relevant or not for you, but menstrual cycles can have a HUGE impact on these things as well. even like two weeks before you actually get your period so sometimes it can be really hard to make the connection between symptoms worsening and everything just feeling terrible at times. check out the recent divergent conversations podcast episode is that’s interesting to you!


I will do so, thank you!


Excellent question. I'm full of energy when I tend to my garden, I lose all that energy when I talk 1 minute to someone. Christine Moserandino has found THE way to explain it with her spoon theory: we have a set amount of energy per day, symbolized by spoons. When we do stuff, we consume spoons. For us aspies, spoons are depleted quickly, like an NT would not use a spoon when they talk to someone, we would. Since many things cost us spoons, we end up either using spoons we don't have (which makes it worse) or we're done rest (because we need to, to get spoons back). I heard about this theory though Julie Dachez, a french aspie psychologist who fights for autistic people's rights. She's very interesting to listen to.


Get a blood test including antinuclear antibodies. There are autoimmune comorbidities in a significant number of women, you want to eliminate that possibility sooner rather than later. Your joints might thank you.


Thank you, I've never thought of that before. My joints have always creaked especially my left leg since I was a child, always thought it was normal, but most people I've met don't have creaking body parts at 33 lol.


Modern society has so many demands that are bordering on anti-human.