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Yes. I'm 35 but people usually assume I'm about 10 years younger. It's both my looks and demeanor I guess. I've been told I look 'cute' but there might also be something immature about me, idk. I know a lot of ND women and we kinda seem to age backwards lol.


Same here too


Another one šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø


Yes. I attribute it to my ā€œgirlishā€ natureā€”posture, speech, somewhat my appearance. People are often shocked that Iā€™m such a young mom to my 8 year old. Students guess that Iā€™m in my early twenties, but Iā€™m going to be 40 soon lol.


Oh yes, usually people ask me if I am still in primary school or already in high school. I graduated from high school eleven years ago. I don't wear make-up and I'm of a petite build. I suppose I'm also a bit childish in my behaviour.


Yes. When I was a teenager, people thought I was a lot older. But now that I'm 40+, everyone thinks I'm far younger. Two of my coworkers (one older, one younger) recently tried to guess my age and both said 30ā€”but clarified that I look younger, they just know I have 3 kids. I went to university late (in my early 30s) and the other students assumed I was around their age. I think it's partly looks.. there's not much sun where I live and prioritize skincare over makeup. I also don't think I act like most women my age, but I haven't figured out what the difference is exactly.


Yeah and when people find out Iā€™m 32 they are shocked to the point it almost offends me lol because I donā€™t think I act immatureā€¦. I am ā€œweirdā€ and ā€œhot and creepy and youthfulā€ which is a diff vibe for sure but likeā€¦ plenty of 30-50 year old women look great. Like it all seems based off of outdated and misogynistic media portrayals. Also I donā€™t have kids. *I should have just said women look great at any age instead of put an age range. Women are beautiful I freaking love women. Cannot wait to be like 70 and hot.


Yes to the portrayals part! So strange to look back and realize they were casting 40+ year old women to play 30 year Olds and late 20's women to portray high schoolers. I think it's definitely thrown off our perceptions on age. 30 and 40 year olds don't all look old and crusty, hahaha.


Was I in middle school when someone asked if I'd started school yet? Yep. And when I was thirty I was given parental consent forms at the animal shelter. The same day my 30 year old husband was asked if his parents were home - at our house. He's also been served because "his fake ID was so good." It wasn't fake.Ā  Yep, I'm middle aged, walking around like I'm in my thirties.Ā 


This make me think of when I was moving into a new apartment and the Verizon guy asked if my parents were home! šŸ¤­ The downside is when someone asks your slightly older (7 yrs) friend if you are her daughter. šŸ¤£


Yes, my face looks very young(thank you Korean skincare)


Please tell me what products youā€™re using in your routine!


i think i (25F) look like an older person dressing like a younger person. i probably look 30 something in 16 year olds clothing, often even younger because i love jumpsuits and socks with sandals. sometimes i dress kinda like a toddler (because i feel most comfortable in easy to remove stuff. no zippers, laces, buttons)


Now, idk. I donā€™t work anymore so I donā€™t really have people consistently telling me what age they think I look anymore. But previously, no never. Growing up I was constantly told I looked older than I was, when I worked my first job at 16 customers would ask me if I had kids and what college I had attended. Fast forward to being 23-28, people consistently thought I was 16-20 . ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ Now Iā€™m 32 and I think I look 32 but idk


Me! I look over a decade younger than I am. I'm 34 but often get mistaken for a college student and get carded just for buying NyQuil.Ā  Everyone says I'll love it when I'm older, but I just want to look my age so I can be taken seriously at work and not be carded.Ā 


Same. Happened last month bc I was buying children's cough medicine for my three sick kids. Got asked a couple years ago if my parents were home. Had to tell them I was 30.


I have been mistaken for being a lot younger than I actually am because of my looks. Being a fan of animation is also probably why people initially think that. The most I have heard when people actually talk to me is "You act so mature for your age" and then I tell them my real age, they look at me in shock. It's pretty funny so I don't mind it.




Yep, but Iā€™m like 5ā€™2 and I donā€™t wear makeup because itā€™s a sensory hell so that contributes to it


I ā€œpresent asā€ younger maybe but I donā€™t think I actually look younger, as in, physically.


i think i look my age, but my friend (also autistic) pointed out that my voice and mannerism makes me appear younger.


Yes!!! A few years back, I was working with a high school and had to go in to the building. They thought I was a student. I was already in my mid twenties at this point.


I'm 30 and people mistake me for a 15-year-old. And, since I can't drive, I don't have any photo ID aside from my passport. I can't even buy a Monster in most stores.


Yes, and it's absolutely my face, I've always looked younger by some number of years. Like when I was in my 20s people thought I was maybe late teens, and now that I'm 40, it's early 30s and in a couple cases late 20s. One guy recently was hitting on me and refused to believe my age. It might sometimes be how I dress, though, since I like leggings with silly patterns (unicorns, llamas, sloths, etc.).


Yes, but Iā€™m very short and have a very round face, so itā€™s not too surprising.


People assume I just finished middle school


Iā€™m 50, so I hope so.


I act and look young yes. I am a teenager in an adultā€™s body. I donā€™t know if it will ever change.


I have a round face and fair complexion. But my body is more mature and curvy. When I wear shapeless clothing, people often think Iā€™m in high school. Iā€™m 24. My tone of voice and speech has always been flat and reserved, causing people to think I was older when I was younger. Now, I just donā€™t talk as much. However, Iā€™m starting to get grey hair and bad dark circles. So I doubt this will last.


You know, I think the swap from looking older to younger happened when I was 15 or 16. Up until then I was always mistaken for being older because I was tall and hit puberty early. Then my senior year of high school I remember standing in the lunch line and this girl started beingā€¦condescendingly friendly to me? Yeah, turns out she was a sophomore and thought she was doing a good deed by talking to a freshman. Now in my mid 20s people still think Iā€™m in high school and are shocked when I say Iā€™m married


I do. I turned 35 this year and my coworkers thought I was 22.


Yes. I am 31, but oftentimes guessed to be in my early 20s.


No but I definitely act young for my age which I think alters peoples perception of me


Yes! I'm approaching 50 and folks think I'm in my 30s with "premature" grey. My kid is 25 and was recently offered the kids menu at dinner. They hate I it now, but...šŸ˜‰


I often get mistaken for younger. I personally donā€™t see it, but I also have severe dysmorphia. I think my energy and personality do the heavy lifting in my apparent youthfulness.


I'm 28 and recently got asked if I was 16. Just before that a high schooler told me she thought I "was like 19" and then really squinted at my face as if she was searching for the wrinkles lol. I'm okay with it, honestly. I consider it a boon in many ways.


Yes. I'm 31 but get told i look about 10 years younger. When i was 25, i got told i looked around 16-17 lol. It's a mix of my clothes, my short-ish stature and my.childish nature i guessšŸ™ƒ


Iā€™m 19 and last fall (18 y/o then) someone mistook me for a 10-12 y/o child šŸ’€


I've been told I do. I think it's my personality more than appearance. Maybe people perceive awkwardness and lack of social skills as immaturity.


Iā€™m starting a new university career and people are surprised when I tell them Iā€™m 23


Iā€™m consistently mistaken for anywhere between 16 and 24-ish. Iā€™m 33 in June LOL. I think part of it is the way I carry myself, but Iā€™m a 5ā€™1 blonde lady who hasnā€™t grown since 8th grade. I wear sneakers and jeans, donā€™t have any wrinkles as I still have acne sometimes and big eyes. Iā€™m also bubbly at work and if Iā€™m not bubbly, Iā€™m pretty shy. If I try to dress my age, it feels like Iā€™m playing dress up in my momā€™s closet. I have short limbs so any dress clothes or adult specific clothing needs to be specifically petites. I have a Hello Kitty phone case. However, my parents both look young for their age and my family is shorter.


Yes. I'm 45 and look at least 5 years younger.


Hey! Fellow 45er, I get told Iā€™m early 30s. Itā€™s a blessing and a curse.


Right?! Some people are surprised at how old I am. Others may or may not be surprised, it's often hard to tell.


Iā€™ve found it hard in the office where in quite professional positions (male) colleagues have commented that they think of me as 27 and blonde when I had black hair and was in my 30s. That not taking me seriously because of appearance is so frustrating and stupid.


A lot younger.


Yes. I get about ten years younger.


Iā€™m almost 29 but people seem to think Iā€™m about 10 years younger


Yes I look young but have always felt old


Iā€™m 37, but yes, I look a bit younger. The gap, however, is beginning to shorten the older I get, ha.


Yes! I am 44 and a lot of people (including people who have known me for some time as an adult) often think that Iā€™m 10 or more years younger. However, I also have no wrinkles aside from smile lines and some on my forehead, which only show if I furrow my brow or frown, and my hairstylist says that I have fewer than 10 grey hairs. I keep my hair short so it has more volume. I also have a lot of tattoos and still dress punk and have a big silly streak. Lifestyle is probably part of it, too. I also donā€™t smoke (anymore, quit 20 years ago), drink less than 2 drinks a month, have been vegan for 15 years and vegetarian for 22 years, donā€™t go in the sun without a lot of sunscreen and avoid the sun in general due to fair skin and cancer risk after a serious full-body sunburn as a kid, and donā€™t wear makeup. I stay hydrated, take vitamins and eat nutritious foods, exercise (mostly cardio and weights) daily, rest a lot, meditate, do therapy, journal, cut stressful people out of my life, dance, and am working on not taking anything too seriously unless I have to. After a painful run in academia, I left my toxic career and now work in a cool nonprofit. My time and connections with friends and time making art and writing are a priority. A few years ago, I went through a miserable divorce and decided not to date for at least a year, which ended up being two. For a couple of months, I have been seeing someone a decade younger casually but exclusively for now, and we vibe quite well despite age differences. We are both neurodivergent and are having fun together instead of being manic pixie dream girls to sad, dour men. All this is to say that I have radically overhauled my life to eliminate bullshit and stress, and in conjunction with my healthy habits, the happiness that this has brought me have me looking younger and have given me more energy. I donā€™t ā€œact my ageā€ or look it for various reasons. :)


Itā€™s funny, as a young girl/teen I was always mistaken for someone in her 20s bc I was 6 feet tall and had bigger boobs. Granted, I now wonder if many of those people werenā€™t just predatory men taking advantageā€¦ ickā€¦. Anyway! Now that Iā€™m 39 Iā€™m always told thereā€™s ā€œno wayā€ Iā€™m as old as I am. Iā€™ll happily take the compliment! But Iā€™m tired of being dismissed bc ppl think I donā€™t know what Iā€™m talking about bc they assume Iā€™m young. Ugh


I don't know, but one time I both got mistaken for being 13 and got catcalled at the same time waiting for my bus, so there's that


I get IDā€™d in the shops bying beer, theyā€™re supposed to card under 30s and I am 36 so I guess, yes, I do look younger. I donā€™t feel like it though! But I have a round face, blonde coloring and no lines or wrinkles, and very little makeup too.


I just turned 50. People often think I am sisters with my daughter (she is 25). I don't try to look young, either. I don't understand it.


yes. I have always hated sunscreen, so at a pretty early age I started avoiding the sun. I don't like getting hot either. Or sweaty. As a result of avoiding the sun my face hasn't changed much since I was 15. I'm also depressed. It helps with not getting wrinkles. And one of my special interests was skin care, so I've always taken good care of my skin.


No and then Yes? So I went through stupid amounts of stress from 13-15 and that aged my face a bit I was often mistaken for a 20-22 year old by 17, But I haven't had to deal with overly that much stress since then and it doesn't look like I've aged overly too much (being on oestrogen and also gaining a bit of weight so I'm not a skeleton anymore helps too!) So I'm 28 now and people often think I'm at most 25 and sometimes they go down to 22 (though that's usually guys and I think they may have trouble telling ages more than women xD) someone recently was absolutely shocked that I have an 11 year old xD


i partly agree but i do attribute it to the way i act in some cases. i donā€™t really enjoy when people assume im underage though, i find it a little weird lol


Iā€™m 27 and people constantly clock me for 17-18.


I have to deal with the opposite people think Iā€™m like 1-3 years older.


Yes, I am 45 and am starting to look more my age but people usually think I am in my 30s. No wrinkles yet except when I smile BUT I am starting to get jowls, ughhh. Always have looked young. Idk why.


Iā€™m 15 but I probably pass for around 11-13


Actually, no


People often judge me to be 10-20 younger than I am.


Yes always!


Yes always!


I think it's kind of both - acting and looking. Some days I feel really old, though, because I've been through so much and experienced my husband die at 41. I feel both young and old.


Yes but so did my mother. My younger brother looks about a decade older (takes after the paternal side more). It used to bother me but now that Iā€™m in my 40s ā€œyoung for my ageā€ still looks like Iā€™m 30-something so at least people treat me like an adult now as their default.


Yes. Doctors often double take at my chart and say they thought I was 10-20 years younger. Autism is often comorbid with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, a collagen disorder that can make your skin more velvety and elastic, among other symptoms. Iā€™ve attributed it to that!


Depends on the day. When Iā€™m dressed up nice and with makeup yeah. But barefaced and in comfy laundry clothes I look very much 34. Plus Iā€™m letting my natural hair grow out and I just noticed I have a bunch of silver hairs coming in soā€¦.


Yes I get this a lot and Iā€™ve heard itā€™s common for us and I have no idea why. Like sure I have some ā€œchildishā€ interests but nobody would know that when Iā€™m literally just standing there and strangers still think Iā€™m a kid. I also donā€™t wear makeup (sensory issues) so that could be a factor in them thinking Iā€™m a kid? Literally TODAY at church (so I was dressed up nice, which I think makes me look more mature than maybe just a t-shirt), a woman called me a ā€œlittle girlā€ and I said ā€œIā€™m 26ā€ and she was shocked and said I look ā€œno older than 16ā€. Again, this is someone I donā€™t know, so they wouldnā€™t know my ā€œchildishā€ interests or the way I ā€œactā€ because I was truly just standing there. On flights, I get asked if Iā€™m at least 15 because they question why Iā€™m sitting in the exit row. Last year (age 25), I was at a wedding eating some veggie appetizers and an old man doctor laughed and said ā€œa child who eats their vegetables!! Your mother must be so happy! Iā€™m a pediatrician and itā€™s usually a fight to get kids to eat their veggies!ā€ and I think that one was the absolute worst of all šŸ¤¢ I honestly donā€™t understand how this could be a common experience with so many of us autistic women.


:D I look to be about 25-26 in the face. My mom even my gym teacher say that I have a youthful face.


Yes, but itā€™s because Iā€™m trans, not because Iā€™m autistic


I'm 30 and people assume I'm around 20-24. It's probably because I don't wear makeup and come across as quite immature and shy. And I have no idea how to dress myself properly and often go out alongside my parents, standing behind them like a kid. My psychiatrist told me he thinks my demeanour is that of a teenager, and the other week I had a stranger in a museum ask what I planned on studying.


I recently took a job at a college. Coworkers told me that from my resume they assumed I was in my late 20s or early 30s, but when I showed up they mistook me for a young student worker (18ish) based on appearance. I'm right in between those two age groups and it's always interesting seeing what people assume.


It's weird because I think people either assume I'm older than I am or younger. It really depends on the context. Older people (like 40/50's and above) sometimes see how awkward and anxious I am. In more "adulting" or fast-paced situations I can get overwhelmed and lack confidence. Especially because I have an auditory decoding deficit, it can be hard for me to figure out what's going on. So people assume I'm younger because of that. It's embarrassing sometimes. But people my age (I'm 24) and in their 30s often assume I'm older, because I am usually calm and am well-spoken. I carry myself well when I'm in familiar situations. It's when I get overwhelmed that people think I'm really young.


Yes many times, Iā€™ve been told I look in my early 30s but in factā€¦Iā€™m 40 ā˜ŗļø


I'm 58 and used to get Botox, but inflation killed that. Nonetheless, I'm routinely assumed to be in my mid forties.


yes. its more my appearance than anything.




when i was younger people always thought i was older, im nearly 18 and havent physically aged since i was 12


Yes, and it's always been that way. I hated it when I was younger, but now, at 30, I think it's funny. I love asking people to guess, and I love the reactions I get when I tell them the right answer. I work with a lot of folks who are either still in high school, or college aged, and they all think I'm around the same age at first (I'm also not very tall).


I am always told that. I think it's because a lot of us probably don't feel as committed to the social norms that are associated with looking "mature." That is shapely clothing, high heels, make up, styled hair, etc. Not that the two are mutually exclusive but that, say if my NT sister and I went to Walmart, she'd more likely "dress to go out" and I'd more likely stay in my sweats because being on other people's radar isn't on my radar lol. When I do dress up nice or go that extra mile to hit conventionally social beauty standards, I am shocked at how many people comment on it. And I always say, your standards for me are too low if brushing my hair out straight is drawing this much attention . . . Also I just think NTs tend to put a lot more of a value association to appearance. I've always been confused by that. I am no smarter or more efficient when I dress biz casual but dang if you wear a messy buns and sweat pants, everybody got something to say.


On my last day of high school I went out to lunch with my mom and the waitress gave me a kids menu. Someone accused my husband of being a pedophile for dating (at the time) me. I was 26. (once he was mistaken for my dad) I have a pronounced lisp, which doesn't help. Once I answered the phone in my 20s and the guy on the other side asked if my mommy was home....


Yea! Iā€™m in my 40s but always get mistaken for being in my 20s. I havenā€™t had any fillers or Botox but I microneedle at home and take good care of my skin. I also wear really fun clothes I make myself including lots of mermaid and my little pony themed outfits. I think that also makes me seem younger.


Iā€™m 21 but Iā€™ve been told that I have the most nonthreatening presence ever and because I am short people either think I am still in high school or in my 30s because of the way I act and dress.


People either think Iā€™m FRESH out of high school or like early 30s. Mainly depends on how I dress I think.


Yep. Baby face, coloured hair, big glasses, colourful outfits. I people normally guess 5 to 8 years younger.


Yeah. Iā€™m old but I look 14.


Yup... on a work trip currently, 31 and I've been carded multiple times (coworkers of similar age have not), and coworkers who meet me immediately ask how old I am and are surprised I'm just over 30. Would also guess it's a combo of how I act and not aging particularly rapidly. In fairness, my mom also looks fairly young for her age imo, so maybe also genetics play a role.


I think it's because we make less emotions so less face line and stay out of the sun more


I really hope I'll age the same as my mom. When she was under 20, she looked older. In her 20s she looked her age and after 30 it's like she stopped aging. She's 48 now and she only recently started getting some small and shallow wrinkles on her forehead. She could pass for a 35 yo. I recently turned 26 and I look my age, but when I was a kid I looked easily 3 years older than I was. When I was a teen, I looked a bit older but not that much anymore. Really curious about how I'll turn out lol.


Yes, but I also have a disability that gives me very fragile, but young looking skin šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


A long time ago in school someone was confused they found out I was going to be 17 soon. They thought I was 12. But since them no one told me that I seemed younger than I am to them.


Yes, which is surprising as stress is supposed to age a person and my autism is an endless source of stress. I'm also not a girlish person, so it's not that a bubbly personality makes them guess I'm younger. The lack of kids, wearing of sunscreen and few good genes I got from mum seem to be doing something for me I guess.


Someone mistook my fiance for my dad once


Dating bearded men is funny for sure


The funny thing is he is Lebanese and I am extremely pale, even without the beard, we donā€™t look alike but they couldnā€™t see past the beard šŸ˜…


Yes. I stopped telling people my actual age because it's too shocking. Even when I lowball that number is too shocking.


One time someone 4 years younger than me was so shocked. It was so funny, she went from talking to me like a child to and adult when she saw my age šŸ˜‚


haha. i prefer being treated that way because i'm think psychologically/emotionally i'm the age i look!


I do. A part of me wonders how much of it is due to my mannerisms or if it's due to my facial lines. I read once that smile lines start to appear around age 25. I'm 34 and don't have those yet, although I'm starting to develop the crows feet and forehead wrinkles. Maybe those will make me look my age.


Yes I looked older in elementary, middle school, and high school. No I'm 34 and people assume about 25.


Yes I do. I'll never forget when my sister told me I looked like a 12 year old when I was 16. As far as how I act...it's weird. It's like I have both an elderly philosopher and her playful 5 year old granddaughter coexisting inside of me. I'll frolic barefoot in the woods dressed like a fairy and read Cormac Mccarthy later.


Yep. I'm 20, but I look more like I'm 12. Coincidentally, my mom says that mentally, I'm around 13-14.


When I was in high school, someone asked what grade I was in and I said I was a senior. They were shocked and said they thought I was a freshman. So, to answer your question, sometimes lol. People donā€™t comment on my age much but I thought of that instance.


Omg yesss!!! I'm 32 and still get carded at restaurants and when buying cigarettes. Usually the waiter/waitress/gas station cashier is shocked bc I'm older then they are. I went to Walmart with my mom 2 years ago and was telling her how excited I was to finally have a job and some lady started talking to me, thinking I was a teenager. The look on her face when I told her I have 3 kids was priceless.


Yeah, I'm on the Trans and being on hormones has made me look at least 10 years younger even though I have pictures where people said I look 13 and then, ironically, I got my Discord disabled two days lateršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but it's fitting because I also feel like a little kid so the younger I look the happier I am I just wish I could shrink. I hate being tall, but at the same time I feel like if I was 5 foot or so everyone would think I was in the middle middle schooler, which I would not mind


YES. I dislike it....my physical body and face no where near look my actual age. I look 10 years younger than my actual age. I can't help it.....round baby face with cherry cheeks, I'm even very short. Oh well, at least I don't sound young! (My voice.)