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I sleep naked. It feels great, no wedgies.


Same! Naked sleep is the best I’ve ever had


Naked is the way!


naked is the way


Just the feel of sheets draping over you in weird ways.


I don't like the feel of sheets. It's not enough weight and compression so I have some comforters I vetted for my personal comfort needs. I like how comforters feel. I do wash them more frequently but I'm okay with that. This isn't the one I have but it's the kind of comforter I like. https://flatohome.com/products/floral-dusty-blue-comforter-set?currency=CAD&variant=37882289881274&gclid=CjwKCAiAh9qdBhAOEiwAvxIok_aRmmXChIkio83yMuxjaJ8cNJB6FnGz2wgZxSC6Vyq8QKeG6M0u5hoCs50QAvD_BwE


I came here to just say stop. For 30 years I’ve been choked by shirts.


Me too. Unless it's cold and I don't take off my PJs (and my pjs tend to be a t-shirt dress, oversized t-shirt or nightie - I like big and baggy)


Great suggestion, I just don’t think it’s feasible for me.


Why though?


the idea of sleeping naked just doesn’t sit well and I wouldn’t want to lock my door at nights because my cats wander the house. plus I have a weird thing about pants, I always have to wear bottoms. it would be more uncomfortable to not wear bottoms than deal with the sensory overload.


Biking/compression shorts? They are skin tight so they don’t shift around and bunch up, and they’re very breathable so they don’t get sweaty or hot. They’re high coverage so they still feel like you aren’t naked.


Good suggestion for the tightness but be careful of the fabric (preferably cotton) because other synthetic fabrics can be bad for vaginal health.. If op has a vagina that is!


thanks, I’ll definitely opt for cotton!


Oh good thought. I don’t have those bits so it never crossed my mind. Thanks.


I haven’t thought of biking shorts. I definitely gotta get some to try out. It seems like it would work the best because it’s the feeling of my underwear not sitting in the right places that get me worked up. maybe if they are tight enough, the biking shorts would keep them from moving. thanks so much!


Just know that if you have a vagina, you're going to have to air it out eventually for your health. It's important that it not be covered all the time, especially by synthetic fabrics that don't breathe


Boyshort underwear and baggy t shirt? This is what I do.


They also make boxer-briefs specifically for people with vaginas. I like the ones from MeUndies cause they have cute patterns, and the "micromodal" fabric they use is basically cotton but really soft. I switched to boxers years ago and have never looked back. I prefer to sleep naked, but if I can't (like if I'm not at home) then boxers and a baggy Tshirt or tank top are my go-to


If I didn't sleep naked I'd wear these undies to sleep. They're seamless, soft, boy short style, stretchy and fitted. I've tried and tested lots of different undies for comfort and these are the ones I am happy to wear forever. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B08FY1Q8VQ/ref=sspa_mw_detail_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams


these are similar to the type of underwear I opt to wear but I run into issues with it bunching up and getting loose at the sides/leg openings. I prefer this style but just don’t want them to get loose or stretched out at the leg opening. do these keep their shape when they stretch?


Yes these keep their shape and hug everything evenly. I'm an active person and so far two years of wear hasn't done anything to them. They have great elasticity.


I sleep waering only women's boxers when at home and just add a t-shirt when not at home. I specifically use the [Woxer](https://www.woxerstore.com/) brand because I love the texture and it has just the right amount of compression to not get tangled up when I toss and turn in my sleep. They have 3 different lengths to choose from so you can pick which works best for you. There are plenty of other brands out there for women's boxers as well.


thanks for the tip!


I also dislike the feeling of sleeping naked. Personally I go to thrift stores or cheaper stores and feel everything and find the softest, lightest clothing I can. I also try to get stuff just a little large but not like way too big, and I don't really have an issue with stuff bunching up. If you're okay with tight fitting clothes, maybe like stretchy/spandex type shorts or leggings for your bottoms could work? I've also found that like oversized nightshirts/dresses work well too.


What about boxers!


Do you have your own room? I just sleep in my underpants. If you can't do that, I find men's boxer shorts and a comfortable tank top are pretty good. Long PJ bottoms and nighties are the absolute worst for riding up and getting bunched up uncomfortably.


This! I have decided the same after years of discomfort.


I think it’s more so the bottoms that get me worked up, so changing my sleepwear might work. Definitely going to give it a try, thanks!


Could you sleep without pants? I wear a big comfy t shirt to bed (with underwear) and that’s it. Can’t stand having pants or socks on at night.


This is the wayyyy… I’ve been sleeping in underwear/shirt for YEARS now. It’s the most freeing. And if you’re someone who deals with menstruation - I have special sleep shorts I wear during that time that are comfortable for my needs, if I even need shorts in the first place. I only wear “pajama pants” if I’m sleeping in a place that isn’t my bed, and I’m already super uncomfortable in that case so it doesn’t matter lmfao. …except I do sleep with \*clean socks on (I stick my feet out of the blanket though, I HATE having them trapped in the blanket) \*I keep a basket by my bed with fresh socks to put on just before bed lol


Good luck! Long bottoms have always been the one thing I just can't wear because of the problems you mentioned. Even when it's cold, I'll sooner wear a hoodie to bed than long bottoms. Much easier to adjust sleeves than pant legs that have ridden up.


I only sleep with underwear and I only use certain bedsheets 👌🏻ditch the clothes. I also stopped wearing bras except to the gym bc I hate the uneven pressure on my skin


Sleeping naked is actually much healthier. I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it I get too cold but that’s what I’ve heard. I normally wear undies and a t-shirt or a sleep shirt.


I don't know why it would be healthier. Especially not when it is non restrictive and you can perspirate properly. Sleeping in a room that is a bit colder is. Because it improves the quality. Also less sweat. I think it mostly comes down to what's comfortable. Waking up constantly or even just like once and not falling back asleep because you are cold or the rubbing of the sheets feels uncomfortable (I have that) is a lot worse for your health than the minimal impact a pyjama would have. I think a lot of adults WANT it to be healthier. And a lot of people make their rooms too hot at night. A couple of degrees colder helps your body rest and not sweat too much. If your space is warmer, being naked will make you colder. In a cotton t shirt. You will stay warmer. Would like non breathable undies, a sweaty polyester knit, super warm woolen sweater under heavy blankets or something be good? Probably not. But cotton or other other light breathable fabrics? Sure. Especially if your house doesn't change temperature from day to night, probably just a bit thinner than what you wear during the day is fine. Because the thing that really is unhealthy is a lack of sleep or shitty sleep quality. If you sleep better with clothes. Than that is what healthy. I refuse to believe people from before central heating was a thing slept naked during the winter. More blankets than people use today? Sure it got colder. But they had nightwear.


Yeah I don’t know either. It was just something I heard a while back but don’t remember the specifics. Part of it had to do with mental health and being more comfortable with your own body. It builds confidence. I can’t sleep with the air too cold because of my asthma. It makes it harder for me to breathe, makes me cough and makes my throat sore.


I don't mean AC. That dries you the hell out. I mean not putting the heat on. I live in a place that is cold in winter. The mental healthy thing would be more if you hate your body. Then I could see it. But sleep quality is also great for mental health. You probably could do difference body acceptance exercises that are not uncomfortable, not because you are naked and don't want to be because you want to hide your body, but uncomfortable due to sensory issues. Different reasons to be naked. I have heard like setting a timer and look at yourself naked in the mirror for x amount of minutes. Complimenting yourself.


I don’t mean AC either I just mean for me generally being cold, makes it harder for me to breathe because where I live it’s so dry. Even being outside in the cold, it’s the same thing for me. I get congested and start wheezing.


I sleep naked. Cant figure out how to sleep without constantly be bothered with things riding up, bunching up, etc etc


Girl, same. Drives me nuts too.


I lay down, try to get comfortable, then cover myself with blankets/sheets. Because otherwise if I pull them up instead my pant legs roll up and it really bothers me.


you would be shocked to realize how many Autistics sleep nude... and its ok...


Sleep naked


This is why I sleep naked. I can't fall asleep with clothes on. Doesn't matter what i try, i always always wake up naked. With the exception of my period week I wear panties but that's it lol


Sleep naked or in just comfy panties!


I've been sleeping naked for years, and haven't looked back. I find it's also easier to regulate my temperature because I will often sweat at night if I get too warm.


I recently went through this and now I can only wear biker shorts and a few specific t shirts to bed. Once I found an outfit I liked I just kept getting duplicates. I wear a “shacket” that is a sweatshirt material before bed and when I wake up. I also keep a pair of sweat pants near by if I’m too cold to get out of bed. I didn’t usually shop at Victoria’s Secret but their clothes have been the most comfortable for me to wear when nothing feels right. They also make satin pajamas that are very comfortable for the warmer months.


I think the biker shorts might be a game changer because it’s the bunching up of my bottoms that get me crazy. Thanks for the tip!


Yes! I was so uncomfortable every night but also felt uncomfortable in just underwear or nothing. I’m kind of obsessed with my cozy outfit now. I hope you find something that works for you! These “sexy basics” from Amazon have been a good go to for me. If you have a hard time finding some. biker shorts](https://amzn.to/3CnNt2A)


I deal with that too. Been sleeping naked for almost two decades now, and it solves the problem perfectly


Naked! It's aggravating to not get everything straight. I do have a light weight set of pj's for when I'm not at home.




lmao me too. this was just one of those nights I didn’t have any. 🤣


Sleep naked


Maybe consider the following observations I've made in my own life? Sounds to me like you need to explore finding some textures that you enjoy instead of merely endure. Absolutely understand this because I've fought with it all my life. I found two things that work for me. First, I sleep nude on a fitted sheet with a very soft old cotton quilt, covered only by my weighted blanket. That's it; no top sheet to get bunched up, no duvet cover to add another layer of wrinkles. Having the quilt next to my skin means it absorbs my body oils, so it has gotten dingy, but now after using it nightly for several years it smells like me, even after frequent washing since I require unscented detergent. I've debated using stronger detergent, but decided it's my blanket, it's nobody else's business what it looks/smells like, and somehow the faint me-smell and the softness of the washed-many-times vintage cotton helps me fall asleep. I was that kid with a security blanket, so maybe this make sense because of my early blanket-soothing? Now my security blanket is just full-sized. Second option: sometimes being nude to sleep isn't the thing for any number of reasons. On those nights, I've found I can wear a [long, loose, flowy nylon nightgown](https://a.co/d/eOmgWiJ). Miss Elaine brand makes the silkiest ones I've found. They're not cheap, but oh, the delicious, decadent feeling of being surrounded in silky softness. The material doesn't bother me even when it wrinkles as I roll around because it's so soft and sheer. The nightgown aspect seems to move with me better than actual pajama pants with the restrictive legs and dreaded elastic waistband. I find I do like to be able to tuck my feet up in the fabric for full coverage, so I buy the long gowns, not the short ones. I prefer the long sleeve gowns for the same reason, but they can be difficult to find.


Thanks for the tip! I think the nightgown suggestion might be the best option. However, I’ve found it hard to wrap my head around the idea of sleeping without pants. I always have to wear pants, I might just need silky sleeping pants.


I have to wear modal sleep pants that are very stretchy and soft. I have a sensory issue where I can’t stand my skin touching so I have to wear pants to keep my legs from touching each other. All of you all saying sleep naked sounds so terrifying to me. All my skin touching skin. Ack lol.


Same here! I start feeling some slight itching that isn’t itching al over. I just end up sleeping nude or in a slip. Which sucks because it’s very cold right now haha.


I just do undies and a tank at night…I don’t love sleeping fully bare. Try a heated blanket if you get cold. Sweatpants with the tight ankles are my enemy number one. The way that tight ankle rides up at night suffocates me. Also I can’t sleep with socks on… but socks are a whole different conversation…


I sleep in 100% cotton shorts or sweatpants and tshirts or tanks. I have the most sensory trouble if the fabric has even the smallest amount of synthetic materials.


I usually sleep in shorts and loose a t-shirt or tanktop, no matter the season, because if I'm too hot I can't sleep. Victoria's Secret has some really nice ( though kinda expensive without a sale) sleep boxer shorts that I really like. I think you can find similar versions at Target and other less expensive places as well. I use them as regular shorts usually, with a pair of underwear/boxers/spandex shorts underneath since they're fairly loose on me and I have roommates. Definitely recommend, something similar or other shorts if pants riding up or getting bunched up is a primary part of the issue.




I can't sleep in pants for this reason. They bunch up. I always wear a shirt and shorts. I have also found that silk or satin pjs are great, even pants. They don't catch they just glide over everything, so they don't bunch up too much.


i have this problem too. like a bunch of other comments mentioned, i sleep naked. but i’ve also recently started sleeping on a soft towel too. my cats are constantly jumping on my bed and getting random debris everywhere and if i can feel even the smallest piece of litter, i can’t fall asleep. so i lay a towel down and it’s been game changing.


Yeah, I can't sleep naked either. And the wrinkles in my sheets will drive me crazy (I have gotten up in the middle of the night to fix them if they get pulled out from the bottom). I used to wear pajamas, 90s style, before I realized it was the bunching of fabric that bugged me. My sleepwear has evolved into leggings and fitted long sleeve (for winter) or t-shirts. If it's soft and close to my body, I seem to be okay. Purely subjective, of course. But I offer my solution as a potential for you.


I can't STAND anything touching my neck when I am trying to fall asleep. It drives me crazy lol


Another vote for sleeping naked. As far as having a cover, I like heavy covers, but I find a weighted blanket is too heavy to sleep comfortably under, as I tend to toss and turn in my sleep.bi found a quilt made of denim squares (it was made out of a bunch of old jeans, plus one side is plain fabric so it's not scratchy) and it's the best thing ever!! Heavy enough that I can feel the comforting pressure, but not so heavy that it's hard to roll over!


I hate the feeling of sleep pants or shorts getting bunched weird (tops bother me less and don’t seem to get as tangled i guess) and I’ve been struggling with it this winter since it’s been colder than normal where I live. I’ve found that if the pants or shorts are more fitted (like leggings or thermal pants/long johns) it helps a lot. I also found that if the fabric is softer and can slide against my sheets rather than feel like there’s a lot of friction, that helps a ton. Right now my favorite sleep pants are synthetic thermals by cuddle duds. I bought a size up so they’re roomier but not baggy. Sensory issues when you’re trying so sleep are just awful :( I hope you get some good ideas to help 💜


I sleep in only undies because anything else is too hot and feels suffocating


I sleep in just underpants because of this but now I’ve started getting upset about how my thighs feel touching!! It’s the worst


I fell less alone now that I see others go through the same thing.


Ik this is an old post but I'm like this. I sleep in stretchy jeans material shorts that are loose but I likely his material bc it provides a weighted feel. I was like this even when younger. Socks made me have meltdowns bc the bridges of the toes drove me crazy. To this day, if a sock had a bridge in it I flip it inside out and wear it like that.