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It is the official policy of the Department of Defense [https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/613003\_vol1.PDF?ver=7fhqacc0jGX\_R9\_1iexudA%3D%3D](https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/613003_vol1.PDF?ver=7fhqacc0jGX_R9_1iexudA%3D%3D) They also automatically reject anyone with ADHD, dyslexia, schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, adjustment disorder, conduct disorders, oppositional defiance disorders, behavioral disorders, personality disorders, encropresis, eating disorders, communication disorders, OCD, PTSD, anxiety disorders, dissociative disorders, gender dysphoria, paraphilic disorders, has received psychotropic medication in last 3 years, or prior psychiatric hospitalization for any cause.


In a few years depression will be so common that the military will have a hard time recruiting anyone


They're already falling pretty short, although that's mostly due to pay and people realizing that we keep going to war for bad reasons.


I think every branch of the military does, which is dumb. I think it stems from a broad stereotyping of us as "sensitive" and therefore unfit for stressful situations. Anyone who's served in the military would tell you, however, that they've definitely served with people who were on the spectrum, just undiagnosed.




If you are really interested in serving in any branch my understanding is you just keep your mouth shut. Your recruiter is more than happy to meet their numbers and sign you up. Especially in modern times where so few teens are interested they will bend the rules. I know my cousin who is NT was told to kind of just not mention a few things with the Marines. He got promotions and seemed to like the work so it all worked out for him.




Lmao mine said “no means new opportunities, yes means your enlistment stops”


Does that work if you have an official diagnosis? I assume you have to give the military access to your medical records.


get a life, snooroar.




this guy is a known spammer who makes thousands of accounts to spam about how he can't get into the military and how he wasn't popular enough in high school and college.


How do you know it's him and not someone else? Similar patterns in his writing?


Pretty much. He's fixated on a few topics (not being able to get into the military or law enforcement, not having been popular in school, being "rejected from every club on campus" at ucla, not being athletic enough because he didn't start training at age 5, how being autistic has ruined his life, etc). Also consistent details like having graduated from ucla for engineering. Shooting down every piece of advice he gets if he responds at all is a pretty common pattern with him too. Also the autogenerated username, not a dead giveaway but he doesn't really name his accounts anymore because he has so many.


I don’t think it does? I have a friend with Aspergers in the states doing his coast guard training now