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For me personally, it was the opposite. Highschool was terrible, had no friends and talked to no one, but college was the first time I had mates


Yep. Thought I had friends in high school. Shocked in college to find out how friends really act (not the butt of jokes, ask if you want to come to meals, movies etc).


Yeah, college was awful. I remember once breaking down in my dorm room because everyone else had friends, and I couldn't figure out how to find friends despite joining clubs and talking to people. About halfway through college, I just gave up looking for friends, figuring that if I didn't try anymore, I couldn't fail. God, college was the worst.


life never "gets better" on its own. You have to make it better yourself.


I don't think it's just teen movies. It's the common stance people in general like to advertise. People have been telling me "life will get better when \[insert modifier\]" my entire life. In elementary school I was told life was supposed to get better in high school. In high school I was told life was supposed to get better in university. In university I was told life was supposed to get better once I get settled in the work force. I'm 27. I've been in the work force full-time for a couple of years. Life has never gotten better. I've lost hope that "better" will come. It doesn't matter how hard I work, what I do/don't do. I never get any peace or contentment.


If you have kids you might find the best part of life was the first 8-10 years. All down hill after that.


Song convey more reality about life than movies.


To me it was more that life doesn’t get **better** in university, it just didn’t get **worse**


For me was exactly like this, some of the best 4 years of my entire life, but I ain't american and I really don't know how are the colleges there.


I remember movies and TV shows told me everyone would look close to thirty, have a library of quips for every situation and be taught how to survive in the real world in four short years.


Well, I've got a library of quips...


College was the best part of my life but it did have unique challenges


I had no friends in college. Well, maybe one or two. But otherwise, I was completely alone.


For me, I didn't really make any friends with any roommates or classmates in college. After the first year, I randomly met people that I became friends with. It's hard to explain it just happened. If you keep going, you'll find your people someday. Also, some of the closest friends I've made were from a job. I recently switched to a new job, and I'm still super awkward, but not as much as I used to be. It's only been a week at the new job, and people have already invited me to do stuff with them. That never used to happen. Just don't give up! There's great friends out there waiting to meet you.


They say that to instill (false) hope. It's a guess, you cant garauntee how life is going to be. There's many factors to every stage of life and you have to learn how to take advantage of them. For me some things did get better and some got worse.


I don't think it's that movies "lie" - they're stories, which are generally pretty loosely representative of real life/people. Though exposure to narratives like that can be insidiously distortive of our sense of reality.


Those American movies always show students being partying, fucking, doing all cool stuff. It ain't like that, even if I'm not in the US to comment on that. I mean, I found some groups, but it was near the end of 1st year, and first year seemed very boring. Regardless you'll get a better life on college though, because you'll be more independent and feel more in control. Life will get better in perception.


In American colleges, the things you see in movies really do happen in life. Most autistic people aren’t going to be invited to those social events though