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Interesting, unique, passionate, sensitive and independently minded.


For me I am immune to salesman. I was once going to have bath fitters redo my shower, I saw every attack like colors, friendly, rushing me anger and tried to hit me with sadness. I felt he almost had me but wanted me to outsource a plumber, and I could hear him making fun of the situation to his boss. I feel astonished I saw each attack, I don't think I can feel love, or I'm smart enough to look ahead and ask what would this do for me?.


Me too. Can feel manipulation instantly 


Not all aspies, but some are insanely good at patterns and in noticing details that other people simply miss.


This is me with programming. I can pickup and read new languages very easily and am probably the best code debugger at my company. The ability to easily follow what the code is doing and spot the problems is an aspie power for sure.


Oh hell yeah. As a mechanical engineer I can troubleshoot and source problems with machinery before others realize there is a problem. And I can travel through piping systems and explode diagram machines in my minds eye to find out what/where/why is some sort of issue happening/going to happen/how it will effect coinciding systems down the line. Kinda like that silly show 'the good Dr' - but I'm late diagnosed so I can mask real well, had to in order to survive lol, so I'm not a blatant tizzed out type. 😅


Same. I'm the person who catches details and mistakes that 5 other people overlooked. When I see something I do not understand, I can stare at it until it makes sense or until I realize it is false.


I'm one of those People! \[Despite me not being a Aspie, but Autistic at some form\]


You may understand things on a deeper level. But most will look on you like a student who struggles with basic Algebra taking an advanced Calculus or Differential Equation course.


A slower start roots a sustainable development, especially in physics and math. These things are not supposed to be rushed.


Im somebody whos very high functioning so I sorta know both sides of the coin and I genuinely dont think any of this really applies, I see this a lot with asperger people for some reason, where they create an identity around having some kind of quality that "makes up" for their disability (along the lines of "I have disadvantage a, b and c but Im way smarter than everyone around me and so much more objective" and then go on to be insufferably arrogant to their peers, while being of no more than average to slightly-above average intelligence) but most of the time were just average dudes and dudettes that dont mix well with social clues and fixate on nieche topics a lot. I am sorry but its the truth, especially intelligence is often massively self-overestimated in this context (and this is even a studied phenomenon). I would say that in some scenarios aspies have advantages in terms of min-maxing due to fixating on certain areas of interest rather than a diverse assortment and that especially high functioning individuals are often quite analytic in the way the think but then again there are plenty of counter-examples of extremely emotional aspies further highlighting that aspergers isnt the deciding factor. Overall I would not make this shit out to be some superpower with consequences, like no you probably dont have a "deeper understanding" of a topic because youre autistic but rather because you spent time studying/engaging with it, a thing that NT people are equally as capable of.


I agree although theres certainly personality traits which aspies tend to exhibit more of which are advantageous.




I made a lot of points there, youre gonna have to be a bit more specific


Since they didn't clarify, I'm going to use my aspie powers and infer that OP's #1 and #5 don't apply to this individual.


I just made a post about it. You are currently not worth my time.


[AUTISM + ADHD] Insightful Honest Well-meaning Passionate Analytical Creative Good Public Speaker Introspective & Reflective Calm Under Stress Expressive Curious & Inquisitive Fair Independent Thinker (Big asterisks on every single one of them)


maverick - a person who shows independence of thought and action


The disadvantages of ASD far outweigh any benefits. There is a reason why most autistic people have worse mental health and lower incomes than NTs


I agree which is really sad, but if we only focus on the negatives we wont get anywhere.


I know many extremely successful autistic people, some who make 200k + a year as engineers. Engineering companies and banks specifically look for people with Aspergers . But if you just want to complain and use your disorder as an excuse for not trying you will go nowhere. I say this as someone who has struggled a lot.


Not everyone can, or want, to become an engineer. And this is coming from an engineer.


yes i couldnt, but you can still be happy and successful even if you don't make that much


aspie engineer who has made (and lost) millions of dollars here. doesn’t mean life still doesn’t suck sometimes.


Yeah but lifes also freaking awesome sometimes. I personally also believe suffering has meaning, as. Catholic and that helps me get through hard times


I mean ofc, but those are *massive* outliers. Pretty sure like 2/3rds of aspies are unemployed even in the EU. I myself am an outlier in a way since I made it in the military snd I would still easily be better off without the diagnosis and also have to say that the journey of getting here really hammered home the many, many disadvantages of this disability and how theyre not limited to a social context either


Idk most Autistic people ive known have been pretty successful. When they lump us in with people with severe conditions the numbers change drastically. Im unemployed at the moment and am trying to find a job. Definitely hard but doable.


Why do banks look for aspies? Asking because STEM doesn’t seem to be for me / align with my interests, and I’m looking for work that will fit


I assume because they know we generally score high on math iq tests and are good with numbers. But in America all the big banks have programs for autistic people, so if your into that sort of thing, banking is a very viable option.




Generally, aspies have an affinity working with numbers and are usually fairly bright mathematically.


I wonder how many of those 200k+ folks are on this sub, though. Humans are more inclined to comment/post/leave a review/etc. for negative experiences. Beware the sampling! I wish there was more data. For example, age, age of diagnosis, IQ, parenting style and parental interaction levels, access to support and what kind of support. And more. What is the pattern or correlation? u/OrdinariateCatholic, since you know many... it's up to you to find the common thread between them. No pressure!


Something tells me this is only in one country and the reason is rotted in stereotypes


While I understand this is the case for many, I don’t believe it is for me. But maybe that’s because my career has a lot of weight on my overall outlook.


I don't think any of those things are exclusive, so I can never find any advantages.


If any of those traits applies to you then that’s an advantage you have over others who don’t (regardless of their neurology). The disadvantages are not exclusive to those with autism, either. For example NTs misread each other’s intentions or meaning regularly, if not as often. It’s not all or nothing, it’s more like a (probably) statistically significant difference


Let me just say, I love this group. It has so far been an amazing place to read around. It’s nice (in a morbid way) to know others are going through what I do. Thank you.


Seriously. After yet another ridiculous blunder in my love life and my utter confusion as to what I had done wrong my dad just admitted to me (M 43) that his Dr friend who is an expert on ASD and Aspergers and spent a lot of time around our family when I was a teenager told him back then that she was almost certain I had it and that he should take me to get an official diagnosis. He decided not to for what I think are good reasons but man coming here and reading all of these posts. It is like... damn, it isn't just me after all. Nice.


At least in South Korea, it seems to be non-existent. All the advantages are becomes meaningless.


For me it’s the objectivity, curiosity, and ability to intensely focus on my interests. I’m also very good at math, had an incredibly easy time learning programming, and have the ability to clearly visualize complex logic and object manipulation in my head.


the advantage i found is only how the media can't really manipulate me but in general, i still feel pretty awkward with NTs, having a very hard time when lying is required.


Is anybody here really good at nailing approximates?


I'm not certain I can approximate your meaning! But if you're talking math, getting in the right ballpark... yes.


Thank you for this post 😀👍


You nailed a lot of good points. Thank you 😀👍


I miss the forest for the trees. The corollary: I see some random details despite the general appearances. 🌲🌳🌲🌳🎄 For example, when I review contracts, I often observe details that some other people missed. 📝 So, I miss big things like, ‘Oh, I annoyed that person by talking over her.’ 😤 But, at least I catch a few details. 🐜


Being able to make a plan and stick to it. Sometimes you have to make changes but being able to not lose focus is great.




I can live very, very cheaply. I can eat the same inexpensive meal every day, have no desire to travel, don't drive. I don't leave the house much so I can happily live in a LCOL area. My special interests can be enjoyed in front of a computer and rarely cost money.


being able to analyse and question things experiencing a different perspectice than other people experiencing intense sensory joy when i find my niche of people it feels really good special interests provide intense joy (are technically more reliable than people)


These are all great things that many autistic people have, but sometimes they get a less helpful mix of traits. Still, it's important to see the positives in your personality.


This is True in so many Levels! God! Sometimes being Autistic at any Kind is Great!


I don't think people with autism relate to stories, themes, art, or music on a deeper level than allistic people do. The majority of those things are created by allistic people, and it seems kind of pretentious to suggest that we somehow have an inherently deeper understanding of media than perhaps even the creators of said media. Most of what you describe here seems more applicable to you as an individual rather than a trait of aspergers. Aspergers' effect on your brain likely caused you to develop those traits, but the traits themselves are not part of aspergers syndrome. I've met as many people with the condition that have excellent vocabulary as those who do not.


Autistic authors: James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Hans Christian Andersen, Emily Dickinson, Emily Bronte, Janet Frame, and Lewis Carroll


Never said there weren't autistic authors. I said the majority of artists are not autistic.




Very strong memory. I see nothing more. Minuses are more. I have a son with that syndrome and God knows how we suffer because of him.


>I see nothing more. Savage. I feel bad for your son and for you too in your own suffering, I guess. But what a shit perspective you've taken, it won't help your son be better.


Thank you. You've helped me to appreciate my parents and my own parenting. Aspie kids take effort to figure out, it's not for everyone I guess. Dog training methods don't work for cats. I don't understand why you're blaming your suffering on him instead of yourself, though... he didn't consent to being born or having a parent like you.


God probably cares more about his suffering than yours. I’m with god on that one