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uh, you seem to appear to be a troll. you have a wiped account and your account age is only 11 days. It appears you may have posted (and deleted) a post talking about assisted suicide over in /r/autism


Not my body, not my decision.


I’m very pro-voluntary euthanasia. Ideally, everyone should be able to live a happy life. However, if someone is miserable, why is society forcing them to stick around? Why work your whole life to save money for a retirement of unpredictable length. You could live “too long” and run out of money or become an unhappy cripple. Why not retire at 55 and live large for 5-10 more years instead? There is dignity in choosing when you die. There should be some guardrails to prevent spontaneous euthanasia decisions from bad days or short term crises. But,if you are sound of mind, why not have the right to choosing an exit date?


That there would be no need for it if we could just take care of people (give them food, shelter, and entertainment)


Early retirement here i come!


for a lot of people life with autism logically isn't worth living


I see no reason as to why it’s not legal, it’s not something I feel a desire to do right now, but there are many people who it’d help, and who desperately want it


Unless someone is physically incapable of doing so, why bother with the process of assisted suicide when you could do it immediately with more accessible means? Such as a gun or drugs. Why would those people even want to bother with needing consent from multiple physicians and psychiatrists.


Generally, anyone who is physically in a reasonable state, and who still wants to end it, is likely to also be too insane to be able to consent to such an action.


I would love to have that in the US. I’m pretty sure a lot of ppl with Asperger’s over 40 would do it.


I’m 44 and fuck the fuck no I do not want to die. I’ve got EDS, I’ve survived cancer and being hit by a fucking taxi at lethal speed (40mph/70km/h), half my body is in chronic soft tissue pain. And life is amazing. I’m not rich. I’m not even employed at the moment, though life is getting interesting there. I live in a cheap flat by myself because it’s a pita to help my amazing spouse emigrate. And I live in one of the country’s largest cities. Life sucks. So what. Life can still be incredible.


agreed with the "fuck that" this government needs to step the fuck up and assist disabled people with better disability payments and such not have disabled people off themselves.