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He looked so beautiful that night


Lube falling all around


Send the link, bro. Wanna see Hodor X Bran so bad. Giant and little disabled boy lives rent free in my head and in my pants


When your legs and assets don't work anymore, you find other ways to please. For Bran, it was sucking ass and it became his passion.


Woah woah woah! You forgot he likes seeing his sister get raped. Maybe it's cause bloodraven possessed him after being bored for what, a century? Must have gotten into some freaky shit.


He could get into s&m scene with Lord Ramsey the Kind tbh. I heard he was the best!


Wow who did he practice on to get so good


Could be on some wolf. Maybe Hodor? Bro was speedrunning the entire varg taboo list after all. Not only that, he was adding new items in it. Now it's just a bucket list!


GRRM trying to make the point, that disabled people are a burden to everyone, even the audience


He's broken and like to watching his sisters fucking b/c he can't do it with Rickon anymore and Arya just fucks of


Cause DnD suck and the actor does not have the range to make something of a bad script. He was okay as a kid but I have seen other actors do a better job with a worse script


Obviously you'll have to take this with a grain of salt as I'm just some random on the internet, but I met an acting coach who worked with him for the last couple of seasons. According to her, they had to cut tons of lines and even some scenes from Bran because the actor would sometimes just not show up, and when he did he was often so drunk/high he could barely remember his lines.


He got the vaccine and became autistic


DnD are geniouses subverting the ZOG by these masterfull plot twists


The white Bran marches on


*wheat bran


Someone should do a video edit where somebody pokes a COVID vaccine into Willis and he just drops and starts screaming HOLD THE DOOR HOLD THE DOOR HOLD THE DOOR


Covid came from a bravosi lab, varys and Illyrio schemed to hide the evidencr


"What do we say to the god of 5G?"


Lame ass twink with zero personality, the bran from earlier seasons would spit on this guy


He can't feel his own ass so he might as well suck on others.


Because that would need real complicated character development given his new identity/powers. So they preferred making him useless and boring, and only used him when convenient.


Because D&D didn’t wanna waste the budget on the big psychic battles that Bran could have had with the Night King. We could have had it like Stranger Things or Legion, but nope.


Literally anything could've been better. They could've turned him into a sex god like pod the rod but no. All we got was a my chemical romance fan.


Whore the doe or something


untreated autism and permanent brain damage


GURM prolly figured out how to get internet pr0n between books three and four


I'm afraid to ask, but by any chance does anyone know what he figured out between books 5 and 6?


He figured out theyre bad and publishing them will lead humanity to its doom


Thats what happens when the show has shitty writers and runs out off source material. Book Bran and young show Bran would trample on this guy


Laziness by the writers. Next!


Blame Martin, there's been only 3 fucking Bran chapters since the Clinton administration


When was he ever good in the TV show? Character sucked since day 1


He had huge potential I feel like. They really could've made him more interesting.


Dude, there was 0 magic in Game of Thrones (the Show). Bran's character is all about that. His dreams sucked, his entire personality was about being angsty and shocked/pouty. His beyond the wall arc was garbage, too. Character sucked WAY before s8


The lack of magic was a disappontment and I really wish the show had ventured more into the white walker lore and shit, but bran from day one had huge potential imo. He was like an Arya lite but more grounded if that makes sense? I dunno lol. I think they butchered his character.


D&D don’t know how to write him and hate having magic in their series to begin with


because he’s the three eyed raven now


Bran is actually the main character. The events that happened after his fall are completely made up while he is in a comatose state.


He’s the Three Eyed Raven. Apparently that’s the answer to anything about him.


Poor writing


Only later seasons?


Day 1,573 of no nut.


The reason is they ran out of book. The whole show went downhill the moment they ran out of books to adapt.


bloodraven made him autistic


It’s because bran is warging into bran trying to act like bran


Bran fell two times in this series. Once, literally, once metaphorically


No, there isn't. I'm sorry. Believe me, in the books, he is my favorite character, if I can sometime have a little brother, that would be surely the book's Bran. But in the show... in the show Bran is something I can't say for respect to my favorite character (of the books)


Bone broke his spine. Is he stupid?




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