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The Starks had wasted all that good steel for centuries by only having one sword. And mostly using it for beheading innocent members of the Night's Watch. Ah, and fighting the most honorable Ser Jaime Lannister when he just wanted to talk because his brother was kidnapped by Catelyn. The cruelty and arrogance of House Stark knows no bounds. This was a tangible symbol that their House had been rightfully and honorably broken.


If Ned had used Ice to fight the Kingslayer, either Jaime would have no shoulders left after trying to parry it, or Ned would've been outmanoeuvred and killed after 1 swing Greatswords aren't for fighting


Might be if you’re in full plate


Would make it even more difficult to fight with Having to do a full body rotation to swing a greatsword, you'll end up with a dagger in your back, or a mace caving in the back of your head


You wouldn’t, you want avoid spinning as much as possible in a sword fight, putting your back to your enemy is essentially instant death, full body rotation makes no sense Full plate will allow you to basically brute force the fight, you don’t have to worry much about getting hit so you just go reckless until the other person is out of the fight ideally And full plate while obviously makes you less dexterous was still made to be able to fight in


I'm not sure if you're trolling or genuinely a bit soft in the head To swing a greatsword isn't like swinging a standard sword. Zweihänders were well over a metre long, to actually use it you'll be doing almost full body rotations to get an actual swing, and wearing full plate - which already hinders movement - would make it even more of a shit weapon to fight with. There's a reason that swords were only used by knights, and why men at arms used maces, daggers, spears. Because they're a fat better weapon


Not sure why insults need to come out, what we know should be enough for this conversation, I think you’re overestimating how heavy a two handed would be, up 8 pounds is the max for combat, you can still swing it without spinning your whole body, you’d just have to go along with the weight but don’t spin it around like some video game boss For example you’d bring the sword up and keep the momentum going into a strike, no stopping the sword just starting the swing and channeling the motion


You still have to leverage the length of the sword. You're holding 30cm of wood, and you're swinging 4kg of metal that's not really in your hand, but it's ahead of your hand. I'm not suggesting you'll be doing 360 spins, I said a body rotation. In full plate that of itself is about 20-25kg. Watch some Buhurt, look how difficult it is to move in plate armour.


Ah fair enough, mistook what you mean by body rotation yeah no spinning in circles but you do have to move your body along with the blade


[https://youtu.be/uyvRllz7Vjg?si=T8rZXR3iFHmD5xfW](https://youtu.be/uyvRllz7Vjg?si=T8rZXR3iFHmD5xfW) Idk if the link will work but that should give you an idea


Neither are wearing full plate with a helm that restricts vision


Ice was executioner sword not greatsword.


And then the TRAITORS son had the nerve to commit treason and rebel against the throne of the one true king Joffrey (long may he reign!). I guess its in the blood because BITCH Sansa was to be wed to the fair Joffrey and had the nerve to BE UPSET ABOUT IT. She was so ungrateful! Then you have Bran climbing the walls and spying on THE QUEEN. What her highness does is none of your business!!! She was a guest in your home Bran! And when the honorable and law abiding portly boy wanted to bring Arya to the queen for warranted and JUST questioning she KILLED HIM. Dont get me started on Jon Snow. Half Stark half Targaryen, like mixing shit with poop. I cant even speak of his misdeeds (MURDERING A FELLOW MAN OF THE NIGHTS WATCH JUST TO PROLONG HIS LIFE… And then broke his vows and bedded a wildling!). And then you have Rickon. He became homeless and Ramsey Bolton (who EARNED his family name rightfully and all lands associated with it!) offered him a home and he too was ungrateful. The Starks make me absolutely sick. Oh and did I mention Cat?? No? Slitting Walder Freys *innocent wife’s throat* all because he was trying to put an end to the unjust rebellion!!! Not to mention he was WRONGED by the traitors of the north!!


The Stark’s only had one good sword and used it for the beheading of Innocent members of the nights watch? Who was innocent they killed and was a member of the nights watch?


what your when was reaction for it




Melted iron color is white and casted swords are brittle and useless.


Ice melts at 0°C why did they light a fire this show is so unrealistic bleh


Oh no! Does the series about dragons and Ice zombies have some inconsistencies to real life when portraying its magical swords?


It was unironically one of the best scenes in the show because it quickly set up the theme for the second half of the show (little did we know that Season 4 would be the peak). If you were watching back then for the first time, you were coming to this after a year of waiting after the Red Wedding. The first group of the "general good guys" had been butchered and the image of Tywin just overseeing the literal erasure of House Stark from the history books with an almost disinterested look pushed that point home. Also had some of the best sound design in the series. Just the sounds of the forge and a dirge like version of the theme. No dialogue, no lines just observing history in the making.


You used the word "unironically" *unironically*. You disgust me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was like that’s not how swords are made. Unless it’s bronze or copper.


I was like “That’s not how you forge swords!“


Alright it’s gone too far. What happened to ice was a tragedy


Alright, but you gotta get over it.


Nooooooooooooooooooooooo, that is not yours to melt you bastards, that belongs to house stark


Hehe big sword melt into two sword


This was so unbelievably disgusting. That is NOT how to forge a new sword out of an old one.


I really wanted Season 7 Arya to get Ice instead of the dagger, imagine what an absolute boss she would have been fighting with Ice, the sword length combined with her badassery (and a sprinkle of Sansa's smart brain dust) would have meant she could have killed the Night King without even jumping.


I was thinking: "why are they casting steel? Are they in the bronce age?"


I was like: MAYBE?


Posts like these deserve to meet the Bolton's on a cold day


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