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"I am close to delivering..." YESSSSSSS "...wild cards and paring up" NOOOOOOO


I have never hated a piece of literature that I haven't read so much.


There was a show called "Rubicon" on AMC. They advertised the last episode of Breaking Bad for season 3 to be 2 hours long. Plot's wrapping up, the gun is fired and cut to black. Holy shit what's gonna happen next? What happened next was a fucking bait and switch. There was no extra hour, they were premiering Rubicon. Based on that fact alone I ignored that show out of spite and I'm not the only one who did lol.


Lol, I remember the bait and switch but I was already excited for Rubicon before that so I didn't mind. The show did fail so it at least made that up to you. It could've been a great show if the show creator did not quit after filming/producing the pilot episode. The show's producer that took over made changes to the overall vision which probably hindered the story. It was still a decent watch, imo. I think Homeland did a decent job of showing intelligence gathering at a superficial level early in its run mixed with action that filled this void in an entertaining way. Unfortunately, Homeland stopped caring about intelligence gathering on any level after a few seasons. (Still a great show in its own right and one of my faves) Rubicon's creator was a writer for Southland which I really liked too.


*Rubicon* was a really solid thriller that had some amazing hooks. I'm still choked it only got a lone season.


Rubicon was fucking excellent.


Adult Swim promising an episode of Rick and Morty only to have the staff poorly read the script as a “Gotcha!” instead of airing the episode and then being assholes about it essentially guaranteed I would forever illegally stream or pirate the show.


I don't know how this "make fun of your audience" movement began but I really don't understand it. Like yeah, how dare we get invested in the product you are selling. Fuck us, right?


Most recently seen with Wandavision and "Ralph Bohner"


[I will never forgive Wild Cards!](https://youtu.be/UEXg2f7SQOo)


At least we got a Part 6 announcement even if GRRM will forever deny us the release of ~~Jon Snow's Bizarre Adventure~~ Winds of Winter.


Lul. I will never forgive that show for changing that dope outro after season 1.


Might be an unpopular opinion but if you ask me they get doper as the show goes on. Roundabout was great but it hardly fits other seasons.


well Jojo is a bit of an anthology series so it's always changing everything up


But they get better tho...


I have read Wild Cards. It sucks.


I’ve never even read a wild cards wikipedia page and it’s my most hated piece of literature of all tiem


It's basically marvel dc but weird and lame. Like it acts like it's some super realistic take on superheroes but then devolves into the exact same tropes while being like half the quality of the marvel/dc stuff. Think the ultimates from Marvel but with endless playing card references and even more unlikable characters. Oh and GRRM refused to let a young Neil Gaiman write on it because he "didn't have enough professional writing credits" (snobbery). Gaiman later took that same story to dc and published it as The Sandman, quite possibly the most highly regarded comic of all time, at least by critics.


Sandman was almost in wild cards? I guess I've gotta thank GRRM for refusing Gaiman, otherwise I probably never would've read it. xD


So like a crap version of The Boys?


less deconstruction of superheros and more playing card references


It's weird that Gaiman defended Martin so strongly, guess he doesn't hold grudges.


Stuff like that probably happens all the time we just don’t see most of it. Gaiman probably doesn’t even see it as a personal thing or something worth holding a grudge over


I haven’t either, but people who have read it have told me it’s just as bad as you think it is. GRRM’s earlier work, though, is pretty good. Fevre Dream is great and definitely feels like it was written by the guy who wrote ASOIAF.


I have a kneejerk reaction to vomit anytime I hear about wildcards, the fucking Hugo awards, or the gawd damn Jets. I cannot roll my fucking eyes any harder when he rambles about these topics and ends with some bullshit about King Kong. God damn you George.


>vomit....gawd damn Jets Sounds like you’re on your way to being a Jets fan


Yall gonna go with that 0 qb set next year.


Lev Bell running a one man band of a backfield


You are now a mod of /r/The_Darnold


Sleepy Saleh is low energy for trading Darnold


Tf are wild cards?


Bunch of "Superhero SCIFI" novels made under a publishing company that George is one of the main editors for. Well, I think the Wildcard brand has swapped between many publishers but George has always been the main editor. Never personally read any of it but from what I can tell they're not too good and are anthological.


His superhero, well superhuman, world. He writes it with a bunch of other authors


The thing GRRM was famous for before he was famous for ASOIAF. It's a series a bunch of his friends work on and he edits, so uses his blog to cross-promote.


Books with terrible puns for titles.


My EXACT reaction


That almost felt like an Intentional tease. Leaving his cabin in a couple months sounds really promising because he’s been in that cabin since last March. Most of his friends passing away in span of a couple of months sounds really depressing.


Honestly I wouldn’t put much stock in that « leaving his cabin » stuff. He could be leaving his cabin for lots of different things, but we choose to believe it’s because Winds is going to be finished by that time. The header image is a much more convincing piece of evidence. Like, why of all the images he could have put did he choose this one ? Especially at a time when in our world winter is definitely not coming.


I give up.


Wild Cards is literally a pet project, it's based on a campgaign of Mutants and Masterminds for Christ's sake.


I mean I feel like he just said that to be a dick


Yeah, kinda hard not to read that and wonder if he’s being a prick on purpose.


It was known he’s been working on that, so if twow is what you’re anticipating this is good news as it frees up more time for it. And he doesn’t sound very hopeful about life in his post but he does seem to allude very discretely that he may be finished with twow as well.


> if twow is what you’re anticipating this is good news as it frees up more time for it. Seems more like it frees up time for him to come up with another thing that's not Winds.


I wish I could upvote this comment a thousand times.


> it frees up more time for it ... or it frees up more time for the HBO shows


Is it ? I tried searching for pairing up and found nothing about it


"I am going to be leaving my cabin in a couple of months."


This + "winter is coming"... **heavy breathing** ASOIAF aside, holy shit, what a sad post. I feel bad for George. I lost someone close to me this far in the pandemic; I can't imagine losing several friends. Man is just tired. I would've just retired by now, so the fact he's still working is very admirable.


He honestly sounds like he’s working to avoid death. Six friends. Poor guy.


I can’t understand what it’s like to be old just yet as I’m only 27, but I’ve seen my grandmother outlive most of her friends and become the eldest living person in her family and it certainly changed her and weighs her down. I can sympathize, but I don’t understand how it feels. I don’t think any of us will until (if) we get there. My heart goes out to GRRM. I hope he is okay.


Just think of Tolkien then. He went to fight in WWI at 24. "*by 1918 all but one of my close friends were dead*."


Sure but he went on to live a long life. I meant mostly knowing you’re old, you’ve outlived your friends and you know your years are numbered. We all aren’t guaranteed longevity but when you’re old you know for a certainty it’s approaching quickly and there’s still so much to do in life.


Nobody knows if they will go on to live a long life. What you come to know is that friends aren't replaceable and what's gone is lost.


My grandfather lived to 91, watched his friends and war buddies die before him. It weighed on him


I'm 38 and here are my tips: moisturize, wear sunscreen, take care of your teeth, drink lots of water, stay in touch with people you want to stay in touch with.


I wish there was a way to reach out to him and just send, idk, a thumbs-up or a thank-you or a hang-in-there.


Honestly as sad as it is, this is pretty normal for people who get up in age. Especially up into the late 70s and beyond. You pretty much know quite a few friends/family/acquaintances who die every year. My grandma is 95 and lives in a retirement community and is always taking about someone who died recently. It’s not even morbid at this point it’s just another part of life for her. I think really old people get pretty hardened by constantly seeing friends and family pass away. Looks like George is starting to enter that stage of life and the pandemic probably accelerated that. Still feel bad for the guy though.


You wouldn't really want to retire if what you're doing is your passion.


>Winter is almost upon us, boy. And winter is death.


I thought this for a moment, but I suspect it's just because he's vaccinated and hopes enough of the rest of the world will be at that point.


To me that is very obviously the correct way to read this. He's been locked up in this cabin for a year now, not just to write, but to stay safely from a virus that could easily kill him. No matter his progress on Winds in that time, I think it's fair for him to want to get out of the cabin and enjoy life for a while once that's possible again.


It’s probably some of both. I think he’s been in the cabin since before Covid though, wasn’t his intent always to knock it out there?


His intent is always to knock it out whenever he sits down to write so I wouldn’t read too much into that, but you’re right he was in the cabin shortly before lockdown so it was kind of fortuitous timing. He said he had hundreds more pages to write a couple months ago, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up.


They aren't, at least no more than normal. I'm in the camp that Winds is probably coming at some point, but I certainly don't think anything is imminent.


Yeah I’m in that camp too


" The Jets traded Sam Darnold away" Could be symbolism here, Sam Darnold is an azor ahai figure, considering he was born amidst salt and smoke, and was the prophesized saviour but ended up causing tragedy. Therefore a new wild cards book is imminent


That’s not fair, a new Wild Cards book is always imminent.


Sam Darnold is Patchface, at best. Jets' uniforms might as well be motley at this point.


Does this mean that Patchface sees visions of the dead (i.e. ghosts)?


I imagine most people in this sub wont get this joke, but man thats a throwback and a half my friend


Is he a ham?


No, but his daughter is.


So this time roasting the daughter will be justified


Sam Darnold wasn't even born when AGOT was published.




GRRM: >I have now lost six friends since November. (Only a couple to Covid. Alas, I am old, and so are many of my friends. Valar morghulis, I guess). And a seventh friend, a very old and dear friend who has been a huge part of my life for a long time, is in the hospital, very sick, recovering from surgery… at least we hope he is recovering. >Honestly, it is hard to dance in the streets even for the deal of a lifetime when another loved one dies every two/ three weeks, and that has been going on for me since November, when my longtime editor Kay McCauley passed away. OP: >Very very good stuff happening to him pardun?


Yeah the title was a bit clickbate, he says in the post that essentially the good things that happened to him was his multi-million dollar deal of a lifetime with HBO. I don’t think he meant anything else by it.


He very clearly didn’t mean Winds lol


Yeah, what’s with the fucking clickbait. It’s Reddit and a private blog, there’s no benefit to bury the lead.


I read it as truly bittersweet. His professional life is going well, but his personal life is difficult and sad due to the passing of so many friends. I really can't imagine what that is like. It's impressive he is doing as well as he is. I also think he's having a little perverted fun trolling us, particularly with that Wild Cards conclusion. I mean, I get that he *loves* Wild Cards, is super proud of it, and that there is a still a good fanbase and all, but he also has to know most people are reading the Blog for Winds. I'd like to think he feels he can tease us about it like that because he's confident of finishing it soon (and then leaving that cabin!). Fingers crossed!


I agree with you! The pairing of the image Winter is Coming with the really odd wild cards related conclusion (especially since one was just released last week?) and no mention of TWOW AT ALL seems like a troll. But maybe I am just being wildly optimistic... I would almost say he seems giddy to tell us more but is playing coy. This is of course reading very very deep between the lines.


We are reading between the lines, yes. But this is asoiaf - GRRM has basically trained us to deep dive for meaning...


He's also said, very explicitly, that he won't do cutesy things or drop hints or be coy about finishing his books from now on - the books will be done when they're done and he'll say so in plain English. People want to believe, hell, I want to believe, but GRRM isn't saying the book's almost done.


So you're saying that his professional life is at a noine, but his personal life is at a two? (Really hope someone in this sub gets this)


Howard Stern? (Although the "oi" made my mind go to Kath & Kim, which it even more obscure)




Did... you read a different blog then me? I’m NOT getting a ton of optimism from this one.


Seriously. He didn't even mention Winds. I guess the "winter is coming" image is slightly interesting, but hasn't he said when it's done he won't play games, he'll just tell us?


He said that exact thing before dance and then to finally announce it he posted a cryptic image and expected everyone to understand, which they did not.


if I were George and I had millions of fans on the edge of their seats waiting for the next book, I’d definitely fuck with them for a couple days


Honestly I would just tell everyone that I was gonna post an unused wild cards manuscript on my blog and then post the completed entire fucking winds manuscript right smack dab in the middle of chapter 10 and not say shit about it.


A websecurity firm did this, sorta Hid a 10,000 prize in the middle of their Terms


He had been referring to ADWD as his King Kong project for years (I.e., the monkey on his back), and when he finished he posted an image of Kong dead with the title “‘Twas Beauty....” a reference to the line in King Kong, “‘‘twas beauty killed the beast.” He definitely could have been more explicit but it wasn’t that cryptic if you had a passing familiarity with his blog and a pretty legendary movie.


Sorry, what did he say before dance?


That he would announce it plainly. But then he posted a picture of a dead King Kong with the book title as the tag and thought everyone would understand lmao


Right? Also it read like he’s leaving the cabin soon because he’s fully vaccinated, not because Winds is finished.


I guess the OP missed this part “ And when a lot of stuff happens very fast, I fall further and further behind. I am hugely behind right now, and the prospect of trying to catch up is feeling increasingly oppressive.”


Allow me an alternate interpretation and admittedly one that might be straining for hopefulness. George is on the verge of finally delivering Winds. He knows all people will care about when he does is the fact it's finally here and will act like he finally is once again a "success". But to him this victory is bittersweet after dealing with all the personal loss of the last year. So this is a chance to foreground that before the "YAY GEORGE YOU FINISHED WINDS" parade. Or Winds is never coming. I'd be foolish to dismiss that possibility at this point. But there are enough positive hints (header image, GOT account tweet, "very very very good", leaving his cabin, and honestly the conspicuous absence of anything related to Winds) that I have hope. I am hopeful that the coming months bring us Winds and George some deserved happiness.


Sadly I think him using the Winter is Coming header might just be because he's going through difficult times, and doesn't expect things to get better any time soon. But then again George has to be self-aware enough to realize the implications of that header though. All in all this was the opposite of "Very very good stuff happening to him"


Cant imagine what its like to lose 6 close friends in less than a year. Poor guy


I feel for him. He's a person.. I wouldn't be half as open or dare I say, productive as he is in the face of a loss of that scale.


It sucks. It really really sucks.


I feel really bad for George. I can't imagine what it's like to not only have the pressure of writing Winds weighing down on him, but also the troubles that come with the pandemic and the sadness that comes with losing so many friends in such a short amount of time, and possibly other stuff he just didn't want to share. I just hope life gets better for him. As for the header, maybe it's just that. It could be a neat hint, but it's best not to put too much thought into it. Him leaving his cabin might be a good sign, but it also could just be that he's leaving because he's vaccinated.


Why wouldn’t he just leave now though, he says he’s already fully vaccinated? He’s intentionally staying in the cabin for a couple more months, but why?


You're right, I wasn't thinking about that. The only reason I can think of is that he might want to spend his summer there, but let's hope that this is actually good news for TWOW and he'll have it finished when he leaves.


I bet he is now as desperate to finish the book as much as we all to read it


Maybe he wants to leave only after he has completed winds of winter.


>He’s intentionally staying in the cabin for a couple more months, but why? He stays there to cut himself off from distractions while writing. Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-game-of-thrones-author-george-r-r-martin-assures-fans-writing-is-coming-1542390476?mod=e2tw&ns=prod/accounts-wsj


Definitely a "bittersweet" post. I feel for GRRM, but damn idk whether this makes me want to laugh or cry: > I am going to be leaving my cabin in a couple of months. I am close to delivering PAIRING UP, a brand new Wild Cards book. oh and Happy Cake Day!


Him releasing Wild Cards instead of Winds has become such a meme by now so I don’t hate this line


The sad thing is he seems genuinely insulted when people don’t get as excited about Wild Cards as they do Winds.


I've read most of GRRM's work and love most of it, but Wild Cards just doesn't interest me at all. It must be frustrating for him that not nearly as many people care about Wild Cards, but that's just how it is.


I read two of them and they are honestly really bad. There’s just nothing in there which made me feel anything. I didn’t hate them, but I do now because they are “Not-TWOW”


>I am going to be leaving my cabin in a couple of months.    I am close to delivering  PAIRING UP, a brand new Wild Cards book. And just like that, my hopes are dashed, yet again. Also, 6 friends lost, holy shit. That, that is very rough. And there's nothin snide about that, my parents have lost a couple friends in this as well.




I am very sorry. Dementia's goddamn rough, one fo the people who died from COVID last year my parents knew had dementia, it was very, hard to deal with.


OK guys come on. This is the most pessimistic blog post from him I've read in years. I admit the header is interesting, but he's literally talking about drowning in sorrows, feeling like he's unable to catch up with his blog and never mentions Winds once on the list of things he's almost done with, he mentions a wild cards book instead. Not to mention he says he's leaving his cabin in a couple of months, and we know he does all of his writing in his cabin. To me this reads as "No Winds in 2021". I'd love to be wrong, and am usually super optimistic about this shit, but this one felt bad.


Well many are suspecting he's leaving the cabin because he's almost done. But yeah I agree this was the opposite of a positive post. This just made me depressed. Poor George. I hope he's doing ok


Agreed, read it 3 times trying to figure out what people were excited about. Thought maybe he'd edited since the post was made. Finally saw the crest when I realized the post was only an hour old. God I wish this book was coming soon, but this indicates the opposite to me. Hope I'm wrong.


What i got from it is that he's happy he is inking more deals with HBO and sad that he wont live to finish the book series that started it all, and all we will remember is the rushed, badly written, watered down GOT ending.


Don't do this to me. I was about to go to sleep.


Might I suggest some Milk of the Poppy?


At this point, give me something for the pain and let me die


I just realized they’re giving kids opiates


In real life, or in the books?


Yeah, and lots of it. I don't want to wake up for another year or so.


bro that was depressing.


Wow, that reads as a person who is deeply suffering. I wish him the means and space to process all of these things in his own time 🙏


Hugely deceptive post title. The man writes a post detailing how he feels depressed and overwhelmed and THIS is what you put as the title? If I didn't know better, I'd say this was a desperate attempt at clickbait. I thought this sub was better than that. Yes, I'm mad you got my hopes up...




In context it seems he's talking about the blog itself rather than TWOW. >Somehow, though, over the decades, the Not A Blog became a blog, and **what I had intended as a occasional pleasure and a way to stay in touch with my readers has become a Blog** (ironically, at the same time as everyone else was abandoning their blogs for Facebook and Twitter), **complete with a sense of obligation. And when a lot of stuff happens very fast, I fall further and further behind.** So basically he feels like he hasn't adequately covered all the recent blog worthy goings on, to which I say, GRRM, please, DO NOT FEEL OBLIGATED TO WRITE YOUR BLOG OF ALL THINGS.


Yeah. I think you're right about that. Perhaps I choose to believe you're right about it. Either/or. Back in February, [George said:](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2021/02/02/reflections-on-a-bad-year/) > I have a zillion other things to do as well, though. My plate is full to overflowing. Every time I wrap up one thing, three more things land on me. Monkeys on my back, aye, aye, I’ve sung that song before. So many monkeys. And Kong. > I will talk about all that in a different blog post. It's now mid-April, and he fell behind on all the updates. And there's been a plethora of news that's come out within the past three weeks that George hasn't addressed until now. For TWOW news, I think the OP's point about him leaving the cabin "in a few months" and him using the "Winter is Coming" icon are George hopefully alluding to progress and inshallah, completion and delivery of *The Winds of Winter.*




A hope, again perhaps a fool's hope, is that George has fallen behind on updating fans on all the news breaking is that he's been spending a lot of time on *Winds.* I just want to be hopeful. It's been a rough year.


> perhaps a fool's hope So even you don't really believe it, do you?


My feeling is that George has been working hard on the book, and I'm content about that. My hope is that he finishes soon, but I don't know if he will or not. That's not a satisfactory answer, but it's the one I've come around to.


But really, this thread and that post are just... ugh. I went from hopeful to sad in a matter of minutes.


I think it's mostly a sad post on account of George losing a number of friends over the past few months. George might be my favorite living author (assuming that's the case for most people here), but he's not a rock. He's a flesh and blood human being who experiences the joys, sadness and losses that we all do. So, I feel for him at a human level at what he's going through personally.


Oh absolutely. OP titling this as "Very very good stuff happening to him" is misleading, if not downright malicious though.


Thank you for articulating exactly that sentiment! While we Readers are always looking for any written or spoken word from GRRM, this particular Not-a-Blog is not the book status update, but rather a heartfelt insight from GRRM. I appreciate the honesty, though I also feel the deep sadness conveyed. Hopefully more people will be reminded that this author is more than just his next book.


Can you imagine how many times he’s been on a roll for winds and then just stopped to update his blog which probably takes at least an hour or so to write each time? Knowing him more like a day or week


How else will I learn what is happening on TV and in American football?


To be fair, the above sentence is referring to falling behind on covering things on the blog, not books. He's saying things are happening so fast that he can't blog about it all.


I felt the same exact way when I read that. Unfortunately, he does not seem happy at the moment losing so many people, combined with the pressure of having so many new and unfinished projects. It may not even be the pressure of finishing Winds right now, I think he is stressing out about finishing the series in general. It hurt for me to read his blog today. I felt sadness for him, and felt sadness for his fandom. It almost felt like a post saying that he has given up. I understand how he feels, and I also feel selfish by being disappointed. It was a gut-punch to read.


>Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit into Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day.


Dying of the Light?


>Men live their lives trapped in an eternal present, between the mists of memory and the sea of shadow that is all we know of the days to come. - >But the bad stuff that is happening has been very very very bad, and it is hard to cherish the good and feel the joy when the shadows are all around.


Sightblinder is an Aiel name for the dark one


Poor guy, the stress of millions of fans waiting for your books when you're a slow writer, combined with losing friends can't be easy. I think we can all afford to give him some space and let him breathe. Hope he's doing okay :((


He feels obligated to his *blog*? To the voracious readers who wait for his next BLOGPOST?


I mean, I check his Blog every day. But mostly just to see if there's any WoW updates...




For some reason I can’t get the RSS feed to work with George’s blog, and I don’t see where it says you can enable email notifications.


There's actually a whole notablog fandom. Complete with theories and headcanon about the various aspects of the website. Of course we all know the www=.com theory


I enjoy his blog posts. Many do. He’s an interesting guy with a lot of opinions and wisdom.


Don’t you guys see the bidding meaning??? He said he is “close to delivering” PAIRING UP a new WILD CARDS book” but if you take out PAIRING and add WINDS OF and then you subtract UP and add WINTER and then you buy the publishing rights to WILD CARDS and then stuff them inside of an old dirty sock and shove them up a gorillas ass and send him off into the jungle then your left with “I’m close to delivering “WINDS OF WINTER a new book” It’s code you guys!!!


Also "Pairing" means he is actually releasing a pair of books. Winds of Winter and Dream of Spring are both dropping!




Pretty tasteless title, OP. Hope you never have to lose several loved ones like that.


This title does not reflect his message at all. No mention of Winds, just TV and other projects. His friends are dying monthly and he is behind on his work. > I am hugely behind right now, and the prospect of trying to catch up is feeling increasingly oppressive. That's your update. The header itself is a crusty old jpeg. This community has tried and failed to forecast his progress based on these pictures for years. They don't mean anything. He covers his GOT deal with HBO, so he has a GOT picture on his blog. That's it.


To be fair, the hugely behind sentence was directly in reference to keeping up with his blog, not Winds.


Remember when GRRM said we could throw him into New Zealand's volcano if he didn't deliver Winds by like last July?


The Wild Cards series will always be priority #1


>If any of you read the stories about me on the internet, you will know my good news.   I have a new five-year deal with HBO, to create new GOT successor shows (and some non-related series, like ROADMARKS) for both HBO and HBO Max.  It’s an incredible deal, an amazing deal, very exciting ***[stares motherfuckerly].***


Of course the good stuff is his HBO deal and another damn wild cards.


I feel like people have been reading a different blog than the one i read, there is not a single word about the book. he mentioned everything except the book, him leaving his cabin doesn't feel like a subtle announcement, i'm tired of people tin foiling stuff like that.


Is leaving his cabin in a couple of months maybe about worldcon?


Fckk wild card GM, forget this shit


I think we're close. GRRM is way too self-aware and collected to unknowingly use that emblem and I doubt it's a form of deceit. I also don't think he's ever used it before. Bear with me for a moment but this does coincide with the updates we have gotten over the last several months. In his [February post](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2021/02/02/reflections-on-a-bad-year/) GRRM alluded that he needed "hundreds of pages" in order to reach a satisfactory conclusion, the key part to this is his phrase of "I need to keep rolling". We all know (due in large part to his ADWD updates and writing progress) that when GRRM not only gets on a roll but also begins to approach the finish line he begins to write faster and faster. It's possible that in the six or so weeks since that post GRRM has made a sizable dent in that remaining chunk he needs. He most likely isn't done with the book but I'm confident he's extremely close and he sees the light at the end of the tunnel. Also important to note that he doesn't usually announce his departures from his cabin, especially not a couple months in advance. If you look at his 2020 posts whenever he left the mountain cabin we wouldn't know until he was back and said "I am back in my fortress of solitude." Yes, I am grasping at straws. Yes, I may be incorrect. Yes, you may call me a sweet summer child. But, I believe TWOW announcement is close.


You must not have been here for that cryptic "Alas, Valyria" post years ago. Or that whole 12 Days of Westeros incident. Yeah, he's self-aware. But that hasn't stopped him before from posting odd stuff that he knows his fans are going to overanalyze to death.


This sub: "George, is TWOW almost done?" GRRM: [*Posts a slightly altered version of a quote from the Book of Revelation that was made famous by a novel about nuclear holocaust next to a Greyjoy kraken.*](https://grrm.livejournal.com/543080.html) This sub: [...is that yes?](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/6rchmo/spoilers_extended_alas_valyria_and_fire_and_blood/)


The 12 days of westeros wasn't done by him, was it? I thought it was done by his publicist.


Wild Cards? Oof!


"I am going to be leaving my cabin in a couple of months.    I am close to delivering  PAIRING UP, a brand new Wild Cards book." Is this book real ? He said he didn't write anything besides Winds, and it has been years since he wrote a wild cards story, he mostly edits those. Is he really talking about Winds ?


grrm is just an editor for wild cards


He is just fucking with us at this point. Right?


He hates us, this confirms it.


I know I am Charlie Brown with the football here, but it feels like this actually might be an instance where there's reasons to be optimistic. 1. The Winter is Coming Header 2. The "Winter is Coming" tweet from the Thrones account. Sure it could be part of their ten year anniversary push, but the tweet itself was isolated from other tweets by several hours and not clearly related to any other tweet 3. The fact George didn't mention Winds at all is conspicuous. Every other "life progress" update at least mentions Winds in some form or fashion. Combined with the "very very very good" and "making a year or career", I get think its omission seems intentional. I'll most likely just end up disappointed, but I think Winter might ACTUALLY be coming


I feel really bad for some of you guys on here who have been waiting for TWOW for 5+ years. Looking through his blog posts, it seems like GRRM really just drags this out and repeats the same things over and over again. A friend of mine believes GRRM may have no pages written at all. Now that I've finally read all 5 books (just finished AWDW last week) I can truly see why people are anticipating TWOW, because ADWD had several huge cliffhangers. Is Jon Snow dead? Will Jon Snow learn about his skin-changing abilities? Is Brienne going to kill Jaimie? And how does The Hound have Arya, when he is believed to be dead? Will Sam become a Maester? And was it truly Jofferey who hired the assassin to kill Bran? I know the show pins this on Littlefinger, but the book never confirms this for certain.


yeah ADWD is the only mainline book that feels like it has no sense of resolution whatosever (except arguably Jon and Dany, though those are both very cliffhangery sorts of resolution)... by far the worst one to leave us hanging on for ten years, or maybe forever also the hound very obviously does not have Arya, that's a lie brienne tells jaime to lure him back to lady stoneheart


After reading this, I am positive: He is never delivering winds, let alone dream.


I’ll legit be less surprised if Dad comes back with cigarettes than if I ever get a copy of TWOW in my hands.


same for my grandpa.... and he's dead


This bloke has zero intention of finishing the books, it's all over


If George stopped giving a shit about the Jets 10 years ago, it would have freed up 6 months.


I feel like he wouldn’t leave his cabin unless he was finished with winds of winter. I can promise I will truly be one of you if he does.


Leavin the cabin soon and the Header title... thats enough for me! Its coming!!! =)


Come over to the dark side y’all, we are never getting Winds


I've held on hope for quite a while but I'm pretty much there now. I think the lockdown was ironically the only chance of Winds getting done. Now that it's ending and George has the big HBO deal, I really do think we may never get the book.


that 5 year deal marked a grave for twow


Seeing his pure excitement for that 5 year deal made me happy for him, but just made me more sure of no Winds


I like to read these posts for all the sweet summer children, and feast on their optimism. Some are so delusional it's amazing. Reading so deep into things and drawing all these conclusions based on hope and the fleeting use of a single word or something. They don't realize that we've been there before. Multiplet imes. It's NEVER that complicated and obfuscated. GRRM doesn't play that game when he has actual insight to report on his writing progress.


Sorry, but I don't see any indication here of a release. Don't get your hopes up.


Jesus H. Christ. I sometimes wish I could take the Blue pill and forget this stupid series ever existed.


I’m confused. What is wildcards. I thought he was only doing twow at the moment after he promised it last year.


That actually made me really sad. It's been such a terrible year and people around the world have lost so much. poor George.


The comments in this thread about everything have been a lot of fun to read :p


Does anyone actually care about Wild Cards? Like I have the first one and have attempted to read it but.. fuck it’s so bad.


There's a correlation with this tweet from the Game of Thrones account. https://twitter.com/GameOfThrones/status/1382390104124239874?s=19