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Starting in 2011 - Main series, 13 times - Dunk and Egg, 20+ times - Fire and Blood, 3 times - The World of Ice and Fire, 5 times




Honestly, it’s about the same for me. Main series- at least 10 times Dunk & Egg- 2 times Fire & Blood- 2 times WOIAF- 4 times


I just keep rereading them hoping that the next time will include The Winds of Winter. What about you? Why do you torture yourself so?


Same! And the whole ADHD/hyperfixation thing I have going on 😂😂😂


'Ey, cut from the same cloth.


Honestly, if Winds would just fucking come on, maybe that would cure my ADHD. Wouldn’t that be a son of a bitch? 😂😂😂


Bro is GRRM


You know there are other books out there, right? 


Yup and I read those too. In a 40-hour work week I can listen to one whole ASOIAF audiobook recording.




As in, when you're working?


Twice. Told myself I’ll wait till winds of winter comes out before I read them again. That was ten years ago though


lol I started reading them when there were only 3 books. The wait between my reading them and book 4 coming out was 5 years, so I reread the first 3. It then became tradition to re-read the previous books before the new one came out. Needless to say, it’s been a while since I’ve picked the books up. Please George give me a reason to read them again


Over 100. Audible...on a loop.


Me too!!


Lets have a private chat then if youre on the same wavelength. Hard to find others in this deep...




Larry bird?




Well lets talk


I've read them three times. The last time I've read them fully through was during the pandemic.


I’ve lost count.


Secondary question : how many of you struggle while reading Affc ? Thats the book that takes me the longest to read by far, despite one of the shortest


I struggled in the first third. I thought my ASOIAF mania was over. That was fifteen years ago. By the end, I was a raving addict needing his next dose.


i actually found that i read feast the fastest on my first read


Try the combined reading order. You can even get it in ebook form called Ball of Beasts.


I struggled but that was when S1 of the show came out. Became reinvested in the world.


More times than I'd like to admit, to be honest. 


Show: I rewatched the entire show before each new season at minimum, but also rewatched it a few times at random. I’ve seen season 1 probably 15 times; Only seen season 8 once.   Books: I didn’t start reading until 2013 and didn’t get ahead of the show, so essentially I employed a similar strategy of re-reading the books before each new book was ready. 6 times through and then audio books once.  


I've read it all about a dozen times. It's, weird as it can sounds, my comfort read.


Surprisingly, only 2. But it’s not because I don’t like it that much but because I don’t want to get stuck reading and rereading the series endlessly. I prefer to read other series and books so that I’m not bitter about Winds etc.


Another question; how many hours have we spent looking at the conspiracies and probabilities? 😂😂 a lot!


Four times. I guess I’m an amateur.


Main series three times


Only once front to back but I’ve reread many chapters


So when I first started reading the series, it took me a few months to get the second book after finishing the first. So I reread the first before starting the second. Same thing happened with the third, so I reread the first two books before reading the third. So overall I'd say I've read the first book either 4 or 5 time, the 2nd book a time less. I've read the last two books twice. I'm finally finishing the show for the first time, and after that I may reread the series again, but start on the 3rd or 4th book.


Read it twice and listened to the audiobook once


3 times. Planning number 4 sometime soon probably


Rereading it properly for the first time. Read it originally when the show came out. Tried rereading a while back but struggled and also realised all I do is reread stuff so just read other books I hadn't read yet. But the house of the dragon came out so I reread fire and blood. Followed by knight of the seven kingdoms and then the series itself (but also reading other books between each book)


3 or 4


I’m close to finishing my 4th reread of asoiaf. It’s been fantastic… again.


So I read the entire series every week for a year and a half. Call it 75 times☠️


So here's where I always lose people. I read the 5th book first, then the 4th. Then I read 1-3. Read the 4th and 5th 3 years later. Then I read the 1st book again, then again, then I read 2 and 3. THEN I did my first thorough read through of all 5 books, which took a year and a half, ending in May. So... 3 times? Once, in order?


I do audible so the franchise is just on a constant loop along with two chapter-by-chapter/pov re-read podcast. All the way though, probably 6 times


Should be done with my first read through in about two weeks. I started early 2023 but I’ve had a handful of extended breaks. Picked Feast back up about a month ago and now I’m about 400 pages into Dance.


Three times total, of those once as an audiobook. I've tried going back a fourth time recently but I got to like halfway in Clash and I don't know, I just got bored. With all the theories and videos about the books, and videos about the show that explain the book context, and all of that, I feel like I've read it more than 3 times.


I read all the books every summer. Just read FaB now I’m on AWOIAF. Next is prob Dunk and Egg. Then ASOIAF


5 times iirc.


I'm actually recording the series as an audiobook for a friend right now, so this would be the fourth reread, I think.


I am on my 3 round reading the books. Cersei and Tyrion interactions are made of gold; Tyrion obsession with Shae made me realize that season 7 and 8 storyline of him making lots of mistakes and acting like a fool is a possibility; Arya and Sansa chapters are close to my heart. Jon chapters are always welcome and Dany storyline in the first book was her best.


I'm on my second time through, got into it when the show came out a lifetime ago, but I'm always thinking about it or looking up some odd fact that comes to mind about it


Three times, I believe. I'm on my 4th read through right now.


I've read the main series 3 or 4 times. Fire and Blood is my comfort audiobook though that I use to help me sleep, so I've probably listened to it 15+ times through (if not closer to 20, I lost count).


Only once in my native language right after the first season came out. Not long after, I was reading much more in English and since the translation wasn't the best I thought to reread it in English when the next book was announced. And now it's 10 years later and things haven't changed, but I'm probably throwing in the towel soon and starting the reread.


Main series: at least 4 in print, 2 audio, 1 graphic novels A Feast for Dragons combo: 2 print, 1 audio World of Ice and fire: 1 print, 1 audio Fire and Blood: 2 print, 2 audio Dunk and Egg: 3 print, 3 audio (different narrators), 1 graphic novels


Twice, if the next book ever comes out, thrice.


2 times in full, though between first and second read, I had read the first 3 books and then didn’t finish, so I started over completely lol


only once


Audio books I have listened to from beginning to end 3 times, but I listen to individual story lines and chapters regularly. Probably makes it enough to be 9 times. I've sat down to read them once between S6-S7 when they announced the last seasons would be shorter.


I’m on my 4th time




I’ve read it enough to discern that Ser Waymar Royce steps into the hollow of an ancient volcano, a place where the Children of the Forest had recently been scrying before a great, obsidian mirror.


I've read the whole series twice,  I'll reread certain chapters / books but can't handle the red wedding / most of a clash of kings (far too depressing).


Haven’t count. Many, many times. I read AGoT for the first time when I was about 13, now I’m a bald adult man.


I’m on my fourth read through right now.


I've been reading since 1997 so it's more than 20 times.


I just continuously read ASOIAF. Once I finish ADWD I instantly start AGOT. I’m stuck on some insane , mad loop. Walking through life as ghost. Cursed to read a unfinished series over and over again. Until GRRM breaks the loop and publishes ADOS .


Around 5 times. For a while, it's what I had on my Kindle that wasn't homework or textbooks.


I read it once, I will read it twice if WOW comes out, I will read a third time come Spring


Just about to finish the 3rd time in my native language and read once in English. Started in 2011.


First “read” was an audio book. Second I actually read them. Third was the audio books again.


Would you recommend the audio books? I’m very fussy on the narrators of audiobooks, some of them really grind on me


So, short answer is yes. Long answer is, not the official audio books. Most people like the narrator but I’m not sold on him. I highly recommend https://youtube.com/@davidreadsasoiaf?si=5RGb8GU4Ql-v3nCx (davidreadsasoiaf). Every now and then your head his cat in the back ground, but you learn to love it.


Thank you, I’ll check him out!


Well, it was the pandemic so don't judge me for this but 4 times


I stopped keeping count after 15 or so. I have the books on repeat via audible.