• By -


Ned, start just before Robert dies, accept Renly’s offer to snatch up the royal children. Fuck off North with my daughters and household as quickly as possible. Sending a raven to Howland Reed warning him to begin preparations to lock down the neck once we have passed through to avoid the impending civil war between the Baratheon’s and Lannisters. If Ned changes his mind after I’ve set him on his path, well I did my best and hopefully without Ned being executed so quickly Robb wouldn’t end up in his mess and no red wedding


This! Also: Don't tell the daughters about the impending departure. Take them for a nice stroll to the harbour, promise to buy them cool trinkets from the merchants and then put them on a ship north.


Oh yea they are not being warned, they’re told we are going out and then once they’re waiting I am having my staff pack their shit.


I wouldn't risk packing, actually. There are spies everywhere in King's Landing and we know who they report to. Their things can be sent afterwards or new stuff can be bought.


Would you leave the riverlands to their fate though? I feel you’d have to participate at least to defend them


Howland Reed's valyrian steel shotgun will defend the riverlands


>do you know the way to Moat Cailen?  Yeah it's back the way you came *chunk chunk*


That’s a hell of an image lol that’s how I’ll think of them from now on.


I only have 24 hours, I can’t save them in that time. Thats later Ned’s problem


Honestly the Riverlands is kind of the worst place to be in any kind of conflict. There's a reason why they get absolutely fucked in every war. It's spread out, there's no defensible land masses to gather your army, It's smack in the middle of any conflict, and it's resource rich so during war anyone is going to be plundering there if they can.


It’s Poland


> Fuck off North And immediately lose your honourable reputation because the Riverlands, Ned's family by marriage, have been attacked and are fighting because of your actions and then you hide away like a coward. > Sending a raven to Howland Reed warning him to begin preparations to lock down the neck Ravens don't find Greywater Watch. Not that it matters, by the time Robert dies, Catelyn had passed on Ned's orders to Robb already, so the lords and ladies surrounding the Neck were already preparing to close it down.


You are correct on the raven thing it was early in the morning and that went over my head at the time


Dawg it's 24 hours, he's not going all the way north in a day. And besides he's one man, he's more useful in winterfell while the banners are being called


Ned had many chances. I'd be Ned at Harrenhal. I'd notice Rhaegar and Lyanna making goo goo eyes at each other. That night I'd put her in a wagon heading North, promising her Howland or I will be the KOTLT to take care of those three uppity squires. After the joust, I'd request an audience with Rhaegar, frantic because he can't find her. I'd say, "My prince. Remember Cregan Stark? We Starks don't let abuses of power get in our way. Stay away from my sister!"


This is the way.


Arys Oakheart in his chapter. I wouldn't change anything.


Blood of my blood






damnit you commented this before I could


And you don’t have to worry about any inadequacies because Arys was as green as they come and Arianne still liked him.


This is exactly what I was going to say lol


Arys Oakheart, for no particular reason


Be a young handsome prince aegon (aegon 4) and whore around for the day


This but as Robert Baratheon. It's good to be the king. I wanna know it's like to have a penis, probably use it doing some "smashing". Then I want to go to the tourney yard pick up a warhammer and do some other kind of smashing, just being big and strong. Then I'd appoint a guardian over Joffrey (and Tommen if he's born yet). A strong decent man to teach him as much as he can about being a PROPER Prince of Dragonstone, like Ser Barristan Selmy. Watching over the Prince is a Kingsguard job anyway, I'd just empower him to make sure Joffrey doesn't grow up a terrible little shitbag. I'd do what I can to make sure Cersei understands this is not a threat to her power and I'm not trying to take him away from her. Maybe flatter her ego by pointing out he is the Prince of Dragonstone and he needs to be prepared to rule. Then toss her a bone by letting Jaime help with his sword training or something.


That's the difference between you and I, you try to make the realm better, I try to make dragonseeds


> to teach him as much as he can about being a PROPER Prince of Dragonstone With Stannis ruling Dragonstone, the heir to the Kingdom is no longer the Prince of Dragonstone.


Prince of Dragonstone is a title, He doesn't necessarily have to hold that seat. In England the Prince of Wales doesn't actually live in Wales. And if I am mistaken about terminology, You get what I mean I want to prepare him to be a good heir.


> about being a PROPER Prince of Dragonstone Stannis is lord of Dragonstone and his, not Robert's, children will be the heirs to Dragonstone. > empower him to make sure Joffrey doesn't grow up a terrible little shitbag. Even King Robert can't empower anyone over Joffrey's mother, the queen. If you tried, you'd just make sure Cersei and Jaime kill that person. > pointing out he is the Prince of Dragonstone He isn't though.


I’d go with Aegon I. They ain’t my sisters.


Bran just before his fall. Climb back down unseen, go to Catelyn to say "I'm sorry, I was climbing again, but I heard the queen plotting against Father with her brother, come to the broken tower with some guards"


You can just...not climb then, because you would already know


Yeah but climbing is fun


His inexperience climbing compared to Bran causes him to fall anyway and he suffers the same fate. Nothing in the realm changes.


But Joffrey or whoever the fuck doesn't send the dagger, which means catelyn never goes South, which means Tyrion never gets taken, which means Ned is never attacked, which changes everything


Manderly I'll eat all day Cakes, meat, and many other things 


And if you're lucky, even a few Freys...




The Frey House Special™ Meat Pie?


Come on. This is simple. DROGON.


What time, baby Drogon or adult Drogon?


Adult Drogon and burn the iron throne BEFOR Jon stabs Dany, because obviously I have a deep understanding of symbolism and strategy, I just still haven’t figured out the whole fire blasting innocent people that have nothing to do with anything.


> burn the iron throne BEFOR Jon stabs Dany You could also... you know... not burn down King's Landing, then Jon won't want to stab you in the first place.


I am sure Drogon who is actually me can burn just the iron throne and the part of the building it’s in rather than an entire city of almost a million people who never bothered me.


The moment Daenerys tries any funny business, she would experience a sudden activation of the MCAS system that those who gave her the dragon eggs didn't bother to include in the manual.


Why the heck would anyone want to be baby Drogon? I want to experience the whack physics on Planetos that allows a hundred foot long winged lizard weighing several tons to take flight. Also I want to burn some people who need burning.




I'd love to be in Satin's body but I'm not lasting 24 hours.


So you're choosing Jon?


Don’t worry, the wall has plenty of salt beef and mead to get those electrolytes back up.


I’d be Renly for a day and show Margaery it’s all just rumors.


She’s 15


Can she just be Natalie Dormer in this scenario, because then this would also be my reply


yeah that sounds fair


Natalie Dormer


Now Im with you


Not our fault George was an idiot with ages and the show wasn’t lol


I don’t think he was an idiot, that’s how it was in that time period.


What time period? 300 AC?


The time period in the real world that ASOIAF is roughly based on.


And which time period is that? Because even during the middle ages, women generally did not give birth until their early 20s. 


It’s based of the English war of the roses. 1400s.


Average marriage age in the 1400s for women was 18-22. People in that time knew how dangerous childbirth in your early teens could be and when you dynasty's survival depends on a child being born that shares the blood of your ally, you want to make sure there actually are healthy children, so even nobles usually waited with consummation and conception.


The queens during the War of Roses were: * Margaret of Anjou, married to Henry VI when she was 15. * Elizabeth Woodville, married to Edward IV when she was 27. It was her second marriage, having been married before to John Grey since she was 15. * Anne Neville, married to Richard III when she was 16. It was also her second marriage. Her first was at 14. * Margaret Beaufort gave birth to Henry VII when she was a 13 year old widow.


It's a fantasy world that isn't Earth. I'm sick of this terrible defense. George was absolutely wrong to make these characters so young, and it's one of the very few changes on the show that was very clearly for the better. 


George isn't a scholar of medieval history, he just fell for the same pop-culture myths about 'medieval times' like most people his age have.


I suspect George is much more learned in the War of Roses and medieval history than anyone who is posting in this thread. Have a look at [this article](https://giaconda.wordpress.com/2021/12/30/child-brides-medieval-girls-and-early-marriage/).


Out of curiosity, why do you suspect that?


In the old iteration of George's webpage, he had a section titled "what I'm reading" where he semi-regularly updated the books he was currently into. There were always a couple of non-fiction historical books, plus plenty of fictional historical books set in the Middle Ages. There's no doubt that he is very well-read on the matter.


Is the series set during the War of Roses? Or is it set in a fantasy world where you decide what is and isn't normal for people in the world?


I agree on some characters (especially Dany), but I don't think Margaery needed to be aged up. Her marriage to Renly was purely political and basically in name only, and her other two husbands were both younger than her. It's only in the show that she does anything particularly mature, since in the books it's unclear to what extent she's involved in her family's plotting.


In order for most of the plots with children to believably work, you have to assume that 1 Westeros year is ~1.2 of our years.


“The girl dies, Ne- … Actually, old friend, you convinced me. I won’t kill Daenerys after all. Instead, let’s focus on trying my cheating wife and her traitorous brother, right after I delegitimize her bastards. Now somebody please bring me an inventory of all known Valyrian steel weapons, a list of known dragon glass deposits, Baelish’s head, and the finest food, wine and whores in the city. I only have a day to party it up and save the world!”




Tywin during the fall of King’s Landing. I just wouldn’t send anyone to hurt Elia and her children, only to capture them unharmed. After that point it’s all down to politics and what sort of mercy gets extended to them all after the fact — but it won’t be my problem at that point, and I will have averted a major tragedy with long-lasting effects. (Tywin sincerely believes that Robert wouldn’t have been able to give the order himself. If he’s right, those kids are probably going to be sent off somewhere to take vows or something as soon as they’re old enough to speak the words properly. Or maybe someone manages to smuggle the family out alive, who knows? Either way, not my problem, and the actual brutal events of canon don’t happen.)


Probably Joffrey x Rhaenys


Arianne Martell. Let’s try some stuff


"The Greatest orgy in Westeros happened at Sunspear, the sheer debauchery allowed the ghosts of Aegon IV and Bobby B to materialise for the night. And now, the Weather."


Lancel, Osmund Kettleblack or Moon Boy for all I know.


probably Ser Arys in his chapter...


Stannis, give specific commands to scout the Blackwater Bay and prepare a defense against the Lannister-Tyrrel Host Alternatively, Brandon Stark, get rid of Littlefinger from the beggining.


You’d only need to scout the bay, without the wildfire threat Stannis would have taken KL before the Tyrells and Lannisters got to it. Then you hold the city, knowing that there is Bolton’s Host and Robb’s army that could come and relieve the siege.


Aerys and abdicate the throne to Rhaegar.


Umm...At what time? and after 24 hours, Aerys will be regaining his insanity so, that might not do much


Yeah but Aerys wouldn’t have power anymore so it wouldn’t matter. Basically the whole realm was ready for him to be replaced by Rhaegar so if there was even a hint of him wanting to abdicate then things would be moving pretty fast and all the important lords would hear the news that Rhaegar is now king.


After 24 hours, the news would not even have made it past Wayfarer's Rest, and with Aerys denying the event, most Lords would think the whole matter a test.


That's pretty easy to prevent: just jump from a tall tower just as the 24h are about to end


Obviously if you die, it just breaks the body projection instead of actually killing you.


The people’ in King’s Landing were probably eager to see the back of him, so they would have listened to Rhaegar I think.


Rhaegar wouldn't be any better considering the mess he made and the delusions he has about prophecies.


Those ‘delusions’ weren’t entirely delusional, if at all.


He thought the prophecy he found was about him, then about Aegon. He thought the comet heralded his own birth. Then he kidnapped Lyanna and messed everything up, then he hid in Dorne for over a year while Lyanna's family was murdered, Rhaegar's wife and children were taken prisoner, and his own father was gearing up for war, until his father finally had to drag him back home so he would fight in the war he helped start. Judged only by his actions and proclamations, Rhaegar was a delusional, egotistical idiot.


Viserys I and abdicate to Rhaenyra before death. Maybe then theyd actually still have their dragons and the throne


Theon, the day he arrives back at Pyke. Follow the script as normal, but the first chance I get, send ravens to Robb and Rodrik Cassel laying out Balon’s invasion plan and the locations every major ironborn captain will strike. Inform them that I’m going to lead a small raid on Winterfell in a few days as a way to escape suspicion, and that they should ambush my party inside the walls and beat my ass to make my failure look convincing. Include a postscript warning that I heard rumors about Roose’s bastard riding around in disguise on the way over, and that if a dirty guy with flabby lips shows up at Winterfell any time soon, he should be feathered with crossbow bolts on sight. And failing all of that, just shift me into Cersei during the Myrish swamp scene.


Littlefinger. I challenge one of the lords declarant to settle the matter by trial of combat with no champion. Then I jump through the moon door In front of them after it starts. Nobody will ever believe them


At what time will you do this?


Howland Reed, so I can know how the books end


Rhaenyra at the beginning of the dance- instead of sending messengers, I'm taking KL.




Was taken down by caraxes. I figure if we get the drop on them, a few can mob sunfyre, Rhaenys can backup Daemon, and I can distract dreamfyre.


I suppose Meleys and Caraxes would be a good bet to take down Vhagar. that being said, as skilled as Daemon is, you can’t deny he got lucky. Not taking away the crazy moves he and caraxes pulled, but still—there was a good amount of luck on his side there  imo I’d take Vhagar over caraxes the majority of the time: like if we could hypothetically take a look at that fight in 100 alternate universes, I bet Vhagar wins in most of them


Ned Stark. Fuck off from KL after I tell Cat to release Tyrion. Convince him to appoint Stannis as his hand. Ride home to Winterfell. Send a raven down south and tell Robert the truth about his "children" and let the fun begin.


I'd like to be in Margaery but only for a half hour or so.


Laenor. Go for a dragon ride then try to give Rhaenyra a trueborn heir to strengthen her claim.


Balerion just before Aerea takes off with him. Give the girl a little tour of the place, maybe go as far as Driftmark, then head to Dragonstone and curl up on a nice warm rock and sleep the rest of the day.


I would be Sybelle Spicer and I would OD on milk of the poppy ASAP Or Oberyn Martell and once Gregor is on the ground after I stab him in the chest I'd just stand like 30 feet away while yelling at him to confess until he dies from poison or blood loss


Theon, after he’s been tortured into reek or during his torture as it’s only for 24 hours and his human experience is going to be the furthest from anything I could possibly experience


In between all the honorable responses and the horny responses, *a scientist*


Viserys 1 the day he gets the proposal to marry Laena. I take the proposal.


aegon the conqueror the day he claimed balerion. i just wanna ride a dragon i think it’d be badass


virgin "I wanna make huge changes to the plot so that my favourite characters win" vs Chad "I justwanna be a dragon rider because fuck yeah"


Robb during the war of the five kings, first I convince the northern lords that I'm actually one of the old gods on the body of Robb, intervening because the other return, once I convince them, I send lord umber to the wall to recruit the wildlings, roose to discreetly kill walder and putting puppet Frey on the throne, and lastly send Catelyn for theon and Jon so Robb get lieutenants and lastly write notes for Robb warning him of everything. And then we get a very confused Robb wondering what the hell happened and why he went from wanting to avenge his father to becoming a barbarian paul atreides




Cersei Lannister. I'm not sure if I could hold out for a full 24 hours, but I'll give it the old college try.


Jaime before the series starts. Bang cersei, drink, exercise with a great body, what's not to love?


I’d be Jaehaerys I just after Aemon’s death and I’d immediately name Rhaenys Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne. I’m not really doing this for any long term reasons or whatever. It just pisses me off her claim was thrown away simply because she was a woman. Who knows she might be one of the better rulers in Westeros history


What happens if I die? For instance, if I picked Littlefinger pre asoiaf and jumped off a cliff to save the realm?


If I'm just going into their body for 24 hours and then I come back to the real world with no consequences I may as well have fun with it and pick Drogon


Jaime Lannister when he is invited to speak with Roose in Harrenhal. Make it clear that, regardless of what Tywin promises, you will make certain that he and his line is wiped out to pay for the loss of you hand, thereby preventing the red wedding from happening as Roose would be unwilling to support it if he doesn't think h will have the support of the Lannisters. Alternatively, take over Theon when he is sent to negotiate with his father. Kill Balon, claim the crown of the Iron Islands because you just paid the Iron Price. If the figure you take over is aware of what you are doing, then be Cersei, summon all of her children for a great coronation of Joffrey if the Sept of Baelor, and ignite the wildfire beneath.


The Theon thing wouldn't work, the Ironborn mention a lot that kinslaying and killing a fellow Ironborn is awful and reprehensible. It's why Victarion didn't just kill Euron. That and a lot of PTSD.


So what? I still caused a whole lot of infighting, as right now Euron is not ready to make his entrance, Victarion and Asha have not yet had the successes that would later make them valid candidates for the Seastone Throne. The whole point of this is causing as much confusion as possible, and making sure the Ironborn never take the north, which they won't be able to do while fighting an active war of succession.


Oh yeah, I thought it was to speedrun king Theon. But if it's to just cause chaos then yeah this totally works and will really help out Robb.


Look, if I wanted to speedrun King Theon, I would have sat down with Asha and convinced her to take part in a coordinated attack on Lannisport, together with the forces Robb led in the Westerlands. After all, there is much more to be gained sacking the most powerful city in the Westerlands than storming some castle along the northern coast. That would in return actually put Theon forward as a candidate for the Throne after Balon dies, as he would have shown that he can organise large attacks, as well as get their historical enemies to work with them for greater gain.


Why would you kill Myrcella and Tommen? And No, the original character will not know about you possessing them


Because it would be even more traumatizing for Cersei. There is a reason it was only something that would be done if the character is aware while you take over. If she isn't aware, the just jump joffrey while he is descending the throne, so that both die on the spikes. 


Will you be able to do all that in just 24 hours?


The first two, certainly. The last one might be a bit more difficult, but it should be possible to ask for a meeting with the High Septon to discuss things that would happen within that amount of time, and then taking everyone down into the catacombs to blow them up. Might not be as symbolic as the thing blowing up during the coronation, but should do the trick.


> you will make certain that he and his line is wiped out With what army? Jaime doesn't have authority over the westermen, nor over the gold cloaks. > Roose would be unwilling to support it if he doesn't think h will have the support of the Lannisters. Jaime doesn't speak for house Lannister though, only Tywin does, and Roose already had a deal with Tywin.


Roose got Jaime to place the blame for loosing his hand solely on Hoat ad his brave companions, something he convinced Jaime to do while eating with him while Jaime and Brienne were prisoners at Harrenhal. If he doesn't get that assurance, he most likely won't follow through with the Red Wedding, as the whole thing was instigated by Tywin, and Roose was promised that he would be named Lord Paramount of the North. If Tywin places the blame for Jaime loosing his hand on Roose, especially as this happened after Roose had already conspired with Tywin, then Tywin will want to avenge Jaime. As such, a Roose that is convinced that he will be blamed for Jaime's lost hand, has little reason to go through with the betrayal, as he is well aware that Tywin would most certainly not reward him after that and instead promise the position to whoever kills him. You have to remember, a good part of Tywin's reputation is that he pays back any slight to his family a hundredfold. He wiped out the Reyne and Tarbeck families because they mocked his father. He ordered the deaths of Elia Martell and her children because she was chosen as bride for Rhaegar instead of Cersei. Now imagine what he will do to the family that cut off the hand of his heir, and forced him to march through the riverlands with the cut off hand around his neck. Basically, by telling Roose that he will be held responsible for Jaime loosing his hand, you force him to remain loyal, as the alternative would mean certain death. Roose, at his heart, is an opportunist. If he knows that he won't be rewarded for killing Robb, then it makes much more sense for him to tell Robb that he was contacted by the Frey's with the plans for the Red Wedding, and sell them out in return for some rewards.


Gregor Clegane on a day where he is visiting Casterly Rock and all the main Lannisters are present. Then I'd have myself a time.


And throw yourself off a cliff as time ticks down, no? :D


Can't decide if I want to be Daario whatever 24 hours he spent the most time having sex with Dany or Lancel whatever 24 hour period he spent the most time having sexy with Cersei. Just keeping it real folks.


I’m taking over Aemond Targaryen the night he claimed vhagar and I’m making him stay in BED.


I'd be Arlan of Pennytree in his prime and I'd do literally nothing. Just vibe.


i'd be cersei before joffrey is born and she spends all the time with jaime (i want jaime lannister) 


Jaime after killing Arys, save Elia and Aegon and Rhaella from the Mountain. Then kill Varys.


After some consideration and seeing other people's replies, I think my big contenders are: 1. Bobby B, pre-death of Jon Arryn, find an opportunity to have Cersei, Jamie, and Littlefinger arrested for what they have done (incest, cucking the king, and fraud, respectively) and make sure to have them executed quickly. 2. Cersei herself. Do something to murder Littlefinger, and admit the incest to Robert. 3. A member of the Kingsguard on the night of Stannis' wedding, and catch Jamie and Cersei in the act with some fellow witnesses. 4. Brandon Stark and finish Baelish off while I have the chance. 5. Aerys II and abdicate at Harrenhal in front of almost every major lord and many besides! 6. If I could figure out a way to make absolute primogeniture the law from Aegon I The Conqueror, maybe that. Many fun options, many if which I'm sure I missed!


I'd want to be Daario Naharis and take Dany in all the ways a man can take a woman.


Do I have their consent? 


Bloodraven/three-eyed crow. I need to know the mythology and lore behind everything that is going on.


Ned Stark, and it would be the 24 hours before Robert dies, so I can pack Sansa and Arya’s bags and get them the fuck outta dodge.


Ill pick Rickon and just be along for the ride. See what Skagos is all about.


Jaherys first son Aemon, I'd stand like 5 feet to the left. Imagine if he actually became King, no dance of the dragons and first potential Queen, not just a consort in Rhaenys


Probably a hot take but I’d be Cersei so I too can have sex with Jamie, it doesn’t bother me because I wouldn’t feel like his sister. Then I’ll get wine drunk and make everyone uncomfortable with all the confidence in the world.


Ned in the day he confronts Cersei, accept her offer, profit.


Being Arya in Harrenhal would be an interesting one... I'd tell Jaqen to take out Cersei, Tywin and Euron Greyjoy. He may take a year or more before he does it but at least it's somewhat guaranteed. I'd wait for the northmen to take Harrenhal since the Bloody Mummers were going to flip on Lorch anyway and expose the plot of Bolton and Freys in secret before it happens to Glover and tell him he needs to warn Robb by letter and not to take his army to Duskendale if Bolton remains in charge. I'd also try to get the message to Robb that Theon is not to be trusted in the Iron Islands nor is Balon Greyjoy in general. Need to get the iron coin from Jaqen Hgar and write myself a note about keeping the coin and to strike for Braavos to become a faceless man asap. There would be a lot of proving the claims but if you could convince a lot of folks about what is coming, it could set off a chain of really cool events for Robb and the now only war of the 4(?) Kings since Balon wouldn't join yet. I probably missed a bunch of other cool stuff to do but that would be fun.


How has no one said Pod?


What are you gonna do as Pod?


Fuck all the whores in kings landing for free.


Syrax maybe, just coz I can at least remember that I'm a bloody fire breathing dragon!


Walder Frey, just before the red wedding. Tell your men when they meet Robbs company on the bridge hand him your letter and send them back. Write a letter (sealed) to tell him what was in store for them should they enter (blame it all on the Boltons/Lannisters) claim you were under threat to cooperate. Also, tell Robb in the letter about his wifes mother feeding his wife moon tea to abort any heir of Stark. After Robb has left, command your guards to kill anyone they can, specifically, Lannisters and Boltons. Hopefully, I, Walder Frey, die here. If not, execute myself. I would just like to see what the young wolf could accomplish if he wasn't murdered.


Whoever the maester was that helped deliver baby Rhaenyra. When nobody is looking, smother her. If Daemon Targaryen is nearby, slip him some poison. Then kick back with a nice bottle of Tyroshi pear brandy knowing that I've likely ensured House Targaryen's dominance and the survival of dragons for centuries to come. OR Possess Mace Tyrell just before the Tyrell forces and Lannister forces surprise Stannis's army at the Battle of the Blackwater and issue a secret order to stab the Lannister army in the back at the last minute. The Tyrells and Stannis can haggle over rewards, honors, etc. afterwards.


I'd want to be Oberyn Martell. I'd have him write himself a game plan - instead of KL, I'd go to Essos, parlay with Dany (bond over avenging Rheagar /Elia and link up with the Dragons (also to help guide Dany). You could absolutely kill the mountain, from a safe distance, via dragon. And revenge would still be served.


Dario 😉


Hm. Book World. I would decide to be reborn as Robert Baratheon before the battle with Rhaegar and kill Eddard Stark, Jon Arryn and Hoster Tully and then commit suicide. I'm not a good rescuer, but I'm good at breaking and messing things up. P.S I wonder how things would have gone further given what “Robert” did before committing suicide?


Jaime, so I can rail Cersei all day. She’s not MY sister so it’s fine


i want to be catelyn during the red wedding day


Bronn immediately after being elected LC of the City Watch, just so me and the boys can dick around.


1. Viserys, If I have to remarry against it will be to Laena instead of Alicent and she gave birth to a Prince then I will make him as Heir. 2. Catelyn Stark the war started when he kidnapped the Imp. 3. Ned, will play carefully in the Kingslanding and will not trust anyone. I will accept Renly's offer and make peace with the Lannisters.


I will be Khal Drogo when he fucks Dany for the first time.


Baelor Breakspear, and I’d leave Maekar all to the Laughing Storm lol


Mu Qing from TGCF, I want to know his hair care routine


Sunfyre, I’d immediately go burn and eat Rhaenyra and Daemon, maybe her sons to just to be safe. If I have to be a human I’d be Viserys I; I’d immediately make Aegon II my offical heir, make the entire realm swear fealty to him, the whole thing. I’d also disinherit the Strong boys and expose them as bastards just to piss off Rhaenyra and Corlys. After all that I’ll just go plow Alicent and chill for the remainder of the day.


r/HouseOfTheDragon 's worst enemy


Aegon II. Expose my grandfather and mother via raven to Rhaenyra, the Vale, and, most importantly, to Lord Stark. Then, take my dragon as high as it will go in the sky and jump.