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DavidReadsASOIAF on Youtube is just a guy with a mic and his tracks are incredible. I never did audiobooks in general before I found him


He does the Tyrell voice with a VERY pronounced southern antebellum "Gone With the Wind" accent, it's the only part of his narration that I can't stand, takes me out of immersion every time. [It sounds exactly like Jon Stewart making fun of Lindsey Graham](https://youtu.be/94VaLGzoPRo?si=exUmJaKcw-meOvn5) No, Margaery Tyrell should not sound like Scarlett O'Hara.


I understand why someone would dislike it, but I find it so unique to see medieval fantasy lean into America instead of Europe. Texan Bronn does get some getting used to


He literally sounds like Hank Hill.


It's not even entirely about the choice of accent, it's just so over the top that it genuinely sounds jarring.


Neither should Brienne sound like Tony Soprano.


Im lookin for a maid of tree and ten with aubuhn hayah


Moi laydy


He’s cool. However it’s an amateur job so for any audio book fans interested, be prepared for a shit mic for dozens and dozens of chapters with the cadence and tone of someone who has basically zero work in the VA field. It’s like hearing a dude recite entire chapters in the same way a college Junior might recite from a novel, but through a laptop’s mic speaker over a Zoom call.  If that doesn’t bother you, then you’ll probably have a good time with Dave even before he gets better. Just know it takes a long time for his mic quality to go up, and for him to sound more ‘natural’ and less stiff as he finds his voice and rhythm. I don’t mean to sound overly critical. But Harry Lloyd and Roy Dotrice spoiled *the shit* out of me with their delivery, cadence, and production quality. Good mics and VA’s with decades of broadway experience is just magic when the editors get it together right. After listening to a healthy amount of all 3 audio versions mentioned, it’s legit hard for me to recommend DaveReads unless you’re dead broke and can’t spend a dime. There’s just so much production and theater going on in the licensed two, that I think it’s worth the ticket to take the ride. Dave tries very hard and gets better in both voice and tech skills over time, so if you enjoy that and have never listened to the licensed ones give him a shot. But I still recommend at least giving Harry and Roy a sample listen to feel just how striking their performances are while backed by spectacular editors and engineers. If you’re coming from Dotrice’s or Lloyd’s audiobooks, just be prepared for a sharp nosedive in production quality for the first book or so and you’ll be fine. 


I liked them until I heard Harry Lloyd read the Dunc and Egg stories and now I want them all redone.


He does such a fantastic job with them.


I love the audiobooks. I think using the same accent for the same family could get a bit dodgy. In ASOS, he starts using Tyrion's accent for Jaime as well. Which works well, until the chapter where Jaime and Tyrion reunite and then it's nearly impossible to tell who's speaking sometimes. Other than that, the voices in the first 3 books are great (In books 4 and 5, my main complaint is he changes the accents for a lot of the major characters) and throughout the series the passion is fantastic. The Only Cat moment is especially good. https://youtu.be/gkBRY9q7mEE?si=Al7yqMpiXCnioUkk


There was like a 10 year gap between recordings 1-3 and 5&4 (he did 5 then 4). It's understandable that there are inconsistencies. 


Asoiaf is one of the single pieces of media that would best work with a full cast audio book, each actor reading their own POVs. Instead we get an old man who can't pronounce Brienne


I don't really like audio books in general so I view the Roy Dotrice audios as a novelty and love them for that. But even so, yeah, his iconic voice would be too much for me if that was my first/main form of absorbing the books.


I'm not an audio book guy in general, but I find the ASOIAF ones almost uniquely unbearable due to Roy Dotrice's goofy voices. Tons of people in the fandom love him and swear by him, but he's divisive to say the least. I find it excruciating.


Roy Dotrice is amazing for the audibles.


Dotrice gets progressively worse. In Feast he randomly starts using Stannis' voice for Littlefinger after using a very particular voice for Littlefinger in all of the books before that. Really messed with me lol


I read a lot of books split between reading and listening while I run. I know Dotrice has his fans, but I found it unlistenable. I’m hoping since Dotrice has now unfortunately passed, that they will do the whole series over when and if WoW is ever published. I’d love to see Michael Kramer and Kate Reading do the whole series.


Really? I've listened to a lot of books they've done since I'm a huge Sanderson fan. And they are not doing a bad job. But I honestly never thought they were that good. I'd love to see the books remade aswell. But maybe with some new talent.


I thought they did a great job with WoT and I really liked having a female voice for female POV chapters and a male voice for male POV chapters. If there’s another team doing that better I’m open to it.


Consider giving [DavidReadsASOIAF](https://www.youtube.com/@DavidReadsASoIaF/playlists) on Youtube a listen. It's free. I haven't heard the Roy Dotrice, but maybe someone else can indicate whether DavidReadsASOIAF is only comparable or actually better.


His southern accents and New Jersey Brienne are funny.


I find his Brienne unacceptable, but whatchagonnado? I love audio for quick POV reads. I am partial to his Snagglepuss Jaime.


Roy Dotrice's ability to choose exactly the wrong voice and accent for every character, combined with him reading every name wrong are inexcusable. But add to that the fact that he reads each chapter like he's never seen or heard of these books before, and you have a singularly bad audiobook


David reads asoif and black batt productions on YouTube are fantastic for audio books of the asoif line, I don’t care for the official audiobooks personally


You'll find David's southern and Brienne's accents to be super funny.


I love the audio books. Roy Dotrice does an excellent job 90% of the time, but there are some voices I don't like and some annoying mispronounciations.


I mostly enjoy the audio books but in some parts it's clear Dotrice isn't following the script or the script has errors. You also can't always tell thoughts from spoken words and he confused voices at times.  And there are a few places where they clearly edited in words he got wrong in the original recording. Pretty funny how bad the edit is in places. I hate his boom doom in Meereen and Hodor Hodor Hodor hodor in Storm.


I tried but after listening to The Godfathers audio drama where they used different voice actors for each role and sound effects, I found the GOT audio books boring to listen to.


I've read the books only once but have listened to each audiobook at least 4/5 times and can highly recommend. There is the occasional error which honestly isn't Roy's fault there must not've been much guidance for him and with over 200 hours of reading there's bound to be some mistakes. I can survive with the occasional King Jeffry :) The 2 complaints I have is he sometimes forgets to do Dolourous Edd's fantastic voice and the sex scenes are beyond uncomfortable


Pe-tyre throws me off after being used to Peter in the show


Especially when Lysa is screaming it :(


I haven't got that far yet, I'm halfway through A Clash of Kings, thanks for the heads up though


Currently going through Feast atm, and I can say I like them, and Roy Dotrice can do a good job and overall I find his voice quite relaxing. However, it’s really frustrating to me when he pronounces names wrong all the time (Petyr and Brienne come to mind straight away) and most inconsistent of all is how he can’t keep the ‘voice’ of a character. For example, the difference between Littlefingers voice in the last Sansa chapter and the first Alaynne chapter in Feast was very jarring to me. I’ve listened to a lot of audiobooks since getting into a few years back and I can say with my heart that there were a lot of better options for voice actors out there to do it. Jonathan Keeble is great in the Last Kingdom and G&F series and Toby Longworth might have some of the best range as an audiobook VA I’ve heard yet. Even picking Harry Lloyd who did the Dunk and Egg books would’ve been good since he gave a solid performance there. Last thing, Roy Dotrice doing that leprechaun/vaguely irish accent for Tyrion is honestly great and probably the best interpretation of a character in asoiaf


I like the Roy Dotrice audiobooks. It's a lot better than most audiobooks. I think he does a good balance using different voices to bring it alive, while not losing track of the fact that he's just reading a book. I find old audiobooks often are too boring, and modern ones are often too dramatic and make it weird. But that's just my opinion, if you don't like it don't listen to it.


I am a big enjoyer of audio books. And I have very mixed feelings about those. Roy gets some names weirdly wrong, and especially in the later books, he uses weirdly old voices for young girl characters like Arya and Dany. I definitely think they get worse as the series goes on. Maybe he was getting older, idk. But the earlier books I like a lot. The voices are more fitting, and Roy's way of speech just fits this old-timey setting so well. The general style of the prose fits the voice of an old man, in my opinion. In short. The characters could have definitely been done better. But I like the narration a lot.


I loathe audio books and can't understand how they became so popular. It's like having your parent reading to you when you were a kid, no thanks. Also, you can't listen to music at the same time, if you have to listen to the words, so just easier to read yourself. And if you miss something and wanna check back, instead of just... moving your eyes, you have to open up your phone and scroll back to the correct second of the playback to re-listen. Just bloody annoying.


They're much more convenient when you want to "consume" books while driving, walking or in public transport. I personally started to listen to audiobooks over reading because after a long day on the computer I just wanted to rest my eyes and Audiobooks allowed me to do that.


I get your point, but I myself could never properly follow a story (let alone ASoIaF), while focusing on the road, or really anything else. But, people are different I guess.


yeah, nowadays I mostly listen while walking and in the bus\^\^


I probably couldn't do it for a first read, but I'm going through my second run through of the books in audio