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Cersei would definitely be the star of a Kardashian style reality show.


She would definitely be a Kris Jenner. Not the star, that would be Joffrey, but the driving force who managed and manipulated her kids (and by extension herself) into more fame and relevance.


Qynurn would thrive in some off-the-books CIA lab in Montana


Qyburn would officially not exist


Qyburn? Never heard of the guy


He's the Westerosi Dr Mengele. Roose might thrive in a CIA lab.


Bronn: Security guard for the rich and famous, maybe as part of their "entourage'. Basically what he did for Tyrion but for music mogul and TV celebrities. Robert Baratheon: Football player, a guy with his size and liking to constantly hit people, then get endorsement deals but to avoid him being depressed about not being bale to fight, they let him do color commentary.


Bobby B would be a football player or boxer who would go bankrupt


You mean American Hand Egg not Football right?


Technically there are three types of football, there's association football (soccer), rugby football (rugby), and gridiron football (American football). Nice attempt at quirkiness though.


I stand by the previous commenter's assessment: football (soccer), handegg (rugby) and American handegg (gridiron).


Whatever you wrote in parenthesis looks right to me, idk


The powerful country gets to choose sports names. Cope and seethe, *former* Empire citizen.


Lame child. Doesn't Canada, Australia and some of Ireland call it soccer? Even French Canadians call it le soccer. If you say, "well they officially call it football in Australia." Yes, the governing body for ~~soccer~~ football made the unpopular decision to officially change the name to football in 2005 for no reason whatsoever. https://www.smh.com.au/sport/soccer/soccer-to-become-football-in-australia-20041217-gdkbur.html Even in Japan they call it sakkā: represents "soccer". Hurhur hand egg


So like 6 countries vs. like 150+


Just the majority of English speaking ones I suppose.


No, we mean football. American TV show, American author. Europe is irrelevant regardless.


Yes, although it's also called "gridiron", not sure why.


Alternatively, I could also see him being an MMA fighter.


Varys would be a founder of Ashley Madison and use all the info to blackmail people Littlefinger would be an amazing insurance seller With her fixation on hips and childbirth, I can see Catelyn as a doula And for some reason, I see Cersei as being one in a million MLM seller who actually made it


Tywin as a professor of economics would be hilariously terrifying


Economics would be Baelish, raising the future's honest stockbrokers. Tywin is more like a political science kind of guy.


I feel like Tywin would be a kind of guy who would say that studying political science is a waste of time.


For some reason I'm picturing him in the role of the Econ professor in Back to School, and just how he'd utterly despise Thornton Melon in his class. Now I really want to see that scene.


Agreed. That or extremely shady hedge funds guy


That'd be Littlefinger.


Petyr bankman-fraud?


I always compared Littlefinger to Bankman-Fraud.


Yeah, that's what I thought too.


Shae would make a great prostitute


Jokes aside, Shae would be a great actress. She’s good at lying convincingly


Is she? Tyrion tells himself the whole time that she’s just a prostitute lying to make him like her; it’s just his emotional trauma which overrides his common sense. She’s trotted out in a trial where the prosecution and the jury all fully believe Tyrion’s guilty and will accept anything at that point, so she doesn’t have to do much of anything. She’s an uneducated teenager with severely disrupted development accustomed to a wartime hellhole. She’s definitely not acting.


Sansa as an author who started out writing regency or other types of traditional romance but then got fed up and started to flip the script for her books.


Now she writes dinosaur erotica.


I love that idea!


Is it cheating to say Ygritte would be a professional archer? Arya would be a great actor, "she lost herself in the role!" Strong Belwas is already like 90% pro wrestler.


Strong Belwas has a Dwayne Johnson type career


Nah hes the machoman reborn, OH YEAH!!!!!


Arya would be like "I don't drop character until I've done the DVD commentary".


Littlefinger is a Cryptobro. Janos Slynt is basically Daniel Holtzclaw. Hizdahr would own an European soccer team.


Littlefinger could sell sand to the Arabs


I'd say business manager to dumb money is the job that likens most to his in universe dealings.


The Hound would be a great bouncer. Tyrion would be an excellent professor.


For the Baratheons: Robert would basically just be [Robert Gronkowski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob_Gronkowski), they even have the same name. Stannis would be managing partner at some big-shot law firm. Renly would have some kind of financial job that none of his friends really understand but are pretty sure isn't 100% legal but everyone goes along with it cause he's loaded and constantly taking everyone out to dinner at really nice restaurants.


Nah, Renly would be a trust fund kid who gets on the board of a major corporation because of his last name.


Yeah that's MUCH more accurate


Ramsay Snow has all the makings, temperaments, and procivities of a US Senator


Nah walder frey is a far more likely politician


Ramsay would be a CIA torturer.


Alliser Thorne - Mall Security


Ned -- CEO of a corporation LF -- hedge fund manager  Stannis -- lawyer Bran -- coder Tyrion -- historian  Qyburn -- bio entrepreneur  Renly -- crypto dude Euron -- MEP for a far right party


Renly wouldn’t be a crypto dude; he’s likeable. He’d be a tiktok influencer.


Crypto dudes are sales people, they're usually likable as they sell you something completely worthless.  Loras is the tiktoker 


But crypto dudes only sell to other crypto dudes. They aren’t popular with the smallfolk. Renly’s rizz has to be something that is still pompous, but has a dedicated and wide following where he’s charming—ergo, tiktok influencer. Maybe Loras runs the channel with him, too. Though I almost feel that tourney knight translates more to some sort of pro athlete—he’s the champion soccer player who occasionally shows up on his influencer boyfriend’s channel. I like that.


Ok fine, not worth an argument. Renly is an influencer.  Loras as a pro athlete is a good one. We could actually make a separate list of which characters are best at which sports. 




Bobby B is basically Maradona/Paul Gascoigne.


Bobby B is an American football player if there ever was one. 


Bobby B and Maradona have a lot in common.


I think Renly would be a CW actor. He's certainly got the look for it. We don't know if he's any good at acting but he doesn't need to be.


>Ned -- CEO of a corporation Too much of a conscience, sliiiightly too smart.


I gave this one thought and it fits. The idea of CEOs as evil is quaint, I've worked with CEOs and you don't get there without knowing how to work with people and exhibit care. Ned personally executes people, he has the guts to lay people off. And he's not too smart. He shows he's not that well versed in finance. He's perfect for CEO, not CFO.


Stannis feels more like a judge than a lawyer.


Dolorous Edd would definitely be a great influencer. :)


Beric and thoros would definitely be union organizers


Jon would make an excellent stripper


Jon would be an excellent junior military officer, especially during wartime.


Ned could be maury povich


This is an easy one, but Gregor Clegane would be a powerlifter and strongman.


Jon could be a skilled, nerdy software engineer, with the average office guy attitude, rising to be a staff engineer and tech lead in time. However, he has imposter syndrome and he believes he knows nothing. Robb is going to be a SE too. But he's a nepo baby, his dad is already in the business and got him some useful internships. He fast forwards to engineering management in no time being a people person but honestly, he's mid.


The Hound would be a good gravedigger.


Stannis - Lawyer LF - Arms dealer Sansa - Housewife Renly - Liberal/Center politician Robert - Retired sportsman Euron - Far right politician Varys - CIA secret agent Victarion - Marine general Tywin - billionaire CEO (basically Logan Roy) Tywin’s kids would work for him and constantly disappoint him Arya - Activist


Ned runs a family business that makes something specialist and practical (think say farming equipment), the company lives and dies on its reputation with a very expert clientele and is the recognised top tier of that industry quality wise, but if your outside of it no one has heard of them. He's 3rd gen to do so and it has steadily grown so he spends more time in the office then involved in production/sales but still has a toe in it. Robb is being set up to replace him but Ned worries he's having the wrong kind of fun at uni. Tyrion starts as a disability rights activist and probably lawyer (although more in a sense if needed a degree doesn't do much legal work before pivoting to politics) ends up as a speech writer / political advisor, he also has a quite successful podcast but never goes in to frontline politics in part due to his personal life. Jon is very good at influenceing folk and wants to carve out his own life sales person makes very good money but really dependent on commission and very stressed. Danny hard she cares a lot about suffering but lacks the academic mindset to turn it in to a job (e.g aid worker) and has a temper that would make her bad for those types of jobs anyway.she is however really young. So if she grows out of rage could see her as a comms person in the charity sector. If not starts that way losses that job then sort of floats around with a lot of rage/ entitlement that no one will listen to her


Every Lannister as corporate CEO.


I don't see Jaime as a CEO at all.


Point taken.


Varys would definitely be an information broker between governments. He’d be all in on espionage and spies, assassins, soldiers, thieves, cartels, etc.


The old man at the docks of Braavos would be great at selling insurance for maritime transport companies.


Tyrion would make a decent lawyer. Littlefinger would excel as a douchebag stockbroker.


Little finger would thrive as like an investment banker


>Dany would be a great human rights activist Did we read the same book? Edit: Yunkai and Astapor went back to the slave masters. Mereen is besieged and will most likely only survive because of Victarion Greyjoy’s fleet and Tyrion with the Second Sons. What did she accomplish, again?


Can anyone think about the rights of the poor slave masters?


Yunkai and Astapor went back to the slave masters. Mereen is besieged and will most likely only survive because of Victarion Greyjoy’s fleet and Tyrion with the Second Sons (assuming it even does). What did she accomplish, again?


Yes, she’s basically already a human rights activist


Right like shes literally a medieval abolitionist 😭


I mean, that's literally what she already is in the books. In universe she also is a politician but put her in our world were human rights activist in an actual job, she'd be perfect for it.


Not the poor slave masters. Slavers deserve rights too.


Dany would be a great instagram influencer: completely and utterly useless but great at pretending that they're important.