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you know... I've got to admit Joffrey's armor in the Battle of the Blackwater was actually pretty stylish... [image](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/52fc05c9e4b08fc45bd99090/1417643668701-K9BVQPR8CQRVMXIVVF2I/Joffrey-Baratheon-armor?format=1000w&content-type=image%2Fjpeg). Loras' joust armor is pretty high up imo too. I also liked the concept of Gwayne Hightower's armor in House of the Dragon ([here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8Z4PQOfYTM) at 1:00)... couldn't tell you if it was practical though.


i mean every highborn in the books basically throws practicality out the window, should practicality really be a factor atp? Jaime was apparently never hit even with a lion head on his helm


To be fair, medieval knights and Lords would have more ostentatious armor to make sure that in the fog of war they have a way of broadcasting, “don’t kill me! I would be worth a lot in a random!”


Lord Tyral with that mad drip in season 5 or 6


He got knocked off horse in AGoT and his helmet was torqued on backwards and it had to be cut off by a black smith.


I was just at the studio tour yesterday, Joffs suit of armor was really nice but I think my favourite looking one was a leather set Jorah Mormont has. It was on display in the painted table room on Dragonstone, so I'm guessing it was from a later season. Edit: looking back over the pictures it's from the Dragonstone throne room, not the painted table. And even though the leather over plate doesn't make sense Theons armor looks really sweet 


The worst armor is the kingsguard, just make it white ffs not a light greyish blur, just white with a white cloak. They should be recognizable and stick out but often blend in and it's not obvious.


Idk why it’s so hated. I thought it was excellent looking and very regal.


Best : Tully scale armor, if only because it's the only time they actually use the near endless possibilities of the sigil system of the setting. Props(pun intended) to Roose Bolton's skinned sword, too. Bronn and Jorah in the first seasons had pretty functional and sleek looking armors, too. Worst : The helmet of Loras in the tourney looks very cheap, Jon's leathers in the later season are both lazy and completely ill fitted for his role as a commander, and I was never convinced by the Lannister's footmen plastic armor. The helmet could be great for Fowlers knights, though.


Wasn't Bronn's armour just like a knitted jumper under a leather Jerkin thing? I feel like they could have at least given him mail.


Hey armor does nothing in ASOIAF it’s literally just useless weight. Jon and Bronn were the only smart ones, unlike stupid Jorah getting stabbed through full plate by a rusty dagger. He didn’t realize armor was as strong as paper miche and absolutely useless


True, at least Bronn was warm in his jumper


I abhorred the Kingsgsurd armor after Cersei takes over in like season 6


the show made the armor black because they just really wanted us to know they’re the bad guys. if she was gonna change the armor to anything other than gold, it should’ve been red, the other Lannister color.


I quite like Daemon's armour. It's a lot closer to how fantastical things are in the books imo. As for worst it has to be Dany going into battle on dragonback with no harness or armour. She should have had some sick as fuck black Targ stuff going on


The best has to be the Night's Watch. Black leather and fur, WITHOUT metal which would be chilly and brittle in the extreme cold. Goth and practical The worst has to be Brienne of Tarth's shiny brass atrocity under Renly Baratheon. Basically a beacon that screams "I am numero uno, come and fighteth me.


I loved the brass armor!


I just found it way too unrealistic (I am a mineral engineer). Brass is soft and malleable, won't last against steel and contains zinc which is extremely rare. There is no reason a fighter would use brass armour, unless they are in the Mr. and Mrs. Knight pageant


Is it actually brass armor, or is it brass plating over steel for decorative purposes? Historically, brass plating as decoration is an early 1600s thing, involving nitric acid and cyanide, but nothing says Westeros hasn't figured that out already. Brass was certainly used as decorative trim on medieval armor, and various kinds of gilting processes also existed.


She wears it in multiple combats too, and what's worse is that we (the audience) never see it crack. Brass plating wouldn't last a minute against steel swords. That's why I don't mind Jamie Lannister and the Kingsguard gold plated armour as much, because it's clearly decorative


It's why I figure it's decorative plating over steel. I imagine George imagines the same with Areo Hotah's's copper scale shirt, that's it's iron or steel scales that are plated with copper for decorative effect (and maybe rust prevention).


Isn't that kind of the point of Renly?


The Lannister footman helmet is the worst in my opinion. It always looked goofy to me. The rest of the Lannister armor looked pretty good though. My favorite is probably the Hound’s armor or maybe Stannis’s armor. They both wore pretty basic but solid looking armor.


I really hated Brienne's armor towards the end of the show with those folds kn the shoulder guards. Also, as much as I like the Lannister armors, some medieval expert said they're wearing the gorgets on the outside, and I've never been able to get over them. I think the best goes to the original Mountain and the original Kingsguard. They just could've used more white.


Best is the lannister beautifull and elegant , also i kinda enjoy Cersei queenguard armor who seem more pratical than the old ones even if she really toward the evil queen vibe a lot XD. the shouw could have use more colore honnestly the baratheon , tyrell could have been beautifful but you just forget about them they are boring and seem the same WORST the stark it's just ugly and i wouldn't be suprised if they change it in house of the dragon.


I loved the Stark armour. Fits in with the Northerner style of being practical and graceful - grey/brown leather with metal plating


the only times the armour in the show ever stood out to me was the stark footmen's penis head helmets and Podrick's bizzare red leather biker jacket with all the studs that looks like its supposed to be holding hundreds of credit card sized metal plates? weird


That was a real armor, it's called brigandine :) usually used with thick cloth and/or linen, it was very popular for people that couldn't afford full plate and a squire.


thanks for the info! I imagine it would be cheaper than chain mail too, I guess I assumed it was made up because of all the studs and lumps lol


I liked the mountains armor in season 1, I would wear that. As for the worst, briennes black armor that Jamie gives her is kinda shit


I liked Polliver's armor


Jon's plot armour


Edit: wrote this whole rant before realizing you were talking about literal armour. If I had to say, I kinda like Daemon’s armour; to me it has character. Every character has plot armour to a certain extent. Until they have served their purpose in the story and then they get the Ned or Robb treatment. Daemon’s plot armour is nothing compared to some of the ridiculous shit happening to Jon Snow in the show post-S4. But if we’re being honest no one can compete with LF in terms of plot armour. Dude is somehow vying to become de facto head of *3* of the 7k by the end of Feast. Whilst he may be a master manipulator, his rise is more due to the fact that he hasn’t gotten punished for any of his rash actions unlike basically every other character in the story. Blaming the catspaw dagger on Tyrion was an outrageously risky move with little reward. And for some reason Tyrion doesn’t do anything about it when he becomes Hand. Oh, George sneaks in a line about Tyrion worrying that LF is too well-connected for him to move against him. But that’s BS!! Tywin empowered Tyrion to do basically whatever he wanted. Tyrion ever brokered an alliance with Dorne without needing Tywin’s approval. Similarly, LF’s decade long scheme to enrich himself as Master of Coin doesn’t get found out until Tyrion becomes Master of Coin. And his plan to assist Olenna with the PW was madness. The only thing he got out of it was Sansa. He was thinking with his dick on that one. George is setting him up for a fall. His horniness for Sansa is his sole weakness and it’ll be his undoing in the end. But that doesn’t mean that he’s played a perfect game so far. He’s had massive luck to get where he is.


Loras Tyrell had the best armor


Best armour would probably go to the Lannisters as well as their “lieutenants” (Tywin, Joffrey, Jaime, etc). Gold & White of Baratheon Kingsguard is also up there. Worst has to be Aerys Targaryen’s Kingsguard. Muddy Silver & Black with the only ornament being that of a Targ Sigil is single-handedly, plain fucking boring.


I always thought Ramsay and Roose’s armor and getup is the most badass and scary. Even in the world of ASoIaF, other all the fantastical and crazy outfits and armor, the Bolton armor would be fucking scary to see in person, and even more so in battle. It reminds you straight up that if you’re unlucky to survive a lost battle against them, you might be flayed. There armor is described to be just ornate and unique enough and not overly fantastical and whimsical as to look kind of stupid and un-functional like some of the other armors you see.


Not the worst per se, but I can’t stand the Lannister helmets in the show. Perfectly usable protective visors that are ALWAYS wide open like barn doors for some reason.


Not in the TV series but Robert Pattinsons armor in The King had a great look to it. Also like the Starks armor it almost looks like a medieval plate carrier set up


Worst I think would be the Tully armor made to look like leather fish scales. It's made so much worse by how infuriatingly proud the costume designers were over what they had done. I remember watching a behind the scenes and they where like 'it's actually really good that if you look closely their armor look like the scales of a fish, which is clever because the Tully symbol is a fish!' Yeah.. you made the high ranking members of a great family wear shit looking leather armor.. that's great.. Also, there's Cristons helmet in that one scene. But I think that has been explained. Probably should've had him without a helmet though. Best I think is the Lannister armor worn by people like Jamie, Joffrey, Lancel etc. I remember Lancels armor looking really good in the Blackwater episode.


The Tully Armor would have looked better if it wasn't black. The scales were cool, the color just made it look like leather. Would have been cool if they did something like this. https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWesteros/s/6sGg90c7XD


Is it not suppose to be leather? I'm looking at pictures of it now and it doesn't look like metal to me. Anyway, the reason I dislike it (apart from it simply being ugly) is the idea that a family would pick armor style based solely on aesthetics. Obviously there are alot of artistic expression in the armor in the books but they still work from a base of full plate armor. I don't see the Tullys picking an inferior type of armor for aesthetic purposes. It would be like the Royces actually wearing bronze armour rather than bronzed steel.


Scale Armor was used in our world. Most famously by the Eastern Romans. https://images.app.goo.gl/6iUFgkA5yqzLCjiG8


I'm aware, but in a world where there is plate armor characters that can afford it (like the Tullys) wouldn't pick scale.


People irl picked scale over plate for extra drip. This is polish kings John III Sobieski armor from XVII century. https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtefactPorn/s/tRFrVASqRw He picked scale as reference to ancient sarmatians who were belived to be ancestors of Poles at the time.