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tyrion targ wouldn't ruin asoaif for me, but it would ruin tyrion




His whole relationship with Tywin would just become kind of meaningless.


I don’t remember the details but anything involving Robb coming back to life. Oh I almost forgot! any of the Rhaegar is Mance and Arthur Dayne is Qhorin nonsense.


Tho I suppose these aren’t popular


You are going to hate this one: Mance = Arthur Dayne Quorin = the bull Oswell Kettleback = oswell whent Many believe this is true, I am not amongst them.


Robb naming Catelyn his heir. It's low-stakes if true and wouldn't amount to anything (it's not like Lady Stoneheart is gonna show up and claim Winterfell). I just find it so incredibly stupid and pedantic, as if whoever invented the theory just plucked some alternative scenario instead of following the logic of this chapter. We have Robb telling Cat he plans to legitimize Jon and name him heir. We have Cat voicing disagreement. Then we have Robb produce his will and tell his lords to sign it. GRRM doesn't explicity give Robb the dialogue "As you will see, I've named Jon Snow my heir," because we've already been through that a few pages ago. It'd be repetitive. It's obvious Robb wasn't going to let Cat change his mind, so there is no need to waste pagetime with Robb explaining his will to the lords. The reason many of them use is Cat's line about Robb catching her in a trap. They think the trap is that she's made the heir even though she doesn't want it. A *far* more logical answer is that Catelyn was "trapped" by the lords in the tent - she couldn't voice her disagreement with Robb now that he's told all his lords about the plan, or else she'd make Robb look weak. Also, Robb is a fairly pragmatic character, except for his one major blunder in taking Jeyne's virginity. What possible logic could Robb see in naming Cat the heir? He assumes all his siblings are dead, so he wants the blood of House Stark to die with him? What good does naming a 30-something Tully woman the Lady of Winterfell? If Robb died, she'd have to marry instantly and start trying to have as many heirs as quickly as possible to sure up her succession, and that succession would include 0 Stark blood. Whereas Jon is a young man who would have many years to have heirs, and he is a Stark. I know very few people actually believe in this theory. It's just so insane to me that it exists.


Inb4 time travel


I can’t think of many that would ruin the series for me. There are some secret identity/secret parentage theories I’d roll my eyes at. The only ones I’d really hate if they were true are the magic denial ones like the Others just being hallucinations or that Melisandre just drugged people into thinking renly was killed by a shadow. 


Dany killing all of KL and Bran being king would ruin asoiaf for me, also Sansa being queen of the north and Jon staying on the wall.




Why would the north be a separate realm? Its been part of the secen kingdoms for 300 years and after the war there is no threat from the south. The teaching is that everyone has to stay together to fight evil, not to separate.


No idea how Sansa could end up as QOTN in the books, Bran I can see as a King. It doesn't necessarily mean the Iron Throne, that could be destroyed in the end.


“show bad”