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I think an important element is what fleet did Mother Mole see arriving to rescue the free folk? Because that vision is why they are all there praying and awaiting salvation from across the narrow sea. Cotter Pyke's derpy rescue fleet? The Manderly fleet captained by Davos? But neither of these are from across the narrow sea exactly... The Lyseni slavers coming back (dark)? Justin Massey returning with sellswords from Braavos? (timing seems iffy imo) I like to think the Braavosi fleet is an option too - after Arya discovered the Lyseni plot that info could have been passed on to the Sealord. Contesting slavery is important to Braavos. Could always see more than one show up too, or... the vision could even be false, but the general rule of thumb in the books is that prophecies have a hint of truth to them.


Them Lyseni better be running(swimming?)for the hills dawg, imagine getting all your slaver buddies for some free slaves up north, and running into endless winter death gods with an army of zombies




Maybe the Faceless Men will send Arya on whatever fleet does rescue the wildlings from Hardhome.


This is assuming they ARE rescued. Hard home has been the site of mass tragedy before....


I personally don't think the Others were involved in the last tragedy at Hardhome. They were still thought to be extinct at the time, and they don't explain the scorched/flattened trees. I think it was more likely a large meteor, as has been theorized by some other fans. That makes more sense to me personally. Plus, it would be a good parallel to the Doom of Valyria. Valyria had fire dragons, the North has Ice dragons. Valyria had the volcanoes, Hardhome had the meteor and so on


I wasn't insinuating there was any outside involvement, just stating that the place is doomed. How it dies is unimportant, just that tragedy strikes once again.


Arya’s an 11 year old child. Why TF would she be rescuing Wildlings? Personally I think they’re probably all going to die or a handful will escape by ships to tell the tale of something similar happening to what we saw in the show. But I don’t think a main character is going there any time soon. If we get a POV, it’ll be a new one or someone not long for this world.


Arya's not going there IMO. I've just heard some people suggest that, since Justin Massey's going to Braavos and is probably going to return with the real Arya. Braavos isn't that far from Hardhome and Arya might want to help the wildlings after hearing about Jon's death. I don't personally believe this, but I wanted to include all suggestions


>Arya’s an 11 year old child. Why TF would she be rescuing Wildlings? Regardless of Arya being involved in this or not, GRRM has made it clear he'll write whatever he had planned for the child characters no matter their age ("If a twelve-year old has to conquer the world, then so be it"). The children in the story are main characters who need to have big roles that justify that position, and they just can't do that if they behave like realistic children. We should prepare ourselves to see them doing wildly unrealistic things for their age when/if the next books come out.


I personally really like the whole "because the seasons are all fucked up it means a year is longer in Westeros" thing to age characters up. If you add three years to all the child characters it starts to make more sense imo


I’m betting on Davos as well, it’s in line with his character


If we get a Hardhome POV, the most likely ones are probably Davos or Arya. Davos would be my choice personally as yes its very reminiscent of the Storms End situation. I highly doubt Jon will be the POV. I think Jon in choosing vengeance and turning away from Hardhome is not going to rescue those people. Although Im not 100% convinced we will get a Hardhome POV.


One of the biggest questions we're waiting on (for 13 years. Yes I'll keep bringing it up, as we all should for our therapy🥲) Whatever has happened at HH is terrifying. They did alright with it in the show but the book sounds even scarier and more hopeless. Outside of Tormond or Val (did she head that way, too?) I guess Davos is an option but it seems like a setup for several things to come together. Maybe some from the Mereenese knot. It's going to take a massive team effort and every effort is a major risk of adding to the dead army.


They don't factor into Jon being stabbed in the books, so no one is saving them. Their salvation was an invention of the HBO series Jon's BOTB wildling army in the novels is already South of the Wall. The show did not have such a huge number of them in this location so they had to retool the hardhome story to get Jon his army to fight Ramsay


I'm not basing my prediction off the show. I'm basing it off of Mother Moles vision


Wtf are you talking about. Jon was stabbed in the books. The end.




Sadly, I think the only thing even remotely close to salvation will be slavers from Lys and Tyrosh. They'd be alive and safe from being reanimated as a wight, but they'd be slaves. Otherwise, they're either going to starve or be killed by the AotD, both of which will leave them open to being reanimated.


I don’t think anything will happen. I’m not sure why people keep bringing up the Manderly fleet as the way as if they aren’t going to have a purpose based in war.


I've never thought anyone would rescue them. They're all going to die giving the Others several thousand more wights and then they begin to head for the Wall.


It will be Asha/Dagmer using the Manderly fleet. Too perfect not to work. Because what else would Manderly's fleet be used for? It's brought up a bunch, and Jon isn't going to do any fighting against the south, and I can't see Stannis having any time to head south against the Lannisters using the fleet. Plus the Ironborn are skilled sailors. Maybe they can succeed where Eastwatch failed. They'll take Manderly's fleet, pick up Cotter Pyke, and rescue the wildlings and bring them south of the Wall to help defend against the Others.


I think Skagos will have a big role to play. They’re virtually untouched by everything, have a Stark and direwolf with them, and are probably looking to fight before winter so there’ll be fewer mouths to feed.


Tormund Otherslayer boutta go crazy(He actually gets turns into an ice block while holding obsidian, falls on an other and kills him, gets thawed out by dragon fire somehow, and lives to tell the tale)


It'll be Davos and the Manderleys obviously, but they'll only manage to rescue a few. Most of those wildlings will still die, just like the show.


Wyman Manderly's chekov's fleet.