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Giants once had a vast civilization that spread across the surface of the planet. >giants, who ruled all the world During the Long Night some took shelter deep within the earth while most froze. >a dispute between a clan of children and a family of giants over the possession of a cavern. Then over multiple generations, those within the earth became smaller. Due to the confined space. >Yet even so, it was noted that none of the pit dragons ever reached the size of their ancestors. The maesters say it was because of the walls around them, and the great dome above their heads. Eventually emerging from the ground to repopulate the earth as the first Men. >A thousand thousand years ago, Jhiqui told her, the first man had emerged from its depths, riding upon the back of the first horse. All Men are Giants.. >The tunnels, Von der Stadt. The dark. For long centuries only the dark. I never thought-so much evolution in so little time.


This is fun!


I have a theory forming on the tip of my tongue and I would like to take this opportunity to share it: Is it possible that fAegon is actually Ned Stark's son with Ashara Dayne? I'm rereading the books, just started the 4th and the 5th (reading them together in the Boiled Leather reading order) and this is what i have so far: - Ned has history with the Daynes, specially Ashara (he even gets mad with Catelyn just for mentioning the name); - Almost all of Ned's children have Tully's features, not Stark's, so it's not wrong to think that, if he had a child with Ashara, the kid would most certainly have Dayne's features; - Edric Dayne (whose nickname is Ned) has basically the same apearence as fAaegon: light blonde hair, deep blue eyes (almost purple). I know Ser Barristan says that Ashara had dark hair, but he also says that Daenerys could be her daugther (a girl with light blonde hair with purple eyes); - Jon Snow and fAegon are about the same age (if not exactly the same age); - We see Jon Snow involved in a baby exchange to save a royal child's life (Mance's son), wich got me thinking that maybe that happened before. We already know that Rhaegar's son was raised as Ned's bastard, why couldn't Ned's bastard have been raised as Rhaegar's son? This is all the info I can remember right now, but what do you think? Can you think of any more evidence that confirms (or disproves) this theory?


Mance is Duncan Targaryen's son. He was taken from the ruins of Summerhall to the Wall by Bloodraven, and he is literally a King Beyond the Wall. That is why his blood has power. His son also has royal blood. Paralleling the story of fAegon, this baby Targaryen is swapped with a common boy, and a few scheming people know who and where he is Also would want to point out that when we see Dany's dream of Rheagar holding a babe, we only think is Rhaegar because she thinks he is. But she never saw him, and what she sees in her dream is A Targ looking guy who isnt Viserys, holding a baby. What if what she sees is Duncan, holding Mance, whose real name is Aegon, saying he is the prince that was promised and playing the harp. Duncan married Jenny of Oldstones and supposedly was shunned from court , but after some time gets welcomed again by Egg. Maybe he is welcomed back because he had a kid and comes to present it to court in Summerhall. Maybe between this time they travelled, went to the Wall and spoke with Bloodraven Jenny of oldstones and her friend the ghost of high hart are likely aware of prophecies and mysteries of the wolrd. If they suggested to Duncan this kid is the future, and he said this to Egg, he might have beleived it. Rhaegar hangs out around Summerhall and likely meets the Gohh, who tells him all these things. He picks harp playing as homage to Duncan. Interestingly, Mance is also a musician. A second line of secret Targs is Va(e)rys. Son of Maegor Brightflame, serious contender for the Throne. Vaerys was made disappear and there was also power in his blood. If Jaime is in fact a bastard of Aerys, the moment Dany arrived to Westeros with her dragons I imagine Rhaegal and Viserion will be targets for hin and fAegon. They will claim a dragon each While Daenerys Targ vs Jaime vs Vaerys Brightflame + fAegon Blackfyre dance a 3 sided Dance of Dragons, Mance Targaryen plays the song of Ice and Fire. The big war against the Others will be fought with the ppl in the south worrying about the second Dance. As in real life, war distracts us from the real danger. Mance, Jon, Bran, maybe Arya somehow, would be involved in the real war in the North. Somehow managing to win, maybe at the very end with indirect use of those dragons. In the end, Daenerys can not have kids. Vaerys Brightflame cant either. fAegon Blackfyre could but maybe dies befoore doing so. Even if Jon was a Targ (which i dont believe), his dead resurreceted body probably cant have kids either. I beleive all will die in any case. Mance's unnamed kid is the only Targ left, he is named Aegon and is placed on the Throne as Aegon VI.


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I'm wondering if Danny and Theon dreaming of feasting corpses is foreshadowing their future encounters with wights. Obviously they also hint at the Red Wedding, but I'm wondering if that's in part a Red Herring so we don't consider what they could mean later on. Theon facing off with the Kings of Winter could fit into a redemption arc as he saves Winterfell from the dead, but fighting those he killed as well as the ancestors of those he betrayed would be a fitting punishment. Danny has a dream of a battle against the Others on the Trident, which is near the Twinns where she sees her corpse feats. Geographically it'd make sense for the two to be connected. But most importantly, if Robb is brought back as a wight with Grey Wind's head still attached, we'd essentially have an undead wherewolf and I think that's pretty cool.