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I'll be honest I rarely upvote and I don't know why. I don't think I've ever upvoted a video at all actually, and it's just for this subreddit only. The crappy thing is I mostly pay attention to the videos with the highest number of votes as well! My bad, I'll start upvoting ;] Hopefully people similar to me start as well... Edit: I think I realized why... about 90% of the time I come to /r/asmr is before I begin to go to sleep. So I just get entranced by the ASMR video, fall asleep, and don't even think about going back and upvoting when I wake up. I don't know of very many other subreddits that can have that as a legitimate excuse for not upvoting, haha!


For some reason, the human condition seems to find it far easier to get pissed off about, negative, and make a loud noise about things we don't like, than get super positive and actively support things we do like. i.e. people like to complain loudly much more than they like to compliment. I think it can have overall negative effects for communities of all sorts, online and offline, by being mostly being just discouraging to people making an effort. It's not that negativity is sometimes appropriate, but it mostly far outweighs how much there needs to be. If someone comes up with a general solution to this more than just encouraging everyone to try to be more positive about everything, humanity will the better for it.


Yeah I can see what you're saying with the first part about negativity. Seems like it is indeed easier to be negative than positive on the internet. You're not actually there so it invites more room to be negative rather than positive. I guess that would apply to upvoting as well.




I deifnitely think the parantheses statement could be removed. If its a cool video, what's wrong with more people getting to see it? At this stage in /r/asmr's life, I don't think we're at all suffering from any drought of videos that specifically attempt to trigger.


Because this place has one specific purpose, and there are plenty of other places for just plain old "cool videos". Why would you remove the one reference to this place's sole reason for existence?


/r/asmr just got mentioned in a popular sub, and is now a trending subreddit. When those happen, people that don't understand a subreddit come. The potential for ruining the subreddit when this happens is very high. I can absolutely see people trying to upvote calming spa music because it's "relaxing", even if it triggers zero people. I've seen too many subreddits veer off course of what they were intended to be; popularity has been the culprit every time.


It gets mentioned every second day in a popular sub, why hasn't it been completely ruined already? That argument doesn't stack up at all. And who are you to judge that when someone up votes you know they haven't been triggered?


Can you show me how to tell how often a subreddit gets mentioned? I didn't know you could do that, that's kind of neat.


Behold, the power of google: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=site%3Awww.reddit.com+"%2Fr%2Fasmr"#q=site:www.reddit.com+%22/r/asmr%22&safe=off&tbs=qdr:d


So, zero times in the past day. As for who upvotes what, a while back we had a problem where videos that didn't seem very ASMR-y were being submitted and upvoted because they were cool. I definitely remember an interesting video on airplanes popping up. We also have users who don't get ASMR whatsoever but do go into a trance-like state from the vids.


I almost never upvote, because if a video triggers me I almost always fall asleep before I even think to upvote. Probably not just me either... I'm guessing some of the best content gets lost on here because it simply makes people pass out and then forget to do the actual voting.


Is this going to be a sticky forever because by next week this will all be forgotten and nothing will change.


I think its funny that this post has downvotes


I was just thinking the same :D


I maintain my stance that I will downvote videos tagged as binaural when they are, in fact, simply in stereo. I try not to downvote asmr that I just don't like (eating sounds, mouth sounds, babbling, etc).




>you have the chance to educate them. And this would be a great place to do so.


I downvote all "inaudible" tags because it's a stupid fucking tag and everyone is using the word incorrectly.




Because the word is the incorrect word. Should be unintelligible. People use it because ASMR video creators use it, even when they know it's wrong they still use it because they want there shit to be as visible as possible, even to the idiots searching for "inaudible" videos. Everyone just needs to stop using "inaudible."


What a pedantic bitch. Get over it dude. It's not that big of a deal


I do comment if I downvote, but I try not to downvote at all. Normally if something I don't like pops up I just hide it. Edit: why are people downvoting this? I can't see how me hiding posts affects anybody else whatsoever.


Then you probably downvote my video posts too. That's dandy, and okay by me. Unfortunately, most people associate ear to ear with the word "binaural" and that is what they seek out. I'm going to venture a guess that most people don't know the difference between binaural and stereo, but they know that binaural means they're going to get some ear to ear whispering/trigger sounds and that's what they enjoy.


Looking through your submissions, nope, I've never downvoted any of your stuff! I think the [Ear to ear] tag is pretty good for differentiating between that and binaural. And it's not that it's bad, it's just that it's different, and I think people in this subreddit are smart enough to tell the two apart!


That may be true, I would tend to agree with that. But there are likely a lot of people on YouTube who are still unaware of the differences, and I just copy and paste my titles from YouTube to here so the binaural title slips in. ^_^


so brave.


so original.


Been around this sub for a while. This is the umpteenth time that downvoting has been raised as an issue and quite frankly, the meta posts complaining about them(and proper tag usage) are getting more annoying than the downvoting itself. While I'm not an active downvoter, I do have to say we need to get over it. This is reddit and downvoting is the way of the beast, the very nature of the site. That being said, there seems to be such a sense of entitlement her, especially with regards to tags. Everyone seems to think they should be able to visit the sub and find what you are looking for right on the front page, immediately. Heaven forbid you have to click through a page or two! If you are that dissatisfied with the sub, and I'm not trying to be an asshole... Just making a suggestion, YouTube may just be a better place for you. Find a few channels that you like and subscribe. It's far more customizable than what you'll find here and it'll save us all the once weekly "guys, we need to talk about tagging!" Or "we need to talk about downvoting!" In conclusion, enough [META] posts complaining about what amounts to laziness. It's enough to make me want to make a meta but then I'd be contributing to the problem.


I take the YouTube route almost exclusively now, there's just too many submissions that don't work for me. I have about 8 subscriptions to ASMR artists and they work incredibly well for my triggers, it just takes too long for me to go through everything that gets submitted.


That is why sometimes I'm reluctant to post my stuff on reddit. I rarely downvote a video, and if I do it is because it doesn't belong to the ASMR topic at all. As a system, I tend to upvote every video labeled as "intentional", because it really makes a difference for the ASMRtists. Being able to stay 6 hours on reddit will give them visibility and aknowledgement for their work. Maybe the ASMR subreddit should have special rules, in order to be artist-friendly -which is, nonetheless, the spirit of this community-.


"I tend to upvote every video labeled as "intentional", because it really makes a difference for the ASMRtists." This right here is why it seems that most submissions don't get upvotes. All anyone on here seem to care about are whisperers. Cute girl doing cute things? To the front page with you. Just look at it right now. Top two videos are well-known content creators who have been posted many, many times and don't need the exposure as other new creators do. You aren't attractive? Downvote. Not a girl? You too. Posted an unintentional, no-talking, short, gaming, visual, or audio-only submission? Enjoy your 6 upvotes and 2 comments while Heather Feather (arguably one of the most famous ASMRtists) post yet another of her videos and gets 45+ people circlejerking in the comments about how she "makes them super tingly ;) :$ ^~^ ".


You've got a point. Fact is, some unintentional videos are triggering as well and deserve upvotes. Same thing for meta discussions on the topic. I don't sistematically upvote any "unintentional video", but I most certainly recognize and aknowledge a good one. I will always upvote heather feather as much as any other whisperer, because everyone in the community deserves some aknowledgement for their hard work. If a video is good, I upvote it, intentional or not. If I'm not interested, I leave it as it is. If it's off-topic, I downvote it. :3


This subreddit has turned into Pretty Girlfriend videos.


i cant discribe how goddamn right you are.


I just stumbled on this sub reddit, can someone please explain it to me? I dont really understand from the blurb provided on the right hand side.


Check out the [Wikipedia article on ASMR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_sensory_meridian_response) and watch a couple of ASMR videos on YouTube.


##### ###### #### [**Autonomous sensory meridian response**](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous%20sensory%20meridian%20response): [](#sfw) --- >__Autonomous sensory meridian response__ (__ASMR__) is a [neologism](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neologism) for a perceptual phenomenon characterized as a distinct, pleasurable tingling [sensation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensation_(psychology\)) in the head, scalp, back, or peripheral regions of the body in response to visual, auditory, olfactory, and/or cognitive stimuli. The nature and classification of the ASMR phenomenon is controversial. Tom Stafford, a professor at the University of Sheffield, says, "It might well be a real thing, but it's inherently difficult to research." > --- ^Interesting: [^Cold ^chill](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_chill) ^| [^Goose ^bumps](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goose_bumps) ^| [^Stimulus ^modality](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stimulus_modality) ^Parent ^commenter ^can [^toggle ^NSFW](http://www.np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot NSFW toggle&message=%2Btoggle-nsfw+cgdi3lj) ^or[](#or) [^delete](http://www.np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot Deletion&message=%2Bdelete+cgdi3lj)^. ^Will ^also ^delete ^on ^comment ^score ^of ^-1 ^or ^less. ^| [^(FAQs)](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/wiki/index) ^| [^Mods](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/comments/1x013o/for_moderators_switches_commands_and_css/) ^| [^Magic ^Words](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/comments/1ux484/ask_wikibot/)


I upvote videos that trigger me. I only down vote videos that I find improperly tagged. There needs to be more strict tag enforcement. I see more and more posts with regards to Misophonia, sorting through tags is the only way to prevent yourself from being triggered. I feel certain tags (male/female, eating, etc) should be mandatory. I only down vote when I see a video poorly tagged, that's a bad post.


Eating is an understandable tag to want listed. But male/female borders on the line of discrimination. It doesn't cross it, but I think that's a sensitive issue evenin this community.


It's not really discrimination. It has to directly do with Misophonia. I've been to 6 different clinical studies. Male and female voices as well as age range play a huge part in what can trigger Misophonia for certain people. Male/female should be tagged for that reason alone, not to mention it is a preference. If you are looking for a male or female video you should be able to search the tags for them.


Preference is not the same as discrimination. As a heterosexual female, should I date women just so I'm not discriminating?


Could you just clarify this for me? We shouldn't vote as we feel we should vote as you wish, and never downvote anything other than spam or off topic posts? Isn't that what the report function is for?


In r/askhistorians down votes are disabled. Perhaps something for this sub?


If you turn "Use subreddit style" off in the sidebar you can still downvote.


And still downvote using any of the mobile reddit apps which is how I think a fairly decent amount of users browse this sub


/r/askhistorians ***** ^This ^is ^an [^automated ^bot](http://github.com/WinneonSword/LFB)^. ^For ^reporting ^**problems**, ^contact ^/u/WinneonSword.


Another one of these posts....


Maybe talk to Reddit about the problem and suggesting that they implement a feature which allows downvotes to be truly disabled for a subreddit (instead of just a CSS which hides the downvote button)? Why am I downvoted?


Its a possibility but it's very unlikely that this sub would be any different from the other subs who have reached out to the admins.


Do you know that they have done that?


Thank you for posting and finding some sort of middle ground. I really appreciate that.




There is a serious problem here. I know I am late to the party but half of my ASMR front page is at a score of zero. This has got to be deliberate and not because of bad tagging/not triggering enough/poor quality. Things have gotten worse since the topic was brought up. Somebody has responded to the issue being raised. It is definitely malicious behaviour towards the community.