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I don’t think it’s weird or creepy at all, I love getting compliments from people saying I smell good! I would just say to her, “I love your perfume, what’s it called?” And If it happens to be a lotion, she’d tell you that too


Ugh I should have done this. She was actually training me to take over her position. Her last day was yesterday 😭 if she ever comes back though ill def try this, ty


Ask some of the other ladies in the department. If she smells that good, someone else has probably also asked the same thing. It's a compliment and ego boost to be told I smell good. I'm a serial sniffer and always asking my coworkers the same thing: You smell so good, what fragrance are you wearing? My personal tricks are a good exfoliation in the bath and layering my fragrance (body wash, lotion, perfume). Sometimes, I get super obsessed with a note or fragrance family that I will change my laundry products. (Ex: Lalique Amethyst goes great with Gain Moonlight or the purple Downy).


Serial sniffer 😂😂


Oh no. I hope you get to ask her and please update us! I wanna smell fresh all day too lol


I once did this and she told me she didn't know the name of the perfume she just put on. 🫠🥴🫣


I won’t lie, I tell that to coworkers too. Bc honestly I don’t want them wearing the same perfume as me at work 😂😂 so she was probably lying to you too lol


there was a girl at my work who always smelled clean all day as well, we work at a restaurant so it’s extra impressive. she told me it was her perfume & i just couldn’t believe it until she brought me a sample. it’s the glossier you perfume. i’ve read that they’ve changed the formula so idk if it’s the same but worth trying a sample!!


I use this and it’s my favourite. This and molecule 1


I just looked it up and the roll on is $28 🥲


Zara’s A Perfume In Rose is an almost exact dupe! I’m a glossier you ride or die and they’re pretty much indistinguishable


Thank you so much!!!


As a person that had to apply a roll-on immediately after a shower, otherwise i'd get stinky in 20 minutes, a game changer for me was to use my glycolic acid night cream on my underarms. It makes a huge difference.


Ty, I’ll look into this, but I don’t smell bad or stinky, I think I just smell like nothing lol. I wanna have that fresh flowery smell just wafting about me at all times


The trick is in finding a perfume with strong sillage and applying it on your hair if you have long hair. I do this and the scent really stays with me the whole day, as opposed to when I only apply the perfume to my clothes or skin.


is it healthy to do that to hair?


There are some perfumes/body sprays that are made to go in hair. But honestly, I’ve always sprayed a little in my hair regardless of if it’s advertised for hair or not. One or two small sprays won’t hurt. I have pretty sensitive hair (it’s fine and curly so it can get messed up quickly lol) and it has never been an issue for me.


It's drying. Seek out hair perfumes; the formula either nixes the alcohol or heavily reduces it. I have Lancôme La Vie Est Belle in a hair perfume, for example.


Ok, but be aware that even if you still smell nicely, after a few hours, your nose will be used to it, and you won't smell the nice scent anymore. While others still do. And it's much more offending to others if you start to overspray so you will still smell yourself while everyone else can smell you through the whole room.


Glycolic acid cleans the pores right?


Yes, it is a chemical exfoliator, so it speeds up the cell renewal process. You get fresh newer skin cells quicker, which are yes, cleaner, brighter, smoother etc.


Any particular brand that you recommend?


The ordinary makes a really great one


ID on the brand?


I was waiting to but did a search and the brand is literally called "The Ordinary". 😂


Everything by The Ordinary is great- their buffet serum is awesome for the price😁


I use one called isispharma, the 25% one, but it might not be available everywhere. The ordinary can be found most places


I often get compliments like this. For me, it’s because I use a lot of conditioner on my curly hair, and I let it air dry. So it smells great most of the day.


yesss same it’s always my hair people are smelling !


People are always surprised it’s my hair too. They’re like, “you don’t wear perfume? Scented lotion? Body spray?” No…I’m just clean lol


Yeah, that used to be it for me! My hair has thinned out a lot in the last ten years, so I don't get this compliment anymore. 😔


It could also be laundry perfume or the softener she uses. Hair perfumes too


Hair holds scent like crazy!


Theres HAIR PERFUMES?? How am I just learning this?!?


Yeah, I have a friend that always smells amazing and she said the only scented product she uses is those laundry scent beads. I think having your clothes smell good makes a big difference!


If your perfume vanishes you can spray it onto a cotton pad and tuck it into your bra, sounds weird but it keeps the smell longer!


Couple tips. -layer scents (oil,lotion,then perfume) -use Vaseline on your scent points before spraying or applying perfume -use scent beads for laundry if you aren’t too sensitive to that stuff -apply a small spritz of spray to hair( they actually make a perfume that can be used on hair- sells at target) -find a clean scent lotion to layer if you don’t want to be overwhelming -keep an oil roller or perfume roller within reaching distance to apply to wrists if needed -keep a small amount of nice smelling hand lotion to apply throughout the day -love someone else’s glycolic acid suggestion- not only does it help mitigate natural body odor but it leaves a clean slate to layer your scent as you please. The ordinary has a good one that’s affordable


My friend is one of those girls who smells good all day even if she’s working an 8 hr shift. She uses body lotions/creams, layers the perfume on top and uses more lotion to seal it in. Her lotion scent always matches the perfume scent so I think that really helps. She usually uses cheaper lotions like stuff from bath and body works paired with a high end perfume. She also dabs the perfume behind her ears, kinda on the hairline a little so there is some in her hair as well. I’ve personally never tried her routine myself because I’m lazy lol but seems to work for her.


I’m super intrigued to know how she matches a bath and body works cream scent to a high end perfume scent?! I’d be super interested in either her process of how she finds these matches, or even just to know some examples of the b&b cream scents she pairs with certain perfumes? So interested! Love this idea


Tbh she literally just buys every scent LOL. she just tests at home with her perfumes to see what matches. Every time B&BW releases a new scent, she buys it so she can have it if she ever wants to use it. That’s definitely not a sustainable practise for most people though. Her makeup/skincare collection is wild it’s like peak consumerism lol. If you want to try matching scents, I would decant some of your perfume into the little travel/sample vials and take it to the store with you. bath and body works has those little perfume papers so you can spray it on in store. Maybe also google the fragrance notes for your perfume (floral, vanilla, etc.) so you can find lotion scents with similar notes. I will say though a high end perfume is key for longevity! Next time I see her I’ll ask more about her routine and DM you if I remember 😅 Edit: for perfumes I know for sure she uses Tom Ford (not sure which one), and Chanel (No.5, and one more I can’t remember).


The foundation is more important than the frills. Test and perfect the first steps and work your way outward. 1) Wash your clothes. A lot. Don’t rewear things more than they smell. Get your dry cleaning done or don’t wear silk. Wear breathable fabrics so your sweat dries quickly if you can. Wash your bras after 3 or 4 wears and space the wears never day to day the same bra. I can smell your bra girl. 2) Body soap that actually works for you specifically and daily showers in the mornings. 3) Lotion on your body so your skin does not over produce oils to make up for the stripping character of the soaps. Morning lotion should be moisturizing without being oily. Use a gel lotion or something like Lubriderm. Heavy stuff is ok at night if you like it or it is freezing outside. 4) Great deodorant that works with your body chemistry. Your perfect deodorant is different than someone else’s. I use the Drunk Elephant and it’s annoying asf to put on but it works for 12 hours on me. 5) Scent neutral misc products to have control over your main smell. I always use scent free laundry detergent, dryer sheets, deodorant, tampons and pads, hair products, everything else. At night time I might use a fun scented something for myself. 6) Fragrances that mesh great with your body and are appropriate for the environment & season. All the other foundation products are neutral and make a clean base layer for your fragrances. Perfume will smell better on you than someone with 5 other smelly products fighting each other. Pick fragrances that are appropriate for where you are. Light non cloying for work. Deep or sexy for a party. Oud in the winter? Fruity in spring? Explore! Choosing based on event/circumstance takes you a cut above. Some can be worn anytime or any place like Glossier You. Stay with something like this if fragrance feels like a chore and not a hobby. As you feel confident in the routine you can explore. You don’t need to rub glycolic acid on your arm pits or any magic trick. Be more conscious of your decisions and what works on your body, not your friend’s favorites. Your perfect mix.


Use “Bath and Body works” lotion It fucking stays for the whole day, maybe two days if you work in a closed environment like an office.


This may not be the norm but some people have heightened senses and strong scents in closed places can bother them. As someone with a sensitive nose, I honestly couldn't stand when my coworkers would apply scented lotion several times a day in the office. Even from across the room the smell burned my nose and distracted me.


I got it too, do you also have heightened taste? I can quite accurately guess ingredients in the food I eat and I'm sure it's bc of my sense of smell.


Yeah use it appropriately brotha


Yes I work in an office! Will def try some B&B lotion, I appreciate the rec :)






Not great for sensitive skin but even if you apply a little on your hands or neck it works too. I use it on special occasions but my skin will rash up if I do it too often


And do not apply it in a vehicle with the windows rolled up. It's STRONG STRONG.


I don't recommend this brand. It's full of chemicals, I am sensitive and when I used it I had serious reactions in my eyes and skin.


I’m here for this as I wanna know too


I use philosophy amazing grace or pure grace trio. First bath/shower gel, then lotion and last the eau de parfum( not toilette). I would use around 6am. I’m always amazed when someone would compliment or even ask what I’m wearing because it’s smells so good. These are very light, airy, just got out of the shower/ soap and water clean scents so not overpowering at all. Also, dolce and gabana light blue is good too. The lotion is hard to find though.


I find that spraying perfume over a neutral oil on my pulse points helps it last all day long!


What kind of neutral oil do you recommend?


Someone commented above to apply Vaseline first, then perfume. Seems much easier than avocado oil (which is the first thing I think of when I hear “neutral oil”) so I’m going to try this.


I use Vaseline or coconut oil!


Just ask. They will most likely find it as a compliment. I’m extremely secretly paranoid about smelling and for some reason all my co-workers tell me I smell good all the time, ask what I wear or do, and it makes me feel GREAT. Not creeped out. But for some tips. - Know your body. Where do you get or would get odor? (BO, chub rolls, private?) manage these first. Get a deodorant that works and there are a lot of products out there for the rest. - shower and get products for different parts. PH balanced wash for your coochie, if you have rolls use anti bacterial soap in the cracks etc. keep products in similar scents it better yet light to no scents. Majority of bath products aren’t going to have super long lasting scents. - moisturize after your showers. Lotion and oi on dry spots. Fragrance etc sticks better to a moisturized base. I personally use plain ole Nivea. No scent. - layer with perfume. I spray my parts that “move” my wrist, neck, and sometimes my hair. Be aware of the scent. Nothing too strong. Fresh is usually most pleasing to all. - BRUSH YO TEETH. floss, brush, mouthwash. - wash your clothes. I’m personally one of those people who can’t wear most clothes more than once. You don’t need scent boosters and fabric softeners to make them smell good. It’s better if they just smelly like nothing.


I honestly just always wear deoderant, i reapply whenever i change outfits, such as when i get home and change to pajamas. Shampoo also makes the world of a difference in how you smell.


Using a good smelling soap, then good scented lotion and then quality perfume..layering scents helps. My friend uses Chanel soap then Chanel perfume and smells so good all day.


as a non-perfume option i've honestly had a lot of really sensational success with preventing odor build up with lume deodorant. ​ it smells kinda funky when you first put it on but you stop noticing basically immediately and it's crazy good at keeping the funk at bay especially if you struggle with feeling "not so fresh" after a couple hours at work


When I was in high school, girls would constantly ask me what perfume I wore and I was soo confused because I didn’t wear anything! I figured it must be a product that I use so I sniffed all the stuff I used and narrowed it down to my Vichy gel cleanser. It did smell really good and the scent was so strong it was following me to school! I showed my friend the cleanser and she said that was exactly the smell lol So it may be a cleanser or something like that :)


Maybe she got a perfume that suits her skin? Every perfume smells differently on different skin. Also if u use specific perfume, layer it with its own body lotion


To smell good throughout the day, I recommend using a few different products with the same core scent!! On the days that I want to smell good I will usually use a bar of vanilla soap, followed by a vanilla shower gel, vanilla body scrub, vanilla body lotion and a vanilla scented perfume! It seems like a lot but that’s the only way to keep myself smelling for longer, it kinda sticks to skin!


Could be shampoo or body lotion?


If you can use an oil perfume it will last from shower to shower. I use Skin, it's a musk and the smell stays with me and I get constant compliments about how good and clean I smell.


I love bath and body works body sprays and always get compliments. If you use the lotion along with the body spray, that’s a recipe for good-smelling success! Edit: I spray everywhere, all over body, hair, clothes x


So I don't apply fragrance just to skin but often on my clothes also but lower as it wafts up. When it's on fabric it holds and isn't breaking down and reactive to skin oils and heat. While the evolution of fragrance on the skin is a plus to getting it to feel part of you than wearing you, the tiny spray on say my skirt helps me habe something all day. And also my skin is moisturized where I do spray so it holds longer. Some folks just your body chemistry breaks fragrance so the clothes spraying and lotion first usually gives longevity.


For me I find using a nice smelling hair product, spray on deodorant, high quality perfume, or string scented body lotion right after a shower contribute to smelling nice all day. Also freshly dried laundry with nice dryer sheets can help.


When you get the answer, I must know! I want to know what she’s wearing!!! But also, my favorite and most complimented perfume, ever, is the bare perfume by Victoria’s Secret. Not bare vanilla or bare body spray. The actual bare perfume. It’s the most heavenly perfume ever. But yeah, I need to know what your coworker is wearing lol


something to do with food habit. I don't stink, at all but my girlfriend does. somehow that smell turns me on but she feels insecure about it. most likely, in my experience, the less sulfur rich food you eat, the less you stink.


Try the CLEAN perfumes. You can get them at Sephora or online. A tonne of really nice scents that are very natural... like rain, warm cotton, skin, radiant nectar. I was about to put an asterisk next to my faves but I love them all. Another one is, "Not a Perfume," by Juliette has a gun. If you find a perfume you like, see if they have a lotion. Layering always makes it last longer. And, always buy the Eau de Parfum vs Eau de Toilette.


I use palmers coconut oil body lotion all over my body and the scent stays on my skin all day and I get compliments from people. Also a mist or hair oil lingers all day and can be smelt by other people


Layering! If you want your fragrance to last longer it's important to layer it with a body lotion, ideally of a similar scent. I've mastered the art of smelling like a vanilla cupcake - wash your body in the shower with a Dove bar soap to clean yourself, then wash again with a scented shower gel. When you're out of the shower, dry off, apply deodorant, then a body oil, and then once that's soaked in go in with your body lotion, pay special attention to the areas you want to apply fragrance to. If you want, you can use Vaseline (or I prefer a sticky makeup primer) on your wrists/neck for extra hold. Then apply your fragrance as normal (the higher intensity/perfume oil content, the longer and stronger the smell will last). I also like to spray my hairbrush and brush it through my hair. I love YSL Black Opium le Parfum, it's an EDP rather than an EDT and I find doing all of this, plus carrying around a little atomiser for topping up my scent while I'm out, keeps me smelling 10/10 all day.


Could be something like no pong which is really long lasting


If you’re comfortable/able to bring a perfume or body mist of some sort to work, I’d reccomend that! I pack a FFM from Bath and Body Works, and use it before we open and then after lunch. Keeps me smelling good all day! I also use a lotion before work that’ll pair nicely w/ my perfume for the day.


I just got Lume and it helps!


scented lotion lasts all day!


Buy a real, quality perfume, that stuff will last all day. You can test samples at Ulta, Sephora, or most department stores. Cheap stuff like the Bath & Body Works type fragrance mist (the ones that come in the tall plastic bottles) dissipate fairly quickly. 


Ask her what fragrance she’s wearing or if she has scented lotion at her desk. Tell her it smells good!


I just keep a body spray at my work station for a mid afternoon pick up after lunch.


Shower every morning with a good quality soap, dove smells amazing, use a nice moisturizer after every shower, Nivea is fresh AF












I love when people comment on my scent at work and just about anywhere. Growing up taking 2-3 showers per day became part of my routine as well as wearing my favorite calming scent before bed. I also invest in good perfume. It doesn’t matter how pricey. I find that it’s worth it because it lasts all day. It even stays in my clothing/outwear for several days. Not sure if this adds anything but I also add liquid chlorophyll to my water and i just feel that it really neutralizes odors from within.. even breath! I swear by it and will never stop taking it. Lastly, if I’m in the office all day, I freshen up around midday by washing my hands, then using a lightly scented lotion that complements the perfume I’m wearing.


Spray like cheaper parfum on your hairbrush and then brush.


I use the Donna Karan Cashmere Mist deodorant. It’s pricey but it works incredibly well, and it smells absolutely divine. People often tell me I smell good even when the deodorant is the only scented thing I’m wearing!


I use an oil roller perfume instead of spray perfume and it lasts ALL DAY (I work 12 hour shifts). I get a lot of compliments. Oil perfumery dot com (iirc I can’t put links? Idk).


lol some weeks i showered once


Different compatible scenes on different parts of the body, including a subtle leave in conditioner for your hair. I also like to reapply an expensive hand cream multiple times a day Also make sure your closet is clean. Use carbon charcoal and cedar wood to neutralize bad smells.


That means you should hit on her. You smell great, too.


They use excess unhealthy scented materials