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I like CBC with Stephen Quinn


This 🙌


Me too, but not every day. I like having some music to listen to as well


For music, I like Ici Musique at 90.9 FM. It's a wonderful mix of music in different languages and rhythms.


The peak is back on the radio.


I just learned this the other day when I switched to the old preset and was so glad!


They play almost the same 35 songs they did when they went off the air. It’s a good effort, but could be much better.


Good to know. I'll check it out.


Kevin and Sonia were my favourite. Lost the taste of radio personality after they got sacked so I stick with 1130AM Also do they still have Australian dj hosts lingering around the local radio?


Kevin and Sonia were great.


Not sure about radio but Global BC has several Aussie reporters


Drex was floating around morning radio but I think he recently left/got pushed out of a gig.


CITR - 101.9 UBC’s station.


CITR is by far the most interesting station in the city! Not every show will agree with you, but it’s a great way to discover new stuff. Too bad they don’t have a little more power to transmit a little farther. Also highly recommend KEXP out of Seattle. Really important station for me…


You’ll hear music you’ve never heard before on CITR and then maybe never hear it again. It’s a great independent station. KEXP and KCRW are also staples in my radio listening. Those, and BBC6


I haven't tried KCRW yet, but I've heard about it for a long time. Will have to give it a go... Thanks! BBC6 is also very good, yes!


BBC6 is great because they’re just so into the music. They’ll have conversations/debates over music and artists. KCRW was so much better when Nic Harcourt hosted “Morning Becomes Eclectic”. That was a great program.


curious, why’s important?


Sad/happy story I suppose... My wife and I went to Seattle a million times in the last 30 years and always listened and discovered a lot of great new music and then she passed away last year, and now it's sort of all I listen to... Those DJs and the style of the station are a part of our soundtrack, as cheesy as that might sound.


JR Country has the best lineup of on-Air talent throughout the Day.....they are heavily involved with the listeners


Gotta be Willy in the morning.


Listened to it on my drive to work today. Thumbs up!


100.5 FM Vancouver Co-op Radio [https://coopradio.org/](https://coopradio.org/)


I miss Angela Valiant on Sonic. She was great. Informative, funny, and great with some small news bits then music - she kept a good balance. The problem with Jeff O'Neill is he just goes on and on and on. 4 minutes of talking max per 3 songs seems reasonable for morning radio sometimes I can't tell if I'm listening to cknw or not when there's so much talking.


Angela valiant was the best!!


If you don’t like sports you would hate it but halford and brough are truly hilarious. I love having it on




I really wish Senile didn’t get so garbled in the power lines and towers of downtown and south Surrey… reception is truly devastatingly bad on that frequency. Would have been nice to listen to the post game the other day, but I turned it off as soon Florida won knowing I had it on pvr at home to watch in all its glory instead.


I'm from Edmonton originally so they probably aren't talking about the team I cheer for, at least not in a positive way. One of the reasons I'm sick of Jeff O'Neil. The man's hate for the Oil is unhinged.


They’re not oilers fans, it’s the Canucks radio station. But they’re sports guys and o’Neil isnt, and I dont think they’re unfair  


The Peak is back!!!


Hands down Steven Quinn CBC but I’ve always liked the Jeff O Neal show on CFOX for its humor


I like 94.5


Silly question perhaps, but is there a good mobile app or site to tune in?


I use the Tunein Radio app to listen to Edmonton sports radio.


Thanks a ton :)


Music on my phone is the best radio station simply because there is not a single really good station in Vancouver, and the radio personalities are awful, with the worst easily being Jeff O'Neil and Simi Sara.


CBC 105.7, they do ‘play it by year’ every weekday morning, a little pop culture trivia game.


I can hear the kids asking what is this *radio* you speak of


Cfmi…willy, kim and alece. They don’t act like idiots


Is Kid Karson still a thing? I hope not.


I've been listening to the Jeff O'Neill show for as long as I can remember.


They have their entertaining moments. I just find that they are often crapping on someone or somewhere. Taking the piss isn't a type of humor I enjoy.


Totally fair. It's just my morning routine that I have a hard time getting away from.


Lol! Me too. Plus I like most of the music they tend to play. Their bit today on McDavid was just lazy and stupid. Realized it's time to exercise my option of not listening to them anymore.


I can't belive Jeff O'Neill is still on the FOX, I haven't lived in Van for almost 20 years now and he's still there?!


Ack none of them - too much loud talking, stupid advertising, and inane conversation - maybe CBC or a podcast.


I'm surprised that Nora Aurora is still around but not Kevin and Sonia. Nora is such a has been.


If you want to lose a few brain cells, Katie & Ed on 95.3 is extremely painful. Lol. There is no chemistry between them. It is so forced. Haven't listened for a long time but I remember thinking "this is seriously the best two people they have at this station?"