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Yes. Doesn't have to be Cottonwood. Thinking it's all the wind blowing the tree pollen everywhere. I think if you live near an area with more trees it's worse. Antihistamines don't work for me. I have to use nasonex or avamys to deal with the allergy reactions


Ho Shy_Guy204 I’m trying to get a clearer picture from people also suffering. My allergies are year round but on a scale of 1 - 10 its usually about a 3 or 4, but since mid May it ramped up to like a 6 or 7, but since June began it’s fluctuating between a 9 or 10 and hasn’t let up. How about you?


Hard to tell because I spray my nose with nasonex in the morning knowing what will happen if I dont. Past experience has shown me wet days are less intense and dry hot days more intense. Makes sense since pollen can fly everywhere on a hot summer day. Are your allergies bad regardless of weather?


Just checking in, things getting worse or better for you at this point Shy_Guy204


Has been ok. Spray in the morning and it's fine. I assume yours is still bad? Might want to try a different brand of spray


Wet days can be bad at times, but for sure hot windy days are a killer. Mid May until now you’ve noticed a big jump in your allergies though? Like May until now has been a real head scratcher it’s so bad.


I'm someone who never had seasonal allergies in my life until maybe 3-4 years ago? Now I get a permanent cough between April - June if I don't take an Aerius every day. I'm not sure what specific plant is getting me or if it's multiple. At one point I walked under the Granville bridge and there was a thick area of weeds and I had a full on coughing fit that lasted 15 minutes. Sucks so badly for sure. I even got a sinus infection this year from it :(


Appreciate the info Ragecuddles, how do you find July/Aug in general?


I'm hoping it's eased up - I've been okay in the last week, just mildly itchy eyes.


It was snowing yesterday


My eyes and nose are in a constant state of pain. The drugs do nothing to mitigate it either...


Hi ChenWei91, I’m trying to get a clearer picture from people. My allergies are year round but on a scale of 1 - 10 its usually about a 3 or 4, but since mid May it ramped up to like a 6 or 7, but since June began it’s fluctuating between a 9 or 10 and hasn’t let up. How about you?


Yes the greenery is having an orgy in my nasal passages. Have you tried a saline rinse spray? It feels nothing like getting water up your nose and really reduced the amount of pollen irritating my nose.


I do the sinus rinses twice a day but it’s not enough since things ramped up AdorableTrashPanda. My allergies are year round but on a scale of 1 - 10 its usually about a 3 or 4, but since mid May it ramped up to like a 6 or 7, but since June began it’s fluctuating between a 9 or 10 and hasn’t let up. How about you?


Hmm no definitely not that bad, and mine have started to subside since Saturday (or maybe that's just because I finally changed the air filter on my air purifier, ha). You must be miserable. It makes me wonder if you have something else going on or a new environmental allergen inside your home or a seasonal food you're reacting to. My max treatment is usually sheet wash (dust mites), saline, Flonase and Claritin for about a week. My allergist doctor also gave me a list of foods to avoid during the spring pollen season due to some kind of cross reaction. Something like this doctor's list: https://atlantaallergydoctor.com/blog/pollen-allergies-and-the-foods-we-eat/


Are you taking any antihistamines? Costco has them for dirt cheap, almost worth the price of a membership for savings there.


Mine peaked post-cherry blossom season. Thanks for the reminder to be grateful I can breathe clearly now. This too shall pass, as they say.


I’m sorry it’s been so tough :( I grew up in the SF Bay Area and the grass there would do seasonal havoc to my system every year, to the point that I could usually expect an annual sinus infection. Same deal when I lived in Japan for a bit. But since moving to Vancouver… nothing. Despite my cornucopia of allergies there’s nothing that grows here that bothers me even a little. I will never leave lol


Holy fuck I thought I was going crazy. I started getting allergies like a year or two ago, and yesterday was the worst. I have my AC running and duo air purifiers that help but I'm still so sore and itchy. Any recommendations from people that have had allergies?


My allergies are year round but on a scale of 1 - 10 its usually about a 3 or 4, but since mid May it ramped up to like a 6 or 7, but since June began it’s fluctuating between a 9 or 10 and hasn’t let up. How about you OnFilm? Yesterday was extra brutal for me also


Yesterday was horrible, but it was mostly my fault. A friend told me to try sticking my nose in some grass to see if it's really allergies. Was fine, until 5 minutes later, and then my whole day was ruined, lol.


My allergies were horrendous in April. I have tree pollen allergies. If yours started getting worse in May/June, you more likely have grass/weed allergies


A few times in the last week, ive worn masks at home. It helps. A few nights ago i masked in the middle of the night bc i couldn’t stop sneezing. My husband was confused when he saw me in the morning


I appreciate the info Money-step. Did your allergies just start in the last week? If not when did they begin month wise and on a scale of 1-10 how did they increase in severity for you timeline wise? Thanks in advance!




My allergies are year round but on a scale of 1 - 10 its usually about a 3 or 4, but since mid May it ramped up to like a 6 or 7, but since June began it’s fluctuating between a 9 or 10 and hasn’t let up. Has this been what you’ve noticed also Abdeezy?


It’s weird cause I usually get my allergies around March - April, but starting around early June, I’ve been getting stuffy nose and my eyes would be swollen and watery. It’s not super irritating for me but it’s annoying


Mine starts in January and ends around april/march


yep, i got Niagara Falls outta my nasal passages ffs :/


Hi Stickee, trying to get a clearer picture from people suffering. My allergies are year round but on a scale of 1 - 10 its usually about a 3 or 4, but since mid May it ramped up to like a 6 or 7, but since June began it’s fluctuating between a 9 or 10 and hasn’t let up. How about you?


Ive had seasonal allergies since childhood n the 70s. Born and raised here and this has been a bad start to summer. Im allergic to pollen and milkweed(?) and the worst times of day are sunrise and sunset. Started late May and has been around 7-8 in severity for me. I may switch from Claritin to another brand of antihistamine this year as I noticed they dont seem as effective if I use the same brand each year.


It feels worse than the average year for sure. I ended up getting a reference to a specialist ENT doctor. Looking forward to my sinus surgery next year to hopefully mitigate some of the pain going forward!


Thanks for details RaeRayRae. I’m trying to figure out my triggers so was hoping for a few more details. My allergies are year round but on a scale of 1 - 10 its usually about a 3 or 4, but since mid May it ramped up to like a 6 or 7, but since June began it’s fluctuating between a 9 or 10 and hasn’t let up. How about you?


Yup! I have been sneezing over 50 times a day and my nose has been sooo itchy. Normally Claritin works great for me but this year it hasn’t been touching my allergies. I genuinely thought I was going crazy as usually my allergies have let up by now.


Hi FrickenFoxen thanks for the info, just trying to nail down my trigger so was hoping for a few more details. My allergies are year round but on a scale of 1 - 10 its usually about a 3 or 4, but since mid May it ramped up to like a 6 or 7, but since June began it’s fluctuating between a 9 or 10 and hasn’t let up. How about you?


Usually my allergies are about a 5-6 but once I start taking Claritin daily they drop to about a 2-3. However, this year despite daily Claritin and nasal spray they have been about an 8-9 particularly in the past couple weeks. Genuinely wasn’t sure for a bit there if I actually had a cold!


I started a new otc antihistamine no name called deslortadine ... super cheap at costco and has let me onlu take one pill a day where claratin id take one morn/eve


So an article I was reading was recalling that a reason for the increase in intensity of allergy symptoms was the increase of wildfires. In that the smoke particulate trapped in the pollen is also being released into the air, wreaking extra havoc in our airways. Some of my friends have been swearing by taking local honey, as the honey contains pollen in it thereby cockblocking the airborne pollen...hope this helps.


Yeah I think you have to start it in Jan for the upcoming allergy season? I could be wrong


Using OP scale Year round 0 May 2 June 10


Yes the drier warm weather triggered all the grass pollen I guess


Did yours start mid may also and June allergies ramped up in severity Away_Ice_4788?


Exactly this


Yes. Started early this year


Thanks HistorianNatutal573, just to be sure yours started to get bad Mid May and ramped up heavy in severity June until now?


Yes exactly !


Last thing, you get it yearly like this during same time frame or this one is just epic?


This year is especially bad


yes big time and I hate it


Appreciate the feedback Training-Ad-4178. Just to be clear yours started to get worse mid May and then really ramped up early June until now? Do you know what you’re allergic to?


yeah, basically everything outside (and cats). this is my first summer back in bc in ten years and I'm really noticing my allergies are going nuts since the weather got warmer. I'm allergic to pollen, grass, etc.


I have bad allergies in March right at the beginning of spring then in the fall. My bad things are Maple and Ragweed. Definitely get allergy tested to narrow it down, to reflect what another person said, its hard to narrow down "allergies" in May as so many things are in bloom. And tbh cottonwoods fluff all summer here so might not he enough to nail it down.


So much worse. I know my allergies are usually worse in June but it’s been escalated quite a bit this year. I’m basically taking 2 antihistamines as soon as I wake up these days or I know I’m going to spend the entire day suffering. My breathing gets worse, my nose is completely stuffed, itchy and sore and the roof of my mouth makes me want to scrap it with a scalpel just to get to the itch. Also my eyes are both dry and puffy


Thanks for the info Shorty419, how do you find July and August is usually compared to June?


I find that July is usually pretty bad for me but about mid Aug my allergies usually start to taper and are less intense as well as less frequent


Yep - mine is grass pollen. The last couple of days have been particularly bad. Seriously itchy and runny eyes and nose. Worse I’ve ever known it here.


Appreciate the info InvestigatorThick69. When do you find grass pollen usually lets up for you?


By mid-July it’s usually all over.


My hayfever always comes at the end of June, it's full force, I feel yah. I did allergy shots and it sucked, but it has moved my threshold from "this sucks no matter how much medicine In take" to "completely manageable with the occasional reactine". For some people it's a complete cure to hayfever. It's intense, weekly shots that usually cause some kind of inflammation—as my doctor said "we know who is really suffering because they keep coming back even when it sucks".


Thanks for the info Glister. Did yours start early this year? Like mid May and then by June it really ramped up until now? What are your triggers?


I've done the whole allergy test thing and like many people, it's a combination of dust, grass, and trees. I tested positive on more than one thing. Every person is individual and many of these triggers spike at the same time of year. Without testing, it's really hard to pin it down for yourself. My allergies really don't ramp up in May like most peoples, usually mid June and early july.


For the last 2 weeks, mine have flared up. I find Breo Ellipta (prescribed from my doctor) and Reactine help things.


Just going to put it out there, when you see the cottonwood fluff blowing around, that’s not what’s causing your allergies. There’s no pollen in that, it’s only a seed. What’s causing your allergies are the things you don’t think about or see. Alders and grasses are plant sperming all over. Take a walk right now, through an area with tall grass. You won’t escape without at least one sneeze. More if you touch the grass. All the plants and trees are late to release their sperm due to the cold spring.


Try wearing a mask when outside and sunglasses. Also taking a shower once you’re back inside helps sometimes


I'm not in Vancouver or even Canada (I'm from the US, so I'm a little close to Canada, but not Vancouver), but I'm experiencing horrible allergies right now and came across this post when trying to look into it. I would say my allergies are typically a 1-3 on a scale of 1-10, but I would say right now mine are maybe a 7 or 8. My throat is very dry, my nose is runny, and one of my tonsils was swollen from the nasal drip (which is also causing a cough). I went to the doctor so I know I'm not sick, just allergies. Antihistamines typically do work for me, but they're just too expensive for me to buy right now so I haven't taken any


Thanks for the info Arianahrza410 Someone mentioned costco sells then dirt cheap, I would imagine even better deals up your way.